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Peer Learning Activity: Education for Sustainable Development (03.-05.04.2024) – Universität Innsbruck
Peer Learning Activity

Peer Learn­ing Activ­i­ty: Edu­ca­tion for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment (03.-05.04.2024)

How could teaching and learning at the Universität Innsbruck be designed in such a way that the contribution it makes to the further development and transformation of our society becomes visible and its effectiveness measurable?

In order to work together on this question, the Rectorate, the Aurora European University Office Innsbruck and UniNEtZ are inviting around 40 teachers from Universität Innsbruck to a three-day Peer Learning Activity (PLA). As part of this PLA, the question will be worked on together with proven experts and in interdisciplinary, interfaculty teaching teams.

When: 03. to 05.04.2024 (incl. overnight stay)
Where: Bildungshaus St.Michael (Matrei am Brenner)

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and the associated reorientation of education and learning in general play a key role in the transformation of society towards sustainability (UNESCO 2020). At all levels of education, this includes dealing with topics that are characterized not least by uncertainty, complexity and a high degree of systemic interrelationships. These include, in particular, climate change, biodiversity loss and all other topics that can be derived from the SDGs. However, successful ESD cannot be limited to teaching specific subject pools, but requires and enables participatory teaching and learning methods in particular in order to support learners in learning (1) to ask critical questions themselves, (2) to develop their own values, (3) to be able to imagine a positive sustainable future, (4) to think systemically, (5) to act actively through applied learning and ultimately also (6) to consider the dialectic between tradition and innovation (UNESCO, 2011, 2014). ESD is therefore also transformative education that takes into account cognitive, social-emotional and behavioral dimensions through experience-based, exploratory learning (UNESCO, 2022).

The aim of the three-day PLA is to develop concepts for your own curriculum-based courses in terms of Education for Sustainable Development with regard to
• learning outcome orientation
• make SDG references transparent
• inter-/transdisciplinarity
• Team Teaching
to be further developed by interdisciplinary/faculty teams, to carry out pilot courses in team teaching format and to accompany these with a suitable effectiveness analysis.

Six of the (further) developed course concepts are to be implemented in the winter semester 2024. In order to ease the burden on the faculty teaching budget, the Rectorate will provide funding for the first semester of implementation. If the individual concepts prove to be effective, it is hoped that they will be incorporated into the faculty's course offerings in the interests of sustainability.

In addition, there will be the opportunity to develop two completely new course concepts as part of the PLA and to implement them in the winter semester 2024 as Aurora courses/part of the Interdisciplinary Competencies Module (Modul “Interdisziplinäre Kompetenzen”), also in the interdisciplinary team teaching format. In addition to the focal points listed above, these courses must be
• held in English (language of instruction),
• held in an online/blended or blocked format (to enable possible short-term mobility) and
• open to students from all Aurora and all UniNEtZ universities.

The costs for accommodation/meals will be covered by UniNEtZ. Any additional costs must be covered by the respective sending faculties/institutes.
Please note: After successful and confirmed registration, a leave of absence must be applied for in the VIS and approved by the responsible authority.

A binding registration can be made from 01.12.2023 until 23.02.2024 at the latest.

As part of the binding registration, in addition to the reasons for participating in the PLA, information on the person, the faculty assignment and the subject/study program in which the course is taught is requested.
Registrations will be ranked according to the date of receipt and taking into account a balanced distribution between the faculties/disciplines.Registrations will be ranked according to the date of receipt and taking into account a balanced distribution between the faculties/disciplines.

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