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Publications – Universität Innsbruck


N. Struwe, E. Blanco, J. M. Walker, 2024. Increasing benefits in one-time public goods does not promote cooperation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Y. Fang, D. Scott, R. Steiger, 2024. "Assessing potential impacts of climate change on China’s ski season length: a data-constrained approach". Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

N. Umlauf, J. Seiler, M. Wetscher, T. Simon, S. Lang, N. Klein, 2024. "Scalable Estimation for Structured Additive Distributional Regression". Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics.

N. L. B. Knowles, D. Scott, R. Steiger, 2024. "Climate Change and the Future of Ski Tourism in Canada’s Western Mountains". Tourism and Hospitality.

C. Arguedas, E. Blanco, 2024. "On Fraud and Certification of Green Production". Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.

I. Stucke, D. Morgenstern, A. Zeileis, G. J. Mayr, T. Simon, G. Diendorfer, W. Schulz, H. Pichler, 2024. "Diagnosing upward lightning from tall objects from meteorological thunderstorm environments". Electric power systems research.

C. Richter Ojijo, R. Steiger, 2024. "Residents’ preferences for tourism development in a protected area: a choice experiment". Tourism Review.

V. Meier, G, Leitinger, J. Walde, E. Tasser, 2024. "Wolf-related damage in livestock management: Long-term data analyses in Saxony, Germany". Global Ecology and Conservation.

D. Scott, R. Steiger, 2024. "How climate change is damaging the US ski industry". Current Issues in Tourism. 

T. Barsbai, V. Licuanan, A. Steinmayr, E. Tiongson, D. Yang, 2024. "Information and immigrant settlement". Journal of Development Economics.

R. Epperson, J. Diederich, T. Goeschl, 2024. "How to Design the Ask? Funding Units vs. Giving Money". Managemnet Science.

M. Newham, M. Valente, 2024. "The cost of influence: How gifts to physicians shape prescriptions and drug costs". Journal of Health Economics.

A. J. Menkveld, A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, J. Huber; ..., ...; M. Kirchler, M. Razen, P. C. Bindra, T. Lindner; et, al., 2024. "Nonstandard Errors". Journal of Finance.

C. Pérignon, O. Akmansoy, C. Hurlin, A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, J. Huber, M. johannesson, M. Kirchler, A. J. Menkveld, M. Razen, U. Weitzel, 2024. "Computational Reproducibility in Finance: Evidence from 1,000 Tests". The Review of Financial Studies.

M. Obradovits, 2024. "Asymmetric Pricing Caused by Collusion". Review of Network Economics.

I. M. Buso, L. Ferrari, W. Güth, L. Lorè, L. Spadoni, 2024.  "Testing isomorphic invariance across social dilemma games". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

H. Hegen, K. Berek, F. Deisenhammer, T. Berger, C. Enzinger, M. Guger, J. Kraus, J. Walde, F. Di Pauli, 2024. "Sex impacts Treatment Decisions in Multiple Sclerosis". Journal of Neurology.

E. Tasser, B. Unterthurner, A. Agreiter, L. Gerstgrasser, M. Giardino, U. Tappeiner, J. Walde, J. Rüdisser, 2024. "Drivers of spatio-temporal population dynamics of game species in a mountain landscape". Scientific Reports.

S. Srhoj, A. Coad, J. Walde, 2024. "HGX: the anatomy of high growth exporters". Small Business Economics.

D. Scott, Daniel, N. Knowles, R. Steiger, Robert, 2024. "Is snowmaking climate change maladaptation?" Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

M. Schaerer, C. du Plessis, M. H. B. Nguyen, ..., ..., A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, et. al., 2024. "On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions". Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

T. Muschinski, G. J. Mayr, R. Simon, N. Umlauf, A. Zeileis, 2024. "Cholesky-based multivariate Gaussian regression". Econometrics and Statistics.

M. Vorkauf, R. Steiger, B. Abegg, Bruno, E. Hiltbrunner, 2024. "Snowmaking in a warmer climate: an in-depth analysis of future water demands for the ski resort Andermatt-Sedrun-Disentis (Switzerland) in the twenty-first century". International Journal Of Biometeorology.

A. Ulrichshofer, M. Walzl, 2023. "A Labor Market for Persuaders: Theory and Evidence from Financial Advice". Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics.

M. Fišar, B. Greiner, C. Huber, E. Katok, A. Ozkes,  ..., ..., F. Holzmeister, D. Woods, M. Walzl, C. König genannt Kersting, M. Stefan,, 2023. "Reproducibility in Management Science". Management Science. 

M. Stefan, J. Huber, M. Kirchler, M. Sutter, M. Walzl, 2023. "Monetary and Social Incentives in Multi-Tasking: The Ranking Substitution Effect". European Economic Review.

A. Rappl, T. Kneib, S. Lang, E. Bergherr, 2023. "Spatial joint models through Bayesian structured piecewise additive joint modelling for longitudinal and time-to-event data". Statistics and Computing.

A. Razen, W. Brunauer, N. Klein, T. Kneib, S. Lang, N. Umlauf, 2023. "A multilevel analysis of real estate valuation using distributional and quantile regression". Statistical Modelling.

N. Klein, M. Carlan, T. Kneib, S. Lang, H. Wagner, 2023. "Bayesian Effect Selection in Structured Additive Distributional Regression Models". Bayesian Analysis.

T. Simon, G. Mayr, D. Morgenstern, N. Umlauf, A. Zeileis, 2023. "Amplification of annual and diurnal cycles of alpine lightning". Climate Dynamics.

R. Steiger, L. Graiff, M. Peters, M. Schnitzer, 2023. "The COVID-19 pandemic and leisure providers—Challenges, opportunities and adaptation strategies for ski area operators in Austria". Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism.

G. Dutcher, D. Ryvkin, T. Salmon, R. Oexl, 2023. "Do Competitive Bonuses Ruin Cooperation in Heterogeneous Teams?" Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.

R. Steiger, E. Posch, G. Tappeiner, J. Walde, 2023. "Seasonality matters: simulating the impacts of climate change on winter tourism demand". Current Issues in Tourism.

K. Momsen, M. Ohndorf, Markus, 2023: "Expressive voting versus information avoidance: experimental evidence in the context of climate change mitigation". Public Choice.

T. Muschinski, G. Mayr, A. Zeileis, T. Simon, 2023. "Robust Weather-Adaptive Postprocessing Using Model Output Statistics Random Forests". Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. 

R. Epperson, J. Diederich, T. Goeschl, 2023. "How to Design the Ask? Fundig Units vs. Giving Money". Management Science.

E. Bernold, E. Gsottbauer, K. A. Ackermann, R. O. Murphy, 2023. "Accounting for preferences and beliefs in social framing effects". Frontiers in Behavioral Economics.

L. Balafoutas, Loukas, M. Batsaikhan, 2023. "Competitive behavior of entrepreneurs and salaried workers". Management Science.

M. Malan, P. Hofman, E. Gsottbauer, A. Kontoleon, M. Voors, R. Carmenta, T. Swinfield, 2023. "Evaluating the impacts of a large-scale voluntary REDD+ project in Sierra Leone". Nature Sustainability.

L. Balafoutas, H. Fornwagner, B. Grosskopf, 2023. "Predictably competitive? What faces can tell us about competitive behavior". Games and Economic Behavior.

J. Buggle, T. Mayer, S. O. Sakalli, M. Thoenig, 2023. "The Refugee’s Dilemma: Evidence from Jewish Migration out of Nazi Germany". Quarterly Journal of Economics.

L. Balafoutas, M. Faravelli, H. Fornwagner, R. Sheremeta, 2023. "Conflict in the pool: A field experiment". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

J. Buggle, S. Vlachos, 2023. "Populist Persuasion in Electoral Campaigns: Evidence from Bryan's Unique Whistle-Stop Tour". Economic Journal.

A. Gill, M. Heinz, H. Schumacher, M. Sutter, 2023. "Social Preferences of Young Professionals and the Financial Industry". Management Science.

D. Gründler, 2023. "Expectations, structural breaks and the recent surge in inflation". Economics Letters

H. Karle, H. Schumacher, R. Volund, 2023. "Consumer Loss Aversion and Scale-Dependent Psychological Switching Costs". Games and Economic Behavior.

A. Steinmayr, M. Rossi, 2023. "Vaccine-skeptic physicians and patient vaccination decisions". Health Economics.

A. Rappl, T. Kneib, S. Lang, S. and E. Bergherr, 2023. "Spatial joint models through Bayesian structured piecewise additive joint modelling for longitudinal and time-to-event data". Statistics and Computing.

C. Baumgartner, S. Srhoj, J. Walde, 2023. "Harmonization of Product Classifications: A Consistent Time Series of Economic Trade Activities". Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (Journal of Economics and Statistics).

J. Hall, R. Kerschbamer, D. Neururer, E. Skoog, 2023. "Uncovering Sophisticated Discrimination with the Help of Credence Goods Markups – Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment". Management Science.

A. Razen, W. Brunauer, N. Klein, T. Kneib, S. Lang and N. Umlauf, 2023. "A multilevel analysis of real estate valuation using distributional and quantile regression". Statistical Modelling.

M. Valente, 2023. "Policy evaluation of waste pricing programs using heterogeneous causal effect estimation". Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

J. Beckmann, M. Breitenlechner, J. Scharler, 2023. "Is the exchange rate a shock absorber? The shocks matter." International Review of Economics & Finance.

J. Christoffersen, F. Holzmeister, T. Prenborg, 2023. "What is risk to managers?" Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.

M. Obradovits, P. Plaickner, 2023.  Price-Directed Search, Product Differentiation and Competition. Review of Industrial Organization.

M. Leibrecht, J. Scharler, Y. Zhoufou, 2023. "Automation and Unemployment: Does Collective Bargaining Moderate their Association?" Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

M. Breitenlechner, M. Geiger, D. Gründler, J. Scharler, 2023. "Sequencing the COVID-19 Recession in the USA: What Were the Macroeconomic Drivers?" Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

C. Huber, A. Dreber, J. Huber, M. Kirchler, ... F. Holzmeister, 2023. "Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Steiger, O. C. Demiroglu, M. Pons, E. Salim, 2023. "Climate and carbon risk of tourism in Europe". Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

E. Feess, F. Kerzenmacher, G. Muehlheusser, 2023. "Morally questionable decisions by groups: Guilt sharing and its underlying motives". Games and Economic Behavior.

K. Protopappas, 2023. "Manipulation of moves in sequential contests". Social Choice and Welfare.

L. Schneider, C. Strobl, A. Zeileis, R. Debelak, 2023. "An R toolbox for score-based measurement invariance tests in IRT models". Behavior Research Methods.

M. Holmen,  F. Holzmeister, M. Kirchler, M. Stefan, E. Wengström, 2023. "Economic Preferences and Personality Traits Among Finance Professionals and the General Population". Economic Journal.

D. Morgenstern, I. Stucke, G. J. Mayr, A. Zeileis, T. Simon, 2023. "Thunderstorm environments in Europe". Weather and Climate Dynamics.

N. Knowles, D. Scott, R. Steiger, 2023. "Sustainability of snowmaking as climate change (mal)adaptation: an assessment of water, energy, and emissions in Canada’s ski industry". Current Issues in Tourism.

R. Inderst, M. Obradovits, 2023. "Price promotions as a threat to brands".  Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.

E. Feess, F. Kerzenmacher, 2023. "Sorting of trustees: the good and the bad stay in the game". Economic Theory.

S. Gössling, C. Neger, R. Steiger, R. Bell, 2023. "Weather, climate change, and transport: a review". Natural Hazards.

I. Stucke, D. Morgenstern, G. Diendorfer, G. J. Mayr, H. Pichler, W. Schulz, T. Simon, A. Zeileis, 2023. "Upward Lightning at the Gaisberg Tower: The Larger-Scale Meteorological Influence on the Triggering Mode and Flash Type". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

S. Angerer, D. Glätzle-rützler, P. Lergetporer, T. Rittmannsberger, 2023. "How does the vaccine approval procedure affect COVID-19 vaccination intentions?” European Economic Review.

U. Schirpke, E. Feilhauer, F. Mölk, F., U. Tappeiner, G. Tappeiner, 2023. "How suitable are discrete choice experiments based on landscape indicators for estimating landscape preferences?" Landscape and Urban Planning.

M. Haan, P. Heijnen, M. Obradovits, 2023. "Competition with List Prices". Games and Economic Behavior.

E. Blanco, L. Moros, A. Pfaff, M. A. Velez, B. Vollan, 2023. "No crowding out among those terminated from an ongoing PES program in Colombia".  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

M. Gächter, E. Hasler, J. Scharler, 2023. "Kicking the can down the road: A historical growth-at-risk perspective". Economics Letters.

A. J. Menkveld, A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, H. Jürgen; ..., ...; M. Kirchler, M. Razen, C. B. Parampreet, T. Rittmansberger et al., 2023. Non-Standard Errors. Journal of Finance.

T. Hörtnagel, R. Kerschbamer, R., Oexl, R., Stracke, U. Sunde, U., 2023.  "Heterogeneity in Rent-Seeking Contests with Multiple Stages: Theory and Experimental Evidence". Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.

M. Pfaffermayr, 2023. "Cross-Sectional Gravity Models, PPML Estimation, and the Bias Correction of the Two-Way Cluster-Robust Standard Errors". Oxford Bulletin of Economics and  Statistics.

R. Kerschbamer, D. Neururer, M. Sutter, 2023. "Credence goods markets, online information and repair prices: A natural field experiment".  Journal of Public Economics.

W. Emons, R. Kerschbamer, G. Muelheusser, 2023. "Symposium on Credence Goods". Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics.

M. Breitenlechner, M., Geiger, J. Scharler, 2023. "Monetary policy announcements, consumers’ inflation expectations, and readiness to spend". Macroeconomic Dynamics.

S. Angerer, J. Bolvashenkova, D. Glätzle-Rützler, P. Lergetporer, M. Sutter, 2023. "Children’s patience and school-track choices several years later: Linking experimental and field data". Journal of Public Economics.

H. Harald, K. Berek, G. Bsteh, M. Auer, P. Altmann, F. Di Pauli, A. Grams, D. Milosavljevic, M. Ponleitner, P. Poskaite, C. Schnabl, S. Wurth, A. Zinganell, T. Berger, J. Walde, F. Deisenhammer, 2023. "Kappa free light chain and neurofilament light independently predict early multiple sclerosis disease activity - a cohort study". eBioMedicine, Part of THE LANCET Discovery Science.

A. Zinganell, H. Hegen, J. Walde, A. Bauer; K. Berek, R. Barket; M. Auer, G. Bsteh, E. Donnemiller, A. Egger, A. Grams, A. Griesmacher, A. S. Kroiss, F. Rettenwander, M. Tschallener, A. Tschoner, T. Berger, F. Deisenhammer, F. Di Pauli, 2023. "Screening for osteoporosis in MS patients: A new risk score". Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.

F. Di Pauli , A. Zinganell, B. Böttcher, J. Walde, M. Auer, R. Barket, K. Berek, A. Egger, A. Griesmacher, N. Sukalo, F. Deisenhammer, H. Hegen, 2023. "Sexual dysfunction in female and male people with multiple sclerosis: Disability, depression and hormonal status matter". European Journal of Neurology.

K. Berek, F. Di Pauli, M. Auer, A. Zinganell, J. Walde, F. Deisenhammer, H. Hegen, 2023. "Chasing shadows: Cytologically detected shadow cells in the cerebrospinal fluid of Patients with multiple sclerosis". Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.

H. Hegen, J. Walde, K. Berek, G. Arrambide, S. Gnanapavan, B. Kaplan, M. Khalil, R. Saadeh, C. Teunissen, H. Tumani, L. Villar, M. Willrich, H. Zetterberg, F. Deisenhammer, 2023. "Cerebrospinal Fluid Kappa Free Light Chains for the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis". Multiple Sclerosis Journal.

P. M. Lohmann, E. Gsottbauer, J. You, A. Kontoleon, 2023. "Air pollution and anti-social behaviour: Evidence from a randomized lab-in-the-field experiment." Social Science & Medicine.

P. M. Lohmann, E. Gsottbauer, J. You, A. Kontoleon, 2023. "Anti-social behaviour and economic decision-making: Panel experimental evidence in the wake of COVID-19". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

M. Geiger, D. Gründler, J. Scharler; Johann, 2023. "Monetary Policy Shocks and Consumer Expectations in the Euro Area". Journal of International Economics.

M. Ferré, S. Engel, E. Gsottbauer, 2022 "Incentivizing coordination in the adoption of sustainable land use when costs are heterogeneous: An economic experiment." Land Use Policy.

S. Chowdhury, M. Sutter, K. F. Zimmermann, K. F., 2022. "Economic preferences across generations and family clusters: A large-scale experiment in a developing country". Journal of Political Economy. 

S. Alan, G. Corekcioglu, M. Sutter, 2022. "Improving workplace climate in large corporations: A clustered randomized intervention". Quarterly Journal of Economics.

M. Breitenlechner, G. Georgiadis, B. Schumann, 2022. "What goes around comes around: How large are spillbacks from US monetary policy?" Journal of Monetary Economics.

J. Van Passel, W. de Keersmaecker, P. N. Bernardino, X. Jing, N. Umlauf, K. Van Meerbeek, B. Somers, 2022. "Climatic Legacy Effects on the Drought Response of the Amazon Rainforest". Global Change Biology.

J. Friedrichsen, K. Momsen, S. Piasenti, 2022. "Ignorance, intention and stochastic outcomes". Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.

R. Steiger, M. Peters, M. Redl, M. Schnitzer, 2022. "Die COVID-19 Pandemie als Treiber von Innovationen in der Tourismusbranche? Ein Fallbeispiel der niederösterreichischen Bergbahnen". Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft.

A. Gantner, R. Oexl., 2022. "Respecting Entitlements in Legislative Bargaining -- A Matter of Preference or Necessity?" Canadian Journal of Economics.

R. Inderst, M. Obradovits., 2022. "Pricing and Product Positioning with Relative Consumer Preferences". Journal of Industrial Economics.

N. Struwe, E. Blanco, J. M. Walker., 2022. "Competition among public good providers for donor rewards". Experimental Economics.

T., Muschinski, G. J. Mayr, T. Simon, N. Umlauf, A. Zeileis., 2022. "Cholesky-based multivariate Gaussian regression". Econometrics and Statistics.

E. Feilhauer, M. Schnitzer, J. Walde, G. Tappeiner, 2022. "What residents of potential Olympic cities want: using conjoint analysis to deal with dominant and heterogeneous preferences". Current Issues in Tourism.

E. Gsottbauer, A. Kontoleon, P. Lohmann., 2022. "Do carbon footprint labels promote climatarian diets? Evidence from a large-scale field experiment". Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

F. Morath, K. A. Konrad., 2022. "How to preempt attacks in multi-front conflict with limited resources". European Journal of Operational Research.

F. Morath, C. Ke, A.Newell, L. Page., 2022. "Too big to prevail: The paradox of power in coalition formation". Games and Economic Behavior.

C. Rimbaud, A. Soldà., 2022. "Avoiding the Cost of your Conscience: Belief-Dependent Preferences and Information Acquisition". Experimental Economics.

I. Guenther, K. Harttgen, J. Seiler, J. Utzinger., 2022. "An index of access to essential infrastructure to identify where physical distancing is impossible". Nature Communications.

A. Baier, Loukas Balafoutas, T. Jaber-Lopez, 2022. "Ostracism and theft in heterogeneous groups". Experimental Economics.

D. Scott, N. L. B. Knowles, S. Ma, S., M. Rutty, R. Steiger, 2022. "Climate change and the future of the Olympic Winter Games: athlete and coach perspectives". Current Issues in Tourism.

S. Butschek, J. Sauermann. "The effect of employment protection on firms' worker selection". Journal of Human Resources.

D. Morgenstern, I. Stucke, T. Simon, G. J. Mayr, A. Zeileis, 2022. "Differentiating lightning in winter and summer with characteristics of the wind field and mass field". Weather and Climate Dynamics.

L. Balafoutas, K. Henning, B. Vollan, 2022. "Religious worship and discrimination". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

A. Gill, M. Heinz, H. Schumacher, M. Sutter, 2022. "Social Preferences of Young Professionals and the Financial Industry". Management Science.

C. Steigenberger, M., Flatscher-Thoeni, U. Siebert, A. M. Leiter, 2022. "Determinants of willingness to pay for health services: a systematic review of contingent valuation studies". The European Journal of Health Economics.

K. Schmölz, R. Bottarin, A. Felber, F. Lassacher, F. Lehne, W. Mark, M. Niederwanger, G. H. Niedrist, S. Oberarzbacher, B. Pelster, A. Peron, S. Persiano, M. Schletterer, R. Schwarzenberger, A. Scotti, M. Thaler, J. Walde, J. Wieser, E. Tasser, 2022. "A first attempt at a holistic analysis of various influencing factors on the fish fauna in the Eastern European Alps". Science of the Total Environment.

S. Butschek, 2022. "Raising the bar: minimum wages and employers’ hiring standards". American Economic Journal.

K. Protoppapas, 2022. "Optimal lobbying pricing". Social Choice and Welfare.

K. Momsen, M. Ohndorf, 2022. "Information avoidance, selective exposure, and fake (?) news: Theory and experimental evidence on green consumption". Journal of Economic Psychology.

T. Muschinski, M. N. Lang, G. J. Mayr, J. W. Messner, T. Simon, A. Zeileis, Achim, 2022. "Predicting power ramps from joint distributions of future wind speeds". Wind Energy Science.

J. Huber, I. Sabiou, R. Kerschbamer, C. König genannt Kersting, S. Palan, V., Smith, 2022. "Nobel and novice: Author prominence affects peer review". PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A. Delios, E. G. Clemente, T. Wu, Tao, H. Tan, Y. Wang, M. Gordon, D. Viganola, Z. Chen, A. Dreber, M. johannesson, T. Pfeiffer; ..., ...; F. Holzmeister, Felix, E. L. Uhlmann, Eric, 2022. "Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data".  PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

I. Kesternich, Schumacher, H., B. Siflinger, S., Schwarz, S, 2021. "Money or Meaning? Labor Supply Responses to Work Meaning of Employed and Unemployed Individuals". European Economic Review.

J. Seiler, K. Harttgen, T. Kneib, T., S. Lang, 2021. "Modelling children's anthropometric status using Bayesian distributional regression merging socio-economic and remote sensed data from South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa". Economics & Human Biology.

S., Butschek, R. González Amor, P. Kampkötter, P., D. Sliwka, 2021. "Motivating Gig Workers - Evidence from a Field Experiment". Labour Economics.

O. Fernández-Amador, D. A. Oberdabernig, D. A., P. Tomberger, 2021. "Do methane emissions converge? Evidence from global panel data on production- and consumption-based emissions". Empirical Economics.

C. Strobl, J. Kopf, L. Kohler, T. von Oertzen, A. Zeileis, 2021. "Anchor Point Selection: Scale Alignment Based on an Inequality Criterion". Applied Psychological Measurement.

H. Schumacher, H. C. Thysen, 2021. "Equilibrium Contracts and Boundedly Rational Expectations". Theoretical Economics.

A. Farago, M. Holmén, F. Holzmeister, M., Kirchler, M., Razen, 2021. "Cognitive skills and economic preferences in the fund industry". Economic Journal.

S. Kujansuu, A. Schram, 2021. "Shocking gift exchange". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

H. Oberhofer, M. Pfaffermayr, 2021. "Estimating the Trade and Welfare Effects of Brexit: A Panel Data Structural Gravity Model". Canadian Journal of Economics.

S. Borky, A. Leiter-Scheiring, 2021. "International trade in rough diamonds and the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme". World Development.

H. Rice, S. Cohen, D. Scott, D., R. Steiger, 2021. "Climate change risk in the Swedish ski industry". Current Issues in Tourism.

I. M. Buso, D. Di Cano, L. Ferrari, V. Larocca, L. Lorè, F. Marazzi, L. Panaccione, L. Spadoni, 2021. "Lab-like findings from online experiments". Journal of the Economic Science Association.

F. Holzmeister, C. Huber, S. Palan, 2021. "A critical perspective on the conceptualization of risk in behavioral and experimental finance". Handbook of Experimental Finance.

R. Tutzer, S. Röck, J. Walde, J. Haug, B. Brinkmeier, M. Aufleger, G. Unfer, S. Führer, B. Zeiringer, 2021. "A Physical and Behavioral Barrier for Enhancing Fish Downstream Migration at Hydropower Dams: The Flexible FishProtector". Water.

H. D. Alas, A. Stöcker, N. Umlauf, O., Senaweera, S. Pfeifer,  S. Greven, A. Wiedensohler, 2021. "Pedestrian exposure to black carbon and PM2.5 emissions in urban hot spots: new findings using mobile measurement techniques and flexible Bayesian regression models". Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.

H. Oberhofer, M. Pfaffermayr, 2021. "Revisiting Time as a Trade Barrier: Evidence from a Panel Structural Gravity Model". Review of International Economics.

N. Umlauf, N. Klein, T. Simon, A. Zeileis, 2021. "bamlss: A Lego Toolbox for Flexible Bayesian Regression (and Beyond)". Journal of Statistical Software.

D. McEvoy, T. Haller, E. Blanco, 2021. "The Role of Non-Binding Pledges in Social Dilemmas with Mitigation and Adaptation". Environmental and Resource Economics.

J. Diederich, C. C. Eckel, R. Epperson, T. Goeschl, P. J. Grossmann, 2021. "Subsidizing unit donations: matches, rebates, and discounts compared". Experimental Economics.

J. Spornberger, 2021. "EU integration and structural gravity: A comprehensive quantifcation of the border effect on trade". Review of International Economics.

M. Pfaffermayr, 2021. "Confidence Intervals for the Trade Cost Parameters of Cross-Section Gravity Models". Economics Letters.

E. Blanco, A. Baier, F. Holzmeister, T. Japer-Lopez, N. Struwe, 2021. "Substitution of social sustainability concerns under the Covid-19 pandemic". Ecological Economics.

M. Geiger, M. Zachariadis, 2021. "Consumers' Updating, Policy Shocks, and Public Debt: An Empirical Assessment of State Dependencies". Macroeconomic Dynamics.

M. Breitenlechner, M. Geiger, J. Scharler, 2021. "Bank Liquidity and the Propagation of Uncertainty in the U.S.". Finance Research Letter.

I. Kesternich, H., Schumacher, B., Siflinger, F., Valder, 2021. "Reservation Wages and Labor Supply". Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

E. Blanco, A. Baier, F. Holzmeister, T. Jaber-Lopez, N. Struwe, 2021. "Long term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on social concerns". Frontiers in Psychology.

S. Angerer, D. Glätzle-Rützler, P. Lergetporer, M. Sutter, 2021. "The effects of language on patience: An experimental replication study of the linguistic-savings hypothesis in Austria". Journal of the Economic Science Association.

L. Huber, E., Posch, R., Bell, K.M., Höferl,  R. ,Steiger, R. Stotten, E., Tasser, G., Leitinger, 2021. "Two Perspectives – One Goal: Resilience Research in Protected Mountain Regions". eco.mont.

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R. Tutzer, S. Röck, J. Walde, B. Zeiringer, G. Unfer, S. Führer, B. Brinkmeier, J. Haug, M. Aufleger, 2021. "Ethohydraulic experiments on the fish protection potential of the hybrid system FishProtector at hydropower plants". Ecological Engineering.

S. Srhoj, B. Škrinjarić, S. Radas, J. Walde, 2021. "Small matching grants for women entrepreneurs: lessons from the past recession". Small Business Economics.

D. Scott, R. Steiger, M. Rutty, N. Knowles, B. Rushton, 2021. "Future climate change risk in the US Midwestern ski industry". Tourism Management Perspectives.

V. Margreiter, J. Walde, B. Erschbamer, 2021. "Competition-free gaps are essential for the germination and recruitment of alpine species along an elevation gradient in the European Alps." Alpine Botany.

L. Balafoutas, A. García-Gallego, N. Georgantzis, T. Jaber-Lopez, E. Mitrokostas, 2021. "Psychopathy and economic behavior among prison inmates: An experiment." Frontiers in Psychology.

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A. Steinmayr, M. Huber, 2021. "A Framework for Separating Individual-Level Treatment Effects From Spillover Effects".  Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.

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M. Pfaffermayr, 2020. "Trade Creation and Trade Diversion of Economic Integration Agreements Revisited: A Constrained Panel Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Approach". Review of World Economics.

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H. Hegen, F. Ladstätter, G. Bsteh, M. Auer, K. Berek, F. Di Pauli, J. Walde, J. Wanschitz, A. Zinganell, F. Deisenhammer, 2020. "Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein in Guillain‐Barré Syndrome – Need of Age‐dependent Interpretation". European Journal of Neurology.

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C. Bannier, E. Fees, N. Packham, M. Walzl, 2020. "Differentiation and Risk Aversion in Imperfectly Competitive Labor Markets". Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics.

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M. N. Lang, S. Lerch, G. J. Mayr, T. Simon, R. Stauffer, A. Zeileis, 2020. "Remember the Past: A Comparison of Time-Adaptive Training Schemes for Non-Homogeneous Regression". Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics.

R. Botvinik-Nezer, F. Holzmeister, C. F. Camerer, A. Dreber, J. Huber, M. johannesson, M. Kirchler, ..., T. E. Nichols, R. A. Poldrack, T. Schonberg, 2020. "Variability in the Analysis of a Single Functional Neuroimaging Dataset by Many Groups". Nature.

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R. Kerschbamer, D. Neururer, A. Gruber, 2019. "Do altruists lie less?". Journal fo Economic Behavior and Organization.

C. Huber, J. Huber, 2018. "Scale matters: Risk perception, return expectations, and investment propensity under different scalings". Experimental Economics.

S. Borsky, A. Leiter-Scheiring, M. Pfaffermayr, 2018. "Product Quality and Sustainability: The Effect of International Environmental Agreements on Bilateral Trade". The World Economy.

R. Kerschbamer,  D. Neururer, A. Gruber, 2018. "Do the Altruists Lie Less?". Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

A. Razen, S. Lang, 2018. "Random Scaling Factors in Bayesian Distributional Regression Models with an Application to Real Estate Data". Statistical Modelling.

T. Murooka, M. Schwarz, 2018. "Consumer Exploitation and Notice Periods". Economics Letters.

D. Fehr, M. Sutter, 2018. "Gossip and the efficiency of interactions". Games and Economic Behavior.

H. Hegen, J. Walde, G. Bsteh, M. Auer, S. Wurth, A. Zinganell, F. Di Pauli, F. Deisenhammer, T. Berger, 2018. "Impact of disease-modifying treatments on the longitudinal evolution of anti-JCV antibody index in multiple sclerosis". Frontiers in Immunology, Section Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology.

M. Köhler, N. Umlauf, S. Greven, 2018. " Nonlinear association structures in flexible Bayesian additive joint models". Statistics in Medicine.

L. Balafoutas, H. Fornwagner, M. Sutter, 2018. "Closing the gender gap in competitiveness through priming". Nature Communications.

M. Sutter, C. Zoller, D. Glätzle-Rützler, 2018. "Economic behavior of children and adolescents - A first survey of experimental economics results". European Economic Review.

 U. Schirpke, G. Tappeiner, E. Tasser, U. Tappeiner, 2018 "Using conjoint analysis to gain deeper insights into aesthetic landscape preferences". Ecological Indicators.

V. Eberharter, 2018. "Capability Deprivation, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Social Disadvantages - Empirical Evidence from Selected Countries". Social Sciences.

D. T. Huy, J. Walde, U. Tappeiner, G. Tappeiner, 2018. "A protected area between subsistence and development". International Journal of the Commons.

B. Verschuere, E. H. Meijer, A. Jim, K. Hoogesteyn, R. Orthey, R. J. McCarthy, J. J. Skowronski, O. A. Acar, … , F. Holzmeister, J. Huber, … , M. Kirchler, … , E. Yıldız, 2018. „Registered Replication Report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008)”. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science.

R. J. McCarthy, J. J. Skowronski, B. Verschuere, E. H. Meijer, A. Jim, K. Hoogesteyn, R. Orthey, O. A. Acar, … , F. Holzmeister, J. Huber, … , M. Kirchler, … , E. Yıldız, 2018. „Registered Replication Report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008)”. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science.

C. F. Camerer, A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, T. H. Ho, J. Huber, M. johannesson, M. Kirchler, G. Nave, B. A. Nosek, T. Pfeiffer, A. Altmejd, N. Buttrick, T. Chan, Y. Chen, E. Forsell, A. Gampa, E. Heikensten, L. Hummer, T. Imai, S. Isaksson, D. Manfredi, J. Rose, E.-J. Wagenmakers, H. Wu, 2018. „Evaluating replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science between 2010 and 2015”. Nature Human Behavior.

 J. M. Walker, E. Blanco, 2018. "Common-pool Resource Appropriation and Conservation: Lessons from Experimental Economics". B. Hudson, J. Rosenbloom and D.Cole (Edts.): Routledge Handbook of the Study of Commons. Routledge.

J. Kreutziger, S. Schmid, N. Umlauf, H. Ulmer, M. W. Nijsten, D. Werner, T. Schlechtriemen, W. Lederer, 2018. "Association between Blood Glucose and cardiac Rhythms during pre-hospital care of Trauma Patients - a retrospective Analysis". Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine.

C. Pfeifer, P. Höller, A. Zeileis, 2018. "Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Fatal Off-Piste and Backcountry Avalanche Accidents in Austria with a Comparison of Results in Switzerland, France, Italy and the US". Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 18.

T. Wang, C. Strobl, A. Zeileis, E. C. Merkle, 2018. "Score-Based Tests of Differential Item Functioning via Pairwise Maximum Likelihood Estimation". Psychometrika 83/1: 132-155.

F. Wickelmaier, A. Zeileis, 2018. "Using Recursive Partitioning to Account for Parameter Heterogeneity in Multinomial Processing Tree Models". Behavior Research Methods 50/3: 1217-1233.

E. Feess, F. Kerzenmacher, 2018. "Lying opportunities and incentives to lie: Reference dependence versus reputation". Games & Economic Behavior.

H. Fornwagner, 2018. "Incentives to lose revisited: The NHL and its tournament incentives". Journal of Economic Psychology.

A. Kupfer, 2018. "Estimating Inflation Risk Premia Using Inflation-Linked Bonds: A Review". Journal of Economic Surveys.

T. Stöckl, S. Palan, 2018. "Catch me if you can. Can human observers identify insiders in asset markets?". Journal of Economic Psychology 67: 1 - 17.

 S. Palan, C. Schitter, 2018. " - A subject pool for online experiments". Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 17: 22 - 27.

D. Kleinlercher, T. Stöckl, 2018. "On the provision of incentives in finance experiments". Experimental Economics 21/1:154 - 179.

M. Kirchler, S. Palan, 2018. "Immaterial and monetary gifts in economic transactions: evidence from the field". Experimental Economics 21/1: 205 - 230.

J. Huber, M. Shubik, S. Sunder, 2018. "Financing of public goods through taxation in a general equilibrium economy: Experimental evidence". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 148: 171-188.

 F. Hauser, K. Schredelseker, 2018. " Who benefits from insider regulation?". Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 68: 203 - 210.

M. Kirchler, F. Lindner, U. Weitzel, 2018. "Rankings and risk-taking in the finance industry". Journal of Finance.

L. Balafoutas, T. Jaber-Lopez, 2018. "Impunity under pressure: On the role of emotions as a commitment device". Economics Letters.

M. Sutter, S. Angerer, P. Lergetporer, D. Glätzle-Rützler, 2018. "Language Group differences in time preferences: Evidence from Primary School children in a bilingual City". European Economic Review.

M. Schnitzer, J. Walde, S. Scheiber, R. Nagille, G. Tappeiner, 2018. "Do the Youth Olympic Games promote Olympism? Analysing a Mission (im)possible from a local youth perspective". European Journal of Sport Science.

 N. Umlauf, T. Kneib, 2018. "A primer on Bayesian distributional Regression". Statistical Modelling 2018.

H. Hegen, D. Milosavljevic, W. Huebl, J. Walde, F. Deisenhammer, S. Presslauer, 2018. "Cerebrospinal fluid free light chains as diagnostic biomarker in neuroborreliosis". Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM).

G. Leitinger, K. Meusburger, J. Rüdisser, E. Tasser, J. Walde, P. Höller, 2018. "Spatial evaluation of snow gliding in the Alps". CATENA.

M. Stefan, F. Holzmeister, A. Müllauer, M. Kirchler, 2018. „Ethnical discrimination in Europe: Field evidence from the finance industry”. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0191959.

M. Fokkema, N. Smits, A. Zeileis, T. Hothorn, H. Klederman, 2018. "Detecting treatment-subgroup interactions in clustered data with generalized linear mixed-effects model trees". Behavior Research Methods.

M. Gebetsberger, J. Messner, G. J. Mayr, A. Zeileis, 2018. "Estimation Methods for Nonhomogeneous Regression Models: Minimum Continuous Ranked Probability Score versus Maximum Likelihood". Monthly Weather Review.

H. Seibold, A. Zeileis, T. Hothorn, 2018. "Individual treatment effect prediction for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients". Statistical Methods in Medical Research.

B. Komboz, C. Strobl, A. Zeileis, 2018. "Tree-Based Global Model Tests for Polytomous Rasch Models". Educational and Psychological Measurement.

Y. Engler, R. Kerschbamer, L. Page, 2018. "Guilt-Averse or Reciprocal? Looking at Behavioural Motivations in the Trust Game".  Journal of the Economic Science Association.

M. Philipp, C. Strobl, J. de la Torre, A. Zeileis, 2018. "On the Estimation of Standard Errors in Cognitive Diagnosis Models". Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics.

T. Simon, P. Fabsic, G. J. Mayr, N. Umlauf, A. Zeileis, 2018. "Probabilisitc Forecasting of Thunderstorms in the Eastern Alps". Monthly Weather Review.

R. Stauffer, G. J. Mayr, J. Messner, A. Zeileis, 2018. "Hourly Probabilistic Snow Forecasts over Complex Terrain: A Hybrid Ensemble Postprocessing Approach". Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography.

T. Schatzer, M. Siller, J. Walde, G. Tappeiner, 2018. "The Impact of Model Choice on Estimates of Regional TFP". International Regional Science Review.

T. K. Ahn, L. Balafoutas, M. Batsaikhan, F. Campos-Ortiz, L. Putterman, M. Sutter, 2018. "Trust and Communication in a Property Rights Dilemma". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

F. Holzmeister, 2018. "Ready-made apps for risk preference elicitation methods". Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.

N. Umlauf, N. Klei, A. Zeileis, 2018. "BAMLSS: Bayesian additive models for Location, scale and shape (and beyond)". Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics.

H. Oberhofer, M. Pfaffermayr, R. Sellner, 2018. "Revisiting Time as a Trade Barrier: Evidence from a Panel Structural Gravity Model". CESifo Working Paper Series.

L. Balafoutas, R. Kerschbamer, R. Oexl, 2018. "Distributional Preferences and Ego Depletion". Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics.

H. Oberhofer, M. Pfaffermayr, 2017. "Estimating the Trade and Welfare Effects of Brexit. A Panel Data Structural Gravity Model".  WIFO Working Papers.

A. Gantner, R. Kerschbamer, 2017. "Social Interaction Effects: The Impact of Distributional Preferences on Risky Choices". Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

A. Groll, T. Kneib and N. Umlauf, 2017. "Lasso-type penalization in the framework of generalized additive models for location scale and shape". Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Groningen, Netherlands, pp. 103-108.

T. Simon, N. Umlauf, G. J. Mayr, A. Zeileis, 2017. "Boosting multivariate Gaussian models for probabilistic temperature forecasts". Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Groningen, Netherlands, pp. 143-148.

M. Köhler, N. Umlauf, A. Beyerlein, C. Winkler, A.-G. Ziegler, S. Greven, 2017. "Flexible Bayesian additive joint models with an application to type 1 diabetes research". Biometrical Journal.

T. Simon, N. Umlauf, A. Zeileis, G. J. Mayr, W. Schulz, G. Diendorfer, 2017. "Spatio-temporal modelling of lightning climatologies for complex terrain". Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 17 (3), pp. 305-314.

V. Eberharter, 2017. "Childhood Income Dynamics, and Intergenerational Social Stratification - Empirical Evidence from Selected Countries". Puaschunder, J.M. (Edts.): "Intergenerational Responsibility in the 21th Century", Wilmington: Vernon.

R. Steiger, 2017.  "Wie wirkt sich der Klimawandel auf Verhalten und Verteilung der Schneesportler aus".
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R. Steiger, D. Scott, M. Rutty , 2017. "Die Zukunft olympischer Winterspiele in einem wärmeren Klima". Tourismus Wissen - quaterly, April 2017, pp. 102-109.

R. Steiger, B. Abegg, 2017. "Klimawandel und Skigebiete im Ostalpenraum". R. Roth, J. Schwarz (Eds.): Wirtschaftsfaktor Sporttourismus, Schriften zu Tourismus und Freizeit, Band 19, Berlin: ESV, pp. 137-148.

B. Abegg, R. Steiger, 2017. "Die Zukunft des Wintertourismus in Österreich gestalten". Innsbrucker Jahresbericht 2016-2017. Innsbruck: Institut für Geographie, pp. 211-222.

B. Abegg and R. Steiger, 2017. "Resilience and Perceptions of Problems in Alpine Regions". R.W. Butler (Eds.) Tourism and Resilience (pp. 105-117). Wallingford CABI Publications.

B. Abegg, R. Steiger, 2017. "Ski areas' competitiveness in the light of climate change: comparative analysis in the Eastern Alps". D. Müller & M. Wiechowski (Eds.): Tourism in Transition, Recovering from Decline and Managing Change. Springer.

F. Kreß, J. Angermann, A. Bauer, S. Baumgartl, R. Steiger, B. Abegg, 2017. "Keep Up the Good Work? - Eine kritische Anwendung der Importance-Performance-Analyse zur Steigerung der Touristischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit am Beispiel der Lenzerheide". Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus 2017/2018 .

M. Rutty, D. Scott, P. Johnson, M. Pons, R. Steiger, M. Vilella, 2017. "Using ski industry response to climatic variability to assess climate change risk: An analogue study in Eastern Canada". Tourism Management.

D. Scott, R. Steiger, M. Rutty, M. Pons, P. Johnson, 2017. "The differential futures of ski tourism in Ontario (Canada) under climate change: The limits of snowmaking adaption". Current Issues in Tourism.

Robert STEIGER, D. Scott, B. Abegg, M. Pons, C. Aall, 2017. "A critical review of climate change risk for ski tourism". Current Issues in Tourism.

M. Sutter, F. Feri, D. Glätzle-Rützler, M. Kocher, P. Martinsson, K. Nordblom, 2017. "Social preferences in childhood and adolescence. A large-scale experiment to estimate primary and secondary motivations". Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

M. Pfaffermayr, H. Oberhofer, P. Huber, 2017. "Who Creates Jobs? Economic Modeling and Evidence for Austrian Firm Level". European Economic Review.

L Balafoutas, R. Kerschbamer, R. Oexl, 2017. "Distributional Preferences and Ego Depletion". Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics.

N. Delai, I. Simonelli, G. Tappeiner, A. Weissensteiner, 2017. "Il Sostegno economico della non Autosufficienza". OECD Publishing, Paris.

A. Exenberger, 2017. "Rohstoffe im Spannungsfeld von Zentrum und Peripherie(n)". Historische Sozialkunde, Geschichte - Fachdidaktik - Politische Bildung 4/2017.

T. Murooka, M. Schwarz, 2017. "The Timing of Choice-Enhancing Policies." Journal of Public Economics.

F. Herweg, M. Schwarz, 2017. "Optimal Cost Overruns: Procurement Auctions with Renegotiation". International Economic Review.

M. Sutter, 2017. "Yetenek Karsisinda Sebatin Zaferi (Die Entdeckung der Geduld. Ausdauer schlägt Talent)". Kaknüs, Istanbul.

M. Sutter, 2017. "Nudging - Ein neues Politikinstrument?". Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (Hrsg): Werkheft 04. Sozialstaat im Wandel, Berlin, pp. 228-231.

L. Balafoutas, R. Kerschbamer, M. Sutter, 2017. "Second degree moral hazard in a credence goods market". Economic Journal 127 (599), pp. 1-18.

R. Kerschbamer, M. Sutter, U. Dulleck, 2017. "How social preferences shape incentives in (experimental) markets for credence goods". Economic Journal 127, pp. 393-416.

J. Huber, M. Kirchler, D. Kleinlercher, M. Sutter, 2017. "Market vs. Residence Principle: Experimental Evidence on the Effects of a Financial Transaction Tax". Economic Journal 127 (605), F610-F631.

D.J. Cooper and M. Sutter, 2017. "Endogenous role assignment and team performance". International Economic Review.

M. Obradovits, 2017. "Search and Segregation". International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 55, pp. 137-165.

J. Nussbaumer and S. Neuner, 2017. "Hoffnungstropfen". STUDIA Universitätsverlag.

B. Davis, R. Kerschbamer, R. Oexl, 2017. "Is Reciprocity Really Outcome-Based? A Second Look at Gift-Exchange with Random Shocks".  Journal of Economic Science Assocation.

C. Hauser, M. Siller, T. Schatzer, J. Walde, G. Tappeiner, 2017. "Measuring regional innovation: A critical inspection of the ability of single indicators to shape technological change". Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 

M. Köhler, A. Beyerlein, K. Vehik, S. Greven, N. Umlauf, A. Lernmark, W. A. Hagopian, M. Rewers, J.-X. She, J. Toppari, B. Akolkar, J. P. Jeffrey, E. Bonifacio, A.-G. Ziegler, 2017. "Joint Modeling of Longitudinal Autoantibody Patterns and Progression to Type 1 Diabetes: Results from the TEDDY Study". Acta Diabetologica.

E. Blanco, T. Haller, J. M. Walker, 2017. "Provision of Environmental Public Goods: Unconditional and Conditional Donations from Outsiders". Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

H. Hegen, J. Walde, M. Auer, F. Deisenhammer, 2017. "Cerebrospinal fluid/ serum glucose ratio in the ventricular and lumbar compartment: Implications for clinical practice". European Journal of Neurolog.

F. Bucha, D. Müller, 2017. "Can a Common Currency Foster a Shared Social Identity across Different Nations? The Case of the Euro". European Economic Review.

B. Vollan, M. Pröpper, A. Landmann, L. Balafoutas, 2017. "Self-governance and punishment: An experimental study among Namibian forest users". Economic Development and Cultural Change.

G. E. Fedreheim, E. Blanco, 2017. "Co-Management of protected areas to alleviate conservation conflicts: Experiences in Norway". International Journal of the Commons.

J. Rüdisser, E. Tasser, J. Walde, P. Huemer, K. Lechner, A. Ortner, U. Tappeiner, 2017. "Simplified and still meaningful: Assessing butterfly habitat quality in grasslands with data collected by pupils". Journal of Insect Conservation.

R. Stauffer, G. J. Mayr, J. W. Messner, N. Umlauf, A. Zeileis, 2017. "Spatial-Temporal Precipitation Climagology Over Complex Terrain Using a Censored Additive Regression Model". International Journal of Climatology.

R. Stracke, R. Kerschbamer, U. Sunde, 2017. "Coping with Complexity - Experimental Evidence for Narrow Bracketing in Strategic Interactions". European Economic Review.

M. Peters, J. Walde, J. Brustbauer, 2017. "The Influence of Cognitive Frames on Small Business Entrepreneurs' Perception of Risk Concepts". Journal of Management and Enterprise Development.

X. Basurto, E. Blanco, M. Nenadovic, B. Vollan, 2017. "Marine Conservation as Complex Cooperative and Competitive Human Interactions". Conservation for the Anthropocene Ocean.

L. B. Fischer, M. Pfaffermayr, 2017. "The more the merrier? Migration and convergence among European regions". Regional Science and Urban Economics.

H. Hegen, M. Auer, G. Bsteh, F. Di Pauli, T. Plavina, J. Walde, F. Deisenhammer, T. Bergeret, 2017. "Stability and predictive value of anti-JCV antibody index in multiple sclerosis: A 6-year longitudinal study". PLoS ONE.

M. Meier, D. Stoehr, J. Walde, E. Tasser, 2017. "Influence of ungulates on the vegetation composition and diversity of mixed deciduous and coniferous mountain forest in Austria". European Journal of Wildlife Research.

R. Stauffer, J. W. Messner, G. J. Mayr, N. Umlauf, A. Zeileis, 2017. "Ensemble Post-Processing of Daily Precipitation Sums over Complex Terrain Using Censored High-Resolution Standardized Anomalies". Monthly Weather Review.

M. Kirchler, D. Andersson, C. Bonn, M. johannesson, E. Ø. Sørensen, M. Stefan, G. Tinghög, D. Västfjäll, 2017. “The Effect of Fast and Slow Decisions on Financial Risk Taking”. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

B. Davis, 2017. "An experiment on behavior in social learning games with collective preferences". Economics Letters.

E. Blanco, T. Haller, J. M. Walker, 2017. "Externalities in appropriation: Responses to probabilistic losses". Experimental Economics.

R. Kerschbamer and M. Sutter, 2017. "The economics of credence goods - A survey of recent lab and field Experiments". CESifo Economic Studies.

F. Lindner, J. Rose, 2017. "No need for more time: Intertemporal allocation decisions under time pressure". Journal of Economic Psychology.

L. Balafoutas, M. Sutter, 2017. "On the nature of guilt aversion: Insights from a new methodology in the dictator game". Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.

R. Stracke, R. Kerschbamer, U. Sunde, 2017. "Coping with Complexity – Experimental Evidence for Narrow Bracketing in Multi-Stage Contests". European Economic Review. 

S. Angerer, G. Dutcher, D. Glätzle-Rützler, P. Lergetporer, M. Sutter, 2017. "Gender differences in discrimination emerge early in life: Evidence from primary school children in a bilingual City". Economics Letters.

B. Davis, 2016. "Dispersion of female business students across MBA program rankings''. Economics Bulletin.

M. Razen, J. Huber and M. Kirchler, 2016. "Cash Inflow and Trading Horizon in Asset Markets". European Economic Review.

E. Mayer, S. Rüth and J. Scharler, 2016. "Total Factor Productivity and the Propagation of Shocks; Empirical Evidence and Implications for the Business Cycle". Journal of Macroeconommics.

B. Raunig, J. Scharler and F. Sindermann, 2016. "Do Banks Lend Less in Uncertain Times?". Economica.

L. Balafoutas, N. Nikiforakis, B. Rockenbach, 2016. "Altruistic punishment does not increase with the severity of norm violations in the field". Nature Communications.

G. Tinghög, D. Andersson, C. Bonn, M. johannesson, M. Kirchler, L. Koppel, D. Västfjäll, 2016. "Intuition and moral decision-taking - the effect of time pressure and cognitive load on moral judgment and altruistic behavior". Plos One.

J. Verbesselt, N. Umlauf, M. Hirota, M. Holgrem, E. H. Van Nes, M. Herold, A. Zeileis, M. Scheffer, 2016. "Remotely Sensed Resilience of Tropical Forests". Nature Climate Change.

J. Cox, R. Kerschbamer, D. Neururer, 2016. "What is Trustworthiness and What Drives it?". Games and Economic Behavior. 

C. Kleiber, A. Zeileis, 2016. "Visualizing Count Data Regressions Using Rootograms". The American Statistician.

A. Gantner, R. Kerschbamer, 2016. "Fairness and Efficiency in a Subjective Claims Problem". Journal of Econmic Behavior and Organization.

H. Hofstetter, E. Dusseldorp, A. Zeileis, A. Schuller, 2016. "Modeling Caries Experience: Advantages of the Use of the Hurdle Model". Caries Research.

N. Flynn, C. Kah, R. Kerschbamer, 2016. "Vickrey Auction vs. BDM: Difference in Bidding Behavior and the Impact of Other-Regarding Motives". Journal of the Economic Science Association.

A. Gantner, K. Horn, R. Kerschbamer, 2016. "Fair and Efficient Division Through Unanimity Bargaining when Claims Are Subjective". Journal of Economic Psychology.

A. Garcia-Gallego, N. Georgantzis, T. Jaber-Lopez, G. Staffiero, 2016. "An experimental study on the effect of co-payment in public Services". Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.

M. Halla, A. F. Wagner, J. Zweimüller, 2016. "Immigration and Voting for the Far Right". Journal of the European Economic Association.

H. Seibold, A. Zeileis, T. Hothorn, 2016. "Model-based recursive partitioning for subgroup analyses". International Journal of Biostatistics.

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