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PhD position in atmospheric turbulence in mountainous terrain at University of Innsbruck

The Atmospheric Turbulence group of the Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (ACINN) at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) invites applications for a PhD position on atmospheric turbulence in mountainous terrain.

The successful candidate will work as part of the ERC Consolidator Grant “Developing a novel framework for understanding near-surface turbulence in complex terrain (Unicorn)”, led by Prof. Ivana Stiperski.  Unicorn aims to

(i)                  understand the processes that cause differences between turbulence in flat and mountainous terrain, and

(ii)                develop parametrizations for complex-terrain turbulence.

The PhD student will use turbulence measurements to study the different interactions between terrain, dynamically and thermally driven flows and turbulence over complex topography.  The student will be actively involved in the turbulence measurements as part of the TEAMx observational campaign ( and its pre-campaigns, as well as use pre-existing data from other large measurement campaigns, both over glaciers and non-glaciated areas.

The position is initially awarded for one year and will be extended to a total duration of 3 years after positive evaluation. The preferred starting date is 1 October 2023 or as soon thereafter. Remuneration will be based on the Austrian collective agreement for university employees (representative figures are provided by the Austrian Science Fund,

Essential qualifications: master degree in Meteorology/Atmospheric science, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics or Computational fluid dynamics (or being close to completion); good knowledge of statistics; demonstrated proficiency in Python, R, Matlab, or a similar programming language; experience with Linux/UNIX environments; excellent oral and written communication skills in English; strong motivation, curiosity and creativity; ability to work independently and as part of a team.

Assets: Knowledge of the atmospheric boundary layer and of mountain meteorology; field experience; experience in advanced statistical data analysis methods.

Applications received before Sunday, 23 June 2023, will be given full consideration. The application package should be submitted via e-mail to Ivana Stiperski ( and should include the following information:

·         A curriculum vitae

·         A formal letter of motivation, stating your interest and qualifications for the position

·         Degree transcripts and master thesis abstract

·         Contact information for one to two referees.

University of Innsbruck aims at increasing the proportion of women at all employment levels, and therefore the applications by qualified women are especially encouraged.

ACINN is the leading center for studying the influence of mountains on the atmosphere at scales ranging from climatic to turbulence. The  PhD student will be incorporated into the doctoral program Mountain Climate and Environment.

Candidates who wish to receive further details about the position are welcome to contact Prof. Ivana Stiperski per e-mail.