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Engelbert Portenkirchner

Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Engelbert Portenkirchner

Personal Data

Date of Birth

Place of Birth


January 3rd, 1984



Career History

12 / 2021

Granting of the venia docendi for the subject "Physical Chemistry"

05 / 2021

Habilitationsschrift entitled: “From Lithium Ion to Sodium Ion Batteries: Biocompatible Electrode Materials for a Sustainable Future”

2015 - up to date

05  / 2014

26 / 03 / 2014

PostDoc at the Insitute for Physical Chemistry, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck

PostDoc at the Technische Universität München, Physik Department E19, Garching, Germany

Graduation: „Dr. techn.“ (passed with distinction)


PHD Studies at the University of Linz, Institute for PhysicalChemistry, Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells

08 / 2008

Graduation: „Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)“ (passed with distinction)


Studies at the University for applied science in Eco-Energy Engineering in Wels, with exchange studies abroad at the Dublin City University


06 / 2003

1998 - 2003

1990 - 1998 

Compulsory Community Service at ÖRK in Bad Hofgastein

School leaving exam (passed with distinction)

Comercial school in St. Johann i. Pg.

Primary / Secondary school in Gastein

Main Research Areas and Recognition

  • Materials synthesis and characterization for energy conversion and storage with application in (post) lithium-ion batteries
  • Electro- and Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction for energy conversion and storage

Sustainable energy storage represents one of the great challenges in the twenty-first century.  In response to the needs of modern society and emerging ecological concerns, improved energy storage is essential to enable the use of more renewable energy on the grid and shift from a petrol powered to a carbon neutral mobility. Therefore, new chemistries are vital that are inherently eco-efficient and environmentally friendly, in combination with feasible approaches to low-cost and recyclable materials.

My research is dedicated to address challenges and chances in novel, innovative concepts, chemistries and architectures for advanced energy storage systems. It is my aim to push the frontiers for advanced energy storage systems, that are low-cost and environmentally friendly.

Additional Research Achievements

Special skills and competences

03 / 2022                        

06 / 2019                        

11 / 2016                        

08 / 2012

Nature Careers workshop - How to use art and design in science

Electrode preparation and pouch cell assembly workshop (Jena, D)

Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Coaching Workshop

I-CAMP 2012 Summer School on Renewable and Sustainable Energy (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute, Boulder, USA)

08 / 2011

Summer School on Spectroelectrochemistry (Leibniz-Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW), Dresden, Germany)

08 / 2011

Graduate School in C1-Chemistry for resource and energy management (University of Hamburg, Germany)

09 / 2009                         

06 / 2006

National Instruments LabVIEW Basics I and II (Schooling, Vienna, b1 week)      

“Qualitätsmanagement-Fachkraft” and “Umweltmanagement Fachkraft” (Certification, TÜV SÜD Akademie)

06 / 2003

SAP Basics in SD (Sales and Distribution), MM (Material Management), FI (Finances and Investment), (extension studies)

02 / 2003                       

06 / 2002

European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL), (Certification, Austrian Computer Society)

“ESF-Projekt Netzwerktechnologie” (extension studies, BHS/ BHAK St.Johann)

Most Important Funded Research Projects

03 / 2022

“Lithium Migration and Storage in Silicon Carbide (LISA)” FWF Grant (P35510), duration: 48 month, Funding total: 381.750 € - Project leader

12 / 2021

“Uncatalyzed Growth Mechanisms of Functionalized Monocrystalline Silicon Carbide μ-Fibres (MICROS)“, FWF Grant (P34233), duration: 36 month, Funding total: 397.900 € - Project leader

05 / 2020

SalzwasserAkkumuLaTor (SALT), FFG Grant (877095), duration: 48 month, Funding total: 331.090 € - Project leader

11 / 2016

All-organic Na-ion battery based on conjugated carbonyl compounds
(ANNY), FWF Grant (P29645-N36), duration: 54 month, Funding total: 257.750 € - Project leader

Related Experience / Symposium Organization

07 / 2019

Session Convener on: “Secondary Batteries:  From Advanced Lithium-Ion Systems to Post-Lithium Chemistries”,  at Europe-Korea Conference on Science and technology (EKC) 2019, Vienna, Austria

03 / 2014

Doctor Thesis “Photoinduced Electron Transfer from Organic Semiconductors onto Redox Mediators for CO2 Reduction”

03 / 2009 – 03 / 2014

Scientific employee at the Institute for Physical Chemistry, Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells


11 / 2013

Scientific Research Placement at the Research Center for Organic Electronics, (Yamagata University, Yonezawa, Japan)

04 / 2008 – 09 / 2008

Diploma Thesis „Entschwefelung von wasserstoffreichen Rohgasen aus geothermischen Quellen für den Einsatz in Verbrennungskraftmaschinen“ (A3 – Project of GE Jenbacher GmbH in cooperation with Profactor GmbH, TU Graz and University Reykjavik)

09 / 2007 – 01/2008

Industrial Placement South Pacific Viscose (Java, Indonesia)

Personal life

Three daughters

Leisure activities:  climbing, volley ball, kayaking, spending time with family

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