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News & Events


News & Events



Wie kann man Flucht anders denken?

Information stand at this year's LANGE NACHT DER FORSCHUNG

Further information


Second Walk in Solidarity with Refugees, inspired by and in support of Refugee Tales


Treffpunkt: Haltestelle Schloss Ambras oder 10.30    

Spaziergang nach Tantegert; Begrüßung und Kennenlernen

11.00 – 12.30 
bequeme Wanderung mit ‘Story Stops‘  durch den Wald auf den Lanser Kopf and am Lanser Moor vorbei nach Igls

12.30 – 14.00 
Picknick im Kurpark Igls oder bei schlechtem Wetter Zusammenkunft im Flüchtlingsheim Sistrans

Bitte mitbringen: Regen- und Sonnenschutz (wir wandern bei jedem Wetter), Trinkwasser, Jause (wenn möglich auch zum Teilen) und eine Geschichte von einer besonderen Begegnung, wahr oder frei erfunden

Dank für ihre Unterstützung gilt den Bewohnern der Flüchtlingsheims Sistrans und ihrer Betreuerin Helga Wach, dem Übersetzer Sabih Mohammad und unserem musikalischen Begleiter Ahmad Hasan.


Walk in Solidarity with Refugees and in support of Refugee Tales


10.00   Treffpunkt 1:  Bushaltestelle Sistrans Dorf Bewohner des Flüchtlingsheimes Sistrans werden Wandernde empfangen und sie zum Treffpunkt 2 begleiten

10.30     Treffpunkt 2 (für AutofahrerInnen): Fussballplatz Sistrans 

10.30 – 11.00  Begrüßung und Kennenlernen

11.00 – 12.30  bequeme Wanderung mit ‘Story Stops‘ über den schattigen, aber auch weitgehend regengeschützten Speckbacherweg zum Congresspark Igls

12.30 – 14.00  Picknick und Erzählung aus „Freitag ist ein guter Tag zum Flüchten“ von Elyas Jamalzadeh und Andreas Hepp

14.30 – 15.30  bei gutem Wetter und, wenn gewünscht, Rückweg durch den Ullwald und am Oachkatzlbrunnen vorbei nach Sistrans

Bitte mitbringen:  Regen- und Sonnenschutz (wir wandern bei jedem Wetter), Trinkwasser, Jause (wenn möglich auch zum Teilen) und eine Geschichte von einer besonderen Begegnung, wahr oder frei erfunden

Dank für Unterstützung gilt dem Flüchtlingsheim Sistrans, dem Institut für Anglistik und dem Forschungsschwerpunkt „Kulturelle Begegnungen – Kulturelle Konflikte“ der Universität Innsbruck.


Telling Encounters

Public reading from students' journals. 

16.00 – 17.00 | HS 2 Geiwi-Turm: "Refugee Tales and the Politics of Welcome: Walking Against the Expulsive Environment" – a guest lecture by David Herd (University of Kent, UK) about Refugee Tales, an initiative of the Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group which shares the tales of people held in immigration detention and those who work with them. The project has ensued in four volumes of tales of detention as well as in Solidarity Walks organised not only in the UK but all over the world. (

18.00 – 19.30 | Leokino: Citizen Xenos – a film screening and discussion with the director, Lucas Paleocrassas. The feature documentary describes the impact of refugees’ arrival on the lives of different individuals on the Island of Lesbos in the summer of 2015. In evocative images it captures the dramatic changes caused by the event of migration and the hope for a new beginning. 

free admission

Film posters


More Than a Story: "Writing Refugee Narratives"– Closing Event

Public reading from students' journals. 

More Than a Story


"An Arena for Transcultural Narration with Refugees"

Online guest lecture by Helga Ramsey-Kurz for the study unit "Narratives of Displacement" at the University of Malta (


"Pathways to an Awareness of Implication"

Reflections on ARENA presented by Marc Delrez and Helga Ramsey-Kurz at the international hybrid CEREP-workshop "Moving the Centre" organised by Delphine Munos at the University of Liège.


"Migration, Asylum, Border Control

Talk by Mag. Christian Schmalzl, Deputy Director of the Federal Police Directorate Tyrol (LPD), given in the context of this term's "Writing Refugee (Encounter) Narratives" seminar at


Start of the  winter term online seminar "Writing Refugee (Encounter) Narratives"at

For more information on the seminar please see the university course catalogue at


"Telling Encounters with Refugees"

Special panel with participants in the ARENA project presented at Transcultural Mo(ve)ments: Memories, Writings, Embodiments, the17th triennial conference of EACLALS (European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies) in Cardiff.

Annetta Benzar: "The Confluence of Space: Cyprus and the Woman Migrant"

Virginia Monteforte: "Questioning Categories: Objects of Resistance and Memory in Displacement"

Marta Cariello: "Dis-identifying the Crossing: Mediterranean Migrations and the Archive of Identity"

Mina Karavanta: "Migration, Hospitality and Decolonial Politics in the Long Present"

Petra Tournay-Theodotou: "Refugee Narratives for Children and Young Adults"

Katayoun Zarei Toossi: "Camilla Gibb’s Sweetness in the Belly as a Translational Space of Empathy"

Helga Ramsey-Kurz: "Troubling Relations: The Refugee, the Critic and the Nation State"

For more information on the conference see


"Telling Encounters: Archiving Refugee Narratives"

Invited talk by Helga Ramsey-Kurz given at the CEREP Symposium, “Postcolonial Literary Bibliographies and Archives,” at the University of Liège.


"Towards the Better Imagined: Telling Encounters with Refugees"

Keynote lecture by Helga Ramsey-Kurz for the international symposium, "Representations of the Dispossessed in the Twenty-First Century: Hospitality, Human Rights and the Subterfuges of Neoliberal Thinking" organised by Mina Karavanta at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


"Writing Refugee Narratives"– Closing Event

Public reading from students' journals.

Writing a Pocket full of stories


"Writing Refugee Narratives" – Closing Event

Public reading from students' journals.

Life Writing
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