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The Architecture Chat (Lecture Series) – Universität Innsbruck

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The Architecture Chat



A lecture series dedicated to providing space for discussions about the relation of architecture with philosophy and science.


Communication in architecture is nothing new: a forum, a dialogue, a platform – there are countless formats which allow us to talk to each other.
Yet, the Chat has charmed the world as an art of discovery, as for over a year now it transcends its mere articulations by reading, thinking and writing computationally with us and for us.

At this turning point, the Architecture Chat aims to facilitate new concepts and approaches to thinking about architecture, seeking creative ways to bridge intellectual traditions with new narratives in the face of prescient political and natural realities.
We hope to touch upon current issues in our discipline, exploring boundaries and formats, discussing rhetoric and formulations, and probing what fascinates us and what might go out of fashion.



Maya Christodoulaki launches the Architecture Chat lecture series, which is co-moderated by Tim Altenhof, Miro Roman, and Heinz-Karl Machat, and has received valuable support from the Vice-Rectorate for Research and the Dean of Architecture. 



This spring, we have welcomed six guests in our faculty to listen to and discuss their recent publications:


Stephan Trüby (Uni Stuttgart)
Auto­ri­täre (Meta-)Po­li­ti­ken in Archi­tek­tur und Stadt­pla­nung
[Authoritarian (Meta-)Politics in Architecture and Urban Planning]

Philippe Morel (The Bartlett)
A Few Questions Associated with Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Architecture

Vera Bühlmann (TU Vienna)
Last Things that Remain: Deadalic Tongues and Technical Objects
- On the Place of Eschatology through the Lens of Contemporary Natural Philosophy

Tülay Atak (Die Angewandte, Vienna):
Building Environments, Building Theory

Jörg Gleiter (TU Berlin):
Apo­ka­lypse und der Auf­schub der Zukunft: 7 The­sen zur Ästhe­tik der Nach­hal­tig­keit
[Apocalypse and the Postponement of the Future: 7 Theses on the Aesthetics of Sustainability]

Andrew Witt (Harvard GSD):
Between Architect and World: Language, Data, Mathematics, and AI



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