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Master's Theses Atmospheric Sciences

Master's Theses Atmospheric Sciences


Year 2024:

Title: Surface energy balance and melt events at Weißseespitze ice core site

Student: Baldo, A.

Advisor: Nicholson, L.

Title: Influence of the future changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation on North Atlantic Glaciers

Student: Chizzola, R.

Advisor: Maussion, F.

Title:  Modelling Debris Cover with COSIPY : a case study for Suldenferner

Student: Gampierakis, N. T.

Advisor: Collier, E; Nicholson, L.

Title: Influence of Tropical Cyclones on precipitation in High Mountain Asia

Student: Kranz, H.

Advisor: Collier, E; Ban, N.

Title: Mechanism and Structure of the Cross-valley Vortex in the Inn Valley

Student: Mancho Bacaicoa, G.

Advisor: Gohm, A.

Title: Towards an objective avalanche forecast: Region clustering and automated avalanche problem identification to assist the forecasters’ workflow

Student: Perfler, M.

Advisor: Prinz, R.; Miterer, C.

Title: The role of nighttime filtering approaches for net ecosystem CO2 exchange over a mountain forest

Student: Platter, A.

Advisor: Wohlfahrt, G, Rotach, M.

Title: Comparison and tracking of facets around crusts in observed and modeled snow profiles

Student: Rohringer, H.

Advisor: Prinz, R.

Title: tba

Student: Spannring, P.

Advisor: Rotach, M.; Fischer, J.-T.

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Title: High resolution downscaling of surface wind fields over Europe with a deep residual neural network

Student: Steinmaier, L.

Advisor: Mayr, G.

Title: Evaluation of AROME Model Valley Wind Simulations in the Inn Valley, Austria : Sensitivity to Horizontal Grid Resolution

Student: Wibmer, B.

Advisor: Gohm, A., Wastl, C.

Year 2023:

Title: Atmospheric boundary layer structure at the head of a small Alpine tributary valley detected with uncrewed aerial systems (UAS)

Student: Alexa, A.

Advisor: Gohm, A.

Title: Non-Orographic Gravity Waves above Propagating Tropopause Depressions

Student: Binder, M.

Advisor: Gohm, A.

Title: Scale Interaction of Simulated Thermally Driven Winds in the Inn Valley, Austria - Sensitivity to the Horizontal Grid Size and Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization

Student: Fritz, A.

Advisor: Gohm, A.

Title: Atmospheric Deserts and Severe Convection Over Europe: 7 Case Studies

Student: Isidori, D.

Advisor: Mayr, G.

Title: Case study of large snowfall event on the Tibetan Plateau associated with tropical cyclone activity

Student: Königer, L.

Advisor: Collier, E.

Title: May the snow be with you: forecasting heavy snowfall in the Northern Tatra Mountains

Student: Majer, D.

Advisor: Mayr, G.

Title: Toward ice-free Pyrenees: the case of Aneto glacier

Student: Roura-Adserias, F.

Advisor: Maussion, F.

Title: Snow Water Equivalent measured by a Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensor: A Case Study from Hintereisferner, Austria

Student: Schroeder, M.

Advisor: Prinz, R., Nicholson, L.

Title: Do thunderstorm environments actually produce thunderstorms?

Student: Tasch, R.

Advisor: Mayr, G.

Title: Temporal and spatial trends in precipitation in the Rofental

Student: Winter, C.

Advisor: Prinz, R.

Year 2022:


Title: Past climate change in the Rio Santa Basin, Peruvian Andes, as described by multiple datasets

Student: Albrecht, P.

Advisor: Maussion, F.

Title: New Particle Formation in Innsbruck March to May 2019

Student: Gächter, D.

Advisor: Nickus, U.

Title: Simulation of Deep Gravity Wave Propagation Using EULAG

Student: Grogger, H.

Advisor: Gohm, A., Dörnbrack, A.

Title: Future changes of Alpine snowfall and snowcover in a high resolution climate simulation

Student: Hofmann, M.

Advisor: Ban, N., Nicholson, L.

Title: Evolution and structure of lee waves and rotors over the northern foreland of the Tatra Mountains

Student: Hohlneicher, M.

Advisor: Gohm, A.

Title: 21st century glacier runoff and how it buffers drought in 75 large-scale basins

Student: Holmgren, E.

Advisor: Maussion, F.

Title: Future Projections of Extreme Sub-Hourly Precipitation over Europe in Kilometer-Scale Simulations

Student: Medvedova, A.

Advisor: Ban, N.

Title: Reconstruction of local climate conditions during the last years and decades at the site where Ötzi's body was found

Student: Pfeiffenberger, M.

Advisor: Rotach, M.

Title: Raman-Mikroskopie an atmosphärischer, heterogener Eisbildung im Immersionsmodus

Student: Pose, W.

Advisor: Nickus, U.

Title: Characteristics of a cold air pool near Seefeld, Austria: Numerical modeling results

Student: Rauchöcker, A.

Advisor: Lehner, M., Stiperski, I.

Title: Cold air pools in Seefeld

Student: Rudolph, A.

Advisor: Stiperski, I., Lehner, M.

Title: The Role of Fronts and Troughs to Triggering Thunderstorms in Europe During the Transitional Season

Student: Viehhauser, R.

Advisor: Mayr, G., Stucke, I., Morgenstern, D.

Title: Evaluation of COSMO-CLM high-resolution climate simulations over the Rio Santa basin, Peru, with focus on precipitation processes

Student: Wöckinger, S.

Advisor: Maussion, F.

Title: Spatially Distributed Wind Measurements in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer with a Fleet of Quadrotors - Examination of the Homogeneity Aussumption and the Applicability of Taylor's Hypothesis

Student: Zink, J.

Advisor: Lehner, M.

Year 2021:


Title: Einfluss von europäischen Großwetterlagen auf die alpine Schneedeckenhöhe und -dauer

Student: Bacher, B.

Advisor: Nickus, U.

Title: Assessing the temporal and spatial dependency of calculating supraglacial debris thermal diffusivity from vertical temperature profiles

Student: Beck, C.

Advisor: Nicholson, L.

Title: A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Thunderstorm Forecasting

Student: Demetz, D

Advisor: Mayr, G., Simon, T.

Title: Detecting Snow Cover in Multispectral Imagery Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Student: Frisinghelli, D.

Advisor: Mayr, G., Zeileis, A.

Title: Investigating the Role of snow stratigraphy and water transport schemes in modelling wet-snow instability

Student: Hohenwarter, H.

Advisor: Prinz, R.

Title: Air temperature distribution and structure of katabatic wind on a mountain glacier

Student: Kehl, A.

Advisor: Stiperski, I., Nicholson, L.

Title: Analysis of Submicron Atmospheric Particulate Organic Matter by a Chemical Aerosol Online Proton Transfer Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (CHARON PTR-ToF-MS)

Student: Muehlegger, M.

Advisor: Graus, M., Karl, T.

Title: Testing the importance of explicit glacier dynamics for mountain glacier change projections

Student: Oberrauch, M.

Advisor: Maussion, F.

Title: Sky Radiance Measurements from Pandora and Retrieval of Aerosol Properties

Student: Resch, C.

Advisor: Karl, T., Kreuter, A.

Title: Atmospheric Chemistry Studies with an Aerosol Flowtube on Alternative Jet Fuel Vapors

Student: Rohmann, C.

Advisor: Graus, M., Wisthaler, A., Müller, M.

Title: Evening Transition in the Inn Valley on fair-weather Days.Masterarbeit

Student: Rosenkranz, M.

Advisor: Lehner, M.

Title: Is it North or West Foehn? A Langrangian Analysis of PIANO IOP 1

Student: Saigger, M.

Advisor: Gohm, A.

Title: Future climate change in the Peruvian Andes as described by CORDEX data

Student: Schirmeister, Z.

Advisor: Maussion, F.

Title: Flowline Glacier Bed Estimation with Numerical Modelling and Cost Minimization

Student: Schmitt, P.

Advisor: Maussion, F.

Title: Eulerian Integral Time Scale in Complex Terrain

Student: Stärz, M.

Advisor: Rotach, M.

Title: Dynamics of Gap Winds in the Great Rift Valley, Ethiopia - Emphasis on Strong Winds at Lake Abaya

Student: Weiß, C.

Advisor: Gohm, A., Rotach, M., Minda, T.

Year 2020:    -    Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek

Castellani, M.Estimating Glacier Ice Thickness with Machine LearningMaussion, F.
Knobloch, S.The Three-Dimensional Structure of Turbulence Kinetic Energy in Complex Terrain: An Evaluation of the Spatial Interpolation Method KrigingRotach, M.
Ladstätter, P.Vertical structure of the atmospheric boundary layer in the Inn Valley during CROSSINNGohm, A.
Morgenstern, D.Multidecadal Foehn Time Series Reconstruction Using Maschine Learning and ERA5 Reanalysis DataMayr, G.Stauffer, R.
Sandner, V.Verification of COSMO-1 forecasts of foehn breakthrough and interruption in the region of Innsbruck Gohm, A.
Schuster, L.Response time sensitivity of glaciers using the Open Global Glacier Model Maussion, F.
Stucke, I.Spatio-temporal modeling of cloud-to-ground Lightning current strength and polarity in Austria and the atmospheric impact Mayr, G.Simon, T.
Trichtl, M.The atmospheric water budget over the Tibetan Plateau in ERA-Interim and ERA5 reanalyses Maussion, F.
Zauner, C.Meteorological analysis of a Puspa rain event in the Callejón de Huaylas, Peruvian Andes, with the help of atmospheric simulations and observations Maussion, F.Klein, C.
Zitelli, R.Sensitivity of ozone production in Innsbruck Nickus, U.Karl, T.

Year 2019:    -    Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek

Ackermann, J.Orographic and atmospheric factors governing localized heavy snowfall south of the Swiss JuraGohm, A.
Ferreira da Silva, T.Synoptic influences on low tropospheric temperature and humidity inversions Schlosser, E.
Giordani, A.Estimating ensemble flood forecasts uncertainty - Development of a novel "Peak-box" approach for detecting multiple peak-flow events, and quantification of the ensemble size impact Rotach, M.Zappa, M.
Graf, S.Urbane NMVOC Messungen mittel NO+ Ionisationsmethode         Karl, T.Graus, M.
Gregor, P.Inversion of Glacier Bed from Surface Observations by Cost Minimization - Introducing the Open Source Model COMBINE         Maussion, F.
Hatvan, V.Evaluation of the physical SNOWPACK model under Arctic conditionsMaussion, F.
Marchio, M.Climatology of ingredients for convection with ERA5         Mayr, G.
Muschinski, T.Spatial Heterogeneitiy of the Pre-foehnic Inn Valley Cold Air Pool and a Relationship to Froude Number         Gohm, A.
Posch, T.Weather Patterns leading to Thunderstorms in the Eastern AlpsMayr, G.Simon, T.
Raffler, P.Atmospheric Boundary Layer - Structure in the Inn Valley: A Performance Evaluation of the Numerical Weather Prediction Model COSMORotach, M.
Stichaner, M.Urbane NOx/CO2 Enhancement Ratio Messungen mit Hilfe von Instrumenten geringer zeitlicher AuflösungGraus, M.

Year 2018:    -    Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek

Aichinger-Rosenberger, M.Usability of high-resolution GNSS-ZTD data in the AROME modelRotach, M.Wittmann, C.
Baumann, V.Interpretation of NMVOC concentration measurements by PTR-QiTOFMS using non-negative matrix factorizationKarl, T.
Bär, J.Boundary Layer Structure in the Inn Valley - Exploration Possibilities with a Passive Microwave RadiometerRotach, M.Lehner, M.
Cerny, M.Lake-level changes on the Tibetan Plateau and their Relation to Glacial MeltMaussion, F.
Dusch, M.Influence of thermal and gravity driven flows on an Arctic fjord wind regime – A case study with numerical simulationsObleitner, F.
Emprechtinger, M.Turbulence in Complex Topographie - Characterization of the Site TerfensRotach, M.
Göbel, M.Statistical post-processing of a numerical weather prediction model with neural networks         Mayr, G.Piater, J.Stauffer, R.
Goller, M.Satellitenmessungen von Niederschlag: Räumliche und Zeitliche Repräsentativität von Niederschlag         Hagen, M.Mayr, G.
Hammerer, L.Influence of Atmospheric Parameters on the Mass Balance of Intercepted Snow in Forested AreasJonas, T., Kuhn, M.
Herla, F.A Universal Particle Dispersion Parametrization for Ground-Level Concentration Distributions         Rotach, M.
Kilian, M.Impact of the Eruption of mt. Pinatubo on the chemical composition of the tropical atmosphere as simulated with EMACMaussion, F., Brinkop, S., Jöckel, P.
Laiminger, E.Scaling of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in an Alpine ValleyRotach, M.
Naschberger, D.Flächenhafte Vorhersagen von Temperatur und relativer Luftfeuchte im FlachlandMayr, G., Dabernig, M.
Raparelli, E.Snow metamorphism and densification: Comparison of measured, parametrised and modelled dataKaser, G.
Schmidt, A.Weather Type Classifications in Statistically Postprocessed Temperature and Precipitation Forecasts Mayr, G.Stauffer, R.
Schüssling, C.Types of Extratropical Cyclones - Comparison of Well-Known Concepts and Case Study CyclonesMayr, G.
Strudl, M.Globale Sensitivitätsanalyse und Kalibrierung eines hydrologischen Modells für das vergletscherte Einzugsgebiet RiffelseeKaser, G., Gurgiser, W.
Tollinger, M.Unravelling the March 1972 northwest Greenland windstorm – Numerical case study and sensitivity experiments         Gohm, A.

Year 2017:    -    Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek

Brakemeier, M.Charakteristics of snow structure along Kongsvegen glacier (Svalbard)Obleitner, F.
Brunhuber, S.Return Periods of Extratropical Storms in EuropeMayr, G.
Del Gobbo, C.Debris thickness investigation of Solda Glacier, Southern Rhaetian Alps, Italy. Methodological considerations about the use of Ground Penetrating Radar over a debris-covered glacier.Nicholson, L.
Ehrengruber, P.Snow cover modeling on glaciers - An attempt at a high-resolution model chain for mass balance calculationBellaire, S., Nicholson, L.
Graber, P.Probabilistische Vorhersage von Beschneiungsbedingungen in Tiroler SkigebietenMayr, G., Gebetsberger, M.
Krieger, V.Influence of secondary orography on trapped lee wave rotors in water tank experimentsMaussion, F.
Lamprecht, C.Charakterization of NOx Sources based on Tracer Correlations in InnsbruckKarl, T.
Langhamer, L.Lagrangian Detection of Moisture Sources for the Southern Patagonia IcefieldMayr, G.
Schlumpberger, M.Wet and Dry Spells in Rio Santa Watershed, Peruvian Andes, and connections to the large scale circulationMaussion, F.
Schöll, M.Temperature Variance Profiles in Complex Terrain - Testing a Passive Microwave System to Measure Atmospheric TurbulenceRotach, M.
Schönach, D.Multivariate Statistical Postprocessing of Vertical Temperature ProfilesMayr, G.
Siller, M.Wet and Dry Spells in the Rio Santa Basin, Peruvian Andes: A WRF Modeling Case StudyMaussion, F.
Steinacher, C,Vergleich der meteorologischen Verhältnisse der beiden konträren Jahre 2009 und 2010 in der AntarktisSchlosser, E.
Stutz, A.Transport of Saharan Dust to the Sonnblick ObservatoryNickus, U.
Thaler, M.Characterization of high frequency NO2 measurements - A comparison of a cavity ring-down spectroscopy and a chemiluminescence technique based instrumentGraus, M.
Thorlaksson, D.Calibrating a glacier ice thickness inversion model from in-situ point measurementsMaussion, F.
Weiler, F.Bias correction using ground echoes for the airborne demonstrator of the wind lidar on the ADM-Aeolus missionKarl, T.
Zier, C.Wie beeinflussen großskalige Wetterstrukturen das lokale Wetter in den Anden von Chile? Ein Downscaling ExperimentMaussion, F.

Year 2016:    -    Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek

Baur, F.Determination of turbulent fluxes of airborne data in complex terrain using wavelet analysisRotach, M.
Beck, L.Partikelneubildung auf dem Sonnblick und der Zugspitze : März bis Juli 2013Nickus, U.
Brogli, R.Rotor Formation in the Inn Valley : A Modeling StudyStiperski, I.
Covi, F.Assessing Precipitation Mechanisms on Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya: an Idealized Modeling StudyGohm, A., Kaser, G.
Gutleben, M.Nature and Extent of Shallow Marine Convection in Subtropical Regions : Analysis of airborne and spaceborne LIDAR-Data over the North Atlantic OceanKarl, T., Gross, S.
Hochstaffl, P.Validation of carbon monoxide total columns from SCIAMACHY near infrared nadir spectra with NDACC/TCCON ground-based measurementsKarl, T., Schreier, F.
Luther, A.Validation of satellite-based surface solar irradiance calculations in complex terrainObleitner, F.
Maier, C.Assessing snow depth distribution on the basis of atmospheric reanalysisMarzeion, B.
Markl, Y.Spatial Interpolation and Analysis of Airborne Meteorological Data in an Alpine ValleyRotach, M.
Polster, C.Bayesian Retrieval of Thermodynamic Atmospheric Profiles from Ground-based Microwave Radiometer DataRotach, M.
Portele, T.Mountain Wave Propagation under Transient Tropospheric Forcing : A DEEPWAVE Case StudyGohm, A., Dörnbrack, A.
Radlherr, A.Beobachtung von Gewittersystemen im Bereich des östlichen Alpennordrandes bei SüdwestwetterlagenMayr, G.
Schmederer, P.Characteristic Lifecycles of Ice Supersaturated Regions: implications on the competition of contrails and natural cirrus cloudsMayr, G., Unterstraßer, S.
Siedersleben, S.The missing link between Alpine potential vorticity banners and banded convection: A case study of a severe Alpine snow stormGohm, A.
Stoll, E.Influences of a warming climate on wet snow avalanche activity : A case study for the Kaprun Valley, AustriaMayr, G., Marzeion., B, Zeidler, A.
Streatfeild, J.Probabilistic Frost Prediction for the Blooming Period in South TyrolMayr, G.
Stuke, S.Characterizing thin clouds using aerosol optical depth informationBlumthaler, M., Kuhn, M.
Umek, L.Lake and Orographic Effects on Precipitation at Lake Constance : Case Study and Numerical Sensitivity ExperimentsGohm, A.
Zolles, T.Uncertainty estimation of a glacier mass balance modelMaussion, F.
Zweifel, L.Probabilistic Foehn Forecasting for the Gotthard Region based on Model Output StatisticsMayr, G., Stauffer, R.

Year 2015:    -    Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek

Bramberger, M.Does Strong Tropospheric Forcing cause Large Amplitude Mesospheric Gravity Waves? : A Deepwave Case StudyStiperski, I., Dörnbrack, A.
Dittmann, A.Precipitation regime and stable isotopes at Dome Fuji, AntarcticaSchlosser, E.
Fetz, V.Richtung und Geschwindigkeit des Klimawandels : Eine globale BetrachtungMarzeion, B.
Hangweyrer, M.Analyse von Bodenmessdaten und satellitengestützten Niederschlagsdaten in der Cordillera Blanca, PeruKaser, G.
Homann, J.The Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Alpine Winter PrecipitationMayr, G.
Lang, M.The Impact of Embedded Valleys on Daytime Pollution Transport over a Mountain RangeGohm, A.
Schmassmann, L.Seasonal forecasting of winter wave activity on the Atlantic coast of Western EuropeMayr, G., Messner, J.
Stöckl, S.Pollutant transport in the Urban Canopy Layer using a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion ModelRotach, M.
Vogt, M.Contrails in the ECMWF Integrated Forecast SystemGohm, A.

Year 2014:    -    Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek

Altnau, S.Climatic signals from 76 shallow firn cores in Dronning Maud Land, East AntarcticaSchlosser, E.
Brandes, K.Einfluss von Föhn, Anströmung und Temperaturschichtung auf die Ozonkonzentration in InnsbruckNickus, U.
Fiegl, G.Probabilistic Categorical Wind Gust Forecast in Complex Terrain : Case Study on Hahnenkamm, AUSTRIAMayr, G.
Gruber, S.Modelling snow water equivalent based on daily snow depthsMarzeion, B.
Kneringer, P.Statistische Kurzfristwindvorhersagen für den Achensee, TirolMayr, G.
Leitner, M.Zeitliche und Räumliche Analyse von Blitzentladungen : Auswertung der Daten der CHUVA-BlitzmesskampagneMayr, G.
Meran, I.Darstellung des atmosphärischen Aerosols am Sonnblick ObservatoriumNickus, U., Kasper-Giebl, A.
Plavcan, D.Automatic and Probabilistic Foehn Diagnosis with a Statistical Mixture ModelMayr, G., Zeileis, A.
Staudacher, J.Vorhersage von Schneeverfrachtungsklassen an ausgewählten Tiroler StandortenMayr, G.
Wild, C.Sensitivity Studies of an Ice Flow ModelMarzeion, B., Jarosch, A., Kaser, G.
Wiß, F.Statistical analysis of soil moisture in a CMIP5 multi-model ensembleRotach, M., Hageman, S., Stacke, T.

Year 2013:    -    Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek

Dabernig, M.Comparison of different numerical weather prediction models as input for statistical wind power forecastsMayr, G.
Eichhorn, K.The change of power curves as a function of various meteorological parametersMayr, G.
Gisinger, S.Large Eddy Simulation der Luftstr¨omung in einer idealisierten, fraktalen Modellstadt - Geschwindigkeit, Turbulenz und Darcy GesetzRotach, M., Dörnbrack, A.
Pelzer, O.Ein minimales Modell für die saisonale SchneedeckeMarzeion, B.
Pinter, A.Kurzfristvorhersage der Sichtweite an den Flughäfen Innsbruck und WienMayr, G., Lanzinger, A.
Presser, M.FROST - Forecasting road surface temperature in Switzerland via model output statisticsMayr, G., Rindlisbacher, M.
Tiefengraber, M.Developing IN2DOAS: Atmospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Determination Applying Direct-Sun Differential Optical Absorption SpectroscopyBlumthaler, M., Kuhn, M.
Tilg, A.Parametrisation and Trend - Analysis of Snow Water Equivalent in the Alpine regionMarty, C., Kuhn, M.

Year 2012:    -    Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek

Bilstein, M.Analyse der 24h-, 48h- und 72h-Leistungsprognosen von verschiedenen onshore WindparksMayr G.
Dietz, S.Untersuchung charakteristischer Lebenszyklen von eisübersättigten RegionenUnterstraßer, S.
Mitterer, C.Indirekte Bestimmung der Ablation mittels digitaler Photogrammetrie (Hornkees, Zillertaler Alpen)Fischer, A.
Reif, M.Inner-Core Vacillation Cycles of Hurricane Katrina in a Non-Hydrostatic ModelGohm, A.

Year 2011:    -    Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek

Oechslin, R.Wind Power Forecasting Considering IcingDierer, S., Mayr, G.

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