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Rosani wins Best Student Paper Award 2020 – Universität Innsbruck

Rosani wins Best Student Paper Award 2020

Department member wins University's Award for recent publication • Membro dell'Istituto vince premio dell'Università per recente pubblicazione • Institutsmitglieder ausgezeichnet für kürzlich veröffentlichten Beitrag

 (Credit: Uni Innsbruck)

Rosani wins Best Student Paper Award 2020

Congratulations to Domenico Rosani, research and teaching associate at our Department, who was awarded the 2020 Best Student Paper Award by the University of Innsbruck! The prize-giving ceremony took place on 21 October. The University's vice-rectore Ulrike Tanzer conferred the award to Domenico and the other five winners of other faculties. In his award-winning contribution, Domenico analysed the impact on children of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, highlighting new avenues opened up by it to promote the realisation of children's rights online. The contribution follows a multidisciplinary and comparative approach, offering some practical suggestions for Member States' legislation and policies. He particularly advocates a greater coordination between private and public actors and the active involvement of children in the implementation of the Regulation.

"'We're All in This Together'. Actors Cooperating in Enhancing Children's Rights in the Digital Environment after the GDPR" was recently published in D. Hallinan/R. Leenes/S. Gutwirth/P. De Hert (eds.), Data Protection and Privacy: Data Protection and Democracy (Hart, Oxford).

Rosani vince il Best Student Paper Award 2020

Congratulazioni a Domenico Rosani, assistente presso il nostro istituto, a cui è stata assegnata l’edizione 2020 del Best Student Paper Award dell’Università di Innsbruck! La premiazione ha avuto luogo lo scorso 21 ottobre ad opera della vicerettrice Ulrike Tanzer, che ha consegnato il riconoscimento a Domenico e agli altri cinque vincitori, dottorandi presso varie facoltà dell’Università. Nel contributo premiato, Domenico ha analizzato l'impatto sui minori del regolamento UE sulla protezione dei dati personali, evidenziando nuove vie da esso aperte per promuovere la realizzazione dei diritti dei minori in rete. Lo scritto adotta un approccio multidisciplinare e comparato, presentando alcuni suggerimenti concreti per la legislazione e policy degli Stati membri. Egli sostiene in particolare la necessità di un maggiore coordinamento tra attori privati e pubblici e il coinvolgimento attivo dei minori stessi nell'attuazione del regolamento.

Il contributo “'We're All in This Together’. Actors Cooperating in Enhancing Children's Rights in the Digital Environment after the GDPR“ è stato recentemente pubblicato in D. Hallinan/R. Leenes/S. Gutwirth/P. De Hert (a cura di), Data Protection and Privacy: Data Protection and Democracy (Hart, Oxford).

Rosani mit dem Best Student Paper Award 2020 ausgezeichnet

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unseren Kollegen Domenico Rosani zum Best Student Paper Award 2020 der Leopold-Franzens-Universität, welcher ihm und anderen fünf KollegInnen aus verschiedenen Fakultäten am 21. Oktober von Vizerektorin Ulrike Tanzer überreicht wurde! Im ausgezeichneten Beitrag befasst sich unser Kollege mit der 2018 in Kraft getretenen europäischen Datenschutzverordnung und zeigt neue Wege auf, wie Kinderrechte im Netz besser wahrgenommen und geschützt werden können. Dabei verfolgt der Preisträger einen multidisziplinären Ansatz. Insbesondere die rechtsvergleichende Analyse erweist sich ergiebig in Bezug auf die Herausarbeitung konkreter Vorschläge für gesetzgeberische und politische Entscheidungen in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten. Der Autor plädiert für eine stärkere Koordinierung zwischen den Entscheidungsträgern sowie für eine aktivere Miteinbeziehung von Kindern in die Umsetzung der Verordnung.

Der Beitrag „‚We're All in This Together’. Actors Cooperating in Enhancing Children's Rights in the Digital Environment after the GDPR“ ist 2020 in D. Hallinan/R. Leenes/S. Gutwirth/P. De Hert (Hg.), „Data Protection and Privacy: Data Protection and Democracy“ (Hart, Oxford) erschienen. 


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