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Guidelines for Students – University of Innsbruck




Lecture Examinations 

For lectures, where grades are based on a single examination at the end of the lecture, three examination dates are offered within a period of two semesters. The examination dates and the link to the registration/cancellation are available at the course catalogue at the respective lecture.

There are generally deadlines for registration and cancellation from lecture examinations (valid for courses in presence):

  • Start of registration:
    5 weeks before the examination
  • End of registration:
    2 weeks before the examination (late registrations via e-mail will not be considered!)
  • End of cancellation:
    48 hours before the examination

If you fail to appear without providing valid reason, you are not permitted to take the
examination at the next examination date.

We strongly suggest to complete the examinations directly after completing the respective lecture!


Repetition of Course Examinations 

The third and fourth repetition (= fourth and fifth attempt) of a course examination must be held as a board examination if the examination is conducted as a single examination (e.g. lecture exam). The student may also request that for the second repetition (= third attempt) of a course examination. The student must complete the form ‘Antrag um Zulassung zur Dritten und Vierten Wiederholung zu einer Lehrveranstaltungsprüfung’ (Request for admission to the third an fourth repetition of a lecture exam) and submit it to the Examination Office at least two weeks before the examination. The form and more information are available here (Studienprofilseite).

The Examination Board is selected in consultation with the lecturer according to these requirements. Students are entitled during registration to express preference for a particular examiner (Satzung § 19). The Exams Office will obtain the signature of the Director of Studies.

At the start of each semester, the teachers must inform the students of the examination method of their courses (written/oral). The determined examination method of a course does not change, if the examination is held by an examination board, except a student provides evidence of long-term disability that makes it impossible for him/her to take an examination in the prescribed form (Satzung § 22).

The students are not entitled to an individual examination date, but the determined examination dates of a course must be taken. Individual agreements between students and assessors concerning the scheduling of examinations are permitted.

Failed continuous assessment courses are to be repeated in their entirety.

Students shall be entitled to repeat passed examinations up to twelve months after taking them (...). The result of the passed examination shall become null and void when the resit is taken - UG 2002 § 77 (1).

It is recommended to contact the student representatives.


Procedure for the allocation of places for lectures with a limited number of participants 

This procedure is regulated in the curriculum.

In courses with a limited number of participants, course places are allocated as follows:

  1. Students for whom the study duration would be extended due to the postponement are to be given priority.
  2. If the criteria in Z 1 do not suffice, first, students for whom this course is part of a compulsory module are to be given priority, and second, students for whom this course is part of an elective module.
  3. If the criteria in Z 1 and 2 do not suffice, the available places are drawn by random.

Registered students who are not present at the first date of a course with continuous assessment (PS, SE, VU, PR, PJ)  are not entitled to a place!


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