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News – University of Innsbruck



Education and research | 10.05.2023 | Fotocredits ©   euphur
The Euregio Summer School brings together young people, philosophers, scientists and human rights experts. Together and with in-depth discussions, we will try to better understand the complex phenomenon of digital transformation in order to actively shape the digital future. For students from the Euregio-Universities this event will be free of charge (board, lodging and travel). The number of participants is limited to 30. Hence, registration as soon as possible is recommended.


Education and research | 31.03.2023 | Fotocredits ©  GECT
The Assembly of the European Group for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) "EUREGIO Tyrol – South Tyrol - Trentino" supports the “Euregio Mobility Fund” project and the activities of the three Universities of Bozen-Bolzano, Innsbruck and Trento with a financial contribution for mobility between the three Euregio Universities. The funding will be used to strengthen and support sustainable student and teacher mobility. The deadline for submission for the academic year 2023/2024 is Mai 23, 2023.


EU Banner
Science and Europe | 11.01.2023
Students from the University of Innsbruck, Bozen-Bolzano and Trento can submit their online application for the „Brussels School 2023“. The course will take place in the summer semester 2023.


Education and Europe | 20.10.2022 | Fotocredits © EUREGIO

The call for applications for the internship for the Office of Trento at the Representation of the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino is now open until the 15th of November 2022.

Euregio JungforscherInnenpreis 2021
 Education and research | 25.03.2022 | Fotocredits © EFA Matteo Vegetti

In 2022, young researchers from the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino are invited for the eleventh time to submit their scientific work.


EU Banner
Science and Education | 01.09.2021

Students from the University of Innsbruck, Bozen-Bolzano and Trento can submit their online application for the 11. „Euregio Brussels School“ until 21 September 2021. 


Science and research | 15.07.2021

Researchers from the University of Innsbruck and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano want to simulate the effects of climate change on viticulture in an experiment. To do this, the team is allowing vines to travel climatically into the future in special climate chambers at the European Academy (Eurac Research), in Bolzano, and measuring their reaction to heat and drought stress.

Research and Europa | 23.06.2021 | Application submission by October 31st 2021

“PITCH YOUR PROJECT” is a competition for young people between 16 and 25 years old. As experts of the Alpine Region, you are invited to submit your project ideas for a sustainable development of the Alpine Region. Under the motto “shaping.future.together.”, the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) is looking for your ideas to make the Alpine Region fit for the future.

Education and administration | 11.06.2021 | Fotocredits: LPA/A. Gluderer

Eleven South Tyrolean employees in public administration have sucessfully completed the Euregio Master's course. President Arno Arno Kompatscher awarded today the degree certificates.


Culture, education and research | 20.05.2021 
At the beginning of May 2021, students and professors of law, economics and politics from the three universities of Trento, Innsbruck and Bolzano met to explore the topic of European integration together as part of the Trento Innsbruck European Research Seminar (TIERS).


E. Happacher
Culture, education and research | from 07.05.2021
In preparation for the Euregio Academy 2021, public webinars will be held for the first time. 
Place: webinar - Date: 7, 14, 21 May 2021 - Time: 18 - 19:30 - Language: German/Italian


Culture, education and research | Submission till June 15th,  2021
In 2021, young researchers from the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino are invited for the tenth time to submit their scientific work.


Research Suedtirol
Culture, education and research | 16.09.2020
The first competition to promote research projects in the programme “Research Südtirol” has been completed: last week the winning projects were presented at the NOI Techpark in Bolzano/Bozen. A total of 5.5 million Euro will be donated to 20 research projects.

Culture, education and research | 24.08.2020 
Michael Traugott, founder of Sinsoma GmbH, won this year's Innovation Award of the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino. The award for a new Covid-19 testing method was presented yesterday at the Tyrol Day of the European Forum Alpbach.


Culture, education and research | Submission till October 7th,  2020
This 4th call for applications is endowed with 3 Million Euro and is aimed at research projects in which scientists and researchers from all three regions Tyrol, South Tyrol and Trentino, if possible, co-operate in pursuing a common research goal corresponding to the goals of the EGTC.


Culture, education and research | Submission till 30. July 2020 
Entrepreneurs, inventors and developers from the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino are invited to apply for the Euregio Innovation Prize 2020 by submitting innovative products, technologies and services that were developed to fight the COVID 19 crisis.  
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