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Glossary – University of Innsbruck


A | B | C | D | E | F |G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Academic quarter
see “cum tempore

The gaining of ECTS-Credits in order to achieve the learning outcomes / goals of learning units (modules / lectures) or other learning activities.

Admission refers to the official process of awarding permission to study at university. It is only required if a person wishes to start a new study programme or change to another university. (Information on admission)

Admission record
Document issued every semester confirming that the student is registered to continue a degree programme.

Allocation of ECTS-Credits
The Curriculum Commission is responsible for allocating a certain number of ECTS-Credits to specific modules/courses.

 Further indformation on the allocation of ECTS-Credits

Annulment of admission
see “Leaving university / changing university“

see “document certification

All forms of assessment (written, oral and practical) aimed at measuring the performance of an individual based on the expected learning outcomes / goals.

Assessment criteria
Description of what a student is expected to achieve in order to prove that he/she has reached a certain learning outcome / goal.

Associate Dean of Studies
Members of teaching staff who are charged with carrying out a wide range of tasks on behalf of the university management according to specific guidelines. Each Associate Dean of Studies is responsible for a specific range of study programmes. Click here to find out more about the tasks and decisions that Associate Deans of Studies are responsible for.

Awarding of ECTS-Credits
Students who successfully complete a particular component or qualification receive the ECTS-Credits allocated to this component or qualification in the curriculum. The awarding of ECTS-Credits is seen as the recognition that a learner’s learning outcomes have been evaluated and found to meet the level required to complete successfully the respective component or qualification.

Austrian Grading System
see Grading

Austrian Students’ Union
The Austrian Students’ Union(“Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft”, ÖH) represents the interests of all university students in Austria and provides a range of services. The Innsbruck branch of the Austrian Students’ Union is responsible for representing the interests of students at the University of Innsbruck.



Academic qualification awarded upon completion of a study programme providing the knowledge and skills to enter the job market. Each curriculum determines which academic qualification is to be awarded upon completion of that particular study programme.

Bachelor study programme (1st study cycle)
A standard study programme usually comprising 180 ECTS-Credits. This workload is equivalent to a study duration of six semesters. Bachelor study programmes are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to enter the job market and to complete tasks requiring the use of scientific and artistic expertise and methods. The academic qualification received by the student upon completion of the study programme is set out in the respective curriculum.

A list of all the bachelor study programmes currently available at the University of Innsbruck can be found online in the section “Study programmes”.

Bologna Process
The Bologna Process is the instrument to create a European Higher Education Area. From an Austrian point of view, this process contributes to making the tertiary education system more compatible with those in other countries in Europe and around the world, thereby strengthening Austria’s competitiveness. For comprehensive information on the Bologna Process visit



Campuses at the University of Innsbruck
The University of Innsbruck is spread across a number of locations throughout the city. Each campus is made up of several buildings in one location, while an “external branch” refers to a single building.

The four campuses are:

  • Campus Innrain (all buildings located at Innrain, Josef-Hirn-Straße and Herzog-Siegmund-Ufer)
  • Campus sport (the university buildings at Fürstenweg)
  • Campus Technik (the university buildings in the Technikerstraße)
  • Campus Universitätsstraße (university building in the Universitätsstraße and Karl-Rahner-Platz)

The external branches are:

  • Claudiana (Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3)
  • Institute of Biochemistry (Peter-Mayr-Straße 1a)
  • Institute of Botany (Sternwartestraße 15)
  • Institute of Educational Science (Liebeneggstraße 8)
  • Institute for Communication in Work Life and Psychotherapy (Schöpfstraße 3)
  • Department of Music (Karl-Schönherr-Straße 3)
  • Centre for Ancient Cultures (Langer Weg 11)

Maps showing the various campuses are available on the university website.

Change of address
Students can change their home address or study address themselves via LFU:online.

Change of name
see “Official change of name“

Changing study programme
Information about changing study programme at the University of Innsbruck can be found in the section “Changing your status at university

Changing university/Leaving university
Students who wish to unenrol from their study programme(s) and/or continue studying at another university can apply to do so either by using the function “My mailbox” on LFU:online (where they will find the relevant online application forms) or by going to see the contact person for their study programme at the Admission Department with their student card and a fully filled-in registration form (“Meldeblatt”).  Once the unenrolment process has been completed, students can print out their updated admission record via LFU:online.

Important! Students who wish to continue studying at another university in Austria need a certificate of transfer or graduation. This is available on request from the Admission Department.

Combined study programme
see “Teacher Training Programme”

A dynamic combination of cognitive and meta-cognitive skills, knowledge and understanding, interpersonal, intellectual and practical skills, ethical values and attitudes. All study programmes aim to promote competences. Students acquire competences through all courses; these competences are then evaluated at different points during the study programme. While some competences are related to the subject being studied (specific to a particular field of studies or scientific discipline), other competences are generic (relevant to all study programmes/disciplines). The acquisition of competences normally takes place in an integrated and cyclical way as students progress through the study programme.

Confirmation documents
Students can print out documents such as confirmations of registration and admission records via the online study platform LFU:online. Other information is available online in the section “Changing your status at university”.

Contact hours
Contact hours describe the time during which lecturers meet students to impart knowledge, skills  and methods. Contact hours form part of a student’s workload. They are expressed in semester hours (“Semesterstunden”, SSt.).

Continuing education
The University of Innsbruck offers continuing education courses designed to provide participants with additional qualifications and high-level professional qualifications based on the fields of study taught at the university. For more information visit the homepage of the Coordination Office for Postgraduate Continuing Education.

Continuing education course
In cooperation with a number of institutions, the University of Innsbruck offers a range of continuing education courses aimed at offering participants the chance to continue their academic training. The majority of these continuing education courses are aimed at strengthening skills and knowledge for a specific job profile. Participants in continuing education courses are admitted to university as non-degree programme students.

For more information on which continuing education courses are available and how to sign up for them please contact the Coordination Office for Postgraduate Continuing Education.

Country issuing a school leaving certificate proving university eligibility
In the case of foreign schools this is the country whose laws provide the legal basis for the school leaving examination.

Course type
There are various different types of courses. A detailed description of each course can be found in the respective curriculum and in the study-law regulations.

see “ECTS-Credit

Cum tempore
Academic quarter is the term used to refer to the quarter of an hour after a certain point in time. For example, if the starting time of a lecture is given as “15.00 c.t.” (cum tempore = “with time”) then that means that the lecture will actually begin 15 minutes later, at 15.15.

Curriculum (singular) / Curricula (plural)
The curriculum sets out in detail the content and goals of the study programme. Both students and lecturers must adhere to the curriculum. The curriculum is a regulation (legal document). It specifies the standards set out in the Universities Act 2002 and the study-law regulations of the University of Innsbruck. It contains, in particular, details about the content and structure of the study programme.

Curriculum Commission
Each Faculty has its own Curriculum Commission responsible for drawing up and amending the curricula of study programmes taught at that Faculty.



The Dean is the head of the organisational unit referred to as a Faculty.

Dean of Studies
At a faculty level, Deans of Studies are responsible for organising study programmes, teaching and examinations. Faculties which offer several study programmes may have Associate Deans of Studies who are responsible for specific groups of study programmes. These are members of teaching staff who are charged with carrying out a wide range of tasks on behalf of the university management according to specific guidelines. Click here to find out more about the tasks and decisions that Associate Deans of Studies are responsible for.

Degree programme students
Students who have been admitted to study on bachelor’s, diploma, master’s or doctoral study programmes at university. Degree programme students receive an academic title upon graduation.

Descriptions / Descriptors for study cycles and study levels
Generic statements about the most important learning outcomes / goals expected in each of the three study cycles.

Description of level
General statements on the typical skills and knowledge possessed by learners receiving a qualification at a certain level within a qualification framework.

Diploma study programme
A standard study programme designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to enter the job market and to complete tasks requiring the use of scientific and artistic knowledge and methods. Furthermore, diploma study programmes aim to give students the chance to deepen and expand this knowledge. Graduates receive the academic title “Magister” (men) / “Magistra” (women) or “Diplomingenieur” (men) / “Diplomingenieurin” (women). Diploma study programmes last between 8 and 10 semesters and comprise either two or three sections (“Studienabschnitte“), each of which is completed with a Diploma Exam (“Diplomprüfung”). Some diploma study programmes offer students the option of focussing on a specific area in the second or third section by choosing one of several specialisations (“Studienzweige”) available. Most diploma study programmes are being gradually phased out and no longer accept new students.

A list of all the diploma study programmes currently available at the University of Innsbruck can be found online in the section “Study programmes”.

Diploma Supplement
Upon completion of a study programme students receive a degree award notice (graduation certificate) and a Diploma Supplement. The Diploma Supplement contains a detailed list of the courses and examinations completed as part of the study programme and is designed to provide an overview of the skills the graduate has acquired during the study programme. More information about the Diploma Supplement is available at

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / doctoral study programme
A standard study programme building on a diploma or master’s study programme and aimed at both further developing students’ ability to carry out independent scientific work as well as at training and supporting the next generation of researchers. In order to be admitted to a doctoral programme students must have completed a relevant diploma or master’s programme at university, a relevant master’s programme at a university of applied sciences or another equivalent study programme. Graduates receive the academic title “Doktorin” (women), “Doktor” (men) or “Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)” with the corresponding additional letters set out in the respective curriculum.

For the latest information on the doctoral programmes available at the University of Innsbruck please visit the section “Study programmes”. General information on doctoral programmes can be accessed using the following link:

Document certification
Documents are certified in order to confirm that the stamps and signatures they contain are genuine. All documents submitted to the Admission Department that have been issued in a foreign country, including all certificates, must be officially certified by a responsible body in the country where they were issued and must be certified by an Austrian representation in this country :

  • Certification by apostille:
    Documents issued in following member states of the Hague Apostille Convention require a special form of certification known as an apostille. This apostille is issued by the authorities of the country where the document was issued:

    Albania, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Cape Verde, Colombia, Chile, China (also Macao and Hong Kong), Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Georgia, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea (Republic), Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Morocco, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico , Moldova, Monaco, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niue, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Russian Federation, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudia Arabia, St. Christopher and Nevis, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Swaziland, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, United States, United Kingdom, Cyprus.

    According to Article 4 of the Hague Convention the apostille must be applied to the original document in the country where the document was issued. The following link provides a list of the authorities responsible for issuing apostilles in the respective member states:

  • No certification in the case of intergovernmental agreements:
    Documents from the following countries do not need to be certified if the originals are presented (including an official seal or official stamp):

    Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland.

    However, copies of documents issued by these countries must be certified by an authority with an official seal (e.g. university, public court) or a notary. Documents that are not issued in German or English must be translated. The original document (or certified copy) must be attached to the translation in such a way that they cannot be separated. Following that, the signature and seal on the document, as well as the signature and seal of the translator, must be officially certified.

  • Double certification:
    Documents issued in all other countries which have no intergovernmental agreement with Austria must be certified first by the responsible authority in the country they were issued in and then by the responsible Austrian representation in that country.

    (e.g. school, university) confirms authenticity by seal and signature 

    (e.g. Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science) certifies the seal and signature of 1.

    The translation must be inseparable from the certified document. 

    certifies seal and signature of 2. and 3. 


    certifies seal and signature of 4.

Students who have successfully completed a doctoral study programme receive the academic title “Doktorin” (women) or “Doktor” (men), together with the corresponding additional letters set out in the respective curriculum.

Double certification
see “document certification“

Dublin Descriptors
The Dublin Descriptors are generic statements of typical expectations of achievements and abilities associated with the completion of a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral study programme. They are divided into five categories: “knowledge and understanding”, “applying knowledge and understanding”, making judgements”, “communication skills” and “learning skills”.



The academic performance expected from students during the course of their study programme is expressed in ECTS-Credits. ECTS stands for “European Credit Transfer System (and Accumulation)”.

Every module / course is allocated a certain number of ECTS-Credits, depending on its workload. A workload of 25 hours corresponds to 1 ECTS-Credit. Giving each module / course a certain number of ECTS-Credits makes it easier to compare study programmes and highlights areas of focus within a study programme.

 Information on how ECTS-Credits are allocated during the process of drawing up a curriculum

Eligibility to study at university
As a rule the school-leaving certificate is considered proof of eligibility to study at university. If your school-leaving certificate does not meet the Austrian requirements set out in § 63 of the Universities Act 2002 and you have not completed any other university education in the relevant field, you must complete supplementary examinations in order to be admitted to a standard study programme.

Proof of eligibility to study at university can be provided using any one of the following documents:

  • Austrian school-leaving certificate
  • Austrian certificate confirming that the bearer has been granted the right to enrol in a specific study programme at a university
  • Certificate not issued in Austria but which has been declared to be equivalent to an Austrian certificate on the basis of an international agreement, nostrification or a decision made by the Rectorate on a case-by-case basis
  • Certificate confirming the completion of a study programme lasting at least three years at a recognised post-secondary education institution in Austria or abroad
  • For artistic study programmes, confirmation of the successful completion of the entrance examination
  • Certificate confirming the completion of a university-style course lasting at least three years

     More information on eligibility to study at university: UA 2002 §64

Employability means that students are not trained for a specific job, but instead develop a set of skills that enables them to work in several different areas.

Admission to a university. Enrolment is the “traditional” term used to refer to admission to university.

The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) is a common European reference framework which enables countries of the European Union to link their qualifications systems to one another.

Examination regulations
The examination regulations are legally binding and set out the basic conditions for examinations at the University of Innsbruck. More information about examination regulations can be found at 

Exams Office
Exams Offices are responsible for the organisation, administration and carrying out of examinations at the university.

Extension period
The extension period follows the general admission period, which ends on 31 October for the winter semester and on 31 March for the summer semester.



Faculty Student Council
The Faculty Student Councils (“Fakultätsstudienvertretungen”) coordinate and organise the student councils. These student councils, in turn, represent the interests of the students enrolled in a specific study programme. Activities include providing new students with information and advice as well as running various projects. For more information visit

A Faculty is an organisational unit encompassing both teaching and research work. The University of Innsbruck has 16 Faculties. Each Faculty is headed by a Dean.

Formal learning
Learning opportunities that are offered by a public training or education institution, have a structure (concerning learning aims, duration and support) and are completed with a certification. Teaching staff must meet certain pre-determined criteria. Seen from the student’s point of view, formal learning describes a conscious and intentional effort to learn.

Freshers’ events
Events organised by the Austrian Students’ Union or the University of Innsbruck in order to provide students starting out at university with information.



Gender-specific teaching
Perspectives, theories, methods and results of critical research in the field of women’s and gender studies lie at the heart of the study programmes offered at the University of Innsbruck and highlight within each scientific field – and as part of an interdisciplinary master’s programme – the central significance of gender issues in both academia and society as a whole. Click here for more information about gender-related study programmes.

General admission period
At the start of each semester there is a specific period of time during which students can be admitted to the university and enrol in study programmes. The exact dates of the general admission period are available online (“Dates and deadlines”).

German language skills
Applicants without sufficient knowledge of the German language must complete a supplementary examination proving their German language skills in order to be admitted to study at the university. German language courses are offered at the university during the semester to help students prepare for this examination. These courses, which are not intensive courses, are run by the University of Innsbruck’s “Internationales Sprachenzentrum” (ISI).

Graduation ceremony
At graduation ceremonies, students who have successfully completed a study programme receive their academic grade.

Exams at the University of Innsbruck are graded according to the Austrian Grading System:

  • Excellent (1): Outstanding performance
  • Good (2): Generally good, but with some errors
  • Satisfactory (3): Generally sound work with a number of substantial errors
  • Sufficient (4): Performance meets the minimum cirteria
  • Successfully completed: Positive performance, where a strict differentiation is not adequate
  • Unsatisfactory (5): Substantial improvement necessary; requirement of further work
  • Not completed: Negative performance, where a strict differentiation is not adequate



Informal learning
Everyday learning accomplished through work, family and leisure time. This type of learning is not structured (concerning learning aims, duration and support) and is generally not completed a certificate. While informal learning can be intentional, in most cases it happens unintentionally (casually/by chance).

Institutes are organisational units within each Faculty. Their activities encompass both teaching and research. There are 79 Institutes at the University of Innsbruck.

Introductory videos
The University of Innsbruck has produced a number of short videos designed to provide new students with information about starting at university. Click here for more information.

The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) is a statistical framework for classifying and characterising educational systems. It defines several levels that can be used to indicate the level of education when comparing international education.



L – Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum)
The University of Innsbruck’s “Sprachenzentrum” offers a range of structured, multi-level foreign language courses. Participants have the chance to acquire recognised certificates of competence in all major European languages. As well as language skills, cultural aspects also play an important role in the courses offered. Students and members of university staff receive a discount on the price of courses at the Language Centre. For more information visit


Some study programmes (e.g. the diploma programme Classical Philology – Latin or the Teacher Training programme Classical Philology – Latin) require applicants to prove their knowledge of Latin prior to enrolment. Other study programmes allow applicants to provide this proof after enrolment or before completing the last part of the First Diploma Examination (1. Diplomprüfung). 
Important! Students who fail to provide proof within the time frame stipulated will not be allowed to continue studying.

A person involved in a (formal, non-formal or informal) learning process.

Leave of absence
Students can receive a leave of absence lasting up to two semesters, depending on the circumstances. More information about applying for a leave of absence can be found in the section “Course organisation”.

Learning outcome/goal
Statement on the knowledge, understanding and skills a learner has after successfully completing a learning process. Learning outcomes/goals are set out in the curriculum and implemented through the courses.

The University of Innsbruck’s online study platform is a web-based administration system. It enables students to find out more about courses on offer, to sign up for courses, to check exam results and to print out documents. All students receive a username and password to access LFU:online. For more information visit

List of courses
Contains details of all courses offered at the University of Innsbruck. It is published every semester and can be consulted online at



Academic title awarded to students who have successfully completed a master’s study programme. Details on the type of master awarded to graduates can be found in the curriculum of the respective study programme.

Master’s, diploma and bachelor graduation
Students who have successfully completed a master’s, diploma or bachelor’s study programme receive the academic title “Magister” (men), “Magistra” (women), “Diplomingenieur” (men), “Diplomingenieurin” (women), “Bachelor” or “Master” (both sexes).

Master’s study programme
A standard study programme that required applicants to have completed a relevant bachelor’s study programme at a university or a university of applied sciences, or to have completed an equivalent study programme. Master’s study programmes comprise usually at least 120 ECTS-Credits, which is equivalent to a study duration of two years or four semesters. They are designed to deepen and expand the knowledge and skills students have acquired during their bachelor’s study programmes. Graduates are awarded the academic title “Master” in line with the respective curriculum.

A list of all the master study programmes currently available at the University of Innsbruck can be found online in the section “Study programmes”.

Matriculation number
Seven-digit identification number allocated to each student (remains the same even if the student changes study programme and/or university).

Modules are a series of courses centered on a single theme. They form part of bachelor’s and master’s study programmes at the University of Innsbruck and generally comprise 5 ECTS-Credits or a multiple thereof. Most modules last one semester, though in exceptional cases some may run over several semesters.

Musical talent
Students wishing to enrol in the Teacher Training programme for Music Education must provide proof of their musical talent prior to admission.



The National Qualification Framework (NQF) is to be used as a tool for encouraging the transparency and comparability of qualifications in Austria and Europe and to promote lifelong learning, which comprises formal, non-formal, and informal learning. The NQF is linked to the European Qualifications Framework. This means that if a qualification is mapped to a level of the National Qualifications Framework, it is automatically referenced to the equivalent level of the European Qualifications Framework.

Non-formal learning
Courses that are not offered by an education or training institution and are not completed with a certification. These courses are, however, structured (concerning learning aims, duration and support). From the perspective of the learner, non-formal learning is intentional learning.

Non-degree programme students
Defined according to UA 2002 § 51 Para. 2 Lines 20 and 22 as students who have been admitted to university to attend continued education courses or individual lectures in scientific fields.



Official change of name
Students who have officially changed their names can contact the University of Innsbruck in order to have their names changed accordingly in the official university records. More details are available online (“Changing your status at university”).

Official electronic signature
Students studying at the University of Innsbruck can use the official electronic signature available via LFU:online to add a legally recognised signature to documents such as admission records, study records, payment confirmations, confirmations of registration and transcripts of records.

This means that students are no longer required to take these documents to the Admission Department and Exams Office to have them stamped and signed. Instead, students themselves can create documents with an official electronic signature. These PDF documents can then be printed, saved or sent by e-mail.
How to create a document with an official electronic signature on LFU:online:

  1. Select the document
  2. Adjust the settings as required
  3. Create the document with an official electronic signature

If an authority such as the office responsible for student grants wishes to check the authenticity of a document with an electronic signature, it can do so by visiting the following website:

OLAT stands for “Online Learning and Training” and is an open-source learning platform. It is used to provide students with information and documents as well as to organise learning activities and complete administrative tasks. Furthermore, via OLAT lecturers can grant or deny access to documents, complete administrative tasks, evaluate students’ performances, and create interactive channels such as forums and chats. Overall, OLAT makes it easier to teach and attend courses.

OLAT is not a Content Management System (CMS). Therefore, specialist content management tools (e.g. eLML) should be used by persons wishing to create and manage large quantities of learning information. Documents generated outside OLAT can be imported into OLAT using standardised interfaces. Help tools (such as an HTML editor) have also been incorporated into OLAT to support persons wishing to create simple pages.

For more information about OLAT visit the community website Our demo server provides persons without access to OLAT with an overview of how OLAT works.



see “Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 

PhD graduation
Graduates who have completed a doctoral study programme receive the academic title “Doktorin” (women), “Doktor” (men) or “PhD”.

Physical fitness and motor skills
In order to be admitted to study sport Science or attend the Teacher Training programme to teach Movement and sports, applicants must prove their physical fitness and motor skills.

Podcasts (information for aspiring students)
A series of podcasts have been created by pupils at Innsbruck Media College with information about some of the study programmes at the University of Innsbruck. Lasting between 10 and 20 minutes, they comprise interviews with experienced students, graduates and university staff talking about the structure and content of the study programme as well as the ups and downs of studying. You can access the podcasts by clicking here.

Programme (education programme)
A series of learning units, based on learning outcomes/goals, that are recognised for the award of a particular qualification.

Programme code
The programme code (“Studienkennzahl”, SKZ) is a three-digit code used by the university administration to identify each study programme.

Proof of university eligibility
All applicants who are not EU/EEA citizens having completed their school education in an EU country (and are therefore not in possession of a secondary school leaving certificate awarded by an EU/EWR country) must provide proof of university eligibility (“Zulassungsnachweis”). The only exception is applicants who are considered as having the same status as Austrian students. (Information on admission)



Qualification profile
Section of the curriculum which describes the academic and professional qualifications that students acquire by completing a study programme. The qualification profile is the basis for drawing up the learning outcomes of the individual modules in the study programme.



Recognition of examinations
Examinations that have been successfully completed by degree programme students at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution shall be recognised by the governing body responsible for study matters on application by the students concerned, provided that such qualifications are equivalent to those prescribed by the curriculum. Contact the Exams Office for more information.

 Further information on the recognition of examinations

Recommended / exemplary study progress
Based on the respective curriculum, the University of Innsbruck has developed documents showing “exemplary study progress” for each study programme. These can be useful to help students decide which courses they want to complete during their study programme.
These documents can be found in the course profile of the respective study programme in the area “Study programmes“.

Equivalent to “Registration to study / continue studying / terminate studies”.

Registration for the continuation of studies
see “Registration to study / continue studying / terminate studies”

Registration to study / continue studying / terminate studies
Each semester, students wishing to begin or continue a certain study programme must provide official confirmation of this by registering to study / continue studying. This is also an opportunity for students to terminate their studies at the University of Innsbruck. For more information visit the section “Changing your status at university”.

Research-driven teaching
Good university teaching requires close links to research. This is the only way to ensure that students receive information on the latest advances. At the same time it provides students with the ability to develop their theoretical and methodological skills and to promote analytical and critical thinking. University graduates must be able to acquire, examine and develop knowledge from the perspective of a researcher. They must also have the necessary subject-specific expertise to act responsibly. In this way, university contributes to further developing students’ personalities.



Semester hour
One semester hour is equivalent to the same number of course units as there are teaching weeks per semester (= 15). One teaching unit lasts 45 minutes.

Service Point
Service Points are machines than can be found in the various campuses and buildings making up the University of Innsbruck. Students can use the Service Points to pay tuition fees and/or the Austrian Students’ Union fee. After payment the machine will automatically print the new expiry date directly onto the student card.
The Service Points can be found at the following locations:

Campus Innrain

  • Innrain 52 – main university building
    Service Points on ground floor next to the main entrance
  • Innrain 52d – GEIWI building
    Service Points on ground floor (opposite Hörsaal 6; next to vending machines; near exit to Unibrücke)

Campus Universitätsstraße

  • Universitätsstraße 15 – SOWI building
    Service Points on ground floor opposite Exams Office

Campus Technik

  • Technikerstraße 15 – building of the Dean’s office
    Service Points on the ground floor

Sine tempore
If an event is scheduled to begin at 15:00 the start time may be given as “15.00 s. t.”. “Sine tempore” is Latin for “without time” and means that the event will start at the time indicated (not 15 minutes later, as is the case of events with an “academic quarter”, indicated by the words “cum tempore”).

Single study programme
A single study programme cannot be combined with another field of study. However, several single study programmes can be completed at the same time (“Doppelstudium”).

Sitting examinations at another university
According to § 63 Para. 9 of the Universities Act 2002 it is only possible to sit examinations at another university under certain conditions. For more information visit the section “Changing your status at university“.

Special university entrance qualification
Students who are not citizens of an EU/EEA country require a special university entrance qualification. This means that, as well as providing proof of eligibility to study at university, they must prove that they fulfil all the conditions (including the right to university admission) required to study the same subject in the country which issued their school-leaving certificate.
The only exception is applicants who are considered equal to Austrian citizens according to the Austrian Regulation on Eligible Group of Persons.

 More information on the special university entrance qualification: UA 2002 §65

Some diploma programmes offer a specialisation (“Studienzweig”) in the second or third section (“Studienabschnitt”). As a result, students must decide at the start of the second or third section of their study programme which specialisation they wish to select.

Learner enroled in a study programme at a higher education institution.

Student card
The student card is the size of a credit card and contains an electronic chip that enables students to load money onto the card and make purchases. Furthermore, the student card gives students the opportunity to access various services at university at any time. For more information on the student card visit

Student-oriented (approach)
An approach to designing study programmes in such a way that they focus on the performance of students. This approach takes into consideration the different priorities that students have and aims to achieve a realistic workload (meaning that students are able to complete the work expected of them in the amount of time provided). This approach includes students in decisions on content, type, tempo and location of learning.

Students considered equal to Austrian citizens
Students who are considered equal to Austrian citizens are those students whose school-leaving certificates are treated as if they had been issued in Austria. Applicants must provide relevant proof that their qualification should be considered equal to that of an Austrian applicant. In this case they do not have to adhere to the application deadlines imposed on applicants not considered equal to Austrian citizens and are also not affected by the restriction on the number of study places imposed on applicants not considered equal to Austrian citizens. However, applicants considered equal to Austrian citizens must nevertheless fulfil the admission requirements to study at university in Austria. If the applicant’s school-leaving certificate is not considered equivalent to that of an Austrian, and if the applicant has not completed all of the additional course(s) prescribed by the university, then the applicant must complete additional examinations in order to be admitted to university on a standard study programme.

According to § 65 Para. 4 of the Universities Act 2002, school-leaving certificates issued to the following persons are considered equal to those of Austrian citizens:

  1. Persons who enjoy privileges or immunity in Austria under provisions of a state treaty or law as well as persons (including their spouses and children) who were serving the Republic of Austria in a foreign country when they received their school-leaving certificate and enjoyed privileges or immunity in that country under provisions of a state treaty or law.

    Proof: identity card from the Austrian Foreign Ministry.

  2. Full-time foreign journalists (including their spouses and children) who are accredited and based in Austria.

    Proof: accreditation certificate

  3. Persons who have made Austria the centre of their lives for the five consecutive years preceding the application or who act as legal guardian for at least one person for whom this is the case.

    Proof: certificate showing income / national insurance payments in the five years preceding the application, residence registration certificate; legal guardians must also present the birth or marriage certificate

  4. Persons either receiving a scholarship under provisions of a state treaty or the same amount of money from an Austrian regional authority whose financial provisions expressly declare that these funds are to be used to fund scholarships. Proof: confirmation of scholarship

  5. Persons who have been awarded a school-leaving certificate by one of the following Austrian schools based abroad: St. Georgs-Kolleg in Istanbul, Instituto Austriaco in Guatemala City, Österreichische Schule in Budapest and Prague, Gymnázium Bilikova in Bratislava, Obchodná akadémia in Bratislava, Gymnasium Dr. Karla Polsneho in Znojmo, Kossuth Lajos Gymnázium in Mosonmagyaróvár and Petöfi Sándor Gymnázium in Mezoberény.

  6. Refugees, as defined in the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, who have a residence entitlement in Austria on the basis of the 1997 Asylum Act.

    Proof: documentation/identity card proving refugee status according to Geneva Convention

Studies Induction and Orientation Period (StEOP)
All students admitted for the first time to study on a bachelor’s or diploma programme must complete a Studies Induction and Orientation Period (StEOP). The aim of the StEOP is to provide students with an overview of what the study programme contains and how it works, thereby giving them the information they need to take an informed decision on whether or not they wish to pursue that study programme. For detailed information about the StEOP visit

Study cycle
All qualifications awarded within the European Higher Education Area form part of a system comprising three cycles. One of the goals of the Bologna Declaration signed in 1999 is to “introduce a system fundamentally based on two main cycles: a cycle before the first academic qualification (undergraduate) and a cycle after the first academic qualification (graduate).” In 2003 doctoral study programmes were also incorporated into the Bologna structure. 

Supplementary examinations
Certain study programmes require students to complete supplementary examinations either prior to admission or prior to completing the First Diploma Exam (“1. Diplomprüfung”) or the Bachelor Exam. For more information consult the University Entrance Qualification Decree from 1998. Students must inform the Admission Department once they have successfully completed a supplementary examination. For more information see “Changing your status at university“.

Important! Students who fail to complete supplementary examinations within the time frame stipulated will not be allowed to continue studying.

Supplementary examinations for admission
According to Universities Act § 51 Para. 2 Line 18 these are examinations required in order to achieve eligibility to study at university or to prove the necessary level of German language skills or physical fitness. Students who have successfully completed a supplementary examination for admission must communicate this to the Admission Department. For more information see “Changing your status at university”.



Teacher Training Programme
This is currently still run as a diploma study programme comprising two sections (“Studienabschnitte”) and lasting a total of nine semesters. The Teacher Training Programme is a combined study programme, with students choosing two subjects they wish to teach. Students receive research-driven teaching in these subjects and in subject-specific teaching techniques as well as general teacher training and classroom practice. Students attending secondary school teacher accreditation programmes at the University of Innsbruck qualify to teach in academic secondary schools (AHS) and vocational secondary schools and colleges (BMHS).

After completing teacher training at the University of Innsbruck and receiving the academic title “Magistra” (women) or “Magister” (men), graduates complete a one-year school placement organised by the local education authority (“Landesschulrat”).
Visit the online section dedicated to Teacher Training Programmes in order to see the full range of teacher training courses available at the University of Innsbruck.
For more general information on Teacher Training Programmes visit

Transcript of records
A transcript of records is a list containing details of all courses completed so far as part of a study programme. It can be accessed via LFU:online or by visiting the relevant Exams Office. 

Process through which ECTS-Credits gained in one context are officially recognised in another context in order to enable the student to achieve a certain qualification.

Translation of documents
Documents issued in a language other than German must be translated into German or English by a certified translator. However, documents issued in English do not have to be translated. Please note that all stamps and marks certifying that the document is genuine (“Beglaubigungsvermerke”) must be translated. The translator’s signature must also be certified. The only exceptions are translations completed by sworn court interpreters in Austria. The translation and the certified document must be attached to each other in such a way that they cannot be separated.



Universities Act 2002
Legal basis for the organisation of universities and their study programmes. More information: UA 2002

University Entrance Qualification Decree
Legal provision governing the additional criteria that must be fulfilled by an applicant in order to be admitted to and/or complete a study programme (if the applicant did not receive a school education in the subject which he/she wishes to study at university). For more information click here.

University management
According to § 19 Para. 2 Line 2 of the Universities Act 2002 the university management (“Universitätsleitung”) is a monocratic body responsible for study-law regulations at first instance. At the University of Innsbruck it is the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Teaching who carries out the university management tasks. The Director of Studies delegates certain areas of responsibility to the Dean of Studies and the Associate Dean of Studies. These areas of responsibility are published in the University Bulletin.

University sports Institute (USI)
The USI offers a wide range of courses and programmes for both students and scientific and general university staff (separate programme, different registration deadline). For more information visit the homepage of the USI at:



Students who are not citizens of an EEA state or Switzerland must apply for a residence permit. This application should be made from the student’s home country. Application forms for residence permits can be obtained from the Austrian representations (embassy/consulate) in the student’s home country. For more useful information visit the homepage of the OeAD.



Workload refers to the amount of time and effort a student must invest in order to complete successfully a module or course (contact hours, distance learning unit, independent learning, exam preparation, etc.). Workload is expressed in ECTS-Credits. One ECTS-Credit is equivalent to 25 hours of work.


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