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Course Information and Exams – University of Innsbruck

Course information and exams

Course module system

The University of Innsbruck - Faculty of Business and Management offers a modular course system at different levels. The module system below is new and was introduced 2019/20. It might be not easy to understand but the module system will be exactly explained in the introduction - so do not worry!

Every module consists of 4 hours per week. One academic hour is 45 minutes. Every module includes an input-oriented (VO = lecture) and an interactive part (PS/SE/VU/UE = proseminar/seminar) OR 2 interactive parts.
All modules will be assessed by written exams and group works and/or oral exams. The student has to sit written exams (Klausur) in the PS/SE/VU/UE classes during the semester. PS/SE/VU/UE interactive parts have to be passed in order to be eligible to sit the final exam (Gesamtprüfung) at the end of the semester.
Students passing the final exam (Gesamtprüfung) receive 7.5 ECTS credits for each module. The number of students in a module is usually limited to 30-40 students. Only a limited number of modules is taught in English.
Modules without any lecture part (VO) do not have a final exam.

Modules taught in German require good command of German (B2 at least). We therefore strongly recommend to brush up German language skills!

Modules offered in the Basic Studies of the International Economic and Business Studies Programme ("1. Studienabschnitt" = 1st and 2nd year) are NOT open for exchange students - only with exception! Business language modules are only open for exchange students in the second run (still available places) of the module registration.

Attention: German language courses at the ISI or courses at other faculties have a different course system


Module system

Master students - usually do not have lecture parts but two interacive parts. ECTS credits and workload ist higher. Master students do not have a final exam week. The module ends with the two part of courses at the end of the semster. This also applies for Bachelor students, in case of no lecture part in the module

  Modules offered in the Basic Studies of the International Economic and Business Studies Programme ("1. Studienabschnitt" = 1st and 2nd year) are NOT open for exchange students! 

Business language modules are only open for exchange students in the second run (still available places) of the module registration.


Course module description and course catalogue

Undergraduate Incoming Exchange students  ↓

Undergraduate students can choose modules from year 3 and 4 ("2. Studienabschnitt" = 2nd part of the study programme). Students will receive information about enrolment and registration for modules in the Introduction and Orientation Week.

You can choose the following modules:

  • civil law /law
  • elective modules
  • international law
  • international management
  • SBWL Basic (business)
  • SBWL Intermediate (business)
  • SVWL Basic (economics)
  • SVWL Intermediate (economics)
  • additional course offers

It is not possible to take business language modules (reserved for regular students) or master modules.

Modules from year 3 and 4:


Spezielle Volkswirtschaftslehre (Specialization in Economics)


Spezielle Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Specialization in Business Management)


Grundlagenmodul Spezielle Betriebswirtschaft (Basic course module Business Management)


Vertiefungsmodul Spezielle Betriebswirtschaft (Advanced course module Business Management)

Grundlagenmodul Volkswirtschaft (Basic course module Economics)


Vertiefungsmodul Volkswirtschaft (Advanced course module Economics)

*You should only choose VM/VT modules if you have basics in this subject

    Course Catalouge and Course Description   


Master Incoming Exchange students ↓

can choose modules starting with "MA - ". Master students have to get in contact with their master coordinator (if all application documents were sent, the name of the contact person will be sent to the student by e-mail).

It is not possible to take business language modules (reserved for regular students) or master modules. 

  Course Catalouge and Course Description   

Enrolment and registration for business course modules

General procedure: Undergraduate incoming exchange students at the University of Innsbruck - Faculty of Business and Management with a "Matrikelnummer" (matriculation number) and a student ID from the University of Innsbruck have to register online for the modules of study year 3 and 4. Every exchange student has 2,000 points available to register for four modules per semester in the undergraduate program. The amount of points can be allocated by preference of the student.

Support for the course enrolement: The course module enrolment will take place in the introduction and orientation week. Course module enrolment is only open for registered students, i.e. the computer system  LFU online   will only work after you have created a personal account at the University of Innsbruck (notice that this registration is not the same as the general application).

Entrance exams: Some modules require entrance exams. The entrance exam is meant to be a preparation for the module and not a restriction. However, since some modules are project works with a limited number of participants, only those students who are prepared best can be accepted! The entrance exams will be held 7-10 days after the semester starts. Students have to study respective literature.

Final exams 


Undergraduate students

There are two exam weeks:

  • WS (winter semester): mid February
  • SS (summer semester): mid July

Furthermore, pleace notice the information box below.

Master students:

Exams take place individually for each module:

  • WS (winter semester): apporx. end of January/ beginning of February
  • SS (summer semester): apporx. end of June/ beginning of July


  1. Be aware of the deadlinesLink to the PDF-document   (section: Termine - > "Prüfungswochen im WS ...SS...")
  2. Click the following link:  LFU online   
  3. Login with your password and your username (e.g. csac1234)
  4. Find the course you want to register for the final exam
  5. Click the button "Prüfungsanmeldung" (exam registration)
  6. Click the button: "Voraussetzungen prüfen" (check requirements)
  7. You can check your registration under the section "meine Prüfungsanmeldung" (my exam registration): only if you see "angemeldet" (registered) you can be sure to be registered for the final exam!
  • The requirement for registration will be checked by the computer system.
  • Please be aware of the notices given by the registration system.
  • If the mark is not available yet, you will usually find a notice (e.g. "Note aus PS ... steht erst am ... fest." - Mark will only be availalbe on...). Please try to register again on the indicated date.
  • If you receive the following message: "Voraussetzungen nicht erfüllt, bitte wenden Sie sich an das Prüfungsreferat. Sie wurden nicht zur Prüfung angemeldet." (Requirements not fulfilled, please go to the examination office. You are not registered.), it might be that the results from the interactive part has not yet been transferred to the examination office. Please ask the professor to forward the mark asap. In case the marks were already transferred, please go to the examination office

Undergraduate students

  Please read the following items carefully!

  • Final exams cannot be written earlier than the final exam week! Please be aware of the exam dates when booking your flight back home.
  • Distance exams are not allowed!
  • For exam registration deadline / exam week please see the following PDF-document  (section: Termine - > "Prüfungswochen im WS ...SS...")
  • If you miss the registration deadline it will not be possible to sit the final exam. Do not register in the very last minute.
  • Register online latest one day before the deadline ends and go to the examination office in case it does not work online (opening hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00).
  • Do not leave Innsbruck before being absolutely sure that you are registered for the final exams.
  • Check time and place of the final exams early enough and before you book your flight home (these information and updates can be found on the notice posted outside the examination office. The exact exam date and place will be available only 3 - 7 days before the exam weeks starts.
  • If you register for a final exam and you do not sit the exam, you will be blocked for the next time!

Resits of final exams

Basically every student has the possibility to take 4 resits. However, please note that you can only write a re-examination until the deadlines below and that you have to write the exam in Innsbruck (distance exams are not possible!). After these dates there is no possibility to write an exam as you will not be registered any longer as a student at the University of Innsbruck!  Exam dates after these deadlines are not possible! Students who are registered for (WS, WS+SS, SS) can take final exams until...

 Resit deadlines

WS: until 10th of April
WS + SS: until 1st of October
SS: until 1st of October

More information can be found in our FAQs.

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