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Gastvortrag von Ryan Mullins (Univ. Luzern): „Why Would God Create Anything at All?“

Gastvortrag von Ryan Mullins (Univ. Luzern): „Why Would God Create Anything at All?“

Mittwoch, 13. März 2024, 16.45 Uhr

Gastvortrag von Ryan Mullins (Universität Luzern): „Why Would God Create Anything at All? A Question That Classical Theism Cannot Answer“ [Einladung]

Seminarraum VI der Theologischen Fakultät (Karl-Rahner-Platz 3, 1. Stock)

There is a difficult question that is often overlooked in contemporary debates. Why would God create anything at all? The inability to answer this question threatens the cogency of both natural theology and philosophical/systematic theology. I will argue that certain models of God cannot adequately answer this question, and then propose a model of God that can offer a legitimate answer. 

R.T. Mullins (PhD, University of St Andrews, Dr. habil., University of Helsinki). Lecturer and Researcher in Philosophy and Theology at the University of Lucerne, Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Palm Beach Atlantic University, and Docent of Dogmatics at the University of Helsinki. He has published over 50 articles on disability theology, Christian doctrine, the philosophy of time, and the philosophy of emotion. His books include The End of the Timeless God (Oxford University Press, 2016), God and Emotion (Cambridge University Press, 2020), and Eternal in Love: A Little Book About a Big God (Cascade, 2024).


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