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DK-X-Change – Universität Innsbruck

5. DK-X-Change Obergurgl 28. Juli - 1. August 2025

The DK-X-Change (Doktoratskollegs-X-Change) is a week dedicated to writing and networking among members of the Doctoral Colleges (IDC) of the University of Innsbruck.

Surrounded by the impressive scenery of the Ötztaler Alps, participants enjoy plenty of opportunities to learn ‘how to’, improve their writing and make solid progress using our writing retreat. The DK-X-Change offers not only opportunities to work productively in the IDCs, but also to network and enjoy a mix of nature, culture and a social program.

Registration starts in spring 2025

Hohe Mut
"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."
--Benjamin Franklin

Schrei­ben und Aus­tausch beim 4. DK-X-Change von 12.-16. August

Eine Woche zum Schreiben und Netzwerken, zu der man die Kinder mitnehmen kann, klingt nach einem tollen Konzept und ist es auch. Das DK-X-Change in Obergurgl bietet PhD-Studierenden und Faculty jeden Sommer die Möglichkeit, wissenschaftliche Arbeit und intensiven Austausch auf familienfreundliche Weise zu verbinden.

In der gemeinsamen Woche können Wissenschafler:innen beim DK-X-Change ihre Schreibprojekte voranbringen, Ideen mit Peers diskutieren und sich darüber zu verständigen, wie man die Promotionsphase gut gestalten und erfolgreich zum Abschluss bringen kann. Für die mitgereisten Kinder gibt es Betreuungszeiten mit einem eigenen Programm.

In der diesjährigen Schreibwerkstatt haben 25 PhDs konzentriert an ihren eigenen Projekten gearbeitet und sich in angeleiteten Sessions Wissen zur Organisation und Strukturierung des Schreibprozesses erarbeitet. Die konzentrierte Arbeitsatmosphäre ist auch bei der Faculty spürbar und macht die Tage für alle sehr produktiv.

Die Besuche von Rektorin Veronika Sexl und Vizerektor Bernhard Fügenschuh wurden für den intensiven Dialog zu verschiedenen Aspekten der PhD-Ausbildung im Allgemeinen und speziell in den Doktoratskollegs genützt. Hier erwies sich die interdisziplinäre Mischung der Woche als besonders wertvoll.

Es bleibt während der fünf Tage auch genügend Zeit für informelle Gesprächen, gemeinsames Turnen und die der Erkundung der Umgebung. Die Bergwelt des hinteren Ötztals und die Rundumversorgung im Universitätszentrum Obergurgl boten einen perfekten Rahmen für konzentrierte Arbeit und Ausgleich in der Natur.

Das DK-X-Change hat sich auch in seiner vierten Auflag als gelungene und bewährte Kooperation zwischen dem Schreibzentrum, der Transferstelleund dem Forschungsschwerpunkt EPoS erwiesen. Die Woche fand in enger Kooperation mit folgenden Schwerpunkten bzw. Doktoratskollegs statt: dem FSP Kulturelle Begegnungen – Kulturelle Konflikte mit den DKs Grenzen, Grenzverschiebungen und Grenzüberschreitungen in Sprache, Literatur, Medien sowie Dynamiken von Ungleichheit und Differenz im Zeitalter der Globalisierung, dem FSP Alpiner Raum mit den DKs Alpine Biology and Global Change, Mountain Climate and Environment und Natural Hazards in Mountain Regions sowie dem FSP EPoS mit den DKs Politics, Power and Language und #OrganizingtheDigital.

gemeinsam Schreiben
runder tisch

3. “DK-X-Change” in Ober­gurgl 7.- 11. August 2023

Interdisciplinary writing and networking imbedded in the beautiful scenery of Obergurgl was the setting for the third DK-X-Change. In a well established cooperation between the Transfer Office Science - Economy - Society, the Writing Center of the ULB Tirol and the research area EPoS, 28 PhDs and 15 faculty members were invited to work together on their individual projects. The participants also used the time up at the Universitätszentrum Obergurgl to conquer a variety of possibilities to learn about each other and participate in an array of additional events.

The interdisciplinary group consisted of members of three research areas. Each research area was represented by several doctoral programs (IDC) Austrian Studies, Borders, Border Shifts and Border Crossings in Language, Literature, Media,Dynamics of Inequality and Difference in the Age of Globalization for the area “Cultural Encounters – cultural conflicts”,#OrganizingtheDigital and Politics, Power and Language for the area EPoS and
Alpine Biology and Global Change, Natural Hazards in Mountain Regions and Tourism and Leisure in Mountain Regions for the area Mountain Regions.

Austausch Rektorat

Even though the individual writing projects took top priority, setting a thematic bracket is also a matter close to our hearts. This year we have designed our week under the umbrella of sustainability in the university context. Starting with a joint bus journey and a purely vegetarian / vegan cuisine for the week. UniNEtZ contributed several inputs regarding a sustainable future and initiated discussion on transformations and sustainable development goals (SDG). In addition, we took a tour with the local historian through Obergurgl looking at the tourism industry through the lenses of climate change, sustainability, and explored regional contexts and local perspectives.

A special opportunity arose on Tuesday evening when rector Veronika Sexl and vice rector of research Gregor Weihs took the time to answer the students' questions in a fireside chat. We discussed various aspects of the PhD life and the students had the opportunity to articulate different studying and working conditions.
The week was also an opportunity for faculty members to exchange ideas and to network in order to shed light on the different ways of working in the Innsbruck Doctoral Collegs (IDCs). How to enhance the opportunities and benefits of the structure for all parties involved is one of the main points.

We would like to thank the vice rectorate of research and the Alpine research Center Obergurgl for their support and a big thank you also goes to Alexander Zeinzinger and his team at the  for taking care of us and setting the stage for all our endeavors.
Participant feedback shows numerous writing successes from the structured writing workshop and countless well used interdisciplinary networking opportunities. We are very much grateful for a successful 3rd DK-X-Change and hope to see you all next year!

Original newsroom article


2. DK-X-Change Obergurgl 25.-29. July 2022

The second DK-X-Change in Obergurgl was once again dedicated to interdisciplinary networking and scientific writing. Organized in a successful cooperation between the Transfer Office Science - Economy - Society, the Writing Center of the ULB Tirol and the research area EPoS, more than 35 participants joint this year. In a unique way this format joints faculty and PhD students together and creates many opportunities for exchange and collaboration. The interdisciplinary group consisted of members of the following five doctoral programs (DC): DC #OrganizingtheDigital, DC Political Institutions and Leadership in a Contingent World, DC Borders, Border Shifts and Border Crossings in Language, Literature, Media, DC Austrian Studies and DC Natural Hazards in Mountain Regions.

hauswand weiß

Keep it local. To get in the mood for our week in the Ötztal, our first stop was at the sheep wool center of the Regensburger family. Joachim Regensburger gave us an insight into the importance of sheep farming for the region, how to deal with the issue of profitability, but also the specifics of mindful handling of people and resources. From the freshly delivered wool to the finished product, we were able to visit all steps and gain some interesting facts as well as some haptic and olfactory impressions.


Welcome round. After a joint lunch, a first round of getting to know each other followed under the expert guidance of Florian Westereich (BFÖ). 90 seconds, 1 slide, my name, my research was the task. Afterwards, Daniela Rothe (head of the writing center at ULB Tirol) kicked off the writing retreat. In a first planning session the foundations for the week was established,  how to work concentrated on the individual PhD projects.

Writing space. For the 16 PhD students, the focus was on working on their projects. The writing week enabled both concentrated work on one's own text project as well as an exchange about writing goals and work progress at the beginning and in the middle of the working day. The writing room was open at all times and many participants used the afternoons to continue working on their projects.


During a coffee break in the afternoon, there was the opportunity to exchange ideas about writing experiences and writing strategies. Based on topics suggested by the participants, topics such as revision strategies (Germano, W.: "Revision. The only writing that counts"), dealing with reviews, and the special challenges of working on a monograph (How to write THE book. Chances and challenges) were discussed in a guided but rather informal round. The topic "How to handle more than one (writing) project at a time" was particularly well received.

Outdoor Talk
Hohe Mut

Explore nature. On Wednesday afternoon, all those interested had the opportunity to delve deeper into the special features of the mountain world and its inhabitants. Together with the managing director of the Ötztal Nature Park, Thomas Schmarda, and the head of the Alpine research facilities, Klaus Schallhart we visited the Nature Park Infopoint, and made our way back down (2,5h hike) to the valley with a great view of the glaciers. On the way, we received some information about the research projects up here, about the flora and fauna as well as on the impressive mountain scenery. The view of the steadily retracting ice masses was already a preview of the next evening.

Broaden your horizon. The topics of climate change, sustainability and interdisciplinarity dominated the evening through several short films and impulses moderated by Günter Scheide from the Transfer Office. Birgit Sattler and Klemens Weisleitner from the Department of Ecology spanned the arc from the melting glaciers of the Ötztal to the challenges at the polar ice caps. The consequences of global warming cannot be denied and were also remarkably and admonishingly staged in the project "Zuchtgletscher" (Breeding Glaciers) by Christian Ruschitzka of the Vienna University of Applied Arts and his interdisciplinary team. Afterwards Manu Delago showed with his Recycling Tour on the basis of a "bicycle concert tour" that also in the music industry a resource-saving life style is possible. The night concluded with an impressive contribution to the meanwhile failed “Gletscherehe” in the Pitztal with different facets to the prestine alpine nature worth protecting. As different as the approaches of the individual areas are, they all unmistakably show the acute call for action and the necessity that we all act together preserve our nature for future generations.

Bunter Abend

Learning from each other. The faculty of the individual doctoral colleges had the opportunity to get to know each other more closely and to discuss organizational and strategic topics in a joint meeting. A review of the synergies and projects that have emerged in recent months showed the added value of a regular meeting and increased the motivation to collaborate even more this upcoming year.

Clever minds. To accelerate networking and getting to know each other, there was an opportunity to compete in teams on the second evening. Various tasks could be mastered through joint dexterity, creativity and agility, and a detailed analysis at the bar afterwards was of course not to be missed.

Beyond Obergurgl. The week ended with a review of the writing goals achieved and a feedback session on the individual formats and impulses. The DK-X-Change showed once again how important interdisciplinary networking is for us as scientists, but also how important the distance to the daily work, fixed writing times and the exchange with other writers are for the progress of the work. Inspired by the participants, the idea arose to organize a regular writing day for DC members (Friday, 9 am - 4 pm) at the Writing Center of the ULB Tirol, based on the writing routine established together in Obergurgl. This will take place every two weeks starting September 9th

Thank you for a wonderful week!

1. DK-X-Change Obergurgl 9.-13. August 2021

At this year's DK-X-Change at the University Center in Obergurgl, participants from four doctoral programs took part. The focus was on writing and networking together and enjoying the possibility to meet.

PhDs from the doctoral programs "Dynamics and Inequality and Difference in the Age of Globalization", "Natural Hazards in Mountain Regions", "Political Institutions and Leadership in a Contingent World" and "#OrganizingtheDigital" were able to network at the DK-X-Change and new opportunities for collaboration were identified. The week in Obergurgl was planned and organized by Dipl.-Geogr. Günter Scheide, from the Transferstelle Wissenschaft - Wirtschaft - Gesellschaft in close cooperation with the DC leaders and the  Writing Center UBL Tirol.

Impressions and Voices

Even though the focus of this week was on writing on the individual projects, there was still plenty of time for informal discussions and different social aktivities. The week began with a visit to the local history and open-air museum in Längenfeld, followed by a joint hike and a movie night at the Gurgl Carat.

The ecologists Birgit Sattler and Klemens Weisleitner presented the exhibition "EIS" and showed works from their research area of the Antarctic, Arctic and the alpine glacier world. In addition to photographs, tools and working material, various filmic contributions from the polar research community were shown.

A wonderful evening with lively exchange and enriching conversations.

Student Voices

  • "This week was useful because I had the chance to share my thinking with students from other fields and work together."
  • "We got lots of practical tips how to keep our writing flowing and how to structure the process. Lots of mew inspiration and renewed admiration for science."
  • "Overall a very great experience, thank you very much!"
  • "Working i a different location and with new colleagues helped me being focused and motivated"

Faculty Voices

  • "I would like to thank you on behalf of all participants for the pleasant atmosphere, the relaxed and productive exchange and the joint activities."
  • "I have found the week and the format to be a great asset."
  • "For the future I take with me that the work of the other DKs is (much) closer to our research work and interests than thought. And the motivation to also use this compatibility much more in the future or to consider it in research projects."

    Ausblick wasserfall
    Eis Vortrag
    2. Abend
    ** All details for 2025 will be available in March 2025 **
    DK-X-Change 2024

    Our week includes:

    • Guidance, support and motivation from our writing coach
    • A quite workspace with an individual working desk for PhDs and faculty
    • Accommodation for 4 nights (double room) and full board (Breakfast, light Lunch and Dinner - all vegetarian / vegan)
    • Coffee and fruit during the day at your disposal
    • Child care and kids program according to needs
    • Common bus transfer from the University to the UZO and back

    Bonus offers:

    • DK-Challenge & DK-Culture Night
    • Endless networking opportunities and food for thought
    • Explore Obergurgl (guided walk)
    • Yoga Sessions to unwind
    • Amazing scenery and fresh air
    • Participants of the DK-X-Change can join writing meetings at the Sowi two times a month

    Fee for the whole week (Mon - Fri = 4 nights)

    Participants (PhDs and faculty) € 440.- for 4 nights in a double room
    Partners € 440.-
    Children under 12 € 220.-
    Single room surcharge € 39,50.- per day (at your own expense)

    If you stay less than 4 nights normal fees apply: € 125,00 per day

    Fees must be paid by the participants or be arranged within the IDCs - please coordinate internally.

    Selection criteria: If we have more registrations than places the following criteria will take effect:

    • Participants who are able to attend the whole week will take precedence
    • we strive for an even distribution across IDCs
    • IDCs who have at least two faculty members attending will be preferred

    Families welcome: Childcare is available for the week if there is sufficient demand, please contact us if needed.


    Arrival and departure

    Monday 12.8.2024

    Arrival and check-in till 10.30h

    Travel Options to Obergurgl 

    Option 1: Common bus transfer from the University to the UZO (one way)

    Option 2:

    • 7.47h Train (RJX 366) departure Innsbruck main station > 8.10h arrival Ötztal train station
    • 8.30h Bus (320) departure Ötztal train station > 9.58h Obergurgl Center
    • 5 minutes walk to the UZO

    Friday 16.8.2024: Departure from 13.15h by common bus transfer or on your own responsibility

    (Common) Meals

    On the first day our lunch is from 12.30-14.00h, the rest of the week the lunch buffet is from 13.00-14.00h.

    The general breakfast time is from 7.30-9.30h and dinner is available from 18.30-20.00h.
    Please report allergies or other special requirements at the time of registration.

    All meals will be vegetarian with a vegan option.

    (Alcoholic) drinks have to be paid seperately.


    The program for the DX-X-Change 2024 is not barrier-free - if needed please get in contact wirth us and we will provide further information.


    Shopping Options

    Mini M
    Gurglerstraße 99
    6456 Obergurgl

    Opening hours

    • Mon - Fri: 8.00 - 19.00h and
    • Sat: 8.00 - 18.00h
    • Sun: 14.00-18.00h

    At the beginning of the village

    • walking distance approx. 15 min,
    • by car 3 min.

    Ötztal Arena Bäckerei - Filiale Obergurgl
    Gurglerstraße 131
    6456 Obergurgl

    Opening hours

    • Mon - Fri: 7.00 – 13.00h and 14.00-16.30h

    In the center of the village

    • walking distance approx. 5 min
    • by car 1 min.

    SPAR Josef Grüner
    Ramolweg 11
    6456 Obergurgl

    Opening hours

    • Mon – Fri: 8.00-19.00h
    • Sat: 8.00-18.00h

    At the center of the village

    • walking distance approx. 3 min,
    • by car 1 min.

    Raiffeisenbank Sölden
    Ramolweg 11
    6456 Obergurgl

    Ötztal Tourismus
    Gurglerstraße 118
    6456 Obergurgl

    Monday 12.8.2024

    10.30 – 12.30h

    Introduction Round
    Moderator: Daniela Rothe, Günter Scheide & Eva Zipperle-Mirwald
    Place: Auditorium of the University Center Obergurgl (UZO)

    Who is who and what is going on?
    We would like to use this format to introduce ourselves to each other and discuss all organizational aspects of the week. In addtion all participating doctoral colleges will briefly introduce themselves and their research field.

    14.30 – 15.30h

    Kick-off Writing Workshop
    Moderator: Daniela Rothe
    Place: Auditorium of the University Center Obergurgl (UZO)

    This is the time for setting up and kicking off the writing workshop together, introducing the concept and the working method; allocate time slots to concretize the writing project for the week and to set a goal for the days ahead. The writing workshop will take place in the auditorium, each participant will have his/her own permanent working space for the week. A printer will be available.

    16.00 – 18.30h

    Writing Workshop for PhDs (mandatory)
    Facilitator: Daniela Rothe
    Place: auditorium of the UZO
    In the writing workshop, we focus on working on one's own writing project; a common framework and space is created.

    Writing time for faculty
    Place: library of the UZO (1. floor)
    Time to work on one's own writing projects and we ensure a good working atmosphere.

    All week (Tue-Thu) 

    09.00 – 13.00h

    Writing Workshop for PhDs (mandatory)
    Facilitator: Daniela Rothe
    Place: auditorium of the UZO
    In the writing workshop, we focus on working on one's own writing project; a common framework and space is created.

    Writing time for faculty
    Place: library of the UZO (1. floor)
    Time to work on one's own writing projects and we ensure a good working atmosphere.

    14.00 – 19.00h

    Writing time (individual responsibility)
    Facilitator: Daniela Rothe
    Place: auditorium of the UZO

    The afternoons are freely available and can be filled with writing, hiking or other activities by the IDCs or the individual researcher. The auditorium will be accessible all day.

    Tuesday 13.8. &
    Wednesday 14.8.2024

    14.00 – 15.30h

    Faculty - X - Change

    Exchange between the faculty members of the individual IDCs to get to know each other in more detail and exchange information about organizational and strategic topics. Joint analysis of which new synergies have resulted from the exchange in Obergurgler in the last three years. 

    Tuesday 13.8. &
    Thursday 15.8.2024

    14.00 – 15.30h

    "Round Table"

    We exchange ideas about writing experiences and writing strategies. Based on topics suggested by the participants, e.g. revision strategies, dealing with reviews, or the special challenges of working on a monograph were discusse in a guided but rather informal round.

    Friday 16.8.2024

    12.00 – 13.00h

    Closing Session

    Final session of the week with a joint feedback round and ideas for future exchange possibilities.

    Monday 12.8.2024

    12.30 -14.00h

    Welcome Lunch
    On the first day we start the week together with a welcome lunch.
    On your own expenses, registration necessary - via application form.

    18.30 - 19.00h

    Yoga Session
    Unwind with this slow yoga routine

    Tuesday 13.8.2024

    18.30 - 19.00h

    Yoga Session
    Unwind with this slow yoga routine


    A socializing evening for networking, creativity & team spirit

    Wednesday 14.8.2024


    Guided hike
    Starting at the UZO, we will explore our immediate surroundings on a joint hike.

    18.30 - 19.00h

    Yoga Session
    Unwind with this slow yoga routine

    Thursday 15.8.2024

    18.30 - 19.00h

    Yoga Session
    Unwind with this slow yoga routine


    Evening program - N.N.
    Detailed program follows


    In your own time

    Tour suggestion 1
    Alpine adventure trail - Obergurgl pine forest

    The "Obergurgler Zirbenwald" (1950m - 2100 m) is a closed pine forest of about 20 hectares with pine trees, some of which are more than 300 years old, with 15 interactive stations, which is considered a natural monument.

    • Distance 4,4 km
    • Walking time: approx. 2h
    • Altitude difference: 150m
    • Level of difficulty: easy 

    Tour suggestion 2
    Water runner Rotmoos valley - Obergurgl

    Obergurgl -> ascent Hohe Mut cable car -> Hohe Mut -> stamp Rotmoosferner -> Rotmoos valley -> Zirben forest -> Obergurgl

    An alpine hike to the source of water. Get captivated by the breathtaking source of fresh water, the glacier, at close range and follow the water on its way down to the valley.

    • Distance 14,75 km (of which 3km optional by cable car)
    • Walking time: about 4h
    • Meters in altitude: 100m up, 900m down
    • Difficulty: medium

    Tour suggestion 3
    Lake plate – Nedersee – Lenzenalm

    In beautiful panorama are the three lakes Nedersee, Soomsee and in about 30 minutes distance the larger Itlsee.

    • Distance 9,00 km
    • Walking time: about 5h
    • Meters in altitude: 740 up, 965 down
    • Difficulty: medium

    Hiking trails
    The trails and signage in the lower area are mostly in place. The following huts are already open: Zirben Alm, Schönwieshütte, Langtalereckhütte, Lenzen Alm, Sahnestüberl. Others will follow in the course of the next days | weeks, please ask in the UZO for an update.

    More information any time in the UZO or in the office of the tourist association in the village:

    Ötztal Tourismus
    Gurglerstraße 118
    6456 Obergurgl


    Günter Scheide

    Günter Scheide
    Coordination & Support

    Transferstelle Wissenschaft - Wirtschaft - Gesellschaft

    Eva Zipperle-Mirwald

    Eva Zipperle-Mirwald

    FSP EPoS

    Daniela Rothe

    Daniela Rothe 
    Facilitator PhD Writing Retreat

    Schreibzentrum UBL Tirol

    Sophie Carli

    Sophie Carli
    Child care and youth support

    takes good care of our young guest


    If you have any questions please get in contact us:

    Universitätszentrum Obergurgl
    Gaisbergweg 5
    6456 Obergurgl

    +43 512 507-37201
    +43 512 507-37400

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