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Richard Weiskopf – Universität Innsbruck

Richard Weiskopf

Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Institut für Organisation und Lernen

Universitätsstraße 15
A-6020 Innsbruck

Sprechstunde: Montag, 10.30 - 12.00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung

Tel. +43 512 507-71472

Richard Weiskopf


Academic qualifications

Mag. rer.soc.oec. (Magister der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaft) Universität Innsbruck 1989. (Business Education)

Diplomarbeit (Soziologie): “Entwicklung einer organisationalen Kommunikationskultur. Eine Kritische. Darstellung auf der Grundlage der Theorie des Kommunikativen Handelns von Jürgen Habermas“

Dr. rer. soc. oec. (Doktor der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften) Universität Innsbruck 1993. (Business Administration)

“Personalproduktion und Menschenfertigung. Ideologiekritik von

Personalentwicklung und Unternehmenskultur”)

(Supervisor: Prof. Stephan Laske (Business administration) and Prof. Max Preglau (Soziologie) – Innsbruck)

Venia docendi in Business Administration – Habilitation: “Überschreitungen. Auf dem Weg zu einer ethisch-ästhetischen Konzeption von Organisation” Universität Innsbruck 2007

(internal referees: Prof. Ekkehard Kappler, Prof. Albrecht Becker – external referees external: Prof. Oswald Neuberger (Augsburg) und Prof. Günther Ortmann (Hamburg).



since 2015      

Professor of organization theory at the Department of Organization and Learning (Innsbruck) (Inaugural Lecture:

since 2007  

Associate Professor at the Department of Organization and Learning (Innsbruck)  


Assistant Professor at the Department of Organization and Learning (Innsbruck)


Research Fellow at UMIST (University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology (Prof. David Knights und Prof. Hugh Willmott)



External research assignments


Visiting Research Fellow at UMIST (University of Manchester, Institute of

Science and Technology (Prof. David Knights und Prof. Hugh Willmott) (ERWIN SCHROEDINGER RESEARCH Grant)


Visiting researcher at the UTS (University of Syndey, Prof. Stewart Clegg)


Visiting professor at the CBS (Copenhagen Business School, Prof. Pierre Guillet de Monthoux, Prof. Daniel Hjorth, Prof. Bent Meyer Soerensen)


Research grants/third-party funding


Research project funded by the FWF, Vienna (Projectnr. P19086-G11)

“Re-Creating Organization: Organizing work and the work of organizing as ethico-aesthetic practice.”

Project-leader: Dr. Richard Weiskopf

Members of the Project-team: Mag. Bernadette Loacker and Mag. Mario Vötsch

time: june 2006 – june 2010

sum: € 210.000.-


Project funded by BMWFJ (Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft- Innovationscheck I (€ 5000.-) „Analysis of the innovative potential of the company Baumfried“)


Project funded by BMWFJ (Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft- Innovationscheck I (€ 5000.-) “Innovative Concept for Social Entrepreneurship ‘Lebensqualitätswerkstatt’)


ERWIN-SCHROEDINGER Stipendium Project: “Personnel, Organization and Identity” an der University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology [UMIST] (Prof. David Knights and Prof. Hugh Willmott).


Organizing work and the work of organizing as ethico-aesthetic practice –
a theoretical and empirical study of new modes of organizing


Projekt gefördert von: FWF (Fonds zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung)  

Laufzeit: Juli 2006 – Juli 2010

Projektleitung: Richard Weiskopf

Projektmitarbeiter*in: Bernadette Loacker, Mario Vötsch

Homepage: Re-Creating



Currently we are witnessing fundamental changes in the organization of work, which are associated with far-reaching challenges to both individuals and organizations. The project aims to respond to these challenges on an empirical and on a theoretical-conceptual level. In particular the project aims to re-conceptualize “organization” in a way that goes beyond technical-instrumental views and treats questions of ethics and of creativity/aesthetics as immanent to organizational practices and processes. On a theoretical level, the project is mainly informed by poststructuralist philosophies.

Empirically the project focuses on practices of organizing in the important yet under-researched field of the so-called “creative industries“. In this field “culturepreneurs“ and the unfolding of their creativity are essential factors that determine both the success and the form of organizations. With respect to the organization of work, this field is seen as playing a precursor role. These forms are paradigmatic for a new, “post-disciplinary” mode of organizing work that is characterised by high levels of flexibility, mobility, creativity, self-responsibility and self-management. The analysis of the creative potentials as well as the limitations and demands associated with these forms of work, promises insights that go far beyond the narrower field of study.

The investigation of practices of organizing in the creative industries (in particular music industry, theatre and architecture branch) will firstly allow a deeper understanding of the effects that different forms of work and the associated modes of organizing have on the life-world of working people and the subjectivities of human beings.

Secondly, it will provide the empirical basis for a grounded theorizing that will lead to a re-conceptualization of management and organization of work as ethico-aesthetic practice. Besides this innovation on a theoretical-conceptual level, the investigation of this field will, thirdly, provide genuine insight into a sector to which a considerable prognostic potential is attributed. Therefore, a high degree of “cross-fertilization“ is to be expected.



Antrittsvorlesung / Inaugural Lecture

Weiskopf, R. (2016/2018) Wieviel Wahrheit verträgt die Organisation? Die Praktik der parrhesia als Herausforderung für moderne Organisation, Antrittsvorlesung Betriebswirtschaftliche Fakultät Innsbruck, Innsbruck 2018



Krell, G., & Weiskopf, R. 2006. Die Anordnung der Leidenschaften. Wien: Passagen.

Weiskopf, R. (Ed.). 2003. Menschenregierungskünste. Anwendungen poststrukturalistischer Analyse auf Management und Organisation. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.


Special issues

Heinrichs, R., Loacker, B. & Weiskopf, R. (eds) (2019) Special issue: The ethico-politics of whistleblowing: Mediated truth-telling in digital cultures. Ephemera. Critical Dialogs on Organization, 19(4), 671-696.

Jeannes, E., Loacker, B. Sliva, M., Weiskopf, R., (editors). (2015) Mobilities in contemporary worlds of work and organization. Special issue ephemera. Theory and Politics of organization. 15(4) 2015.

Power of Organizations – Power in Organizations, Special Issue Management Revue 20(4) 2009 (editors: Axel Haunschild, Werner Nienhüser, Richard Weiskopf)


Recent book reviews

Weiskopf, R. (2020) Book Review: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power, in: Organization, Vol. 27 (6),

Weiskopf, R. (2018): Book Review: Timothy Garton Ash Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World, in: Organization Studies, 39 (7),


Selected articles

Loacker, B & Weiskopf, R. (2024) Being (ab)normal – be(com)ing other: Struggles over enacting an ethos of difference in a psychosocial care centre, in: Journal of Business Ethics (forthcoming).

Zangerle, K., Dobusch, L. & Weiskopf, R. (2024) Barracudas, Piranhas and crowds: making ideas valuable in pharmaceutical innovation through opening and closing practices of valuation, in: Innovation. Organization & Management,

Weiskopf, R. (2023) The practice of parrhesia and the transformation of managerial governmentality, in: Walters, W. & Tazzioli, M. (eds.) Handbook on Governmentality. Cheltenham, Northhampton: Edward Elgar Press, 369-388. 

Weiskopf, R. & Hansen, H.K. (2023) Algorithmic governmentality and the space of ethics: Examples from ‘People Analytics’, In: Human Relations, Vol. 76(3): 483-506.

Weiskopf, R. (2023). Dis/organizing visibilities: governmentalization and counter-transparency. Organization, Vol 30(2), 326-344. 

Weiskopf, R. (2021). "Vorhersageprodukte“.  Algorithmische Entscheidungsfindung, Profiling und die Kapitalisierung des Werdens. In Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift Band 38 (2021): »Zukunfts-Sichten zwischen Prognose und Divination«. Berlin: De Gruyter, oder als    download. 

Weiskopf R. (2020) Algorithmic Decision-Making, Spectrogenic Profiling, and Hyper-Facticity in the Age of Post-Truth. Le foucauldien (2), 1-37,

Hansen H. K., & Weiskopf R. (2019) From Universalizing Transparency to the Interplay of Transparency Matrices: Critical insights from the emerging Social Credit System in China. Organization Studies (https://doi:10.1177/0170840619878474)

Weiskopf R., Heinrichs R., & Loacker B. (2019) The ethico-politics of whistleblowing: Mediated truth-telling in digital cultures. Ephemera. Critical Dialogs on Organization, 19(4), 671-696,

Weiskopf R., & Tobias-Miersch Y. (2016) Whistleblowing, Parrhesia and the Contestation of Truth in the Workplace. Organization Studies, 37(11), 1621-1640,

Jeannes, E. & Loacker, B. & Sliva, M. & Weiskopf, R. 2015. Mobilities in contemporary worlds of work and organizing. Ephemera, 15(4): 705-723

Weiskopf, R. 2014. Ethical-aesthetic critique of moral organization: Inspirations form Michael Haneke's cinematic work. Culture and Organization, 20(2): 152-174, doi: 10.1080/14759551.2012.728860

Weiskopf, R. & Willmott, H. 2014. ‚Michel Foucault’. In Helin, J., Hernes, T. Hjorth, D., Holt, R. (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Process Philosophy and Organization Studies. London: Oxford University Press.

Weiskopf, R. 2013. Organisationale Demographie, Biomacht und Ethik. In H. Hoßfeld & R. Ortlieb (Eds.), Macht und Employment Relations (pp. 199-206). München Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag.

Weiskopf, R. 2013. Friendship and counter-conduct in the neoliberal regime of truth (Review of Todd May's Friendship in an age of economics). Ephemera. Theory & politics in Oganization, 13(3), 189-199.

Weiskopf, R., & Willmott, H. 2013. Ethics as critical practice: The Pentagon Papers, Deciding responsibly, Truth-telling, and the Unsettling of Organizational Morality. Organization Studies, 34(4): 469-493.

Weiskopf, R. 2012. Von der Individualisierung und Vergemeinschaftung zur Politik der Vielheit. In R. Ortlieb & B. Sieben (Eds.), Geschenkt wird einer nichts - oder doch? Festschrift für Gertraude Krell (pp. 175-182).

Weiskopf, R., & Munro, I. 2012. Management of human capital: discipline, security and controlled circulation in HRM. Organization, 19(6): 685-702.

Haunschild, A., Nienhüser, W., and Weiskopf, R. 2009. Power in Organizations – Power of Organizations (Editorial), in: management revue, 20(4): 320-325.

Weiskopf, R., & Steyaert, C. 2009. Metamorphosis in entrepreneurship studies: towards and affirmative politics of entrepreneuring. In D. Hjorth & C. Steyaert (Eds.), The Politics and Aesthetics of Entrepreneurship (pp. 183-201). Northampten, Mass.: Edward Elgar Press.

Vötsch, M., & Weiskopf, R. 2009. 'Thank you for your creativity'. Arbeit und Organisation im Diskurse der Creative Industries. In R. Diaz-Bone & G. Krell (Eds.), Ökonomie und Diskurs. 293-316.

Scott, A., & Weiskopf, R. 2009. Organizing Freedom and Constraint in the 'Neo-Liberal' Regime of Choice. In S. R. Clegg & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Behavior. Volume II (pp. 68-84). Los Angeles: Sage.

Mark-Ungericht, B., & Weiskopf, R. 2007. Filling the Empty Shell. The Public Deabe on CSR in Austria as a Paradigmatic Example of a Political Discourse. Journal of Business Ethics, 70(3), 285-297.

Weiskopf, R. 2007. From becoming enterprising to Entrepreneurial becoming. Towards the study of entrepreneurship as ethico-aesthetic practice. In D. Hjorth & M. Kostera (Eds.), Entrepreneurship & the Experience Economy (pp. 129-152). Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.

Weiskopf, R., & Loacker, B. 2006. 'A snake's coils are more intricate than a mole's burrow.' Individualization and Subjectification in Post-disciplinary Regimes of Work. Managment Revue, 17(4), 395-419.

Weiskopf, R. 2005. Gouvernementabilität: Die Produktion des regierbaren Menschen in Post-disziplinären Regimen. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, Heft 3, 289-311.

Weiskopf, R. 2004. Management, Organisation und die Gespenster der Gerechtigkeit Managementforschung 14. Gerechtigkeit und Management (pp. 211-251). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

Weiskopf, R. 2003. Management, Organisation, Poststrukturalismus. In R. Weiskopf (Ed.), Menschenregierungskünste. Anwendungen poststrukturalistischer Analyse auf Management und Organisation (pp. 9-36). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Weiskopf, R. 2002. Deconstructing the 'Iron Cage' - towards an Aesthetic of Folding. Consumption, Markets and Cultures, 5(1), 79-97.

Krell, G., & Weiskopf, R. 2001. Leidenschaft als Organisationsproblem. In G. Schreyögg & J. Sydow (Eds.), Emotionen und Management. Managementforschung 11 (pp. 1-45). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Kornberger, M., & Weiskopf, R. 2001. L'usage de Foucault. Moderne, Postmoderne und Organisation. In I. f. W. u. Kunst (Ed.), Demokratie. Selbst. Arbeit. Analysen liberal-demokratischer Gesellschaften im Anschluss an Michel Foucault (Vol. 56, pp. 30-41). Wien: Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst.

Weiskopf, R., & Mark-Ungericht, B. 2000. Strategy, perverted competition and social relations. Global Business Review(1), 193-296

Laske, S., & Weiskopf, R. 1996. Personalauswahl - Was wird denn da gespielt? Ein Plädoyer für einen Perspektivenwechsel. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung(4), 295-330.


Recent working papers and conference papers (selection)

Weiskopf, R. (2024) Between private and public use of reason: whistleblower ethics at the crossroad, EGOS Conference, Milano

Waldegger, J., & Weiskopf, R. (2024) 'Write me, and I will tell you who you are': Algorithmic governmentality in predictive hiring, EGOS Conference, Milano.

Weiskopf, R. (2023) Organizing the ‘parrhesiastic game’: Truth-telling, whistleblowing and the transformation of managerial governmentality. WKOrg Workshop Linz.

Loacker, B., & Weiskopf, R. (2021) Be(com)ing other. Difference practices in a psychosocial care centre. SCOS (standing Conference of Organizational Symbolism)

Weiskopf R., & Hansen H. K. (2020). Metrics, algorithmic governmentality and the (shrinking) space of ethics: Paper presented at the EGOS Conference, Hamburg.

Weiskopf R., & Zimmermann P. (2020). Problematizing the ‘Transparency-fix’ in the Fight Against Corruption: The Example of Transparency International. Paper presented at the WKOrg (Wissenschaftliche Kommission Organisation).

Weiskopf R. (2019). Secret Organizers: Algorithmic decision-making Profiling Organizing Technologies. Paper presented at the Standing Conference of Organizational Symbolism, SCOS Conference, York.

Weiskopf R. (2018). „Dis/organizing visibility: Transparency between conduct and counter-conduct. Paper presented at the WK-Org (Wissenschaftliche Kommission Organisation), Münster.

Weiskopf R., & Zimmermann P. (2017). Problematizing Corruption as Moral Entrepreneurship. The example of Transparency International. Paper presented at the EGOS, Copenhagen.

Villadsen K., & Weiskopf R. (2016). Revisiting Foucault’s Technologies. From the power/knowledge regime to ‘topological’ analysis of organizations. Paper presented at the EGOS, Nepals.

Villadsen, K. & Weiskopf (2018) Foucault and ‘Over-Determination’: From the power/knowledge regime to the dispositional study of organizations, workingpaper. Copenhagen /Innsbruck. 


* I’m the director (Studienbeauftragter) for the Masterprogramme Organization Studies.


*My teaching covers the following areas:

Masterprogramme Organization Studies:


Approaches to Organization Studies (with Leonhard Dobusch)

Corporate Communication and Governance

Philosophy of Social Science (Methods Course) (with Leonhard Dobusch)


Dynamics and Change

Organization and Ethics


PhD Management Programme:

I’m a faculty member of the doctoral college “organizing the digital”

I’m a member of faculty of the AIDEA Summerschool for PHD and young researchers in Capri (link:


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