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David Willumsen – Universität Innsbruck

Ass.-Prof. Dr. David Willumsen

Assistant Professor


Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Universitätsstraße 15
A-6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: +43 512 507 70122
Fax: +43 512 507-70199

Raum: w 2.52
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung per mail

I'm assistant professor (tenure track) at the University of Innsbruck. My research interests centre on comparative politics and political institutions (in particular the interaction parliaments and electoral systems), with a focus on advanced industrial democracies. I also study the who-gets-what question in government formation, and how government formation influences voter perceptions of democracy. In recent work I also explore the role of geography in representation.  My work has been published (among others) in Electoral Studies, the European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, West European Politics, Party Politics, the Journal of European Public Policy, and the Swiss Political Science Review.

You will find a complete list of publications in my CV.

Below you will find a list of my publications since I joined the University of Innsbruck.

Publications 2024

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Willumsen, David; Otjes, Simon (First View): Coalition government, frustrated majorities, and minority rule.
    In: Party Politics. (DOI) (Web link)

Publications 2023

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Ohmura, Tamaki; Willumsen, David (2023): Free votes and the analysis of recorded votes: evidence from Germany (1949–2021).
    In: West European Politics 46/6, pp. 1205 - 1221. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Otjes, Simon; Willumsen, David (2023): Winning & losing in coalition systems. A quasi-experimental study of the effect of coalition formation on satisfaction with democracy.
    In: Electoral Studies 84, Nr. 102646. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David (2023): Policy preferences, unity, and floor dissent in the European parliament.
    In: Journal Of European Public Policy 30/10, pp. 2010 - 2030. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

(Book) Reviews

Journal Article (Book Review)
  • Willumsen, David (2023): John Gerring, Brendan Apfeld, Tore Wig, Andreas Forø Tollefsen (2022): The Deep Roots of Modern Democracy: Geography and the Diffusion of Political Institutions.
    In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (OeZP) / Austrian Journal of Political Science 52/3, pp. 22 - 23. (DOI) (Web link)

Publications 2021

Contributions to Books / Journals

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Willumsen, David (2021): Denmark: Open-list PR and Parliamentary Speech.
    In: Bäck, Hanna; Debus, Marc; Fernandes, Jorge: The Politics of Legislative Debates. Oxford: Oxford University Press., ISBN 9780198849063, pp. 235 - 259. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David (2021): Staggered Terms in Majoritarian and Non-Majoritarian Institutions.
    In: Goetz, Klaus H.: The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press., ISBN 978-0-1908620-84, online. (DOI) (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
  • Willumsen, David (2021): Why geography matters. In: Powi Blog, 26. März. (Web link)

Publications 2019

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Helms, Ludger; Jenny, Marcelo; Willumsen, David (2019): Alpine Troubles: Trajectories of De-Consociationalisation in Austria and Switzerland Compared.
    In: Swiss Political Science Review 25/4, pp. 381 - 407. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Otjes, Simon; Willumsen, David (2019): How Does Turnover Affect Turnout? Government Alternation and Voter Participation in Parliamentary Democracies.
    In: Electoral Studies 59, pp. 49 - 63. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David; Goetz, Klaus (2019): How does staggered membership renewal affect parliamentary behaviour? Evidence from the French Senate.
    In: European Political Science Review 11/2, pp. 267 - 284. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David M (2019): So far away from me? The effect of geographical distance on representation.
    In: West European Politics 42/3, pp. 645 - 669. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David M; Stecker, Christian; Goetz, Klaus H (2019): Do electoral district size and diversity affect legislative behaviour?
    In: Australian Journal of Political Science 54/1, pp. 37 - 64. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

Media Contributions

Article in Popular Magazine
  • Willumsen, David: The Fall of the Far Right? The 2019 Danish general election.
    In: Who Governs of 2019-06-07. (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David: Why geography matters: MPs with constituencies a long distance from Westminster choose different ways to represent their voters.
    In: Democratic Audit of 2019-02-05. (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David; Otjes, Simon: Spannende verkiezingen, hogere opkomst?
    In: Sargasso of 2019-04-19. (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David; Otjes, Simon: Spannende verkiezingen, hogere opkomst?
    In: Stuk Rood Vlees of 2019-04-17. (Web link)

Publications 2018

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Willumsen, David M (2018): The Council’s REACH? National governments’ influence in the European Parliament.
    In: European Union Politics 19/4, pp. 663 - 683. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David M.; Stecker, Christian; Goetz, Klaus H. (2018): The electoral connection in staggered parliaments: Evidence from Australia, France, Germany and Japan.
    In: European Journal of Political Research 57/3, pp. 759 - 780. (DOI) (Web link)

Media Contributions

Newspaper Article
  • Willumsen, David; Holm, Thue; Honoré, David: Flere partier lever med en »risiko« til næste års EU-valg, som de færreste vælgere er bevidste om.
    In: Berlingske Tidende of 2018-07-10. (Web link)

Contribution in (Web) Radio Show
  • Willumsen, David: Die Life Radio Frühstarter.
    In: Life Radio Tirol of 2018-11-07. (Web link)

Publications 2017


Monograph, Scientific
  • Willumsen, David M. (2017): The Acceptance of Party Unity in Parliamentary Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-198-80543-4. (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Helms, Ludger; Eppler, Annegret; Willumsen, David (2017): Is there a ‘German school’ of comparative politics? An institutional perspective.
    In: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 11/4, pp. 533 - 556. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Louwerse, Tom; Otjes, Simon; Willumsen, David M.; Öhberg, Patrick (2017): Reaching across the aisle: Explaining government–opposition voting in parliament.
    In: Party Politics 23/6, pp. 746 - 759. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David M.; Goetz, Klaus H. (2017): Set Free? Impending Retirement and Legislative Behaviour in the UK.
    In: Parliamentary Affairs: a journal of representative politics 70/2, pp. 254 - 279. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Willumsen, David M.; Öhberg, Patrik (2017): Toe the line, break the Whip: Explaining Floor Dissent in Parliamentary Democracies.
    In: West European Politics 40/4, pp. 688 - 716. (DOI) (Web link)

Publications 2016

Media Contributions

Article in Popular Magazine
  • Louwerse, Tom; Otjes, Simon; Willumsen, David; Öhberg, Patrik: Research from Sweden and the Netherlands shows that ‘bloc’ politics leads to a greater degree of adversity in legislatures.
    In: Democratic Audit of 2016-02-29. (Web link)

You will find a list of my current and previous courses taught at the University of Innsbruck here: Vorlesungsverzeichnis (aktuell und Archiv)

A full list of courses taught can be found in my CV.

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