Computational Astroparticle Physics
In the computational astroparticle phyics group we investigate astrophysical systems with relevance for the transport of cosmic rays by using dedicated numerical methods. In this context there are two numerical codes currently developed in our group: the Picard code for the investigation of cosmic-ray transport and the Cronos code for simulation of (magneto-) hydrodynamical fluids. As an example the image of the right-hand side shows a solution of the so-called current-sheet test as computed with the Cronos code.
These codes are applied to investigate different astrophysical systems with a focus on cosmic-ray transport and ensuing gamma-ray emission. Currently, we investigate cosmic-ray transport on the scale of the Milky Way and in colliding-wind binary systems.
Head of the Research Group
assoz. Prof. Dr. Ralf Kissmann
Tel. +43 512 507-52069
Administrative Assistant
Claudia Wester
Tel. +43 512 507-52054