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News & Events – University of Innsbruck




News & events

JOINT AGE_REG & ARDRE Summer School 2024

On July 3rd and 4th, 2024 another Joint Summer School for the doctoral programs AGE REG and ARDRE took place. As in previous years, there were again interesting lectures and discussions from the areas of aging research, regenerative medicine and drug development.

Best oral presentation award: Ines Martic, Dept. of Biomedical Aging Research (First picture)
Runner-up awards: Elisa Gabassi, Dept. of Molecular Biology (Second picture) and Nicki Marami-Zonouz, Dept. of Botany (Third picture)

Ines Martic SS Verleihung     Elisa Gabassi SS Verleihung     Nicki Marami Zonouz SS Verleihung


First author publications

April 29, 2024

March 22, 2024

Oral presentation at the "Stem Cells in Neuroscience" meeting in Tübingen from Angeliki Spathopoulou

March 11-13, 2024 – we would like to congratulate our PhD student Angeliki Spathopoulou for her oral presentation "Integrative metabolomics-genomics analysis identifies key networks in a stem cell-based model of schizophrenia" at the Stem Cells in Neuroscience meeting in Tübingen.

JOINT AGE_REG & ARDRE Winter School 2022/23

Early Stage Funding 2023 for Angeliki Spathopoulou

January 16th, 2023 - Congratulations to Angeliki SPATHOPOULOU on her successful application for Early Stage Funding with the project: Understanding cellular rejuvenation by single cell multi-omics profiling. These project will be funded by our Vice Rector for Research. Congrats on this achievement and good luck for your project!

Names of all the awardees on this year's Early Stage Funding


Jan 23 - 24, 2023 - ARDRE and AGE_REG PhD students enjoyed an interesting 2 days' Winter School dedicated to ETHICSProf. Hansjörg Ehni from the University of Tübingen, Germany, gave some very interesting insight into topics related to bioethics, ethics of research with humans and animals, Good Scientific Practice, and ethics of biological aging research in particular. The results of students' group work were presented and discussed in a final round table discussion in a relaxed, but stimulating atmosphere. 

CMBI Meeting 

August 11, 2022 - the 8th CMBI Meeting takes place on September 30th, 2022 at the Congresspark Igls. Please find the flyer here and further information under the following link.

Early Stage Funding 2022 for Marion LECHABLE and Lucas HENSEN

August 3, 2022 - Congratulations to Marion LECHABLE and Lucas HENSEN on their successful applications for Early Stage Funding: Marion's project: Stem cell decision making in Hydra and Lucas' project: How glioblastoma cells cope with tryptophan restriction. These projects will be funded by our Vice Rector for Research. Congrats on this achievement and good luck for your projects! Names of all the awardees on this year's Early Stage Funding.

JOINT AGE_REG & ARDRE Summer School 2022

July 7-8, 2022 - Following the 2nd FEBS Workshop Ageing and Regeneration, we had a great Joint AGE_REG & ARDRE SUMMER SCHOOL, with nice flash presentations on posters, lots of groupwork and lifely discussions on the outcome of these networking activities. We are proud of our PhD students and the work they presented. We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all our participating supervisors for their passion for science.

2nd FEBS Workshop Ageing and Regeneration

July 4-7, 2022 - Our 2nd FEBS Workshop Ageing and Regeneration at the hotel dasMEI in Mutters, Austria, was a great success! DP ARDRE was one of the sponsors and organizers of this conference. Thank you to all participants, speakers & everyone else who contributed to the success of our event.

Journal Club AGE_REG & ARDRE

June 14, 2022 - 1:00 pm

Important genetic origin of our senses identified

May 18, 2022 - ARDRE researchers have deciphered the function of a gene that is essential for the formation of neural structures in the head of vertebrates and their perception of the environment. A group of international researchers led by the University of Oxford and including Ute Rothbächer's team at the University of Innsbruck's Institute of Zoology, published their findings in Nature: "Hmx gene conservation identifies the origin of vertebrate cranial ganglia"

Journal Club AGE_REG & ARDRE

MAY 10, 2022 - 1:00 pm

ARDRE Mini Retreat

April 29, 2022 – another informal MINI RETREAT took place this friday. Our ESR agreed that this event again has been a good opportunity to exchange information and opinions and it should be repeated in the near future. 

Journal Club AGE_REG & ARDRE

April 26, 2022 - 1:00 pm

Life Science PhD Meeting 2022

April 20-22, 2022 - this years Life Science PhD Meeting 2022, with sponsorship by DP ARDRE, was a great success! 


March 31, 2022 – we are very happy to announce that our new ARDRE blog is now online for the general public to see! 

Journal Club AGE_REG & ARDRE

March 29, 2022 - 1:00 pm

Journal Club AGE_REG & ARDRE

Journal Club AGE_REG & ARDRE

March 01, 2022 - 1:00 pm


February 14, 2022 – we are excited to announce our new ARDRE twitter account! Follow us on our social media channels for the latest news and updates!

Journal Club AGE_REG & ARDRE

January 25, 2022 - 1:00 pm

Journal Club AGE_REG & ARDRE

January 11, 2022 - 1:00 pm


January 01, 2022 – a warm welcome to our new ESR, Ms. Nicki MARAMI ZONOUZ (Iran) who will be working at the Institute of Botany!

ARDRE mid-term review meeting

December 15, 2021 - today our ARDRE mid-term review meeting with the agency took place. We would like to thank our project officer Andrea HUTTERER, all ARDRE supervisors and our PhD students for making this meeting a success! 

Journal Club

December 14, 2021 - 1:00 pm

Scientific Project Management

December 06, 2021 - today we had a fabulous seminar from our project.service office. In part II of Scientific Project Management we learned a lot about national and international project management. We' would like to thank our lecturers Robert REBITSCH and David LEDERBAUER for sharing their expertise! 

Journal Club

November 23, 2021 - 1:00 pm

End of 4th call

November 22, 2020 – the fourth call for the ARDRE project Plant Aging (PA) has been closed. We received 33 applications from 8 nationalities. All applications will be now checked for their eligibility. 

ARDRE Mini Retreat

OCT 15, 2021 – today we had first ARDRE MINI RETREAT after a nice summer break. It was great that so many of our ARDRE Phd students had taken their time.

ARDRE student representatives

October 01, 2021 - today Camille BRUCKER and Eduardo VILLICAÑA-GONZÁLEZ passed on their responsibilities as ARDRE student representatives to Angeliki SPATHOPOULOU and Lucas HENSEN. We would like to thank you for the great work you have done over the past year.

Oral presentation @ ANA Meeting 2021

September 28-30, 2021 – we would like to congratulate our PhD student Ferenc TÖRÖK for his oral presentation Biophysical and pharmacological characterisation of de novo CACNA1D mutations associated with a severe neurodevelopment disorder at the this years ANA Meeting in Salzburg! 

European Researcher's Night

September 24, 2021 – the European Researchers’ Night is an event that takes place simultaneously once a year throughout Europe and invites the public to get a taste of the everyday life of research institutions. This year the Austrian edition of the European Researcher's Night Life is science is again hosted by the Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology (acib). ARDRE successfully participated in this year's event. Find more on YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook...

4th call for applications

September 23, 2021 – the 4th call for one PhD position is open from 23.09.20211 to 22.11.2021. For further information please see application information.

Symposium of the Herbal Medicinal Platform

September 17-19, 2021 – at the end of September took place the Symposium of the Herbal Medicinal Platform Austria (HMPPA) at the Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences. During such event Eduardo VILLICAÑA-GONZÁLEZ got the chance to participate with a five minutes presentation entitled: Separation of paraconic acids contained in Cetraria islandica. It was an opportunity for young researchers, in the field of pharmacognosy to present their work to colleagues from other universities and enhance their networking.

Radio report on aging on ORF Radio Tirol

August 27, 2021 – Pidder JANSEN-DÜRR was interviewed for the morning show in ORF Radio Tirol. Catch up with the short broadcast and listen to 'Können wir unsterblich werden?' (08:22 am)

Early stage funding 2021 for Camille BRUCKER

August 11, 2021 – we are happy to announce that Camille BRUCKER has successfully applied for co-financing: Her project Role of SUSD2 in proliferation, senescence and adipogenic differentiation of human adipose stem/progenitor cells was selected for the early stage funding 2021. The project will be funded in the amount of EUR 5.000, sponsored by our Vice Rector for Research. We are incredibly proud of you. Congratulations!

ARDRE Mini Retreat

June 9, 2021 – today we had our last informal ARDRE MINI RETREAT before the summer break, organized by our Phd students. After a period of important lockdown restictions this joyful get-together event has been very good for the entire project. The ARDRE ESR community has grown together.

Effective presentation in class and at conferences

June 08/09, 2021 - what a fantastic seminar! We learned a lot about presentation techniques, body language, vocal techniques and, most importantly, dealing with nervousness. Thanks to everyone who joined us for the first onsite training after the COVID-19 lockdown, and thank you to Lothar Tschapka for explaining so clearly. It was a very insightful seminar.

Journal Club

June 29, 2021 - 1:00 pm

Journal Club

June 15, 2021 - 1:00 pm

  • Marion LECHABLE (Zoology)
    Naturally occuring tumours in the basal metazoan Hydra

Journal Club

May 25, 2021 - 1:00 pm

  • Lucas HENSEN (Biochemistry)
    mTOR-dependent translation amplifies microglia priming in aging mice (Keane, L., Antignano, I., Riechers, S. P., Zollinger, R., Dumas, A. A., Offermann, N., ... & Capasso, M. (2021). mTOR-dependent translation amplifies microglia priming in aging mice. The Journal of clinical investigation, 131(1).)

Journal Club

May 18, 2021 - 1:00 pm

  • Lena GUERRERO NAVARRO (Biomedical Aging Research)
    Senolysis by glutaminolysis inhibition ameliorates various age-associated disorders

Journal Club

May 04, 2021 - 1:00 pm

  • Xuechen TANG (General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry)
    Resting-State Structure and Gating Mechanism of a Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel

JOINT AGE_REG & ARDRE SYMPOSIUM (virtuell meeting)

April 28/29, 2021 - the second JOINT AGE_REG & ARDRE SYMPOSIUM is taking place today and tomorrow as virtual meeting. Students of both doctoral programmes (DP AGE_REG & DP ARDRE) as well as from the Medical University of Innsbruck present their progress reports and discuss their results in the course of this Summer School. A special thank to our invited speaker Markus SCHOSSERER (BOKU Vienna, Austria) for joining our meeting.

Journal Club

April 13, 2021 - 1:00 pm

  • Cornelia FÖRDERER (Botany)
    Noninvasive diagnosis of seed viability using infrared thermography

Life Science PhD Meeting Innsbruck 2021

April 08/09, 2021 - this year the Life Science PhD Meeting Innsbruck has started in an online format. Our ARDRE ESR Marion LECHABLE were actively engaged as members of the organizing committee, while Lucas HENSEN and Camille BRUCKER were invited to become involved as chairman. From the 40 student talks, 4 speakers where selected by a jury of students, postdocs and PIs. The winners of the 2021 Short Talk Award are Gerlinde Karbon, Katharina Hutter, Katharina Klee and Elena Brunner. The prices of 150 euro each, were sponsored by the PhD programs ARDRE, CMBI, CBD, CaVX, SPIN, HOROS and the MUI clinical PhD program.

ARDRE Mini Retreat

April 02, 2021 – our second informal MINI RETREAT organized by our ARDRE ESR was a great success and we loved beeing involved.

Kick-off Event VERSA

March 23, 2021 - the official KICK-OFF_EVENT for VERSA - Video gamES for Skills trAining took place today.

Journal Club

March 16, 2021 - 1:00 pm

  • Nargess SHAHBAZI (Molecular Biology)
    Acinar Cells plasticity, New avenue in Stem Cell thearpy for Diabetes

Journal Club

March 02, 2021 - 1:00 pm

  • Eduardo VILLICAÑA-GONZÁLEZ (Pharmacy/Pharmacognosy)
    Purification of thonningianins A and B and four further derivatives from Thonningia sanguinea by one- and two-dimensional centrifugal partition chromatography
  • Alessandro PENNATI (Zoology)
    Assaying Chromatin Accessibility Using ATAC-Seq in Invertebrate Chordate Embryos

ARDRE ESRs co-organizing Life Science PhD Meeting

Feb 17, 2021 - we are happy to announce that two ARDRE early stage researchers have become members of the organizing committee of the upcoming Life Science PhD Meetings in Innsbruck. We wish Marion LECHABLE and Lucas HENSEN a lot of success for this important task as well as a good cooperation with colleagues from other contributing PhD programs.

Performing under Pressure

Feb 15/16, 2021 - the second ARDRE seminar Performing under Pressure took place today. This seminar was organized for female academics only. A special thanks goes to our lecturer Francesca CARLIN and to our staff development team.

Journal Club

January 26, 2021 - 1:00 pm

  • Angeliki SPATHOPOULOU (Molecular Biology)
    Deconstructing Stepwise Fate Conversion of Human Fibroblasts to Neurons by MicroRNAs | Cell Stem Cell 2021 publication of Cates et al)

ARDRE speakers team meeting

January 13, 2021 – due to the unpredictable situation with Covid-19 our ARDRE speakers team meeting took place virtually today.

Journal Club

January 12, 2021 - 1:00 pm

  • Ferenc TÖRÖK (Pharmacology & Toxicology)
    Biophysical and pharmacological characterisation of various voltage-gated calcium ion channels
  • Aldo TANCREDI (Organic Chemistry)
    Towards the total synthesis of natural products containing nine-membered carbocycles

Scientific Project Management

Dec 02, 2020 - our special ARDRE seminar series has started! Today we had a great seminar about Scientific Project Management. A special thanks goes to our lecturers Robert REBITSCH and David LEDERBAUER from the!

Relaunch ARDRE website

November 30, 2020 – we are very excited to announce the relaunch of our ARDRE website. After four months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce our updated internet presence!


November 16, 2020 – a warm welcome to our last recruited ESR, Mr. Ferenc TÖRÖK (Hungary) who will be working at the Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology!

ARDRE student representatives

October 15, 2020 - we would like to congratulate the two ESR who have been selected to represent the ARDRE PhD students. We are happy to announce that the student representatives for the upcoming winter and summer semester are Camille BRUCKER and Eduardo VILLICANA-GONZALEZ.


October 01, 2020 – a warm welcome to our 12th ESR, Mr. Aldo TANCREDI (Italy) who will be working at the Institute of Organic Chemistry!

End of 3rd call

August 18, 2020 – the third call for the ARDRE project Biology of voltage-gated calcium-channesl (BVC) has been closed. We received 26 applications from 12 nationalities. All applications will be now checked for their eligibility. 

Journal Club

August 13, 2020 – 1:00 pm

  • Marion LECHABLE (Institute of Zoology)
    Transcription factor AP2 controls cnidarians germ cell induction
  • Camille BRUCKER (Institute for Biomedical Ageing Research)
    Long-term caloric restriction ameliorates deleterious effects of aging on white and brown adipose tissue plasticity

Journal Club

July 30, 2020 – 1:00 pm

  • Lucas HENSEN (Institute for Biochemistry)
    The mTOR pathway is necessary for survival of mice with short telomeres

Journal Club

July 16, 2020 – 1:00 pm

  • Lena GUERRERO NAVARRO (Institute for Biomedical Ageing Research)
    Mitochondrial Dysfunction Induces Senescence with a Distinct Secretory Phenotype
  • Xuechen TANG (Department of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry)
    Structurally Similar Inhibitors and SIRT6

Show all news


July 28, 2020 – a warm welcome to our 11th ESR, Ms Xuechen TANG (China) who will be working at the Institute of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry.

ARDRE Mini Retreat

July 23, 2020 – our first MINI RETREAT was attended by the ARDRE ESR and member of the ARDRE management team. The purpose of these meeting was to bring together the ARDRE PhD students in an informal setting to discuss specific topics relevant to the ARDRE DP.

End of the 2nd call

July 14, 2019 – we received 24 applications from 12 nationalities which were checked for their eligibilty. From 24 applications 10 were eligible.

3rd call for applications

July 06, 2020 – the 3rd call for one PhD position is open from 06.07.2020 to 17.08.2020. For further information please see application information

Journal Club

July 02, 2020 – 1:00 pm

    • Nargess SHAHBAZI (Institute of Molecular Biology)
      Finding new sources of beta cells- Making beta cells in dish
    • Cornelia FÖRDERER (Institute of Botany)
      Molecular and environmental factors regulating seed longevity


July 01, 2020 – a warm welcome to our new ARDRE project manager, Ms. Monika EGGER-BÜSSING  who will be working at the Institute for Biomedical Aging Reserach!

Journal Club

June 18, 2020 – 1:00 pm

  • Alessandro PENNATI (Institute of Zoology)
    A Maternal System Initiating the Zygotic Developmental Program through Combinatorial Repression in the Ascidian Embryo

Journal Club

June 04, 2020 – 1:00 pm

  • Eduardo VILLICANA-GONZALEZ (Department of Pharmacognosy)
    A database of high-resolution MS/MS spectra for lichen metabolites


June 01, 2020 – we are glad to announce that our 10th ESR, Ludovica FILLIPINI has started her position at the Pharmacology and Toxicology Section.

Joint Summer School ARDRE & AGE_REG (virtuell meeting)

May 27/28, 2020 - the first JOINT SUMMER SCHOOL attended by the ARDRE and the AGE REG PhD students provided a wide range of intriguing and inspiring presentations and discussions.

Journal Club

May 14, 2020 - 1:00 pm

  • Angeliki SPATHOPOULOU (Institute for Molecular Biology)
    Single-cell mapping of lineage and identity in direct reprogramming


May 04, 2020 - a warm welcome to our 9th ESR, Ms Camille BRUCKER (France) who will be working at the Institute for Biomedical Ageing Research.

End of the 2nd call

April 20, 2020 - the 2nd call has been closed and all the applications received will be now checked for their eligibility.

April 15, 2020 - a cordial welcome to our 8th ESR, Ms Nargess SHAHBAZI (Iran) who will be working at the Institute for Molecular Biology. 


April 01, 2020 - we are glad that our 6th ESR, Mr Lucas HENSEN (Germany) and our 7th ESR, Mr Eduardo VILLICANA-GONZALEZ (Mexico/France) could start their positions at the Department of Biochemistry and at the Department of Pharmacognosy.


March 16/23, 2020  - a warm welcome to our 4th and 5th ESR, Ms Cornelia FÖRDERER (Germany) who will be working at the Institute of Botany and to Ms Marion LECHABLE (France) who is allocated to the Institute of Zoology.


March 09, 2020 - a warm welcome to our 3rd ESR, Mr Alessandro PENNATI (Italy) who will be working at the Institute of Zoology.

2nd call for applications
March 09,  2020 - the 2nd call for one PhD position is open from 09.03.2020 to 20.04.2020. For further information please see application information.


March 02, 2020 - a warm welcome to Ms Lena GUERRERO NAVARRO (Spain) and Mrs Angeliki SPATHOPOULOU (Greece / Germany) as our first ESR of 12 PhD researchers who started their work at the Institute for Biomedical Ageing Research and the Department of Molecular Biology.

Interviews with short-listed candidates
December 19/20, 2019 and 13/14 January 2020 - on 4 days the on-site and video interviews with the short-listed candidates took place. 

End of the 1st call

November 15, 2019 - we received 142 applications from 36 nationalities which were checked for their eligibility. From 142 applications 83 were eligible. If needed, a second call will be launchend in the beginning of 2020. 

Joint Kick-off Event DP ARDRE & DP DOCC

October 21, 2019 - the official KICK-OFF_EVENT for DP ARDRE and DP DOCC (EU MSCA Doctoral Programs) took place at the main University in Innsbruck.  

1st call for applications

September 16, 2019 - the first call for applications for our 12 PhD positions was launched at Euraxess, Nature Jobs and other media channels. 

Official start of ARDRE DP

August 01, 2019 - the ARDRE Faculty Member-Team and the management team started with their work.

COFUND Beneficiary Day

June 05, 2019 - project coordinator Pidder JANSEN-DÜRR took part at the EU COFUND Beneficiary's Day in Brussels.

ARDRE /EU Grant Agreement

May 08, 2019 - the Grant Agreement No. 847681 for the ARDRE MSCA Doctoral Programme has been signed by the EU and University of Innsbruck.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847681.

Co-funded by the European Union


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