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 European Slaves:
Christians in African
Pirate Encounters



Lecture “Piraterie, Korsarentum und Sklaverei: Der frühneuzeitliche Kaperkrieg auf dem Mittelmeer” at the Volkshochschule Zürich on May 16, 2023.

Book talk of Barbary Captives: An Anthology of Early Modern Slave Memoirs by Europeans in North Africa at the Columbia Global Centers Tunis on January 6, 2023.

Radio feature
"Versklavt im Mittelmeer – Als Christen und Moslems sich jagten," radioWissen, Bayern 2, September 12, 2022.

Review of Barbary Captives: An Anthology of Early Modern Slave Memoirs by Europeans in North Africa in Goodreads.

Newspaper article
“Vom Sklaven zum Bestsellerautor,” Die Presse, July 23, 2022.

Publication of Barbary Captives: An Anthology of Early Modern Slave Memoirs by Europeans in North Africa by Columbia University Press.

Review of Verschleppt, Verkauft, Versklavt: Deutschsprachige Sklavenberichte aus Nordafrika (1550–1800). Edition und Kommentar in Monatshefte.

Review of Mediterranean Slavery and World Literature: Captivity Genres from Cervantes to Rousseau in sehepunkte.

Review of Piracy and Captivity in the Mediterranean: 1550–1810 in sehepunkte.

Review of Verschleppt, Verkauft, Versklavt: Deutschsprachige Sklavenberichte aus Nordafrika (1550–1800). Edition und Kommentar in sehepunkte.

Review of Piraten und Sklaven im Mittelmeer: Eine Ausstellung von Schloss Ambras Innsbruck und der Universität Innsbruck in sehepunkte.

Review of Verschleppt, Verkauft, Versklavt: Deutschsprachige Sklavenberichte aus Nordafrika (1550–1800) in Historische Zeitschrift.

Review of Verschleppt, Verkauft, Versklavt: Deutschsprachige Sklavenberichte aus Nordafrika (1550–1800) in H-Soz-Kult.

Online article
"Ein weißer Sklave macht Karriere," RP Online, November 13, 2020, online.

Radio feature
"Diagonal zum Thema: Sklaverei," Ö1, February 29, 2020.
"Das Inhaltsverzeichnis," 4:28 min.
"Deutschsprachige Sklavenberichte aus Nordafrika," 5:01 min.

Online article
"Vormoderne Sklaverei am Mittelmeer",, December 6, 2019, online.

Newspaper article
"Piraten lockten 50.000 Besucher nach Ambras", Tiroler Tagezeitung, September 11, 2019.

Online article
Piraterie und Sklaverei: Auf Menschenjagd im MittelmeerDer Standard,  July 2, 2019, online.

Newspaper article
"Wie ein Tiroler Bauer von Piraten versklavt wurde", Tiroler Tageszeitung Magazin, July 15, 2018.

Newspaper article
"Menschenhandel im Mittelmeerraum", Die Presse, June 9, 2018.

Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "Renegados: Converted Christians in British Barbary Captivity Narratives", International Symposium Buccaneers, Corsairs, Pirates and Privateers: Connecting the Early Modern Seas, Bielefeld University, 13.04.2018.

Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "Three Early Modern Barbary Captivity Narratives in the German Language and their Portrayal of Islam", Mediterranean Collaborative, Consortium for the Study of the Premodern World at the University of Minnesota, 08.11.2017.

Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "masters, Agusins and Renegados: Portrayals of Muslims in Early Modern Barbary Captivity Narratives from Germany and Austria", SAGES Program, Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, 04.11.2017.

Newspaper article
"Auf zum Entern!", Der Standard.

Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "Merckwürdige Lebens- und Reisebeschreibung: Der Bericht des Johann Michael Kühn", Erzählen zwischen Fakt und Fiktion (workshop), Innsbruck, 23.02.2017.

German article about our conference on "Piracy and Captivity in the Mediterranean: 1530-1810" in Innsbruck.

Newspaper article
"Als christlicher Gefangener unter Piraten", Der Standard.

Contact us:

Mario Klarer
Principal investigator

+43 512 507 4172


Institut für Amerikastudien
Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52d
6020 Innsbruck

Supported by a grant from the



May 16: Lecture (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Klarer) “Piraterie, Korsarentum und Sklaverei: Der frühneuzeitliche Kaperkrieg auf dem Mittelmeer” at the Volkshochschule Zürich.

January 6: Book talk of Barbary Captives: An Anthology of Early Modern Slave Memoirs by Europeans in North Africa at the Columbia Global Centers Tunis.


June 9: Newspaper Article on the project: "Menschenhandel im Mittelmeerraum", Die Presse, June 9, 2018, page 100.

April 13: Lecture: Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "Renegados: Converted Christians in British Barbary Captivity Narratives." at the International Symposium Buccaneers, Corsairs, Pirates and Privateers: Connecting the Early Modern Seas at the Bielefeld University.


November 8: Lecture: Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "Three Early Modern Barbary Captivity Narratives in the German Language and their Portrayal of Islam" for the Mediterranean Collaborative, Consortium for the Study of the Premodern World at the University of Minnesota.

November 4: Lecture: Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "masters, Agusins and Renegados: Portrayals of Muslims in Early Modern Barbary Captivity Narratives from Germany and Austria" for the SAGES Program at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.

June 14-15: Newspaper article on the project: "Auf zum Entern!", Der Standard, June 14/15, 2017, page F1.

February 23: Lecture: Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "Merckwürdige Lebens- und Reisebeschreibung: Der Bericht des Johann Michael Kühn" at the workshop "Erzählen zwischen Fakt und Fiktion" in Innsbruck.



 November 15: Lecture: Mario Klarer (Innsbruck), "Die Ausstellung ‚Gefangen von Piraten’ auf Schloss Ambras im Jahr 2019" Forschungsschwerpunkt Kulturelle Begegnungen,  University of Innsbruck.

June 17: Lecture: Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "Austrian 'Robinsons' on the Barbary Coast” at the "Piracy and Captivity in the Mediterranean: 1530-1810" in Innsbruck.

June 16: Lecture: Tobias Auböck (Innsbruck), "Easier Imagined than Described: Femininity and Fictionality in American Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives” at the "Piracy and Captivity in the Mediterranean: 1530-1810" in Innsbruck.

June 16 - 18: International conference "Piracy and Captivity in the Mediterranean: 1530-1810" in Innsbruck.

April 23: Lecture: Tobias Auböck (Innsbruck), "Selling the Truth: The Case of William Ray's Horrors of Slavery" at the EAAS Conference in Constanta (Romania).

April 22: Lecture: Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "Austrian Pirate Victims in North Africa: Two Early Modern Narratives of Barbary Coast Captivity" at the conference "Piraten, Gin Tonic und Partnerwahl. DIe Vielfalt der universitären Forschung" in Innsbruck.



December 15: Lecture: Tobias Auböck (Innsbruck), "Two Versions of the Truth: Representations of Class in Captivity Narratives" at the EHLN Conference "Free and Unfree Labour" in Turin.

October 23: Presentation: Tobias Auböck (Innsbruck) presents our project and our editing efforts at the kick off workshop of the Forschungszentrum Digital Humanities at the University of Innsbruck.

June 8: Lecture: Lisa Kattenberg (Amsterdam), "The Free Slave. Morality, Neostoicism and Publishing Strategy in Emanuel d’Aranda’s Algiers and it’s Slavery, 1640-1682" in Innsbruck.

June 3-4: Newspaper article on the project: "Als christlicher Gefangener unter Piraten", Der Standard, June 3/4, 2015, page F8.

April 15: Lecture: Tobias Auböck (Innsbruck), "Two Versions of the Truth: American Captivity in Tripoli" at the "Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium" in Innsbruck.

March 19: Lecture: Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "Identity Crisis: Returning from the Barbary Coast" at the research workshop "Afrikaforschung in Österreich: Zugänge und Einordnung" in Innsbruck.

March 19: Lecture: Tobias Auböck (Innsbruck), "Constructing Knowledge: Early Modern North Africa Through the Lense of Captivity Narratives" at the research workshop "Afrikaforschung in Österreich: Zugänge und Einordnung" in Innsbruck.

March 19: Lecture: Mario Klarer (Innsbruck), "The Barbary Coast Captivity Narrative as an Early Modern Guide to North Africa: Emanuel Aranda’s A Relation of Captivity and Liberty (1665;1666)" at the research workshop "Afrikaforschung in Österreich: Zugänge und Einordnung" in Innsbruck.

February 19: Lecture: Tobias Auböck (Innsbruck), "Americans in Chains: Sexual Virtue and the Quest for National Identity in Barbary Captivity Narratives" at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT.

January 26 - 30: Radio series: Mario Klarer in "Betrifft Geschichte" on Ö1, 5:55 pm.
   January 26: "Piraterie und Sklavenhandel seit der Antike"
   January 27: "Formen nordafrikanischer Sklaverei"
   January 28: "Sexuelle Standhaftigkeit versklavter Christinnen"
   Januray 29: "Berichte geflohener oder freigekaufter ehemaliger Sklaven"
   January 30: "Cervantes, Defoe und Rousseau"


November 22, 2014: Lecture: Tobias Auböck (Innsbruck), "Discovering Timbuktu: An American Perspective on a Legendary City" at the 41 AAAS Conference "Space Oddities: Urbanity, American Identity, and Cultural Exchange" in Graz.

November 22, 2014: Lecture: Robert Spindler (Innsbruck), "City Descriptions in Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives" at the 41 AAAS Conference "Space Oddities: Urbanity, American Identity, and Cultural Exchange" in Graz.

November 17, 2014: Lecture: Tobias Auböck (Innsbruck), "The Fantastical Travels of Robert Adams: An American Captive in Western Africa" at the Forschungstag des Forschungszentrums Kulturen in Kontakt in Innsbruck.

November 13 - 14, 2014: Conference "Perspectives on Northern Africa in the Early Modern Period: Piracy, Slavery, and Diplomacy" in Innsbruck.

November 3, 2014: Lecture: Khalid Bekkaoui (Fez), "Muslim Discovery of America" in Innsbruck.

November - December 2014: LFUI Guest Professorship: Khalid Bekkaoui (Fez) spends to months in Innsbruck at the Department of American Studies. Report on his stay (pdf).

Winter term 2014/15: Seminar and proseminar on Barbary Coast captivity narratives in Innsbruck.

June 7, 2014: Lecture: Mario Klarer (Innsbruck), "Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives" at the conference "Mightier than the Sword? The Countercultural Agency of Literary Fiction" in Innsbruck.

May 21, 2014: Lecture: Salvatore Bono (Perugia), "Europäische Sklavenberichte aus dem Mittelmeerraum (16.-19. Jahrhundert)" in Innsbruck.

March 24, 2014: Lecture: Magnus Ressel (Frankfurt), "The Image of the Barbary Corsairs in European Scholarly Literature from 1600 to 1800" in Innsbruck.

March 17, 2014: Lecture: Mario Klarer, "Christliche Sklaven unter islamischen Piraten: Gefangenenberichte von der Berberküste (1550-1780)" at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institut for Neo-Latin Studies in Innsbruck.

Summer term 2014: Seminar: Mario Klarer, "American Literature and Culture: Pirates of the Mediterranean: Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives" at Innsbruck University.

February 25, 2014: Radio interview with Mario Klarer on Radio Freirad 105,9 (in "uni konkret", radio broadcast of the University of Innsbruck, February 2014,

February 8, 2014: Lecture: Mario Klarer, "Die Sklaven der Korsaren: Frühneuzeitliche Gefangenenberichte aus der Barbareskenküste und der frühe Roman" at the workshop "Schiff und Schrift. Zum Verhältnis von Literatur und Globalisierung von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum 19. Jahrhundert" in Munich.


November 27, 2013: Lecture: Mario Klarer, "Barbary Coast Captivity: German and English Narratives" at the Schwerpunkttreffen of the Forschungsschwerpunkt Kulturen in Kontakt in Innsbruck.

November 27, 2013: Lecture: Tobias Auböck, "Barbary Coast Captivity: American Narratives" at the Schwerpunkttreffen of the Forschungsschwerpunkt Kulturen in Kontakt in Innsbruck.

November 25, 2013: Lecture: Stefan Brandt, "The American in Chains: Enslavement and the Specter of North Africa in Early U.S. Barbary Narratives" in Innsbruck.

November 9, 2013: Lecture: Mario Klarer, "Barbary Coast Captivity Accounts as Anti‐Utopia" at the AAAS Conference in Salzburg.

November 9, 2013: Lecture: Tobias Auböck, "Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives: The Female Perspective" at the AAAS Conference in Salzburg.

November 9, 2013: Lecture: Robert Spindler, "17th Century Captivity Narratives and the Puritans’ Utopian Vision of the New World" at the AAAS Conference in Salzburg.

Winter term 2013/14: Seminar: Mario Klarer, "American Literature and Culture: Escape in American Literature" at Innsbruck University.

July 19, 2013: Lecture: Mario Klarer, "Escaping from White Slavery: Barbary Coast Captivity Accounts and the Emerging Novel" at the conference "CISLE: New Frontiers in Research, Innsbruck" in Innsbruck.