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Dr. Gabor Petnehazi – Universität Innsbruck

Dr. Gábor Petneházi


gabor_petnehazyInstitut für Klassische Philologie
und Neulateinische Studien

Project: The Dissertations of the Academia Taxiana

Room: 06L040
Innrain 52a
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Tel.: +43/512/507-40701


Gábor Petneházi is post-doc researcher at the project „The Dissertations of the Academia Taxiana” funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), where his main task is to prepare a monograph analyzing the corpus of Taxiana-dissertations on a literary and historiographical level.

He studied History, Classical and Neo-Latin Philology at the University of Szeged (Hungary) where he obtained his PhD degree in 2013.

His main research interests are: early modern historiography; humanism and Republic of Letters; early modern politics and intellectual history; early modern manuscript and print culture. He published more than 40 articles/studies on these topics; his translations from Latin into Hungarian (including texts of erasmus of Rotterdam, Paolo Giovio, Gian Michele Bruto and other 16th century humanist authors) have been published in both individual and edited volumes. He conducted archival researches in Vienna, Padua, Warsaw, Krakow, Cluj-Napoca, Budapest. In 2020 in Trento, with his colleague Péter Kasza, he discovered one of the most important and most extensive historiographical manuscripts of the 16th century, Gian Michele Bruto's Rerum Ungaricarum libri, which was previously thought to be lost. Most recently, he has been working on the text tradition and literary analysis of this enormous work.

Selected publications


  • A bolygó humanista. Gian Michele Bruto Erdélybe érkezésének előtörténete (Wandering humanist. The prehistory of Gian Michele Bruto's arrival in Transylvania), In: Convivia Neolatina Hungarica 5, ed. Enikő Békés, Péter Kasza, Dávid Molnár (Szeged, Lazi: 2023), 223–241.
  • Ut tantus thesaurus ex tenebris in lucem hominum prodeat. Szamosközy István és a Rerum Ungaricarum libri (István Szamosközy and the Rerum Ungaricarum libri), In: Certamen X. Előadások a Magyar Tudomány Napján az Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület I. Szakosztályában, ed. Egyed Emese, Pakó László, Weisz Attila (Cluj, Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület: 2023), 321–342.
  • (with Péter Kasza) Gian Michele Bruto magyar történetei. A Rerum Ungaricarum libri szöveghagyománya (The Hungarian Histories of Gian Michele Bruto. The manuscript tradition of the Rerum Ungaricarum libri), Magyar Könyvszemle 139 (2023/1), 22–67.
  • Ellentétes narratívák fogságában. Gian Michele Bruto és a Rerum Ungaricarum libri (Captured by counter-narratives. Gian Michele Bruto and the Rerum Ungaricarum libri). In: Latin nyelvű udvari kultúra Magyarországon a 15–18. században (Convivia Neolatina Hungarica 4), ed. Békés Enikő, Kasza Péter, Kiss Farkas Gábor, Szeged, Lazi, 2021, 167–196.
  • (with Péter Kasza) “Sic fata volunt.” The Narrative Memory of the Tragedy of Queen Isabella and the Peril of Buda. In: Isabella Jagiellon, Queen of Hungary (1539-1559), ed. Máté Ágnes, Oborni Teréz (Budapest, Research Center for the Humanities: 2020), 103–130.
  • Utópia vagy reform? erasmus és a keresztény humanizmus (Utopia or Reform? erasmus and Christian Humanism). In: Ige-Idők. A Reformáció 500 éve (1. Tanulmányok), ed. Kiss Erika, Zászkaliczky Márton, Zászkaliczky Zsuzsanna (Budapest, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum: 2019), 148–155.
  • Incesztus és bűnbocsánat. Luther (és Melanchthon) egyik exempluma, magyarországi előfordulásai és a műfaj kora újkori használata (Incest and absolution. An exemplum of Luther and Melanchthon and the early modern uses of a literary genre). In: A reformáció emlékezete. Protestáns és katolikus értelmezések a 16-18. században, ed. Száraz Orsolya, (Debrecen Univ. Press: 2018), 100–120.
  • Párhuzamos történetek. Egyéniség, politika és hitelesség Istvánffy Miklós és Forgách Ferenc történeti műveiben (Parallel Histories. Personality, politics and authenticity in the works of Miklós Istvánffy and Ferenc Forgách). In: A magyar történelem folytatója. Istvánffy Miklós és műve, ed. Pál Ács, Gergely Tóth (Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2018), 141–164.
  • Tirade du nez, or nasological remarks on history of a friendship,  Camoenae Hungaricae 2010, 39–45.

Document transcriptions with translation and study

  • Responsio ad quaestionem dilemmaticam: Szepsi Laczkó Máté  ismeretlen röpirata (Unpublished pamphlet of Máté Szepsi Laczkó from the 17th century), Lymbus 2023 (forthcoming)
  • Libellus paraeneticus. Ismeretlen magyar nyelvű politikai traktátus a 16. századból (An unknown Latin-Hungarian political treatise from the 16th century), Lymbus 2022, 242–262.
  • Brutus az olvasóhoz. A Rerum Ungaricarum libri trentói kéziratának bevezetése (Gian Michele Bruto: Ad lectorem. Preface from the Trento-Ms of Rerum Ungaricarum libri). Lymbus 2021, 297–396.
  • Az 1577-ben Visztulába fulladt Báthory unokaöcs (?) gyászverse és Báthory Zsigmond levele Jan Zamoyskinak 1593-ból: két kiadatlan dokumentum (The obituary poem of Stephen Báthory's nephew (?) drowned in the Vistula in 1577 and Sigismund Báthory's letter to Jan Zamoyski from 1593: two unpublished documents), Lymbus 2018, 141–153.
  • Exemplum és prudentia. Jan Zamoyski cenzúrázott Kasszandra-levele Báthory Zsigmondnak 1593-ból (Exemplum and prudentia. A censored letter of Jan Zamoyski to Sigismund Bathory from 1593), Magyar Könyvszemle 2017/4, 381–417.
  • Kovacsóczy Farkas kortörténeti feljegyzései 1563–1567 (The historical notes of Farkas Kovacsóczy 1563-1567), Lymbus 2012–2013, 55–93.


  • Paolo Giovio: Kortörténet – részletek (Paolo Giovio, Historiarum sui temporis – excerpts). In: Buda Oppugnata. Források Buda és Pest 1540-42. évi ostromainak történetéhez, ed. Kasza Péter (Budapest, Research Center for the Humanities: 2021), 46–70; 155–186; 454-475.
  • Samuel Budina, Historia Sigethi ... 1568 (intr. transl.) In: Szigetvár 1566. évi ostromának igaz története, ed. Fodor Pál (Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2019), 133-176.
  • Rotterdami erasmus, Meglelted Spártád – politikai írások (erasmus of Rotterdam, You have obtained your Sparta. Political writings), transl. ed. Ledán István, Petneházi Gábor (Szeged, Lazi: 2019), 350 pp.
  • Rotterdami erasmus, Beszélgetések a keresztény vallásról (erasmus of Rotterdam, Colloquies on the Christianity), transl. ed. intr. Petneházi Gábor (Szeged, Lazi: 2012), XVII+215 pp.
  • Rotterdami erasmus, A nőkről és a házasságról (erasmus of Rotterdam, On women and marriage), ed. intr. Petneházi Gábor; transl. Benedek Noémi, Gellérfi Gergő, Kasza Péter, Petneházi Gábor, Szabó Ádám, Széles Ágnes (Szeged,  Lazi: 2011), XVI+151 pp.


  • The Dark Side of Catholic Enlightenment: Reinventing and Rationalizing the Blood Libel at the Academia Taxiana (1741-1755). „Scientiae” Brussels, 11.-14.06. 2024.
  • Nihil absoluta unius gubernatione vel infirmius, vel pernitiosius? Chancellor Kovacsóczy (and his Circle) on Governing Transylvania. „Stephen Báthory  between intended homogenization and de facto pluralisation” Arbeitskreis für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde – Romanian Academy of Sciences, Sibiu, 13.10. 2023.
  • Divine Punishment and Daniel’s Dream: The language of history in Germany and Hungary in the 16th century. „Representing Crisis in Early Modern Literatures.” Organised by the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences.  Tallinn, 21–22.09. 2023.
  • Politique or irenicist? Wolfgang Kovacsóczy, chancellor of Transylvania and the religious tolerance. "Multiconfessionalism of Central Europe under the reign of Stephen Bathory" Warszawa, 26–28.06. 2023.
  • Solely the truth but with dignity: Gian Michele Bruto’s Rerum Ungaricarum libri. „The 10th Annual Meeting of Scientiae” Praha, 7–10. 06. 2023.
  • How to write history? Báthory, his intellectuals and the Rerum Ungaricarum libri. „Stephen Bathory − Báthory István − Stefan Batory. Shape and Effect in International Comparison” Budapest, 14–16.09. 2022.
  • (with Péter Kasza) How to change the canon? Towards an edition of three royal historiographers. „18th International Congress of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies” Leuven, 01.08. 2022.
  • In quest of political correctness. Brutus’ lost and found Rerum Ungaricarum libri. „68th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America” Dublin, 02.04. 2022.
  • A less heroic gesture? Nikola Zrinski giving the finger before his heroic death (1566) „Mare Internum Culture. Humanistic ideas, relationship and parallels in the early modern age” Pula, 12.10. 2018.
  • The Black Legend of Hungary? Ferenc Forgách (1530–1570) and his Commentarii. Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Innsbruck, 20.07. 2017.
  • The Commentarii of Ferenc Forgách and the European historiography in the second half of XVIth century. International Association for Neo-Latin Studies, XVI. Congress. Vienna, 06.08. 2015.
  • Machiavelli as a source of early-modern Hungarian patriotism through the Latin speeches of Farkas Kovacsóczy (1571-73). International Association for Neo-Latin Studies, XV. Congress, Münster, 07.08. 2012.
  • Erasmo Machiavellizato? Il dialogo di Farkas Kovacsóczy – International Association for Neo-Latin Studies, XIV. Congress, Uppsala, 06.08. 2009.


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