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Alessio_Squarcini – University of Innsbruck

Alessio Squarcini, PhD

Lise Meitner Fellow 


  Room: 2S05 ITP

  +43 512 507 52273


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  • FLD Research Documentation  

    Publications 2023

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Squarcini, A.; Romero-Enrique, J.; Parry, O. (2023): Derivation of the Casimir contribution to the binding potential for 3D wetting.
      In: Molecular Physics 121/Issue 19-20: Thermodynamics 2022 Conference, Nr. e2193654. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Squarcini, A.; Tinti, A. (2023): Droplet-mediated long-range interfacial correlations. Exact field theory for entropic repulsion effects.
      In: The Journal of High Energy Physics (Online) 2023, Nr. 123. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Squarcini, A.; Tinti, A. (2023): Shape and interfacial structure of droplets. Exact results and simulations.
      In: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2023, Nr. 013206. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

    Lectures 2023

    Guest Lectures

    Guest Lecture
    • Lecturer(s): Squarcini, A.: Recent results on wetting.
      Università Sapienza Università di Roma, Rom, 2023-03-29.

    Publications 2022

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Squarcini, A.; Marinari, E.; Oshanin, G.; Peliti, L.; Rondoni, L. (2022): Frequency–frequency correlations of single-trajectory spectral densities of Gaussian processes.
      In: New Journal of Physics 24, Nr. 093031. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Squarcini, A.; Marinari, E.; Oshanin, G.; Peliti, L; Rondoni, L. (2022): Noise-to-signal ratio of single-trajectory spectral densities in centered Gaussian processes.
      In: Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 55, Nr. 405001. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Squarcini, A.; Romero-Enrique, J.; Parry, A. (2022): Casimir Contribution to the Interfacial Hamiltonian for 3D Wetting.
      In: Physical Review Letters 128, No. 195701. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Squarcini, A.; Solon, A.; Oshanin, G. (2022): Spectral density of individual trajectories of an active Brownian particle.
      In: New Journal of Physics 24, Nr. 013018. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Squarcini, A.; Solon, A.; Viot, P.; Oshanin, G. (2022): Fractional Brownian Gyrator.
      In: Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 55/48, Nr. 485001. (DOI) (Web link)

    Lectures 2022

    Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

    Conference Lecture (Invited Lecture)
    • Lecturer(s): Squarcini, A.: Several exact results on statistics of single-trajectory spectral densities of stochastic processes beyond their mean values.
      Venice meeting on Fluctuations in small complex systems VI, Venedig, 2022-09-07. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Squarcini, A.: Spectral density of individual trajectories of an active Brownian particle.
      Non-Markovian Dynamics Far From Equilibrium, ICTP, Trieste, 2022-05-05. (Web link)

Education and positions

  • 2022-present
Lise-Meitner Fellow at Innsbruck University

    Group: BioNano-Physics Group
Director: Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch
  • 2017-2022

    Researcher (non-tenure) at Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany
Department: Theory of Inhomogeneous Condensed Matter

    Director: Prof. Dr. Siegfried Dietrich.

  • 2015-2017

    Postdoc at Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany

    Department: Theory of Inhomogeneous Condensed Matter
Director: Prof. Dr. Siegfried Dietrich.
  • 2011-2015
PhD in Statistical Physics obtained at SISSA, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy

  • 2010-2011

    Guest researcher in the “Statistical Physics of Liquids” group at Sevilla University
Host: Prof. José-Manuel Romero-Enrique
  • 2008-2011
Master Degree in Theoretical Physics obtained at Pisa University (Laurea Specialistica)
  • 2004-2008

    Bachelor Degree obtained at Pisa University (Laurea Triennale)

Research Interests

  • Exact field theory for phase separation and interfaces
  • Interfaces in the 2D Ising model: exact results
  • Wetting phenomena
  • Thermodynamic (critical) Casimir effect
  • Power spectral densities
  • Lattice Lorentz gas

Grants & awards

  • 2021. Austrian Science Fund FWF (Lise-Meitner Fellowship)
  • 2021. “Maria Zambrano” fellowship at Sevilla University (declined)
  • 2016. “SISSA Best PhD Thesis in Physics of the Year 2015"
  • 2011. SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies (PhD Fellowship, VI cycle)



  1. A. Squarcini, A. Tinti, P. Illien, O. Bénichou, and T. Franosch, Time-dependent dynamics in the confined lattice Lorentz gas[arXiv:2409.04293]
  2. A. Squarcini, A. Tinti, P. Illien, O. Bénichou, and T. Franosch, Dimensional crossover via confinement in the lattice Lorentz gas, [arXiv:2409.04289]
  3. D. Shafir, A. Squarcini, S. Burov, and T. Franosch, Driven Lorentz model in discrete time[arXiv:2409.02696]


Published papers

  1. D. B. Abraham, A. Maciołek, and A. Squarcini, Wetting and emergence of long-range couplings in arrays of fluid cells, Phys. Rev. E 109, 054121 (2024). [arXiv:2312.17717]
  2. A. Squarcini and A. Tinti, Interfacially adsorbed bubbles determine the shape of dropletsSciPost Phys. 15, 164 (2023).
  3. A. Squarcini, J. M. Romero Enrique, and A. O. Parry, Derivation of the Casimir contribution to the binding potential for 3D wetting, Mol. Phys. (Thermodynamics 2022, Special Issue) (2023)
  4. A. Squarcini and A. Tinti, Droplet-mediated long-range interfacial correlations. Exact field theory for entropic repulsion effects. Journal of High Energy Physics, 123 (2023) [arXiv:2106.01945]
  5. A. Squarcini and A. Tinti, Shape and interfacial structure of droplets. Exact results and simulations, J. Stat. Mech. (2023) 013206
  6. A. Squarcini, A. Solon, P. Viot, and G. Oshanin, Fractional Brownian Gyrator, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 485001[arXiv:2204.12145]
  7. A. Squarcini, E. Marinari, G. Oshanin, L. Peliti, and L. Rondoni, Frequency-frequency correlations of single-trajectory spectral densities of Gaussian processes, New Journal of Physics 24, 093031 (2022). [arXiv:2205.11893]
  8. A. Squarcini, E. Marinari, G. Oshanin, L. Peliti, and L. Rondoni, Noise-to-signal ratio of single-trajectory spectral densities in centered Gaussian processes, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 405001 (2022). [arXiv:2205.12055]
  9.  A. Squarcini, J. M. Romero Enrique, and A. O. Parry, Casimir contribution to the interfacial Hamiltonian for 3D wetting, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 195701 (2022). [arXiv:2204.12353]
  10.  A. Squarcini, A. Solon, and G. Oshanin, Power spectral density of trajectories of an active Brownian particle, New Journal of Physics 24, 013018 (2022). [arXiv:2109.03883]
  11.  A. Squarcini, Multipoint correlation functions at phase separation. Exact results from field theory, Journal of High Energy Physics 11 (2021) 096. [arXiv:2104.05073]
  12.  A. Squarcini, and A. Tinti, Four-point interfacial correlation functions in two dimensions. Exact results from field theory and numerical simulations, 
J. Stat. Mech. (2021) 103205. [arXiv:2104.12517]
  13. A. Squarcini, and A. Tinti, Correlations and structure of interfaces in the Ising model. Theory and numerics, J. Stat. Mech. (2021) 083209. [arXiv:2104.06660]
  14. G. Delfino, M. Sorba, and A. Squarcini, Interface in presence of a wall. Results from field theory, Nuclear Physics B 967 (2021) 115396. [arXiv:2103.05370]
  15. A. Squarcini, and P. Malgaretti, Inhomogeneous surface tension of chemically active fluid interfaces, Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (2020) 234903. [arXiv:2008.13004]
  16. G. Delfino, W. Selke, and A. Squarcini, Particles, string and interface in the
three-dimensional Ising model, Nuclear Physics B 958 (2020) 115139. [arXiv:1906.03176]
  17. A. Squarcini, E. Marinari, and G. Oshanin, Passive advection of fractional Brownian motion by random layered flows, New Journal of Physics 22, 053052 (2020). [arXiv:1909.09808v1]
  18. A. Squarcini, A. Maciol􏰀ek, E. Eisenriegler, and S. Dietrich, Critical Casimir interaction between colloidal Janus-type particles in two spatial dimensions, 
J. Stat. Mech. (2020) 043208. [arXiv:1908.06950]
  19. C. M. Rohwer, A. Squarcini, O. Vasilyev, S. Dietrich, and M. Gross, Ensemble dependence of Critical Casimir Forces in Films with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions, Phys. Rev. E 99, 062103 (2019). [arXiv:1811.09202]
  20. D. Krapf, N. Lukat, E. Marinari, R. Metzler, G. Oshanin, C. Selhuber-Unkel, A. Squarcini, L. Stadler, M. Weiss, and X. Xu, Spectral content of a single non-Brownian trajectory, 
Phys. Rev. X 9, 011019 (2019). [arXiv:1902.00481]
  21. G. Delfino, W. Selke, and A. Squarcini, Vortex mass in the three-dimensional O(2) scalar theory, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 050602 (2019). [arXiv:1808.09276]
  22. J. M. Romero-Enrique, A. Squarcini, A. O. Parry, and P. M. Goldbart, Curvature corrections to the nonlocal interfacial model for short-ranged forces, Phys. Rev. E 97, 062804 (2018). [arXiv:1804.04554]
  23. G. Delfino, W. Selke, and A. Squarcini, Structure of interfaces at phase coexistence. Theory and numerics, J. Stat. Mech. (2018) 053203. [arXiv:1803.04759]
  24. D. Krapf, E. Marinari, R. Metzler, G. Oshanin, X. Xu, and A. Squarcini, Power spectral density of a single Brownian trajectory: what one can and cannot learn from it, New J. Phys. 20, 023029 (2018). [arXiv:1801.02986]
  25. D. B. Abraham, A. Maciol􏰀ek, A. Squarcini, and O. Vasilyev, Action at a distance in classical uniaxial ferromagnetic arrays, Phys. Rev. E 96, 042154 (2017).
 (Editor’s suggestion). [arXiv:1707.00458]
  26. G. Delfino, and A. Squarcini, Long range correlations generated by phase separation. Exact results from field theory, Journal of High Energy Physics 11 (2016) 119. [arXiv:1607.01275]
  27. G. Delfino, and A. Squarcini, Multiple phases and vicious walkers in a wedge, Nuclear Physics B 901 (2015) 430. [arXiv:1509.00310v1]
  28. G. Delfino, and A. Squarcini, Bulk and boundary effects on the decay of the thermodynamic Casimir force, Europhysics Letters 109 (2015) 16001. [arXiv:1410.3283]
  29. G. Delfino, and A. Squarcini, Phase Separation in a Wedge: Exact Results, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, (2014) 066101. [arXiv:1403.1138]
  30. G. Delfino, and A. Squarcini, Exact theory of intermediate phases in two dimensions, Annals of Physics 342 (2014) 171-194. [arXiv:1310.4425]
  31. G. Delfino, and A. Squarcini, Interfaces and wetting transition on the half plane. Exact results from field theory, J. Stat. Mech. (2013) P05010. [arXiv:1303.1938]

Conference/school proceedings

A. Squarcini and B. Widom, Wetting Transitions in Fluid Interfaces, pag. 43-53 of Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, CLXXVI Course, “Complex Materials in Physics and Biology”, F. Mallamace, and H. E. Stanley Editors, vol 176, ed. SIF & IOS.


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