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Bachelor's programme / Diploma programme / Secondary school teacher accreditation programme 

Bachelor's programme/Diploma programme/Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education)

  Deadlines and Admission periods
  Admission and documents required for admission
  Tuition fee
  Contact & Information

Bachelor’s programmes at the University of Innsbruck are standard study programmes that comprise 180 ECTS-Credits and last six semesters. They aim to teach basic scientific methods and knowledge and to develop practical skills. On the one hand, bachelor’s programmes prepare students for a master’s programme in a similar field; on the other hand, they provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to enter the job market successfully later in life. Graduates are awarded the academic title “Bachelor” in line with the respective curriculum.

>> Full range of study programmes

Diploma programmes are standard study programmes that last eight to ten semesters and are made up of two or three sections, each of which is completed with a diploma examination. They aim to provide students with the necessary skills and qualifications to enter the job market in positions which require them to use scientific knowledge and techniques. Graduates are awarded the academic title “Magister” (men) “Magistra” (women) or “Diplomingenieur” (men) “Diplomingenieurin” (women). Most diploma programmes are currently being phased out and no longer accept new students.

>> Full range of study programmes

Secondary school teacher accreditation programmes are currently run as diploma programmes and comprise two parts lasting a total of nine semesters. They are what are known as “combination study programmes”, meaning that students choose two teaching subjects and receive specific tuition in these subjects and how to teach these subjects as well as more general teacher training including education theory and in-school classroom practice. Students attending secondary school teacher accreditation programmes at the University of Innsbruck qualify to teach in academic secondary schools (AHS) and vocational secondary schools and colleges (BMHS).

>> Full range of study programme



Deadlines and Admission periods

Dates and Deadlines »

During the general admission period you can

  • be admitted to a standard study programme if you are studying at university for the first time, changing from one study programme to another, or re-commencing a study programme that you had already started
  • apply online to bachelor’s and diploma study programmes
  • pay the tuition and/or Austrian Students’ Union fee (incl. insurance)


From the start of the general admission period until the end of the admission period you can:

  • be admitted to a bachelor’s or diploma programme with the necessary documentation confirming your eligibility for admission (“Zulassungsbescheid”)
  • be admitted to a non-degree programme (e.g. to attend individual lectures as preparation for university entrance qualification examinations, continuing education courses)
  • apply for leave of absence (in principle before the start of term) - for more information on this please see here
  • be admitted as a student of another Austrian university to also study at the University of Innsbruck
  • be admitted to continue a study programme at the University of Innsbruck after having paid the tuition and/or Austrian Students’ Union fee at another Austrian university


Exceptions to the general admission period:

  • study programmes with an admission process and supplementary examinations for admission
  • students who do not successfully complete the Studies Induction and Orientation Stage (STEOP) or are not granted admission can apply to be admitted to another study programme after the end of the general admission period but before the end of the extension period
  • late-qualifying school leavers: pupils whose school-leaving certificates are issued after 31 August can be admitted to a study programme during the extension period
  • persons completing civil service, military service or a year of voluntary work: persons completing civil service, military service or a year of voluntary work can be admitted to a study programme during the extension period under the condition that by 31 August/31 January: a) the period of service/work has been completed; or b) the person has been conscripted but has not started service, or the service is interrupted/terminated before the end of the extension period
  • unforeseeable/unavoidable event: persons with credible evidence that an unforeseeable or unavoidable event arising through little or no fault of their own prevented them from applying for admission during the general admission period can apply for admission during the extension period
  • work, internships: persons able to prove that work or an internship prevented them from applying for admission during the general admission period can apply for admission during the extension period
  • stays abroad: persons able to prove that a stay abroad that was absolutely necessary prevented them from applying for admission during the general admission period can apply for admission during the extension period


Admission and documents required for admission

Bachelor’s programmes with admission procedure:

Selection procedures apply for the admission to some study programmes at the University of Innsbruck (Teacher Training Programmes, Bachelor’s Programme in Psychology, Master’s Programme in Psychology, sports studies, Master's Programme in Peace and Conflict Studies):


Bachelor’s programmes without admission procedure:

All applicants who want to start a Bachelor’s or Diploma Programme must apply online. Besides of personal data, also the required documents are uploaded. 

If you have already been admitted to study at the University of Innsbruck you can apply for admission to another study programme during the general admission period via LFU:online.


For application for Bachelor’s Programmes (unless the university entrance qualification has been obtained in a German-speaking country) German language skills at level A2 (acc. to CEFR) must be proven already at the time of application (Regulation of the Rectorate relating to the proof of German language skills acc. to §63 par. 10b Universities Act).

For being admitted to regular study programmes (unless the university entrance qualification has been obtained in a German-speaking country) a successfully passed German examination at level B2 (acc. to CEFR) is required (University Preparation Programme).

Full applications will be reviewed by the Admission Department in the order of arrival. The processing of the applications may take some time. In the case of a positive decision, students will get a notice, which they can use for enrolling during the admission period.

Prospective students must enrol in person at the Admission Department during the admission period with the notification of the selected study programme and the required original documents and copies thereof.

Different admission modalities apply and different documents are required, depending on the nationality of the prospective students and the origin of the proof of the general university entrance qualification:


EEA1 Citizens

Required documents for the online application:

  • school-leaving certificate proving eligibility to study at university
  • if necessary up-to-date special university entrance qualification (in addition to a school-leaving certificate, applicants must fulfil all other requirements needed to study the chosen subject in the country where the school-leaving certificate was issued)
  • curriculum vitae (only for the online application)
  • if necessary proof of German language ability (at least A2 level for the online application, B2 for admission)
  • a valid passport or identy card
  • foreign-language documents require translation into German or English (with the exception of Italy and Luxembourg) - if applicable with proper certification - and must be uploaded
  • Austrian insurcance card (E-Card) - if applicable
  • school-leaving


Non-EEA¹ citizens and stateless persons 

Required documents for the online application:

  • school-leaving certificate proving eligibility to study at university
  • (if necessary) transcript of records including number of ECTS-Credits completed
  • a valid passport or identy card
  • curriculum vitae (only for online application)
  • proof of German language ability (at least A2 level for the online application, B2 for admission)

  Information for students with a foreign school-leaving certificate can be found here.

  Information for Admission based on the university entrance qualification examination can be found here.

¹ The EEA (=European Economic Area) comprises the Member States of the EU (= European Union) – Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden – and the signatory states of the EFTA (European Free Trade Association) – Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway.


Tuition fee

Amendments to § 91 Universities Act means that from the summer semester 2013 there are new rules governing tuition fees at the University of Innsbruck.

There are several different rules that apply to students enrolled in standard study programmes. The criteria used to decide which of these rules is to be applied are the nationality of the person, his/her residence entitlement in Austria, and any connections to Austria according to the Austrian Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (“Personengruppenverordnung”).
Non-degree programme students who are enrolled in individual lectures must pay a standard tuition fee of €363.36 per semester.

All students must pay the Austrian Students’ Union fee.

Degree programme students1 exempted from paying tuition fees for a designated period: 

  • EU/EEA citizens (automatically exempted for paying tuition fees for the regular duration of study),
  • students with permanent residency (proof required - online application),
  • students from third countries who are deemed to have a connection to Austria according to the Austrian Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (“Personengruppenverordnung”) (proof required - online application),

Students in any of the abovementioned categories who exceed the regular duration of study by more than two “tolerance semesters” must pay a tuition fee of €363.36 per semester. In individual cases a tuition fee waivermay be granted, meaning that students who have exceeded the regular duration of study by more than two “tolerance semesters” remain exempted from paying the tuition fee.

 1 Degree programme students

Degree programme students1 from third countries

Degree programme students from third countries who are not covered by the Austrian Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (“Personengruppenverordnung”), are not subject to an international agreement and are in possession of a residence permit according to § 64 Settlement and Residence Act (NAG) must pay a tuition fee of 726.72 starting from their first term at university. No reduction of the tuition fee will be granted to these students, even if the tuition fee is paid before the end of the extension period.

1 Degree programme students

Degree programme students1 from Least Developed Countries

Degree programme students from least developed countries (according to the DAC List of ODA Recipients) are automatically exempted from paying the tuition fee. These students do not need to apply for an exemption. However, please be aware that any change of nationality must be communicated to the university without delay.

1 Degree programme students

Non-degree programme2 students (regardless of nationality)

Non-degree programme students admitted to attend individual lectures in scientific fields must pay a tuition fee of €363.36 per semester, regardless of their nationality. There is no increase in this fee, even if payment is not completed before the end of the extension period.

2 Non-degree programme students

Tuition fee waivers and reimbursement

In order for tuition fees to be waived or reimbursed, students must prove that their case fulfils the relevant legal requirements (e.g. working income below the marginal earnings threshold, main person responsible for childcare) and must respect certain deadlines.
Application for tuition fee waiver: by 31 October for the winter semester and by 31 March for the summer semester.
Application for reimbursement: by 31 March for the winter semester and by 30 September for the summer semester.
Information about grounds for granting waivers and reimbursements


Forms and information sheets


   "Meldungsblatt" registration form (enrollment, deregistration, change of study programme) 


Tuition fee

Applications for the tuition fee to be waived or reimbursed must be made via LFU:online:

   written confirmation from a specialist doctor (illness)  

   formal declaration (childcare)


Leave of Absence

Leave of absence


Contact & Information

Admission Department at the University of Innsbruck »
Innrain 52d/Ground Floor 

Bachelor's and Diploma Programmes (Admission with German-language documents) »

Admission Foreign Students » 


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