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Sujatha Subramanian – Universität Innsbruck

Sujatha Subramanian, PhD


Center Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung Innsbruck (CGI)

Universität Innsbruck
Ágnes-Heller-haus, 5. Stock, Zimmer 05N030
Innrain 52a
A-6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507 39867

Projektmitarbeiterin (sie/ihr) SINCRONY HORIZON Projekt

Sprachen: Englisch (Muttersprache), Hindi (Muttersprache), Malayalam (flüssig)

Zur Person

Sujatha Subramanian ist Postdoc-Mitarbeiterin im Projekt "Intersectional inclusion in deliberation and participation with youth (SINCRONY)", das von der Europäischen Kommission (HorizonEurope) finanziert wird.

Sujatha Subramanian hat in Frauen-, Geschlechter- und Sexualstudien an der Ohio State University, USA, promoviert. In ihrer Dissertation mit dem Titel "Carceral Care? Juvenile justice institutions in India and girls' protection under Brahmanical patriarchy" (Jugendjustizeinrichtungen in Indien und der Schutz von Mädchen im brahmanischen Patriarchat) untersucht die Erfahrungen von mehrfach marginalisierten Mädchen, die vom indischen Staat im Namen ihrer Betreuung und ihres Schutzes in Jugendeinrichtungen eingesperrt werden.
Sie hat außerdem einen Master of Philosophy in Frauenstudien und einen M.A. in Medien- und Kulturstudien vom Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

Als Dozentin und Lehrassistentin an der Abteilung für Frauen-, Geschlechter- und Sexualstudien der Ohio State University hat Sujatha Subramanian einführende und weiterführende Lehrveranstaltungen für Studierende unterrichtet. Ihre Lehrphilosophie ist geprägt von feministischen, anti-kasten, dekolonialen und antirassistischen Visionen, die das befreiende Potenzial der Wissensbildung betonen.

Sujatha Subramanian ist eines der vier Mitglieder von Detention Solidarity, einem Online-Raum, der sich kritisch mit den Strukturen und Erfahrungen des Gefängnisstaats in Indien auseinandersetzt. Sie hat mit gemeinnützigen Organisationen in Indien zusammengearbeitet, wie Sahapedia und Partners for Urban Knowledge, Action and Research (PUKAR), die mit verschiedenen Gemeinschaften zusammenarbeiten und Plattformen für die Wissenserstellung und -verbreitung schaffen. Darüber hinaus hat sie in redaktionellen Positionen bei NEOS: A Publication of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group und dem Critical Childhood and Youth Studies Collective gearbeitet.


  • Transnationale und dekoloniale Feministische Theorie
  • Kindheits- und Jugendstudien
  • Südasienwissenschaften
  • Anti-Kastentheorie und feministische Kritik des Kastenpatriarchats
  • Feministische Perspektiven auf Karzeralität und Gerechtigkeit
  • Feministische Medienwissenschaft
  • Feministische Geographie


  • National Women’s Studies Association
  • Indian Association of Women’s Studies
  • Asian Law and Society Association
  • The Childhood Law & Policy Network



Subramanian, S. & Sharma, R. Towards an Anti-Caste and Feminist Vision of Transformative Justice: Analyzing Social Media Activism Against Sexual Violence. Women’s Studies in Communication 45 (4), 465-481.

Gajjala R., Ford, S., Kumar, V., Subramanian, S. Online (Indian/South Asian) Digital Protest Publics negotiating #POC #BIPOC and #anticaste. In S., MacDonald, M., MacArthur, M., Radzikowska & B., Wiens (Eds.) Networked Feminisms: Activist Assemblies and Digital Practices (pp.145-161). Lexington Press. 


Subramanian, S. “(Dis)Respectable Selfies: Honour, Surveillance and the Undisciplined Girl” In Aneja, A. (Ed.) Women’s and Gender Studies in India: Crossings (pp. 247-257). Routledge.


Subramanian, S. Of Real Identities: Expressions of Femininities and Sexualities in Online Spaces. SubVersions, 3 (2), 1-21.


Subramanian, S. From the Streets to the Web: Looking at Feminist Activism on Social Media. Review of Women’s Studies, Economic and Political Weekly, 50 (17), 7178.


Subramanian, S. Icons and Archive of the Protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and the National Register of Citizens. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 37 (2), 127-135.


Subramanian, S. Bahujan girls’ anti-caste activism on TikTok. Feminist Media Studies 21(1). 154-156. 


Subramanian, S. Is Hindutva Masculinity on Social Media Producing A Culture of Violence Against Women and Muslims? Economic and Political Weekly Engage, 54 (15). 


Subramanian, S. Women from Outside: Review of Selfing the City: Single Women Migrants and Their Lives in Kolkata. Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (19), 25-28.


Subramanian, S. Critical Thought in the Time of Digital Technology: The Case of Feminist and Anticaste Activism on Social Media. World Humanities Report. Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI).


Shchurko, T., Sosnovskaya, O., Mamedov, G., Subramanian, S., & Suchland, J. (2023, January 28). Geographies of Solidarity: Protests in Belarus through a Transnational Feminist Perspective. Feminist Translocalities.


Subramanian, S. (2017, November 12). #MeToo: Challenging boundaries between online and offline. Daily News and Analysis.

Subramanian, S. (2017, May 29). Why are there so few women on the Internet in India? Hindustan Times.

Subramanian, S. (Host). (2017, April 14). Translating the Transnational (Episode Four) [Audio podcast episode]. In Human Rights in Transit: Humanities & Arts Discovery Theme Project. The Ohio State University.


Subramanian, S. (2015, July 1). Being Fake, Being Online: Young Women’s Self Expressions through Multiple Profiles on Social Media. TARSHI (Talking About Reproductive and Sexual Health Issues).

Subramanian, S. (2015, June 15). Why I Decided to Study Feminist Activism on Social Media. GENDERIT.ORG.


Subramanian, S. (2014, October 1). The Dirty Picture. TARSHI (Talking About Reproductive and Sexual Health Issues).

Subramanian, S. (2014, April 14). Doing Digital Humanities: Reflections on a project on Online Feminism in India. The Centre for Internet & Society. 


Subramanian, S. (2012, May 8). For the sake of free speech. The Hindu.


Lodhi, A. (2021). Constraints, Confrontations and Community: Women’s Unique and Evolving Social Media Experience. The Daily Q.


Gajjala, R. (2019). Conversation with Ms. Sujatha Subramanian. Cyberdiva’s Podcast.



Plenary Lecture on Researching Brahmanical Patriarchy: Recognizing Caste and Its Intersections with Gender. International Conference on Gendered Societies- Multidimensional Perspectives and Changing Patterns, East Calcutta Girls' College, Kolkata.


Round table on Decolonizing Equity-Diversity-Inclusion Discourses and the Neoliberal University: Lessons from South Asia. Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin- Madison.

Caste and Carcerality: Brahmanical Patriarchy as the Foundation of Indian Justice System. The Prajnya Trust.


Interrogating Intersectionality: Is there a Diasporic Feminist Perspective. London College of Communication.

#ViralPotentials: How South Asian Women Use TikTok. MIT Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Digital Activism in Practice. University of Waterloo, SSHRC-CRSH and the Games Institute.

Geographies of Solidarity: Protests in Belarus through a Transnational Feminist Perspective. The Center for Slavic and East European and Eurasian Studies and the Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University.


Carceral Feminism and Gender-Based Violence. One Future Collective - FemJustice Program.


Girls in the Indian Juvenile Justice System. Webinar on Gender, Migration and Youth Justice in the Global South, The Critical Childhoods and Youth Studies Collective. 

The Anti-CAA Protests from the Lens of Caste and Gender. University of Oxford.


Gender and Decoloniality. Course: (De)coloniality - Concepts and Current Debates from an Interdisciplinary Perspective. University of Innsbruck.


Caste and Carcerality in India’s Child Protection Systems. Course: Culture and Society. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.


Introduction to Transnational Feminism. Course: WS 2000 - Introduction to Women's Studies: Perspectives on Gender, Class and Ethnicity. Bowling Green State University.


The Policing of Protest. "Abolition Is..." Teach In. The Ohio State University.


Education and Transnational Development Discourses: Girls from the Global South. Girls of Color: Resistance & the Politics of Empowerment Symposium. The Ohio State University.

Konferenzen, Workshops und Seminare


When Global Governance Intersects with Caste: Studying the Punishment of Girls in India’s Juvenile Justice System. 4th International Conference of SAFI on Punishment, Paris.

Care or Control?: Therapeutic Interventions Around Multiply-Marginalized Girls in India’s Juvenile Justice System. XVII National Conference of Indian Association of Women’s Studies, Trivandrum.

Panel on Studying Up the State in South Asia: Methodological Reflections. American Association of Geographers, Online.


Desire, Detention, and Disruptions: Girls’ Negotiation of Researcher-Participant Relations in Juvenile Detention. Spaces In-Between: Relational Methodologies of Gender, Race, Caste, and Age. National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis.


Protesting Children, Protecting Children: Looking at Children’s Protests at Shaheen Bagh. In the Wake of Shaheen Bagh: Historicizing Women’s Political Agency, Ethics of Care, and Protest for a Transnational Feminist Digital Archive. National Women’s Studies Association, Online.

Detention as Protection: Girls’ Experiences of Child Protection Laws in Delhi. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Online.

Conceptualizing Notions of Justice: An Intersectional Analysis of Social Media Responses to Popular Cases of Sexual Violence in India. International Communication Association, Online.

The Consenting Adult and Love Jihad. Seminar on Chronological Age. American Historical Association, Online.


The Creation of an Anti-Caste Archive on Social Media. The Arts, Knowledge and Critique in the Digital Age in India. Digital Humanities Conference: Sahapedia and IIT Hyderabad, Hyderabad.


Of Respectable and Safe Selfies: Exploring Girls’ Negotiations with Desire, Risk and Violence. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans.


Educated, Empowered, Essentialized?: Locating Girls within Development Discourses. National Women’s Studies Association, Maryland.

Negotiating Discomfort: Researching Girls within the Adult Feminist Academia. Feminist Geography 2017: Insides & Outsides of Feminism. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


Our Selfies, Our Selves: Young Women’s Reflections on their Engagement with Selfies. Materiality of Cultures: Methods and Practices. The Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi.


Exploring the Self(ie): Understanding Subjectivity of Young Girls through Practices of Self- Representation in Social Media. Mediatised India 2.0, Frames of Reference, School of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Mumbai.

Honour and Shame: Reconceptualising the State Response to Rape from a Caste Patriarchy Perspective Pluralities: Caste, Inclusion and Intersectionalities, Indian Association for Women’s Studies. Guwahati.

Young Feminists and Social Media: Conceptualising Alternative Spaces of Activism. Young Women: Resisting Violence and Exploring Legacies, Indian Association for Women’s Studies. Guwahati.


The Dirty Picture: Interrogating Sexuality and Subversion in a Postfeminist Bollywood. Seeing through the Screen, Frames of Reference, School of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Mumbai.

A Site of Her Own: Gendered Violence in Cyberspace. National Conference on “Media Ethics and Social Responsibility”, St Joseph’s College. Bangalore.


Post-Feminist Embodiment: Exploring Violence in Cyberspace. Violence/Erasure/Memory, Frames of Reference, School of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Mumbai.


Discussant, Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Ashwini Tambe. Girl, (Un)Interrupted: Identity, Experience, Agency, and Representation. University of Delhi, Delhi.


Discussant, Book Launch of Children and NGOs in India: Development as Storytelling and Performance. Critical Childhood and Youth Studies Collective, Online.


Panel: Literature and Reflections on Violence. Frames of Reference, School of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.


Panel: Rethinking Sexualities: Mythical and Fictional Narratives. Frames of Reference, School of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.


Presenter, Workshop on Rethinking Girl Power. Girl, (Un)Interrupted: Identity, Experience, Agency, and Representation. University of Delhi, Delhi.


Presenter, Feminist and Queer Urban Geographies. Critical Geography South Asia (CGSA) Workshop. Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research, Mohali.


11th Annual Feminist Theory Workshop. Duke University, Durham.


2022 - 2023    

Lecturer, Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University
Unterrichtete Lehrveranstaltungen:

  • A World of Genders (online synchron),
  • Girlhood (online synchron),
  • Reading Women Writers (online synchron),
  • Women of Color and Social Activism (in Person),
  • Sexualities and Citizenship (online synchron),
  • Gender, Sex and Power (in Person)

2017 - 2022

Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University
Unterrichtete Lehrveranstaltungen:

  • Gender, Sex and Power (in Person, online synchron, online asynchron),
  • Girlhood (online synchron und asynchron)

Stipendien, Förderungen und Auszeichnungen


  • Research Grant for Project on Debrahminising Gender, Mavelinadu

2016 - 2022

  • Distinguished University Fellowship, The Ohio State University Graduate School


  • Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship, The Ohio State University


  • Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship, The Ohio State University
  • Arts and Humanities Graduate Research Small Grants, The Ohio State University


  • Elizabeth D. Gee Grants for Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Research, The Ohio State University


  • Coca-Cola Critical Difference for Women Research Grant, The Ohio State University
  • Common Differences Writing Award, Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University
  • Domestic Travel Award, The Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University


  • Common Differences Writing Award, Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University
  • Domestic Travel Award, Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University
  • Travel Grant, National Women’s Studies Association
  • Research Grant, South Asian Studies Initiative, The Ohio State University
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