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News – University of Innsbruck
Our spin off company innotope provides stable isotope labeled products for nucleic acids.
For further information please visit the company's website: 


July 2024
Sonja Leiner joined our group to work on her Bachelor Thesis. Welcome!
'Phase Separation Modulates the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of RNA Hybridization ' is now published in JACS. Big Thanks to Atul Rangadurai and Lewis Kay for the efficient collaboration. link

June 2024
Ayse Imamoglu joined our group to work on her Bachelor Thesis. Welcome!
Our work 'Efficient Synthetic Access to Stable Isotope Labelled Pseudouridine Phosphoramidites for RNA NMR Spectroscopy' is now published in Chemistry - A European Journal. Big Thanks to Bernd Nidetzky and Martin Pfeiffer for the efficient collaboration. link

Januay 2024
Finally !! - Our work 'Enhanced TROSY Effect in [2-19F, 2-13C] Adenosine and ATP Analogs Facilitates NMR Spectroscopy of Very Large Biological RNAs in Solution' is now published in Angewandte Chemie. link

December 2023
David Klingler successfully defended his PhD Thesis! Congratulations and we wish you the best with the new endeavours ahead!

November 2023
Alen Reka successfully defended his master Thesis. Congratulations and all the best for your future!

October 2023
Miza Shalabi and Zobaida Rezaje successfully finished their Bachelor Theses. Congratulations!!

September 2023
Filip Sebst (PostDoc, Silantes GmbH) joins our group a second time to optimize the synthetic access to stable isotope labeled pseudouridine and derivatives thereof. Welcome!

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