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Seminar Archive 2009-2007 – University of Innsbruck

Seminar Archive 2009-2007

CMBI Seminar Series 2009

view forthcoming » 

  December 14, 2009:

Martin Krönke, M.D.
Professor and Chairman of the Center for Molecular Medicine, University of Cologne (ZMMK)
More information about Dr. Krönke's work »

Seminar title: TNF signaling and regulation of ROS production
When and Where: 17:15, Peter-Mayr-Str. 1a
Host: Klaus Bister

  November 23, 2009:

Norbert Bischofberger, Ph.D.
Gilead Sciences, Foster City, CA

Seminar title: Science conquers infectious desease: The advancement of drugs against HIV and Influenza
When and Where: 17:15, Chemistry building, Innrain 52a
Host: Hubert Huppertz

  November 2, 2009:

Helmut Ringsdorf, Ph.D. (FRSC)
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Seminar title: How to bridge the gap between Materials Science and Life-Science: Tissue and cell specific polymer antitumor agents - from lab to clinic
When and Where: 17:15, Chemistry building, Innrain 52a
Host: Bernhard Kräutler

  September 7, 2009:

Coenraad M. Adema
University of New Mexico, USA

Seminar title: Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda, Mollusca): responses to immune challenges, a genomics perspective
When and Where: 10:00, Lecture room 1, SOWI, Universitätsstraße 15
Host: Reinhard Dallinger

  June 15, 2009:

Prof. Eric Meggers
University of Marburg, D
More information about Prof. Megger's work »

Seminar title: Bridging bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry: From metals in enzyme inhibitors to metallo-nucleic acids
When and Where: 17:00, Main Lecture Hall of the Chemistry Building, Innrain 52a
Host: Ronald Micura

  May 19, 2009:

Prof. Hugo Kubinyi
University of Heidelberg, D
More information about the work »

Seminar title: Arzneistoffforschung im Wandel
When and Where: 19:30, Lecture hall, Institute of Pharmacy, Josef-Möller-Haus, 1st floor
Host: Gerhard Wolber

  May 15, 2009:

Maria Waldhoer, Ph.D.
Institute of Experimental & Clinical Pharmacology, Medical University Graz

Seminar title: Ligands and Signaling of the novel cannabinoid receptor GPR55
When and Where: 09:00, Seminar room, Institute of Pharmacy, Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Peter-Mayr-Str. 1
Host: Jörg Striessnig

  May 14, 2009:

Prof. Dr. Michaela Kress
Department of Physiology and Medical Physics, Innsbruck Medical University

Seminar title: Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and S1P receptor signalling in sensory neurons
When and Where: 18:15, Main Lecture Hall of the Chemistry Building, Innrain 52a
Host: Helmut Schmidhammer

  May 8, 2009:

Dr. Daniela Pollak
Institute of Physiology, Medical University of Vienna

Seminar title: Learned Safety - from mice to men
When and Where: 09:00, Seminar room, Institute of Pharmacy, Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Peter-Mayr-Str. 1
Host: Jörg Striessnig

  March 23, 2009:

Dr. Arindam Majumdar
Department of Genetics and Pathology, Rudbecklaboratoriet, Uppsala University, Sweden

Seminar title: The Zebrafish Pronephros: Development and Disease in the swish of a fin
When and Where: 16:00, Seminar room, Institute of Zoology, Technikerstrasse 25, ground floor
Host: Dirk Meyer

  January 26, 2009:

SymbolbildPhilipp Keller, Ph.D.
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), University of Heidelberg, Germany

Seminar title: Quantitative reconstruction of development in entire zebrafish embryos
When and Where: 16:00, Seminar room, Institute of Zoology, Technikerstrasse 25, ground floor
Host: Dirk Meyer

Abstract: A long-standing goal of biology is to map the behavior of all cells during vertebrate embryogenesis. We developed digital scanned laser light sheet fluorescence microscopy and recorded nuclei localization and movement in entire wild-type and mutant zebrafish embryos over the first 24 hours of development. Multiview in vivo imaging at 1.5 billion voxels per minute provides "digital embryos," that is, comprehensive databases of cell positions, divisions, and migratory tracks. Our analysis of global cell division patterns reveals a maternally defined initial morphodynamic symmetry break, which identifies the embryonic body axis. We further derive a model of germ layer formation and show that the mesendoderm forms from one-third of the embryo's cells in a single event. Our digital embryos, with 55 million nucleus entries, are provided as a resource.

Please note that the location has changed for this seminar (Hörsaal HSB2, Technikerstraße 13b, Hörsaaltrakt, Baufakultät)

  January 12, 2009:

SymbolbildProf. Dr. Kaspar Locher
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Seminar title: Structure and mechanism of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters
Host: Bernhard Kräutler

Abstract: ABC transporters are ubiquitous membrane proteins that couple hydrolysis of ATP to the translocation of diverse substrates across cellular membranes. Whereas ABC importers (only present in prokaryotes) catalyze the uptake of essential nutrients from the environment, ABC exporters facilitate the extrusion of various compounds, including drugs and antibiotics, from the cytoplasm. Recent crystal structures have revealed the basic architectures of these proteins and have suggested transport mechanisms.

CMBI Seminar Series 2008

view forthcoming » 

  December 1, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Dr. Max Gassmann
Inst. of Veterinary Physiology and Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP), University of Zurich, Switzerland

Seminar title: Erythropoietin, an old hormone with many new functions
Host: Bernd Pelster

Abstract: The "blood hormone" erythropoietin (Epo) is commonly used to treat anemia. However, in recent years, several tissue-protective effects of Epo have been uncovered showing that Epo protects agains stroke, myocardial infarct and retinal degeneration. Additionally, Epo has entered into the deceitful pursuit of glory of the athletic community. By generating Epo-overexpressing transgenic mice that reach hematocrit leveles up to 90%, we provide novel information for the adaptive, protective and degenerative processes to Epo and its induced excessive erythrocytosis that might be translated for patients (and athletes that misuse Epo).

  November 17, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Dr. Jerzy W. Jaroszewski
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Seminar title: Paradigm shift in natural product research
Host: Hermann Stuppner

Abstract: Natural products continue to be the main source of chemical diversity, of interest for discovery of leads for new drugs. Unfortunately, due to earlier practical difficulties related to the extreme laboriousness and unpredictability of natural product isolation, as well as incompatibilities of natural extracts with industry-standard screens, Big Pharma has abandoned drug-discovery programs based on natural products, leaving research in this area to academic environments and small businesses. However, recent technological advances provide unprecedented productivity gains that have removed many bottlenecks inherent to traditional natural product research.

  November 3, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Dr. Jean Pierre Schermann
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Institut Galileé, Université Paris, France

Seminar title: Structures of mass-selected biomolecular ions by means of infrared spectroscopy
Host: Paul Scheier

Abstract: The combination of a mass-spectrometer and a widely-tunable free electron laser allows the determination of biomolecular ion structure such as peptides, oligonucleotides and drugs. An attempt is made to connect those gas-phase studies to bioactivity.

  October 20, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Dr. Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch
Institute of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Innsbruck

Seminar title: Thiomers: From bench to first products
Host: Bernhard Kräutler

Abstract: Due to the immobilization of thiol groups on various well-established polymers their adhesive, gelling, permeation enhancing and enzyme inhibiting properties are strongly improved. Within recent years the potential of thiolated polymers - designated thiomers - was demonstrated in numerous product developments.

  October 6, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Diethard K. Bohme
Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto, Canada

Seminar title: Searching for Chemical Origins of Life in Interstellar Clouds
Host: Paul Scheier

Abstract: Chemistry can happen even under the extreme conditions of low temperature and low pressure found in interstellar space and lead to molecular growth. This growth can be studied in the laboratory and will be illustrated with ion-molecule reactions leading to the formation of small molecules (e.g. water and methane) as well as amino acids and other prebiotic molecules. Such prebiotic molecules may form before, during or after their transport on small interstellar (dust) particles to larger celestial bodies such as our earth, where they may serve as the seeds of life.

  July 3, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Dr. Robert Huber
MPI of Biochemistry, Martinsried/Munich, University of Duisburg-Essen, Center for Medical Biotechnology, Essen, Germany + School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK

Seminar title: Proteases and their regulation, from structures to mechanisms and application
Host: Bernhard Kräutler

Abstract: Proteolytic enzymes catalyse a very simple chemical reaction, the hydrolytic cleavage of a peptide bond. Nevertheless they constitute a most diverse and numerous lineage of proteins. The reason lies in their role as components of many regulatory physiological cascades in all organisms. To serve this purpose and to avoid unwanted destructive action proteolytic activity must be strictly controlled. Control is based on different mechanisms which I will discuss and illustrate with examples of systems and structures determined in my laboratory: a) by specific inhibition with natural and synthetic nhibitors b) by enzymatic specificity c) by activation from inactive precursors accompanied or not by allosteric changes d) by co-localization of enzyme and substrate e) by cofactor binding accompanied or not by allosteric changes f) by controlled access to the proteolytic site. The regulatory principles offer new opportunities of intervention for therapeutic purposes and use in crop science.

  June 26, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Dr. Wilhelm Boland
Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany

Seminar title: Herbivore-induced early and late responses in Plant-Insect Interactions
Host: Bernhard Kräutler

Abstract: Feeding herbivores elicit defence responses in the damaged plants, typically the emission of a blend of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and extrafloral nectar that mediate interactions with the enemies of the herbivore (indirect defenses). The defenses are initiated by the mechanical damage and the oral secretions (OS) of the herbivore. Microarrays covering the genome of A. thaliana demonstrated that almost 6000 genes were either up- or down regulated, even after simple mechanical damage. Interestingly, the salivary secretions of the feeding insects seem are responsible for a significant reprogramming in distant leaves that is not observed after mechanical damage. The complexity of interactions with focus on the very early events will be discussed.

  May 29, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Steve Wilson
University College London, UK

Seminar title: Development of an asymmetric brain - from genes to circuits
Host: Dirk Meyer

Abstract: Our research is aimed at elucidating how the brain takes shape, how neurons acquire their identities and how they integrate into functional circuits. One focus is to study how left-right asymmetries are generated in the brain. I will present data showing how Fgf(fibroblast growth factor) signalling breaks symmetry in the brain and will discuss how neurons interpret early left/right asymmetries to differentiate with different terminal morphologies on left and right sides of the brain.

  May 8, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Dr. Peter Hinterdorfer
Institute of Biophysics, University of Linz, Austria

Seminar title: Molecular recognition force microscopy/spectroscopy: A single molecule method for analyzing receptor ligand interactions
Host: Jörg Striessnig

Abstract: In molecular recognition force microscopy, ligands are covalently attached to atomic force microscopy tips to study molecular recognition of their cognitive receptors on probe surfaces at the single molecule level. Molecular receptor/ligand interaction forces measured yield information about the binding pocket, binding energy barriers, and kinetic reaction rates. Applications on isolated proteins, native membranes, viruses, and cells will be shown. I will also present method for the localization specific binding sites and epitopes with nm positional accuracy that was recently developed.

  April 10, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Dr. Andreas Villunger
Biocenter Division of Developmental Immunology, Innsbruck Medical University

Seminar title: About the role of BH3-only proteins, pro-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family, in cell death and disease
Host: Bernhard Kräutler

• Programmed cell death is a critical process that regulates tissue remodeling during embryogenesis and maintains tissue homeostasis during adult life.
• BH3-only proteins act as sentinels in the cell and once activated trigger apoptosis in response to a borad number of stress signals.
• Loss of BH3-only proteins impairs cell death responses and facilitates pathologies such as cancer or autoimmunity.
• Our laboratory investigates the role of BH3-only proteins in normal hemopoiesis and malignant diseases of the blood.

  March 13, 2008:

SymbolbildProf. Dr. Nicole Frankenberg-Dinkel
Physiology of Microorganisms, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
More information about Dr. Frankenberg-Dinkel's work »

Seminar title: Efficient phage-mediated pigment biosynthesis in oceanic cyanobacteria
Host: Bernhard Kräutler

Abstract: Some marine viruses that infect cyanobacteria (cyanophage) encode enzymes involved in cyanobacterial pigment biosyntheses. One of the phage encoded genes codes for phycoerythrobilin synthase. This enzyme single-handedly catalyzes a reaction for which uninfected host cells require two consecutive enzymes. Biochemical and structural data on this novel enzyme will be presented and discussed with respect to its possible function during cyanobacterial infection.

  January 24, 2008:

Eduard STEFAN, Ph.D.
Research Associate at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Montreal, Canada
More information about Dr. Stefan's work »

Seminar title: Crossroads in signaling pathways: Dissecting dynamic protein interaction networks involving protein kinase A
Host: Klaus Bister

Abstract: Protein-protein interaction, cellular signaling, drug development.

CMBI Seminar Series 2007

view forthcoming » 

  November 22, 2007:

Manfred Auer, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Head of Innovative Screening Technologies, Novartis GmbH, Vienna
More information about Dr. Auer's work »

Seminar title: Single bead, single compound, single molecule and single cell technologies as key elements of an integrated chemical biophysics process for drug screening and target validation
Host: Jörg Striessnig

Area of Research: Drugs and drug targets

  October 18, 2007:

Wolfgang Driever, Ph.D.
Professor at the Institute of Biology I (Zoology), University of Freiburg, Germany
More information about Dr. Driever's work »

Seminar title: Genetic analysis of dopaminergic neural development in zebrafish
Host: Dirk Meyer

Area of Research: Developmental biology, embryonic development of vertebrates (zebrafish)

  May 3, 2007:

Michael Gait, Ph.D.
Senior Group Leader, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC, Cambridge, UK
More information about Dr. Gait's work »

Seminar title: Modulation of gene expression by PNA conjugated to cell penetrating peptides
Host: Ronald Micura

Area of Research: Applications of synthetic oligonucleotide analogues and their peptide conjugates

  March 29, 2007:

Regine Kahmann, Ph.D.
Professor and Director at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany
More information about Dr. Kahmann's work »

Seminar title: Living in pretend harmony: the establishment of biotrophy in the Ustilago maydis maize pathosystem
Host: Klaus Bister

Area of Research: Organismic interactions, molecular phytopathology

  March 15, 2007:

Daniel Wilson, Ph.D.
Group Leader at the LMU Gene Center, University of Munich, Germany (Formerly: Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany)
More information about Dr. Wilson's work »

Seminar title: Antibiotic inhibition of the universal translator, the ribosome
Host: Ronald Micura

Area of Research: Structure and function of ribosomes

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