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Bachelor 2016W – Universität Innsbruck

Bachelor's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education)

Subject: Art Education

Curriculum (2016W)


KPH - Edith Stein . Universität Mozarteum . PH Tirol . PH Vorarlberg . LFU Innsbruck

Bachelor of Education (BEd)

8 semesters/240 ECTS-Credits
(combination of two subjects or one subject and one specialisation)

Mode of Study

Language of Instruction

Admission Requirements
Secondary school completion certificate or equivalent and Language Certificates

Supplemental Examination
Examination to demonstrate suitable Artistic Aptitude must be completed satisfactorily before admission to the study programme.

Programme Coordination
Mozarteum University (Location Innsbruck)

Qualification Level
Bachelor (First Cycle)
ISCED-11: Level 6, EQF/NQF: Level 6

0114 Teacher Training with Subject Specialisation

Study Code
UC 198 453 xxx | UC 198 xxx 453

Apply ONLINEInformation about Supplementary Examination Artistic Aptitude
Information about the admission procedure​​​​​​​

Information on the Curriculum (2016W)

The complete version of the curriculum reflects the currently valid version of the curriculum. It is for informational purposes only and is not legally binding. The legally binding version of the curriculum, including any amendments, may be found in the University of Innsbruck Bulletins.

In order to determine which version of the curriculum is applicable in your case, see the Catalogue of Studies,
available at:
Section: Current Curriculum version.

Studies Induction and Orientation Stage (STEOP)

(1) The following exams have to be taken during the studies induction and orientation phase, which takes place in the first semester:

  1. School as an Educational Institution and Role of the Teacher, VO 2, 2 ECTS-Credits
  2. History of Arts I, VO 2, 2 ECTS-Credits
  3. Introduction to Subject-Specific Didactics for Art Education, VO 2, 2 ECTS-Credits

(2) Before the full completion of the introductory study and orientation phase, students can participate in courses amounting to 22 ECTS credits.

General Information

Recommended Course Sequence

The exemplary course sequence given below is recommended for full-time students beginning their study programme in the winter semester. The table shows one possible course sequence for the bachelor's programme and is not compulsory. Delays resulting from repeated examinations are not taken into account.

The standard duration of the study programme is 6 semesters or 180 ECTS-Credits, whereby according to the Universities Act of 2002, a workload of 1,500 (real) hours per academic year must be fulfilled, corresponding to 60 ECTS-Credits (one ECTS-Credit is equivalent to a workload of 25 hours).

3.0 ECTS-Credits, 2 h: VU Contemporary Art
2.0 ECTS-Credits, 2 h: VO History of Arts I
2.0 ECTS-Credits, 2 h: VO Introduction to Subject-Specific Didactics for Art Education
3.0 ECTS-Credits, 2 h: PS Introduction to Academic Work in the Field of Art/Cultural Studies
3.0 ECTS-Credits, 5 h: KE Artistic Fundamentals
2.0 ECTS-Credits, 3 h: KG Perception and Drawing

Basics of Educational Science
  2.0 ECTS-Credits, 2 h: VO School as an Educational Institution and Role of the Teacher
  2.0 ECTS-Credits, 2 h: PS School as an Educational Institution and Role of the Teacher

Recommended Courses for the first semester of the other Subject.

2.0 ECTS-Credits, 2 h: VO History of Arts II
  2.0 ECTS-Credits, 2 h: PS
Subject-Didactic Theories of Art Education
  5.0 ECTS-Credits, 8 h: KE Artistic Fundamentals II
  3.0 ECTS-Credits, 2 h: PS Visual Cultures / Aesthetics of Everyday Life
  3.0 ECTS-Credits, 4 h: KG Practice of Visual Semiotics

Basics of Educational Science
  3.5 ECTS-Credits, 2 h: PR Dealing with the Challenges as a Teacher at School -
Teaching Practice I

Recommended Courses for the second semester of the other Subject.

Course Sequence (incl. Basics of Educational Science)

Qualification Profile and Skills

The Secondary School Teacher Training Programme (General Education) qualifies its graduates as teachers in the selected subjects of general education / specializations for all secondary schools (Neue Mittelschule, Polytechnische Schule, Academic Secondary Schools,  Intermediate and Higher Technical and Vocational Schools). This study programme also meets the requirements for teaching in intermediate and higher schools in the South Tyrol *. It consists of a Bachelor’s Programme and a subsequent Master’s Programme. It covers training in general education science, a pedagogical-practical training and a subject-specific and subject-didactic education in the two selected teaching subjects or in the selected teaching subject and the selected specialization.

The Bachelor’s Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of Art Education considers the fact that factual knowledge is available anytime and everywhere due to new digital media (Internet, tablets, smartphones). Instead of simply accumulating knowledge, the graduates acquire orientation knowledge. They do not view education as a possession, but as a process and practice, participate in the specialist public and actively contribute to the subject as a learning system (exchange of knowledge and experience).

In the following the corresponding skills for the artistic, subject-related, subject-didactic, educational-scientific and school-practical areas as well as corresponding networking skills are listed.

(1) Artistic and subject-related competences
Having finished the programme, graduates of the Bachelor’s Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of Art Education are able to

  • independently plan, realise, present and discuss artistic works.
  • reflect, present and discuss the development of art and the concept of art, the facets of current concepts of art, theories of visual media and their importance for society and culture.
  • recognize, depict and discuss the differences and connections between artistic practice, the science of art and everyday social life and aesthetics.
  • select and use techniques and methods of artistic and scientific research with regard to their question. They know the references that open up and can convey their artistic position.
  • apply methods of art and cultural studies for describing and analysing art (historic and contemporary), everyday aesthetics (visual media, design etc.) and designed environment.
  • present, communicate and document their artistic work in different contexts (e.g. exhibitions) in a professional way.
  • develop, communicate and document the development of art and the concept of art, the facets of the current concept of art, theories of visual culture and visual media in accordance with conventions of art and cultural studies.
  • independently recognize questions and problems and to find their own, contemporary artistic solutions.
  • independently recognize, deal with and impart questions and problems in art, cultural and media studies.
  • comprehensibly depict and present the course and development of artistic processes.
  • present learning processes of subject-related contents.
  • establish links between artistic practice and the visual creative work of children and adolescents and select appropriate teaching concepts and methods.
  • relate findings from art and cultural studies to the lives of the pupils and current curricula.
  • show that the pupils have acquired long-term knowledge and skills by using suitable (evaluation) examination procedures.

(2) Subject-didactic skills
Having completed the programme, graduates of the Bachelor’s Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) in the subject of Art Education, can

  • reflect and present current art pedagogical theories and subject-related contents and reflect on the changing requirements of the subject with regard to questions of inclusion and diversity.
  • recognize differences and connections between artistic practice, art science, visual culture and subject-didactics and make these differences/connections explicit.
  • plan their lessons in art education in accordance with the currently valid curriculum and in consideration of the material, social and cultural conditions.
  • use different methodological teaching-learning forms in a flexible way and appropriate to the situation for their classes.
  • design multi-perspective arts and cultural education learning environments according to the students' age, interests and social and cultural background and their physical and mental needs.
  • use teaching media and technologies for their classes.
  • diagnose performance standards and learning processes of learners.
  • use measures for supporting learning processes as appropriate to the situation.
  • plan and implement differentiating and individualising teaching forms.
  • independently/in cooperation recognize and deal with subject-didactic issues and problems on a scientific level

* South Tyrolean teacher education students have to fulfil specific prerequisites, if they want to teach in South Tyrol. For information contact the Office for South Tyrolean Affairs.

Expected Learning Outcomes

Graduates can resort to a broad range of basic artistic, perceptual and artistic skills relevant to secondary schools, as well as relevant knowledge of art history, art and media science. Their in-depth knowledge of art didactics and school education enables them to design motivating learning environments tailored to their target groups’ individual artistic talents and interests as well as to examine art-pedagogical and didactic questions from practice based on scientific criteria.

Information about examination regulations, assessment and grading

Examination regulations

The examination regulation is an integral part of the curriculum, detailed information can be found under the paragraph examination regulations.

The grade distribution table is a statistical representation of the distribution of all successfully completed examinations in a given programme of study or subject (based on all registered students for the programme or subject). The grade distribution table is updated in regular intervals.

Austrian grading scheme Definition %-age
1EXCELLENT: Outstanding performance 68.4= 100%
2GOOD: Generally good, but with some errors 20.4
3SATISFACTORY: Generally sound work with a number of substantial errors 7.4
4SUFFICIENT: Performance meets the minimum criteria 3.8
5INSUFFICIENT: Substantial improvement necessary; requirement of further work

December 2021

Overall classification of the qulification 

Not applicable
Explanation: An overall classification (mit Auszeichnung bestanden/pass with distinction, bestanden/pass, nicht bestanden/fail) – is awarded only for examinations that conclude a programme of study and consist of more than one subject (an examination of this type is not specified in the curriculum of this programme of study).

Information about the Programme

Contact and Information

General Information about Bachelor's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training

Verena Wintersteller
Telefon +43 512 560319 3137
Mobil +43 (0) 676 881 224 41

Academic staff responsible for recognitions
Prof. Dr. Jan Grünwald, MA

Informations for students from South Tyrol* 
Office for South Tyrolean Affairs
*For students from South Tyrol, there are special requirements if they want to teach in South Tyrol.

Informations for students with disabilities
Disability Office

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