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Archive – Universität Innsbruck

Radio podcast The English Frequency:

Episode 6 of our podcast series features a reportage from the Christopher Street Day parade in Innsbruck, and each member of our brave team of students chooses a song for entry into our Jukebox Jury. Which song will win? Have a listen and find out…

Click here for more information!

The radio team will be performing a live set at Waltherpark on 8th September at 16:30 as part of Freirad’s annual ‘Radio im Park’ event.


Radio podcast The English Frequency:

Our latest podcast features an interview with representatives from the LGBTQ+ student club at the University of Innsbruck, who tell us about the work they do, the support they provide, and how they would like to see the future at the university. In addition to our hard-working team discussing the topic of LGBTQ+ representation at the uni, we also look at popular hang-out spots in the city and what different ways there are of spending one’s free time during the hot summer months.

Click here for more information! 


Radio podcast The English Frequency:

Our latest podcast features an interview with the director of the International Film Festival Innsbruck (IFFI)Anna Ladinig, about the recent festival that took place in Innsbruck this year. In addition, we discuss our recent visit to Innsbruck’s Landestheater to see a production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, organised by Professor Dorothee Birke. Hear what she and our fellow students had to say about the evening!

Click here for more information! 

Radio podcast The English Frequency:


By the students, for the students –  James McCallum and his team of hard-working students give an insight into what goes on in the English department at the University Innsbruck. They present the work they do, their events, student experiences, and much more.

The show gives the students a collective voice in community radio and enables them to hold  interviews with teachers, talk about Erasmus exchange experiences, drama productions, readings and performances, and play their favorite music.

Click here for more information!


Second show: 

The students from the English department at the University of Innsbruck are back for our second show, and it’s a cracker! First, we discuss the work/study balance which students have to face on a daily basis, combining our own opinions and experiences with those of our on-campus interviewees. We then follow this by taking a look at the upcoming ÖH/StV elections, including more on-campus interviews with fellow students, an interview with the head of the StV Englisch Lehramt, and an another in-studio discussion amongst the team!


Debut show: 

Welcome to The English Frequency! A brand-new podcast by students of English at the University of Innsbruck! On our first show, we discuss Women’s History Month and the student housing crisis in Innsbruck. Join us for some insightful, serious yet light-hearted chat, get to meet the team, and enjoy our selection of songs of female emancipation.

Save the Date: Event on Erasmus+ Exchange Opportunities

When: 6 June 2023, 5.15 pm

Where: Hörsaal G (Hauptgebäude) Innrain 52, 2nd floor

Organised by: Department of English (Dr. Anja Hartl) and International Relations Office


This event will provide you with information on the department’s Erasmus+ partner universities, the application process, and alternative programmes for going abroad.


Please direct any questions to




More information










Inaugural Lectures


On Friday, November 11, the inaugural lectures of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dorothee Birke (Chair of Anglophone Literatures) and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Singer (Chair of British and Anglophone Cultural Studies) took place. Both scholars took up their present positions in 2021. Due to pandemic restrictions, the inaugural lectures had to be postponed to 2022. Many colleagues, friends and family members from near and far came to congratulate Dorothee Birke and Christoph Singer to their professorships. Dr. Andrew “Chunky” Liston from the University of Jena festively accompanied the event on the bagpipe.





Dr. Ulla Ratheiser, Head of Department, welcomed guests, led through the programme and expressed her thanks to Dorothee Birke and Christoph Singer for bringing their expertise to the Department. The new professors were also welcomed and thanked by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Fügenschuh, Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Teaching, on behalf of Rector Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Tilmann Märk.





Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Donat, Dean of the Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture, highlighted the academic excellence and the team spirit of both professors in his speech and went on to introduce Christoph Singer. Border studies, spatial practices and narratives and mental health figure prominently in Christoph Singer’s research interests. Accordingly, the first inaugural lecture of the evening was entitled “Grenzen der Erinnerung: Die Teilung Britisch-Indiens im transkulturellen Gedächtnis”. It revolved around the ways in which narratives of partition turn the border between India, Pakistan and Bangladesh into a site of forgetfulness and serve as exclusionary mechanisms.





After a musical interlude, Dean Sebastian Donat presented Dorothee Birke. Her research interests include reading and book culture, economic criticism and political drama. In her inaugural lecture “Was wir von Jane Austen über die digitale Lesekultur lernen können”, Dorothee Birke introduced the audience to the concept of digital reading culture on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. She drew parallels between sentimental reading practices in the 18th and 21st century.





After the formal part of the event, guests were treated to drinks and canapés by caterer “Klein und Fein”.









The Departments of English and of American Studies will be hosting a small welcome event for our first semester students during the first week of the upcoming semester. We would love for you to attend.

Please save the respective date: Wednesday, 5 October 2022, 6:15pm, HS 3 

Power Point File



Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place

University of Innsbruck
23-24 September 2022





Der Standard-Interview with Dr. Monika Kirner-Ludwig: "Valyrisch oder Sindarin: So entsteht eine Fantasysprache".


























Ringvorlesung "Our Own Shakespeare"







Das Institut für Anglistik beglückwünscht Veronika Peintner, die für ihre Diplomarbeit zum Thema „Female Confinement in Sarah Waters’ Fingersmith and Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White and a Didactic Approach to the Topicmit dem GenderFemPreis 2020 ausgezeichnet wurde. Betreuerin der Arbeit war Dorothee Birke. Aufgrund der Pandemie konnte der Preis erst im Februar 2022 verliehen werden.








Kurzportraits der neuen ProfessorInnen am Institut für Anglistik:


Univ.-Prof. Dorothee Birke

Univ.-Prof. Christoph Singer

Tagung „Afrikaforschung in Österreich: Zugänge und Perspektiven“:






Alumni Homecoming Days










The Procrastinators are celebrating 60 years of British Rock & Pop live at The Galway Bay Irish Pub and invite you onto a journey through the decades.

- Film Screening & Concert
- Hosted by the students of British Rock  and Ulrich Pallua from the Department of English, University of Innsbruck
- The Galway Bay Irish Pub
- Saturday, February 2, 20:30
- Admission Fee: Voluntary Donation

See video


Frau Ass.-Prof. Dr. Monika Kirner-Ludwig erhält Mittel aus der Nachwuchsförderung




Pathos in Late-Medieval Religious Drama and Art explores the connections between the language of European late-medieval drama and co-temporary themes and motifs in visual communication, focussing on the triggering of emotional reactions in the viewers as a persuasive device.
Writer in Residence: Xiaolu Guo 


















The programme can be downloaded here.

Official website:




The programme can be downloaded here.

Official website:




New publication by Ulrich Pallua and his students:



Video: Shakespeare damals und heute (mit Prof. Sibylle Baumbach)




Our media archive has reopened! Opening hours: Tuesday, 4 to 5 pm, room 40440 at the Department of English.














Download the programme here.


Photo gallery


Newsroom report




Auszeichnung für Kathrin Oberhofer: Lehreplus!-Preis


The conference "Returning the Gaze: Stories of Resistance" kicks off this week with a film screening on Thursday. On Friday and Saturday "Returning the Gaze" offers papers and workshops during the day, and on Friday at 19:00 the play "Weisser Peter" at the Westbahntheater! Check out the website with all the details about the programme and events:

Returning the Gaze Part II












15th Triennial Conference of EACLALS


Innsbruck, 14-18 April, 2014

Conference Convenor: Helga Ramsey-Kurz (


Symposium: The Pragmatics of Aspect in Varieties of English


Am 16. und 17. April 2012 veranstaltete das Institut für Anglistik unter der Leitung von Univ.-Prof. Gabriella Mazzon das Symposium „The Pragmatics of Aspect in Varieties of English“. Ziel der Veranstaltung war neben der Präsentation neuester Forschungsarbeiten zum Thema Aspekt in englischen Varietäten auch die Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit mit FachkollegInnen aus dem In- und Ausland.

Mit Prof. Bernd Kortmann (Universität Freiburg) und Prof. Raymond Hickey (Universität Duisburg/Essen) konnten zwei ausgewiesene Experten in diesem Fachgebiet als Plenarvortragende gewonnen werden. Prof. Kortmann widmete sich zunächst der Begriffsklärung der strittigen Termini Pragmatik und Aspekt, um anschließend anhand des WAVE-Projekts der Universität Freiburg (einer umfassenden Online-Datenbank zu englischen Varietäten) neue Möglichkeiten für eine systematische Varietätenforschung aufzuzeigen. Im zweiten Plenumsvortrag gab Prof. Hickey einen Überblick über die Ausbreitung englischer Varietäten weltweit, wiederum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Aspekts.

In den weiteren Vorträgen wurden einerseits die theoretischen Grundlagen der Aspekt- und Varietätenforschung kritisch hinterfragt, andererseits aber auch „alltagsrelevante“ Forschungsfragen diskutiert, wie z. B. der vielzitierte Werbeslogan einer amerikanischen Fast-Food-Kette: „I’m loving it“. Es stellte sich die Frage, ob diese ungewöhnliche Verwendung des Aspekts nur als besondere Spielform der Werbesprache verstanden werden sollte, oder ob sie gar als Indikator für einen Sprachwandel im Englischen steht.

Schließlich wurde Aspekt auch aus pädagogischer Perspektive betrachtet. Englischlernende müssen sich die sprachspezifischen Konzepte Tempus und Aspekt oft erst zu eigen machen. Dies stellt nicht nur für Studierende sondern auch für Lehrende eine besondere Herausforderung dar.

Das Programmheft zum Symposium kann hier heruntergeladen werden.


iPoint Artikel: Die Macht der Sprache(n) (zur Forschungsarbeit von Prof. Ulrike Jessner-Schmid)





Die Broschüre zum Research Day kann hier heruntergeladen werden!



Welcome to our first departmental research day!


The full programme can be downloaded here!



iPoint Porträt über Prof. Gabriella Mazzon



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