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InnPeace Lectures and Events Series 2023

InnPeace Lectures and Events Series 2023

30th November 2023, 4pm CET Julio César Díaz Calderón "Land grabbing tactics and the everyday acts of care of/in la pacha"

Format & Location: Hybrid – in presence (without registration) Sowi / Hörsaal 3; online registration

InnPeace Public Lectures & Events Series cordially invites you for a public guest lecture by Dr. Julio César Díaz Calderón (Elle/They/Them), Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Sciences and Humanities, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and Founder and Co-Director Security For All Transfeminist Non-Governmental Organization.

"Sustaining Territories: Land grabbing tactics and the everyday acts of care of/in la pacha"

Abstract: This lecture is inspired by Indigenous, (de)/(post)colonial, student, and queer/trans/feminist activisms and scholarship in Abya Yala (a decolonial enunciation in the Kuna language of the continent that the colonizers called America) to propose two

concepts to rethink the actions of drug cartels, governmental officials, social movements, and people organized in collectives and non-governmental organizations to claim sovereignty over global cities’ territories: land grabbing tactics and everyday acts of care of/in la pacha. Tactics of land grabbing are ongoing State-geography-making socio-political-economic practices to displace people from their land-territories-bodies-cosmos. Pacha is an Andean onto-epistemology that refers to the cosmos in its entirety, both time and space. Pacha-sofía is used to re-theorize the territorial component of sovereignty through land grabbing and care. This lecture will demonstrate the usefulness of this re-conceptualization through the study of the colonial, gendered, racialized, and sexualized violence of the Tepito drug cartel —the main cartel in Mexico City— and the José Yves Limantour Student House —an autonomous space of resistance sharing territory with the cartel. It shows the ongoing coloniality of land-grabbing tactics and the everyday struggle against such coloniality through acts of care of/in la pacha, allowing for alternative relations to sovereignty in urban territories amidst extreme colonial, gendered, racial, and sexualized violence.

5th December 2023, 4pm CET Dr. Fiona Murphy “The politics of trauma, memory and reparation in Australia: the story of the Stolen Generations”

Format & Location: Hybrid – in presence (without registration) Sowi / Hörsaal 2; online registration

Abstract: This talk examines the politics of memory, trauma and the so-called reconciliation movement in the context of the removal of Indigenous Australian children known as the Stolen Generations. The talk will outline the different approaches to reconciliation and reparation thus far in response to this history.

Bio: Fiona Murphy is an anthropologist based in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies (SALIS) at Dublin City University. As an anthropologist of displacement, she works with Stolen Generations in Australia and people seeking asylum and refuge in Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Turkey. She has a particular passion for creative and public anthropologies and is always interested in experimenting with new forms and genres―see her TEDx talk on displacement here.

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