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Marion Fink

Marion Fink

Marion Fink

Department for Botany
Research topic(s): land use management, plant biodiversity and interactions, wood anatomy, plant-anatomical adaptation to climatic influences, water-conducting system in plants, guttation.
Thesis:Response of tree growth and vascular tissue anatomy as a function of tree vitality under drought stress
First supervisor: Walter Oberhuber

+43 512 507 51049
Marion Fink

I’m a passionate botanist, phytosociologist and scientist with very good plant species knowledge. In my master's thesis, I researched changes in vessel sizes and densities in Alnus alnobetula along an altitudinal transect in the Axamer Lizum (Tyrol, A). And I investigated the influence of climatic factors on the wood anatomy of this currently most spreading shrub species in the Alpine region. Currently, I am working on the function and morphology of epithemal hydathodes and the functional significance of guttation on ecosystems. I would like to share my enthusiasm for nature, my knowledge, experience and expertise with students and stakeholders. My hobbies are: mountain hiking, cycling, photography, observing processes and interactions in nature, reading.

- Master‘s thesis (02/2023): Klimatisch und standörtlich bedingte holzanatomische Anpassungen der Grün-Erle (Alnus alnobetula (Ehrh.) K.Koch) entlang eines Höhentransektes in der Axamer Lizum (A, Tirol)

- Bachelor‘s thesis (06/2020): Einfluss von Bodenfaktoren auf die taxonspezifische Zusammensetzung von Gefäßpflanzen der Festucetalia valesiacae

- WILHALM, TH., FINK, M. & GUIGGI, A. (2019): Die Gattung Opuntia in Südtirol. Gredleriana, 19: 15–33.

- BRUGGER, B., FINK, M. & WILHALM TH. (2019): Das Herbarium Rupert Huter. Neilreichia, 10: 9–51.

- FINK, M., BRUGGER, B. & WILHALM, TH. (2017): Der Botaniker Rupert Huter. Aus dem Leben des ‚sagacissimus‘. Gredleriana, 17: 5–28.

- AICHNER, G., FINK, M., GIRARDI, E. & WILHALM, TH. (2016): Neue Verbreitungsdaten seltener Botrychium-Arten in Südtirol. Gredleriana, 16: 67–69.

- FINK, M. (2016): Erstnachweis des Kammfischchens Ctenolepisma lineata Fabricius für Südtirol. Gredleriana, 16: 167–172.

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