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Critical and Radical Humanist W/O-Psychology - Conference – Universität Innsbruck

Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology
– International Conference –

Date and Location:  11th – 13th July 2022. University of Innsbruck (Innrain 52), Austria


Full Program (including abstracts): 


Short program:


Call for Participation/Abstracts

[link full-length version 1st call]

[link short version 2nd call]

[link short version 3nd call]

Abstract submission closed.

Conference Registration

Registration deadline: 17th June, 2022
(the conference is free of charge)
Registration to: 

Critical theoretical and radical humanist approaches in Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) endeavor to integrate psychological, sociological, and social philosophical constructs to sketch out theoretical frameworks to better understand the closely intertwined developments of the individual psyche, social subsystems, and the surrounding economic and cultural-societal system. This implies an emancipatory epistemological interest, inspired, for example, by the Frankfurt School of Social Philosophy, Analytical Social Psychology in the tradition of Erich Fromm, and approaches of dialectical materialist psychology (e.g. Activity Theory, German Critical Psychology).

Furthermore, critical theoretical and radical humanist WOP advocates that human rights, human dignity, the social and psychological well-being and care for all human beings, and the protection of the natural foundations of life should represent the guiding principles for economic activity and work. This means opposition and resistance to the economic exploitation and oppression, in the name of a self-reproducing and, eventually, self-destructive system, advancing the particular interests of a small wealthy minority.

Additionally, these approaches share the effort to explore human development potentials within their social and historical context and to examine forms of self-actualization at and through work and other economic contexts. Moreover, activities of critical and radical humanist WOP researchers, in cooperation with scholars from other disciplines, endeavor to develop methods, concepts, and procedures that are useful for challenging, reducing, or removing work-, organization-, and management-related factors, as well as technological aspects that impede human dignity, self-actualization, solidarity, freedom, democracy and health.

Conference Scope

At the conference, contributions from a plurality of theoretical approaches, their variations and extensions will be discussed and ideas or examples for their application, further development and integration in research, practice and academic teaching in WOP will be exchanged. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Critical Psychology based on the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory
  • Radical Humanism and Analytical Social Psychology (according to Erich Fromm)
  • Critical Management Studies / Critical Sociology
  • Critical Psychology / Psychology from the Perspective of the Subject
  • Activity Theory and Cultural Historical Psychology
  • Critical traditions in Action Regulation Theory
  • Self Determination Theory and the Critique of Corporate Capitalism

Keynote Speakers

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Teo (York University, Canada, Department of Psychology)
  • Dr. Rainer Funk (Founder of the International Erich Fromm Society, Erich Fromm Institute Tübingen)
  • Dr. Ruth Yeoman (Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford)
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Parker (Professor of Organisation Studies, University of Bristol)

Program Preview

Conference highlights include an interactive workshop session on “What can we learn from Critical Management Studies?” with Prof. Dr. Martin Parker (University of Bristol; Professor of Organisation Studies, Lead for the Bristol Inclusive Economy Initiative). A publication workshop for submissions to the Special Issue on Critical Perspectives in Work and Organizational Psychology in Applied Psychology: An International Review (link SI CFP) will be held by the special issue editors, as part of the Future of Work and Organizational Psychology (link FOWOP) initiative.

Types of Contributions / Abstract Submission Format

Encouraged are contributions with critical and radical humanistic content and reference to the topics and spirit of this call. Abstracts of around 250 words should be submitted for: individual presentations (15-20 minutes, plus 5-10 minutes discussion), themed sessions or symposia (75-90 minutes, 3-4 contributions), panel discussions (75-90 minutes, 3-5 discussants), and workshops (75-90 minutes, free format, moderated by the submitter). For sessions with several speakers (symposia, panels) abstracts should also be provided for each individual contribution. These should be submitted in one document by the session organizer(s). Contributors are welcome to suggest alternative formats (e.g., posters, short presentations).

Abstract submission closed.

 Pre-Conference Online-Workshops / Teach-Ins

Approaches of Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology
Part I:   3rd December 2021 | 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Central European Time) | Online | No registration fee
Part II:  13th May, 2022 | 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm (Central European Time) | Online | No registration fee

Registration: Email with "CRHWOP" to

More information (including programs):
Flyer I , Flyer II


Organizing Committee:

Applied Psychology Unit I of the Institute of Psychology, University of Innsbruck

Innsbruck Group on Critical Research in Work- and Organizational Psychology (I-CROP) [link]

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang G. Weber (
PD Dr. Thomas Höge (
PD Dr. Severin Hornung (
Dr. Christine Unterrainer (

In cooperation with the Erich Fromm Study Center at the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin [link]
(Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühn, Dr. Rainer Funk).

Supported by the Institute of Psychology at the University of Innsbruck [link]







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