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Speaking performances (BHS) – Universität Innsbruck

Benchmarked Performances - Speaking BHS

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Sie finden auf dieser Webseite die Videoaufnahmen von mehreren SchülerInnen, die unterschiedliche Aufgabenformate und Situationen simulieren, die den Richtlinien der teil-standardisierten mündlichen Reifeprüfung entsprechen oder stark ähneln. Diese Performanzen wurden für illustrative Zwecke und für das Training von Lehrpersonen von MitarbeiterInnen des CEBS (Center für berufsbezogen Sprachen des BMB) sowie Lehrer/innen an BMHS aufgenommen. Wir möchten hier allerdings darauf hinweisen, dass im Verlauf der Erstellung der Aufnahmen auch deutlich wurde, dass sowohl Aufgaben als auch Prüferverhalten immer noch optimierbar sind. Dies sollte im Rahmen der Verwendung der Aufnahmen für Fortbildungszwecke auch thematisiert werden.

Die Benchmarks und verbalen Beschreibungen entstanden im Rahmen von Benchmarking Seminaren, finanziert durch das BMB und durchgeführt durch die Universität Innsbruck. Das ExpertInnengremium setzte sich aus Interessensträgern der Schulaufsicht, der Pädagogischen Hochschulen, der Universität Wien und der verschiedenen Schularten zusammen sowie aus MitarbeiterInnen des CEBS.

Die vorliegenden Sprechperformanzen samt Bewertung sollen der breiten Öffentlichkeit, vor allem den österreichischen Lehrpersonen aber auch anderen Interessierten, zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die abgebildeten Personen haben der Nutzung der Aufnahmen für Forschungs- und Trainingszwecke zugestimmt. Eine nicht kommerzielle Nutzung der Aufnahmen für diese Zwecke, zum Beispiel die Vorführung der Aufnahmen während eines Seminars der Pädagogischen Hochschulen, ist zulässig. Die kommerzielle Nutzung für zahlungspflichtige Kurse ist nicht zulässig. Dritten ist es nicht gestattet, diese Aufnahmen zu vervielfältigen, zu speichern, zu übertragen oder zu verkaufen. Bitte entnehmen Sie weitere Informationen zur Nutzung dieser Webseite aus den Nutzungsbedingungen.

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Verfügbare Performanzen:

ILT Karola (HTL)

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Task TypeCandidateTAFLINRSLASL

All aspects of the task are addressed and expanded but could be discussed even more clearly (reference to BP3 and BP2 is misleading). The performance displays a systematic presentation (to summarize; at least) with effective highlighting of significant points. The candidate accounts for and sustains opinions convincingly (BP2).

This ILT performance demonstrates remarkable fluency and spontaneity, and it is easy for the listener to follow (First, and then…; secondly, at last…;). Although some phrases do not always fit well in the context (I don’t know why this is; I’m very proud to say;), the performance shows a solid ease of expression in even complex stretches of speech without longer pauses.

The candidate expresses herself clearly and without much restriction. Despite using overview 3 times, she varies to avoid repetition and uses a wide range of vocabulary for the task (role of Austria; fossil fuels; very popular; environmentally friendly; sources; due to the fact; solar energy; hydrogen; sunbeams; hydroelectric power stations; to summarize), as well as a range of complex structures (relative clauses: solar power plant; which are; passives: sun is used; conditional clauses; auxiliary verbs; adjective-adverb).

The candidate demonstrates a generally high level of lexical accuracy with some mistakes (Austria has the first place; I don’t know why this is; make pollution to our environment; present you the solar energy; number/figure;) which do not hinder communication. Grammatical control is relatively high, with some mistakes (roofs from a house; the role from Austria; this is due to the fact because; every form from all energy; role to the production; the hydrogen energy; an competition; the solar energy; they use the water to) and word order issues (we use for this the wind; they are all environmentally friendly; why this is so; rose in the last few years; which we have in Austria enough). Nevertheless, they do not hinder communication. Even though the intonation is clear and natural, some mispronunciations occur (overview/overfew; solar/sola; alternative; stations/stages; technical; give; every; wing; prozent; thousand/tausend; th=d).

PA Karola (HTL)

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Task typeCandidateTAFLINRSLASL

All aspects of the task are addressed and clearly expanded (hydrogen; solar power) but some of them are not fully developed (geothermal energy). The candidate provides several concrete examples (kill the lakes, fishes, ice bears; no fossil fuels) in a clear and detailed way. She also sustains opinions well by providing good support although not all of the arguments seem relevant.

The candidate produces a spontaneous performance with remarkable fluency. She uses some discourse makers (yeah; ehm) without causing strain on the listener. She always reacts appropriately (I‘m not familiar with this; When I‘m honest...; I want to say...) but does not really intervene actively in the discussion. The conversation appears more like a sequence of mini-monologues than a turn-taking dialogue. The performance shows some ease of expression which gradually decreases in longer stretches. Nevertheless, longer stretches of speech are produced without non-productive pauses.

The candidate expresses herself clearly but shows some restrictions (fossil fuels + kill lakes; make a pollution; bei; no word for that). She uses a good range of vocabulary for the task (endless water; solar power plant; global warming; hydrogen power; solar panels: reduce the use of energy; influence on nature; charge the mobile phones; glaciers; pollution; government; effects). Nevertheless, there is little variation in order toavoid repetition (we also/ we can also; they use/ using; lakes). The candidate demonstrates correct use of circumlocution (This has to...; The government has to do it...) and paraphrase (costs are very high). Furthermore, a range of complex structures is used (due to the fact that; without looking; instead of watching; we do not use any fossil fuels; the disadvantage is that the costs are high; when we use them less we can… ; modals: it would be… ; you can use this; adverbs/ adjectives: environmentally-friendly; passive: when they are built; conditionals; relative clauses; phrasal verbs: turn off; present progressive: Now I‘m trying to; future tense: I will move).

The candidate demonstrates generally high lexical accuracy with some mistakes (the sea is melting; when we sitting the whole day; an individuum can say; which make pollution; the government has to make this; want/would) which do not hinder communication. Although the candidate shows relatively high degree of grammatical control, some systematic errors (prepositions: young people are too much ... by their mobile phones; I see this by my little cousin; by the plane; the advantage from this) and slips in grammar (move in another country; this influence_ our nature; a pollution; the global warming; in the autumn; what _ use of energy offers to our environment), and word order (when we don‘t watch TV so often) still occur. However, they do not hinder communication and the candidate can correct them if she becomes conscious of them. The pronunciation is generally clear and natural with some slight mispronunciations (individual, i-bed/i-pad, ice-beer/ice-bear, wery/very, legs/lakes).

PA Sigrid (BAfEP)

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Task TypeCandidateTAFLINRSLASL

The candidate addresses all aspects of the task by giving convincing examples and advice (BP1: read books, I love you; BP2: first five days, it’s new for him, it’s not the same routine; BP3: cuddle; sing a song). Nevertheless, the description is not always very clearly developed. The candidate sustains her opinions well by providing relevant support (the book “Weißt du eigentlich, wie lieb ich dich habe” – Guess How Much I Love You).

The performance shows remarkable fluency and a high degree of spontaneity. The candidate intervenes appropriately by asking questions (Is he the same person at home?) and frequently relates her contributions to those of the interlocutor (Yes, it’s a book; I can see it in the kindergarten too; Okay – I can see he is shy; ... - I can understand). Most of the time the candidate shows remarkable ease of expression in even longer complex stretches of speech. In addition, the short pauses are productive and the candidate adjusts well to the level of formality (Nice to meet you!).

The candidate uses a good range of vocabulary for the task (prepare; prefer to play; feel secure; favourite games; self-confident) but sometimes doesn’t choose her words elegantly (I’m a lovely person).  However, she expresses herself clearly without much restriction (in Sebastian’s case) and varies sufficiently to avoid repetition (I can prepare the environment for him/… prepare him for this step). Paraphrase (after the kindergarten; after 4 years) and circumlocution (but in Sebastian’s life) are used as well as some complex structures (relative clauses: a child with… ; modals: should tell him; can understand; will future: it will help him). 

The candidate’s performance shows a generally high level of lexical accuracy as well as a relatively high degree of grammatical control. However, a number of lexical mistakes (the mother from Sebastian; in Sebastian’s life; he will come back; when it works it comes better; I give him the secure; you can go in the front of the kindergarten) and systematic grammatical errors (he feel_; he need_; he know_; …) are made. Slips (believe on him; you should make time good) and issues with word order (Is he at home shy?; So there is no one a looser) do occur, but do not hinder communication. The candidate demonstrates a clear, natural pronunciation and intonation and emphasises important points (I believe in him; that’s the best way to settle in).

ILT Jasmin (HUM)

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Task TypeCandidateTAFLINRSLASL

The candidate addresses all aspects of the task but not all are sufficiently and systematically expanded (BP3 is missing; English books). Even though there is hardly any highlighting, she develops detailed descriptions and presentations by providing relevant support.

The performance shows fluency and spontaneity without causing strain on the listener. The candidate hardly pauses and produces complex stretches with a fairly even tempo (It is important to buy books and; While they are on holiday; All in all - I think it’s important; It’s a good way to improve your English). However, a few productive pauses are noticeable (I think; hm).

The candidate expresses herself clearly without much restriction („and“-linkers: and about e-readers). Furthermore, the performance demonstrates a good range of vocabulary for the task (improve; possibility; fluently; every desire; every request; a big benefit of it is; e-readers; to switch off; it’s relaxing; every type of person; a huge range of books; to calm down; elderly people; to mark something; it depends on) but shows some repetition (books; read; elderly people; huge range). Nevertheless, she can paraphrase to vary formulation (holiday/vacation; range/type of books) and shows a range of complex structures (modals: would; could; passives: can be read; adverbs: read easily books; auxiliary verbs; if-clauses; gerunds).

Lexical accuracy and grammatical control are relatively high and mistakes do not hinder communication (require/requirement; different/difficult; read easily books; speak fluently English; English is one of the most speaking languages; speak English that good; don’t speak English good; such many books; there can be a book read; different type of books). Generally, the performance shows clear and natural intonation. Although there are some mispronunciations, they do not impede communication (e-reader/ e-rider; read/ rid; calm/come; novel; hotel; biography; foreign).

PA Pia (HAK)

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Task TypeCandidateTAFLINRSLASL

All aspects of the task are addressed and convincingly expanded. The candidate is never at a loss and presents clear and systematically developed descriptions and presentations (suggestions: an award; no cup but a T-shirt). She accounts for and sustains opinions convincingly (disagreement: celebrity is unnecessary) although the given information is not always relevant.

The candidate shows remarkable fluency and a high degree of spontaneity. She intervenes appropriately and relates her own contributions to those of the interlocutor (yeah; it is a very good idea; not a good idea; not inviting celebrity). Furthermore, she produces longer complex structures with ease (and - but; … an incentive… to work even harder; strengthens relationship which is a good thing).

She expresses herself very clearly with almost no restriction (thing). The candidate shows a wide range of vocabulary for the task (the performance at work; strengthens relationship with one another; different criteria, depends on the space; employee-friendly; CEO; organize an event; incentive; the efforts; thank them for; a good step to take; quality; finality) and uses variations to avoid frequent repetition (can’t do anything with it/ it’s not useful). She can paraphrase the content (be appreciated) and the performance presents a very wide range of complex structures (present perfect: who has done; modals: could have to; would be; should give them; gerunds: depending on; passives: the work is appreciated by; infinitives: a good step to take; comparisons: the most important things; relative clauses: strengthens relationship which is a good thing; we could announce who…; cares about them which is appreciated; conditional clauses: if they work slowly we…;).

The candidate demonstrates a high level of lexical accuracy with hardly any incorrect word choice (employer/employee) or grammatical slips (which/who; work slow). Furthermore, the pronunciation is clear and natural (efforts; motivation; very; price/prize).

ILT lukas (HTL)

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Task TypeCandidateTAFLINRSLASL

All aspects of the task are addressed and some of them are convincingly expanded but others are not fully described (BP3). The performance shows descriptions which have been developed very systematically. The structuring, however, is not always entirely clear. The candidate sustains opinions well by providing relevant support but is not entirely convincing throughout (food is important...).

The candidate shows remarkable spontaneity and a high degree of fluency. He moves meaningfully from point to point. The candidate presents a good introduction and demonstrates ease of expression throughout, even in longer stretches (use of rhetorical questions: How could this ever…? Why would someone waste food?).

The candidate expresses himself clearly without much restriction (spend on). He shows a wide range of complex structures (modals: we might think; must not be thrown away; How could this ever...?; don‘t have the need to; past tense: gave us; decreased; comparison: much more rare; more cheap; phrasal verbs: spend an amount on; the same thing goes for; conditional-clauses: ...if we think world wide; adverb/adjective: financially bad; perfectly fine; completely;) and vocabulary (rare resource; oversaturated; fixed in their mind-sets; value decreases constantly; the same amount of pressure; human sense; addressing the issue; therefore; seems like a luxury problem) for the task.

The lexical accuracy of the performance is high and there are hardly any incorrect word choices (food becomes more cheap). Although the candidate has some problems with comparisons (more cheap; more rare) he shows good control of grammar. He uses intonation appropriately to highlight a number of significant points(what food really means...).

PA Marco (HAK)

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Task TypeCandidateTAFLINRSLASL
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