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Publications of the year 2019 – Universität Innsbruck

Publications of the year 2019

» Reviewed publications
» Books, Conference Proceedings, Reports, Book Reviews, Abstracts, Others
» Diploma & Masters Theses
» Dissertations

Reviewed publications

  • Beisser D., Bock C.,  Hahn M.W.,  Vos M., Sures B., Rahmann S., Boenigk J. (2019). Interaction-specific changes in the transcriptome of Polynucleobacter asymbioticus caused by varying protistan communities. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 1498, 

  • Blasco-Costa I., Seppälä K., Feijen F., Zajac N., Klappert K., Jokela J. (2019). A new species of Atriophallophorus Deblock &Rosé, 1964 (Trematoda: Microphallidae) described from in vitro-grown adults and metacercariae from Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) (Mollusca: Tateidae). Journal of Helminthology 94, 1–15.

  • Blommaert J., Riss S., Hecox-Lea B., Mark Welch D.B., Stelzer C.-P. (2019). Small, but surprisingly repetitive genomes: transposon expansion and not polyploidy has driven a doubling in genome size in a metazoan species complex. BMC Genomics 20: 466,

  • Carrea L., Woolway R. I., Merchant C. J., Dokulil M. T., de Eyto E., DeGasperi C. L., Korhonen J., Marszelewski W., May L., Paterson A. M., Rusak J. A., Schladow S. G., Schmid M., Verburg P., Watanabe S., Weyhenmeyer G. A. (2019). Lake surface temperature [in “State of the Climate in 2018”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100 (9), S13–S16, doi:10.1175/2019BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.

  • Chonova T., Kurmayer R., Rimet F., Labanowski J., Vasselon V., Keck F., Illmer P., Bouchez A. (2019). Benthic Diatom Communities in an Alpine River Impacted by Waste Water Treatment Effluents as Revealed Using DNA Metabarcoding, Frontiers in Microbiology, 10:653. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00653

  • Cieplinski A., Weisse T., Obertegger U. (2019). First study on the male inducing signal in Keratella cochlearis, crowding is the key, Limnologica 77: article 125688,

  • Darienko T., Kang W., Orzechowski A.K., Pröschold T. (2019). Pleurastrosarcina terriformae, a new species of a rare desert trebouxiophycean alga discovered by an integrative approach, Extremophiles 23: 573-586. doi:10.1007/s00792-019-01108-5

  • Darienko T., Pröschold T. (2019). Reevaluation and Discovery of new species of the rare genus Watanabea and establishment of Massjukichlorella gen. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) using an integrative approach, J. Phycol. 55:493-499, doi: 10.1111/jpy.12830

  • Darienko T., Pröschold T. (2019). The genus Jaagichlorella Reisigl (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) and its close relatives: an evolutionary puzzle, Phytotaxa 388 (1): 047–068, doi 10.11646/phytotaxa.388.1.2

  • Darienko T., Rad-Menéndez C., Campbell C., Pröschold T. (2019): Are there any true marine Chlorella species? Molecular phylogenetic assessment and ecology of marine Chlorella-like organisms, including a description of Droopiella gen. nov., Systematics and Biodiversity 17(8): 811-829, DOI: 10.1080/14772000.2019.1690597

  • Hoetzinger, M., Schmidt, J., Pitt, A., Koll, U., Lang, E. and Martin W. Hahn (2019) Polynucleobacter paneuropaeus sp. nov., characterized by six strains isolated from freshwater lakes located along a 3000 km north–south cross-section across Europe. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 69: 203–213

  • Jiang Y., Huang H., Ma T., Ru J., Blank S., Kurmayer R., Deng L. (2019). Temperature response of planktonic microbiota in remote alpine lakes, Front. Microbiol. 10:1714,  doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01714 

  • Leicht K., Jokela J., Seppälä O. (2019). Inbreeding does not alter the response to an experimental heat wave in a freshwater snail. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220669.

  • Leicht K., Seppälä, O. (2019). Direct and transgenerational effects of an experimental heatwave on early life stages in a freshwater snail. Freshwater Biology 64:2131-2140, doi: 10.1111/fwb.13401

  • Limberger R., Pitt A., Hahn M. W., Wickham S. A. (2019). Spatial insurance in multi-trophic metacommunities. Ecology Letters 22:1828-1837 doi: 10.1111/ele.13365

  • Limberger R., Birtel  J., Peter H., Catalán N., da Silva Farias D., Best R.J., Brodersen J., Bürgmann H., Matthews B. (2019). Predator-induced changes in dissolved organic carbon dynamics, Oikos 128: 430-440 doi: 10.1111/oik.05673

  • Maresca J.A., Keffer J. L., Hempel P.P., Polson S.W., Shevchenko O., Bhavsar J., Powell D., Miller K.J., Singh A., Hahn, M.W. (2019). Light modulates the physiology of nonphototrophic Actinobacteria,  Journal of Bacteriology, e00740-18, doi: 10.1128/JB.00740-18 Commentary by Carolyn E. Lubner

  • Pjeta R., Wunderer J., Bertemes P., Hofer T., Salvenmoser W., Lengerer B.; Coassin S., Erhart G, Beisel C., Sobral D., Kremser L., Lindner H, Curini-Galletti M., Stelzer C.P. , Hess M.W., Ladurner P. (2019). Temporary adhesion of the proseriate flatworm Minona ileanae. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B  374:1784. doi/org/10.1098/rstb.2019.0194

  • Pitsch G., Bruni E.P., Forster D., Qu Z., Sonntag B., Stoeck T., Posch T.  (2019). Seasonality of planktonic freshwater ciliates: are analyses based on V9 regions of the 18S rRNA gene correlated with morphospecies counts? Frontiers in Microbiology: Aquatic Microbiology 10:248. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00248

  • Pitt A., Schmidt J., Koll U., Hahn M.W. (2019). Aquirufa antheringensis gen. nov., sp. nov. and Aquirufa nivalisilvae sp. nov., representing a new genus of widespread freshwater bacteria , Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 69:2739-2749 doi 10.1099/ijsem.0.003554

  • Pitt A., Schmidt J., Koll U., Hahn M.W. (2019). Rhodoluna limnophila sp. nov., a bacterium with 1.4 Mbp genome size isolated from freshwater habitats located in Salzburg, Austria. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 69:3946-3954

  • Qian K., Dokulil M., Chen Y. (2019). Do the regular annual extreme water level changes affect the seasonal appearance
    of Anabaena in Poyang Lake? PeerJ 7:e6608 DOI 10.7717/peerj.6608

  • Salo T., Kropf T., Burdon F.J., Seppälä O. (2019). Diurnal variation around an optimum and near-critically high temperature does not alter the performance of an ecothermic aquatic grazer, Ecology and Evolution 9:11695-11706, doi: 10.1002/ece3.5666

  • Scheuerl T., Stelzer C.-P. (2019). Asexual reproduction changes predator population dynamics in a life predator-prey system. Population Ecology 61:210–216,

  • Stelzer C.-P., Pichler M., Stadler P., Hatheuer A., Riss S. (2019): Within-population genome size variation is mediated by multiple genomic elements that segregate independently during meiosis. Genome Biology and Evolution, evz253,

  • Thalinger B., Wolf E., Traugott M., Wanzenböck J. (2019). Monitoring spawning migrations of potamodromous fish species via eDNA, Scientific Reports 9: 15388

  • Vogt R., Mozhayeva D., Steinhoff B., Schardt A., Spelz B. T. F., Philippe A., Kurtz S., Schaumann G. E., Engelhard C., Schönherr C., Lamatsch D.K., Wanzenböck, J. (2019). Spatiotemporal distribution of silver and silver-containing nanoparticles in a prealpine lake in relation to the discharge from a wastewater treatment plant, Science of the Total Environment 696: 134034 PDF

  • Weithoff G., Neumann C., Seiferth J., Weisse T. (2019). Living on the edge - reproduction, dispersal potential, maternal effects and local adaptation in aquatic, acidophilic invertebrates. Aquat. Sci. 81:40, doi: 10.1007/s00027-019-0638-z

  • Weliange W.S., Amarasinghe U.S., Vijverberg J., Leichtfried M., Füreder L. (2019). Comparison of trophic structure of fish assemblages in two tropical streams in Sri Lanka: A seasonal dry-zone stream and a perennial wet-zone stream. International Review of Hydrobiology 104:80-93 doi: 10.1002/iroh.201601867

  • Wirth C., Limberger R., Weisse T. (2019). Temperature x light interaction and tolerance of high water temperature in the planktonic freshwater flagellates Cryptomonas (Cryptophyceae) and Dinobryon (Chrysophyceae). J. Phycol. 55:404-414, DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12826

  • Woolway R., Weyhenmeyer G.A., Schmid M., Dokulil M.T., de Eyto, E., Maberly S.C., May L., Merchant C.J. (2019). Substantial increase in minimum lake surface temperatures under climate change. Climatic Change 155: 8194doi.10.1007/s10584-019-02465-y


Books, Conference Proceedings, Reports, Book Reviews, Abstracts, Others

  • Dokulil M.T. (2019). Gross and Net Production in Different Environments, in: Faith B.D. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2nd edition, vol 2, pp. 334-345, Oxford: Elsevier.

  • Hahn M.W., Koll U., Schmidt J. (2019). Isolation and Cultivation of Bacteria. Pages 313-351.  In: Hurst C. (eds) The Structure and Function of Aquatic Microbial Communities. Advances in Environmental Microbiology, vol 7. Springer, Cham. Link

  • Hahn, M. W. , Hoetzinger, M. (2019). Polynucleobacter . In Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria (eds W. B. Whitman, F. Rainey, P. Kämpfer, M. Trujillo, J. Chun, P. DeVos, B. Hedlund and S. Dedysh). doi:10.1002/9781118960608.gbm00940.pub2

  • Pamminger-Lahnsteiner, B., Winkler K.A., Weiss S., Wanzenböck, J. (2019). Reinanke oder Maräne? Untersuchungen zu Verwandtschaftsverhältnissen und genetischer Vermischung der Coregonen in österreichischen Seen, Österreichs Fischerei 72(4): 94-107.

  • Pitt A., Hahn M.W. (2019). Mikrobiologie in der Schule: Erforschung unbekannter Gewässerbakterien, biologie in unserer Zeit, 49(2): 131-137 doi:10.1002/biuz.201910672

  • Thalinger B., Pütz Y., Kirschner D., Moritz C., Schwarzenberger R., Wanzenböck J., Traugott M. (2019). Revolutionizing fish monitoring in Alpine Rivers, iBOL Barcode Bulletin  doi:10.21083/ibol.v9i1.5798   


Diploma & Masters Theses 

  • Rieser, D. (2019). Systematik, Morphologie und molekulare Phylogenie der Gattung Coleps (Prostomatea, Ciliophora) und deren Endosymbionten, pp. 89, MSc thesis, University of Innsbruck, supervisors: T. Pröschold; B. Sonntag

  • Spanner, C. (2019). Endosymbiotische Süßwasseralgen und ihr Ciliaten-Wirt Paramecium bursaria: Morphologie, Phylogenie und Ökologie, MSc-thesis, University of Innsbruck, supervisors: T. Pröschold; B. Sonntag

  • Wolf, E.M. (2019). Spawning migration of potadromous fish after dam removal investigated via visual observations and eDNA, MSc thesis, pp. 82, University of Innsbruck, supervisor: J. Wanzenböck, the thesis work was funded by Aktion Daniel Swarovski KG, project no 261954.



  • Blommaert, J. (2019). Mechanisms and significance of genome size variation in rotifers, PhD thesis, University of Innsbruck, supervisor: C.-P. Stelzer

  • Chonova, T. (2019). Pharmaceuticals in freshwater environments and their effect on microbial biofilm communities, PhD thesis, pp. 198, University of Innsbruck, supervisor: R. Kurmayer,  additional supervision: A. Bouchez (INRA UMR CARRTEL, France)
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