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Teaching and Training – Universität Innsbruck

University Courses

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christopher A. Mayhew

Type/Hours: ECTS-AP:  5

Mode of repetition: semestral

Language of instruction: English

Learning Outcome:

To appreciate and understand the fundamentals and applications of spectroscopic measurements and soft chemical ionisation processes for use in analytical chemistry.


Fundamentals of ion-molecule chemistry, planetary and interstellar chemistry, plasma chemistry. Analytical techniques: ESI-MS, PTR-MS, SIFT-MS APCI-MS, and IMS. Thermodynamics and kinetics, reaction coefficients, distribution of productions, experimental components and fundamentals: ion extraction and ion optics, ionization sources, drift and flow paths, mass spectrometry and ion detectors. Applications: environmental, medical, food and security Research.

Methods: lecture with experiments

Assessment: written


  • G.A. Eiceman, Z. Karpas, H. H. Hill „Ion Mobility Spectrometry” - ISBN: 9781138199484 (CRC Press 2016), - 444 pages.
  • A. M. Ellis and C. A. Mayhew “Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications - ISBN: 978-1-4051-7668-2 (Wiley 2014)” 350 pages.

Consisting of six Workshops:

Workshop 1: An introduction to Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry for use in analytical chemistry

Workshop 2: An introduction to Mass Spectrometry 

Workshop 3: Principles of Soft Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry 

Workshop 4: Analytical applications of Soft Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry 

Workshop 5: Ion Mobility Spectrometry 

Workshop 6: Experiments

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Priv.-Doz. Dr. Rania Bakry
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christopher A. Mayhew
LV 740239
Type/Hours: ECTS-AP: 1,5         

Period: Block

Mode of repetition: annually

Language of instruction: German

Mode of repetition: semestral

Learning Outcome:

Basic understanding of the principles and applications of “Forensic Toxicology” with a special emphasis on techniques and workflows used for the extraction and confirmation of illegal drugs in casework samples.


Introduction to “Forensic Toxicology”. Discussion of the principles of state-of-the-art analytical techniques (GC-MS, LC-MS). Analysis of casework samples (seized drugs, human samples). Interpretation of analytical results.


Introduction to “Forensic Toxicology” including a detailed discussion of important analytical techniques. Presentation of applications. Practical exercise of drug analysis workflows. Discussion and interpretation of analytical results.


Cooperation, interest and activity during the course, report on practical work and presentation of experimental results.


Will be discussed in the first lesion.


Subject to alteration.

Language: German/English

Start: 5.10.2023

Time, location: Practical course: Monday 08.01.2024 / Friday 02.02.2024, tbd

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Assistant Prof. Dr. Veronika Ruzsanyi,
Sven Arne Philipp Schiller, BSc, MSc, PhD.,
Valentina Stock, MSc.                                                                                                               
Typ/Stunden: PR 5

Mode of repetition: annually

Language of instruction: German

Learning Outcome:

The students achieve a profound knowledge about current analytical techniques. They are able to establish analytical methods for selected problems on their own and to interpret analytical data correctly.


literature research in order to find a suitable procedure for a given analytical problem, samples selected from the fields of environmental, bio-, food , polymer and industrial analysis, different sample preparations and application of chromatography, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, and hyphenated techniques,data evaluation and comparison of different analytical methods


practical lab course in small groups


successful accomplishment of the experimental tasks; final lab journal


Harris, Lehrbuch der Quantitativen Analyse, Springer 2002; Skoog, West, Holler, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Saunders 1992Skoog, Leary, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Saunders 1992Kellner (HSG) Analytical Chemistry, Wiley 2004Camman, Instrumentelle Analytische Chemie, Spektrum 2001


Registration via LFU:online is obligatory! Comment: conditions for admission according to curriculum apply!

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Assistant Prof. Dr. Veronika Ruzsanyi
Typ/Stunden: VO1

Mode of repetition: annually

Language of instruction: German

Learning Outcome:

Students achieve a profound knowledge about different measurement principles in sensor technology


Basic measurement principles and applications of different types of sensors (electrochemical sensors, different types of gas sensors, biosensors, optical sensors, modern developments such as field effect transistors, sensor arrays, miniaturisation)

Methods: blackboard, transparencies, pc-presentation

Assessment: oral


  • Brian R. Eggins, Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Wiley 2002.
  • K. Camman (Edt.) Instrumentelle Analytische Chemie, Spektrum 2001
  • Harris, Lehrbuch der Quantitativen Analyse, Springer 2002


Start: 2. Half of Semester, Separate Announcement

Registration for the Course obligatory in order to obtain course documents

Link zur Lehrveranstaltung

Assistenz-Prof. Dr. Veronika Ruzsanyi,
Franziska Maria Lochmann, MSc,

Typ/Stunden: PR4

Wiederholungsturnus: jährlich

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch


Die Studierenden erwerben grundlegende Kenntnisse der Probenvorbereitung und der Instrumentalanalytik. Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, Messdaten richtig auszuwerten und zu interpretieren. Die Studierenden erwerben fachübergreifende Schlüsselkompetenzen in Teamfähigkeit sowie mündlicher und schriftlicher Kommunikationsfähigkeit.


Vermittlung von Grundkenntnissen in der Probenvorbereitung und der instrumentellen Analytik, Anwendung der HPLC, GC, Voltammetrie, Extraktionsverfahren, UV/VIS-Spektroskopie, Atomspektroskopie (AAS und FES) zur Analyse von Realproben.


praktischer Kurs im Labor in kleinen Gruppen


verpflichtende Anmeldung über LFU:online!! Anm.: die Zulassungsvoraussetzungen lt. Studienplan müssen erfüllt sein!

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Assistant Prof. Dr. Veronika Ruzsanyi,
Anesu Andrew Chawaguta, MSc,
Franziska Maria Lochmann, MSc,
Typ/Stunden: PR4

Mode of repetition: annually

Language of instruction: German

Learning Outcome:

The students are taught basic skills in sample preparation, gravimetric analysis and titration. They are able to interpret analytical data correctly. The Students achieve key skills in communication and working together in teams.


Fundamental operations and handling of chemicals in analytical chemistry measurement of volume and mass, precipitation, filtration, digestion, ignition) gravimetric and volumetric analysis (neutralization, complex-formation, redox titrations) potentiometric and photometric endpoint detection, conductivity titration) pH- measurement of buffers, statistical evaluation of analytical data


practical course in the laboratory


practical, written (or oral) intermediate and final examinations


  • Jander, Jahr, Maßanalyse, Gruyter 2002
  • Mortimer, Basiswissen der Chemie, Thieme Harris, Lehrbuch der Quantitativen Analyse, Springer 2002
  • Skoog, West, Holler, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Saunders 1992
  • Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative, Inorganic Analysis, Longman
  • Kunze, Schwedt, Grundlagen der qualitative und quantitativen Analyse (Thieme 1996)
  • Müller, Quantitativ-Anorganisches Praktikum, Deutsch-Thun Verlag 1992


Registration via LFU:online is obligatory! Comment: conditions for admission according to curriculum apply!

Link to University Course

Assistant Prof. Dr. Veronika Ruzsanyi
Typ/Stunden: VO2
ECTS-AP: 2,5

Period: Block

Mode of repetition: annually

Language of instruction: German

Learning Outcome:

To assess and describe the limit values and health hazards of air pollutants.

To carry out sampling techniques and sample preparation for gas analysis, including sample enrichment.

To understand and describe various analysis and detection methods such as gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, ion-molecule reaction in the gas phase, and ion mobility spectrometry, including the use of gas sensors for flue gas analysis, breath gas analysis, food industry, workplace monitoring, toxic gases, explosives, and metabolomics.


Air pollutants (origin, limit values, health hazards), sampling techniques, sample preparation, sample enrichment in classical gas analytics, gas chromatography, detection methods, on-line/off-line analytics, mass spectrometry, ion-molecule reaction in the gas phase, ion mobility spectrometry, gas sensors, applications (flue gas analysis, breath gas analysis, food industry, workplace monitoring, toxic gases, explosives, metabolomics).


Class with practical examples


written exam

Link to University Course

Sven Arne Philipp Schiller, BSc, MSc, PhD.
Typ/Stunden: SE2
ECTS-AP: 2,5

Mode of repetition: every 2nd year

Language of instruction: English

Learning Outcome:

Students are able to find, read and understand scientific literature in a time-efficient manner. Based on this and their own investigations, students are able to independently author scientific texts and thus communicate the ideas behind their research.


The seminar is focused on the various components involved in the process of drafting a scientific manuscript, such as the search for relevant literature as well as the reading, understanding and evaluation of scientific publications. The acquired knowledge and skills will be reinforced and practiced by students during the seminar in short exercises. As a conclusion to the seminar, students will draft a short seminar paper demonstrating what they have learned.


PowerPoint presentation, discussion, exercises, short presentations (students), seminar paper


Participation in the seminar, seminar paper

Literature: to be announced

Prerequisites: none

Remarks: none

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Emma Erharter
Andreas Mair, BSc
Sven Arne Philipp Schiller, BSc, MSc, PhD.
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Thoman, Bakk.
Mirte Van der Eyden, MSc

Typ/Stunden: VU3

Course number: 702010

Period: Block

Mode of repetition: annually

Language of instruction: German

Learning Outcome:

The bridge course mathematics is recommended to first year students in the Bachelor's programmes Technical Mathematics and School Teacher Training Mathematics. The bridge course offers support for first year students to ease the transition from school to university.


In the bridge course mathematics, basic mathematical concept are presented in forms of lectures and exercises.

Privacy notice: course will be recorded

Start: see dates

Link to University Course

Anesu Andrew Chawaguta, MSc,
assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus Ganzera,
David Glänzer, MSc
Mag. Thomas Hasenöhrl
Alessandro Marotto, MSc
Mag. Dr. Lisa Schwaiger
Mag. David Seher, BSc
Ferenc Török, MSc
Mag. Lorenz Waltl                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Typ/Stunden: UE 4

Period: Block

Mode of repetition: annually

Language of instruction: German

Learning Outcome:

The students have knowledge on important compendial monographs related to Pharmacognosy, also considering sampling and sample preparation, and they are able to conduct respective protocols using relevant analytical and separation techniques.


Practical application of the regulations and general methods discussed in the lecture, with a focus on procedures relevant to pharmacognosy (determination of ash, key figures of fatty oils, etc.)

Methods: Laboratory course

Assessment: Oral examination during course as well as evaluation of rendered results


  • Europäisches Arzneibuch
  • Österreichisches Arzneibuch
  • Pharmakognosie-Phytopharmazie (Hänsel, Sticher; Springer Verlag, Heidelberg)
  • Analytik biogener Arzneistoffe (Adam, Becker; Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart)
  • Instrumentelle pharmazeutische Analytik (Rücker, Neugebauer, Willems; Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart)

Remarks: Subject to alteration.

Start: 02.10.2023

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