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News-en – Universität Innsbruck


Der neue Dekan Alfred Berger und Studiendekan Ulrich Leitner mit dem Rektor:innenteam.

New fac­ulty man­age­ment

The new Dean Alfred Berger and Dean of Studies Ulrich Leitner have been in office since 1 March 2024. The inauguration ceremony took place on 19 March.

Gruppen von Leuten, die die Hände in die Höhe werfen, vor verschneiter Winterlandschaft

Win­ter School in Ober­gurgl

From 7 to 11 February 2024, the participants of the Winter School "Emergency pedagogy and crisis management in an educational context" met in the snow-covered University Centre Obergurgl. The 5-day stay was not only characterised by a fantastic mountain backdrop, but also by an intensive exchange on methods and action strategies for psychological first aid.

Hand mit Handy in der Hand

Remain­ing places SoSe 24

The Biwi Remaining Places Exchange is open until Tuesday, 27 February 2024, 23:59. Until then, it is possible to register for courses with free places in the course catalogue.

Sitzendes Publikum im Vordergrund und Podium aus 4 Personen im Hintergrund

The. 7. Octo­ber 2023

In mid-January, academics and experts discussed the historical background and resonances of a turning point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during two panel discussions.


On 26 January 2024, lectures and hearings will take place at the Institute of Educational Sciences as part of the selection procedure to fill the career position "EZW with a focus on anthropology". The applicants will talk about aesthetic self-education, institutional ethnography and pedagogical-anthropological utopia research. You can read more about the programme here.

Panel dis­cus­sions on 07 Octo­ber

In two panel discussions, academics will discuss the historical background and resonances of 7 October 2023, a turning point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Guido Thaler auf der Bühne des Treibhaus beim Science Slam

"Tour de Data" at the Science Slam

Numerous scientists presented their research in the sold-out Treibhaus-Keller on 25 October 2023, including educational scientist Guido Thaler with a performance about his personal "Tour de Data".

Zwei Frauen im weißen Kleid stehen in einem See umgeben von 3 weißen Schwänen


On 4 November 2023, the artists Vivian Crespo Zurita & Alessandra dos Santos Silva performed together at Kunstraum Innsbruck. Under the title "NOSOTRAS por NOSOTRAS / WE FOR US", visitors to Innsbruck's "PREMIERENTAGE - Wege zur Kunst" were able to experience a performance in opposition to structural racism.

Schild Sektionstagung Bildungsphilosophie

The future - between open­ings and clo­sures

11 lectures, 55 people and countless conversations - that's a brief summary of the Commission Conference on Philosophy of Education. This conference from 21 to 23 September focused on the topic of "the future".

Wörterbuchauszug: Psychoanalyse

Call for appli­ca­tions: Univer­sity Pro­fes­sor­ship of Edu­ca­tional Science (Psy­cho­anal­y­sis)

The call for applications for the §98 professorship for Educational Science with a focus on Psychoanalytical Educational Science was published in the bulletin of 18 October 2023. Applications must be submitted to the Faculty Service Centre ( ) by 8 January 2024 at the latest.

Attention: End of the call for applications extended to 08.01.2024.


Job adver­tise­ment

New job advertisement for a tenure-track position at the EZW specialising in anthropology

die 4 OrganisatorInnen der Fachtagung Elementarpädagogik

Greats of ele­men­tary edu­ca­tion in Inns­bruck

The 3rd Innsbruck Conference on Elementary Education took place in Innsbruck on 22 and 23 September 2023 with around 230 experts in attendance. Renowned academics in this discipline from across the German-speaking world discussed interactions, relationships and bonds in families and early childhood education centres with representatives from the field.

Hand mit Handy in der Hand

Remain­ing places win­ter semes­ter 23

The Biwi Remaining Places Exchange is open until Thursday, 28 September 2023, 23:59. Until then, it is possible to register for courses with free places in the course catalogue.


Book pre­sen­ta­tion: (Re-)con­struc­tion of local urban­ity

On Thursday 29 June 2023 between 17:00 and 17:30, Professor Dr Erol Yildiz, Associate Professor Dr Wolf-Dietrich Bukow, Associate Professor Dr Johanna Rolshoven, Associate Professor Dr Marc Hill and other experts will talk about the potential and problems of our local urbanity at Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen.

Biwi research col­lo­quium aca­demic year 2022-2023

Every Tuesday from 6.30-8pm, academics from the Faculty of Education discuss their research.

Frauen im Treppenhaus

Biwi alumni in con­ver­sa­tion: Univer­sity and prac­tice in dia­logue with each other

On Tuesday, 30 May 2023 at 6:30 pm, Michael Brandmayr and Jörg Fertsch-Röver will be discussing the theory-practice problem at Gasthof "Zur Eiche".

Header Vortrag

Post­mi­grant writ­ing? Mul­tilin­gual pro­ce­dures and nar­ra­tive rein­ter­pre­ta­tions in con­tem­po­rary Ger­man-Jewish lit­er­a­ture

On Thursday, 1 June 2023, Prof. Godela Weiss-Sussex (ILCS, London / King's College, Cambridge) will give a lecture on post-migrant writing at 18:00 in seminar room 50113 SR, GEIWI Tower, 1st floor.


Book launch: After the home­land New ideas for a multi-eth­nic soci­ety

On Thursday, 25 May 2023, Wolfgang Meixner and Erol Yildiz will present their book "Nach der Heimat" at the Innsbruck Folk Art Museum at 18:00.


Job adver­tise­ment

Student assistant in research and administration, job code BIWI-14062, application deadline: 23.02.2024. Information in the career portal.
University Assistant - Postdoc, (BIWI-14010), application deadline 27.02.2024. Information in the career portal.

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