GOAL 10 Reduced Inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG 10 calls for increasing the income of bottom 40 % of the population and reducing inequalities based on income, sex, age, disability, race, class, ethnicity, religion and opportunity by adopting relevant policies and legislation. It also aims to improve the regulation and monitoring of financial markets and institutions.
Goal 10 addresses between-country inequalities by encouraging development assistance and foreign direct investment to the regions with the greatest need, promoting the implementation of the principle of special and differentiated trade treatment for developing countries and the representation of developing countries in decision-making in global economic and financial institutions.
SDG 10 seeks to promote social inclusion globally through the facilitation of safe, orderly and regular migration and the reduction of transaction costs of migrant remittances.
Monitoring SDG 10 in an EU context focuses on progress made in reducing inequalities between and within countries and in achieving social inclusion and safe migration.
Education for Sustainable Development Goals
Suggestions for the development of specific sustainability competencies from the action-oriented, transformative educational and learning outcome-oriented guide Education for Sustainable Development Goals, UNESCO (2017)
Suggested learning objectives
Cognitive learning objectives
- The learner knows different dimensions of inequality, their interrelations and applicable statistics.
- The learner knows indicators that measure and describe inequalities and understands their relevance for decision-making.
- The learner understands that inequality is a major driver for societal problems and individual dissatisfaction.
- The learner understands local, national and global processes that both promote and hinder equality (fiscal, wage, and social protection policies, corporate activities, etc. ).
- The learner understands ethical principles concerning equality and is aware of psychological processes that foster discriminative behaviour and decision making.
Socio-emotional learning objectives
- The learner is able to raise awareness about inequalities.
- The learner is able to feel empathy for and to show solidarity with people who are discriminated against.
- The learner is able to negotiate the rights of different groups based on shared values and ethical principles.
- The learner becomes aware of inequalities in their surroundings as well as in the wider world and is able to recognize the problematic consequences.
- The learner is able to maintain a vision of a just and equal world.
Behavioral learning objectives
- The learner is able to evaluate inequalities in their local environment in terms of quality (different dimensions, qualitative impact on individuals) and quantity (indicators, quantitative impact on individuals).
- The learner is able to identify or develop an objective indicator to compare different groups, nations, etc. with respect to inequalities.
- The learner is able to identify and analyse different types of causes and reasons for inequalities.
- The learner is able to plan, implement and evaluate strategies to reduce inequalities.
- The learner is able to engage in the development of public policies and corporate activities that reduce inequalities.
Suggested topics
Social, economic and political inclusion versus inequalities (on national and global levels) – typical discriminatory categories
Different indicators to measure inequality
The meaning of rights to land, property and natural resources for equality and the impact of inequalities on vulnerabilities and capacities
Fiscal, wage and social protection policies
Global trade systems and regulations (including tax regimes)
Labour standards Representation of different social groups/nations in governments/on boards of meaningful and powerful institutions
The amount and effects of international development aid
Historical roots of current inequalities (including the role of multinational companies)
Migration and mobility of people
Examples of learning approaches and methods
Play simple distribution games to discuss psychological effects of unfair and unequal treatment or the exacerbation of the impacts of natural hazards on a community due to inequality
Analyse the share of different social categories in the own institution
Plan an awareness or political campaign directed at inequalities in global trading systems
Analyse one’s own personal history considering times where one was privileged or discriminated against
Conduct interviews with people in vulnerability (e.g. migrants)
Develop a web page or a blog highlighting an understanding of the local migration and/or refugee situation
Develop an enquiry-based project: “How does inequality influence people’s happiness?”
External Links
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations
Targets and Indicators of Goal 10