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SFB publications Nadia Stefanova – Universität Innsbruck
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SFB Publications of Nadia Stefanova

2013 |2012 | 2011


Krismer F, Jellinger KA, Scholz SW, Seppi K, Stefanova N, Antonini A, Poewe W, Wenning GK (2014)
Multiple system atrophy as emerging template for accelerated drug discovery in α-synucleinopathies
 Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2014 Aug;20(8):793-9. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2014.05.005. Epub 2014 May 21. PubMed PMID: 24894118; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4141743

Kuzdas-Wood D, Stefanova N, Jellinger KA, Seppi K, Schlossmacher MG, Poewe W, Wenning GK (2014)
Towards translational therapies for multiple system atrophy
 Prog Neurobiol. 2014 Jul;118:19-35. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2014.02.007. Epub 2014 Mar 2. PubMed PMID: 24598411; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4068324


Boudes M, Uvin P, Pinto S, Voets T, Fowler CJ, Wenning GK, De Ridder D, Stefanova N.E
Bladder dysfunction in a transgenic mouse model of multiple system atrophy.
Mov Disord. 2013 Mar;28(3):347-55. doi: 10.1002/mds.25336. Epub 2013 Feb 20. PubMed PMID: 23426727

Nina Daschil, Gerald J. Obermair, Bernhard E. Flucher, Nadia Stefanova, Birgit Hutter-Paier, Manfred Windisch, Christian Humpel and Josef Marksteiner.
CaV1.2 calcium channel expression in reactive astrocytes is associated with the formation of amyloid-β plaques in an Alzheimer mouse model.
J Alzheimers Dis. 2013;37(2):439-51. doi: 10.3233/JAD-130560. PubMed PMID: 23948887
Fellner L, Irschick R, Schanda K, Reindl M, Klimaschewski L, Poewe W, Wenning GK, Stefanova N.
Toll-like receptor 4 is required for α-synuclein dependent activation of microglia and astroglia.
Glia. 2013 Mar;61(3):349-60; doi: 10.1002/glia.22437. Epub 2012 Oct 25. PubMed PMID: 23108585; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3568908

Fellner L, Wenning GK, Stefanova N.
Models of Multiple System Atrophy.
Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2013 Dec 14 [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24338664

Fellner L, Stefanova N.
The role of glia in α-synucleinopathies.
Mol Neurobiol. 2013 Apr;47(2):575-86. doi: 10.1007/s12035-012-8340-3. Epub 2012 Sep 2. Review. PubMed PMID: 22941028; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3589649

Daniela Kuszda, Sylvia Stemberger, Stefano Gaburro, Nadia Stefanova, Nicolas Singewald, Gregor K. Wenning.
Oligodendroglial alpha-synucleinopathy and MSA-like cardiovascular autonomic failure: Experimental evidence
Experimental Neurology, 8 February 2013;

Florian Krismer, Gregor K. Wenning, Yuntao Li, Werner Poewe, Nadia Stefanova.
Intact olfaction in a mouse model of Multiple System Atrophy
PLOS ONE, 2013;


Florian Krismer, Nadia Stefanova, Gregor K. Wenning.
Intakte Olfaktion als Schlüsselmerkmal der Multisystematrophie vom Parkinson-Typ: experimentelle Evidenz
Neurologie aktuell, 2012; 114-115

Nadja Stefanova, Walter A. Kaufmann, Christian Humpel, Werner Poewe, Gregor K. Wenning.
Systemic proteasome inhibition triggers neurodegeneration in a transgenic mouse model expressing human α-synuclein under oligodendrocyte promoter: implications for multiple system atrophy
Acta Neuropathol. 2012 [Epub ahead of print]


Fellner L, Jellinger KA, Wenning GK, Stefanova N.
Glial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of α-synucleinopathies: emerging concepts.
Acta Neuropathol. 2011 Jun;121(6):675-93. doi: 10.1007/s00401-011-0833-z. Epub 2011 May 12. Review. PubMed PMID: 21562886

Daniela Kuzdas, Florian Krismer, Nadia Stefnova und Gregor K. Wenning
Aktuelle Laborforschung zur Parkinsondemenz
Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 2011

Nadia Stefanova, Lisa Fellner, Markus Reindl, Eliezer Masliah, Werner Poewe, and Gregor K. Wenning
Toll-Like Receptor 4 Promotes Synuclein Clearance and Survival of Nigral Dopaminergic Neurons
The American Journal of Pathology, vol 179, no 2, aug 2011