Initiative for the promotion of innovative teaching and learning at the University of Innsbruck
The University of Innsbruck would like to support its teaching staff in the ongoing development of their teaching and encourage experimentation with new teaching and learning methods and learning technologies. Therefore, customised support measures are made available. In order to meet different needs, the University offers various advisory and other services, as well as personnel and budgetary support for the production of high-quality teaching and learning materials.
Funding opportunities via the digital media budget Contact persons
Each faculty is allocated a budget each year, which is allocated directly by the digital media contact persons in consultation with the deans of studies, in order to specifically promote digital teaching activities. These funds can be used, for example, to finance (student) staff, procure hardware and software or purchase external services.
For further information, please contact your digital media contact person:
Funding opportunities for the creation and use of Open Educational Resources (OER)
Open Educational Resources (OER) are specially licensed teaching and learning materials. Such an open licence enables free access as well as free use, editing and redistribution by others without or with minor restrictions. Open Educational Resources can include individual materials as well as complete courses or books.
The advantages of using OER include:
- OER is available to everyone worldwide
- The material can be widely distributed and exchanged through digitalisation and networking
- OER enables a new kind of collaboration
- Equal opportunities in the field of education
- Saves time when sharing and reusing teaching/learning materials
- Educational materials can be created, updated, edited and perfected together
The University of Innsbruck expressly supports the production and use of OER. We will be happy to advise you and provide you with extensive support in the production of materials. You can find further information here:
Aurora European Universities Alliance
Teaching that is related to the Aurora European Universities Alliance or is to be further developed as such is eligible for Aurora funding. Information on the criteria, funding opportunities and application (including deadlines) can be found here:
Contact the
Aurora European University Office
Tel: +43 (0) 512 / 507- 9052 or 9044
Archive: Teaching and learning support packages
Various themed teaching projects were funded between 2015 and 2022. After completion of the projects, the funding recipients wrote a (max. two-page) project reflection outlining the challenges as well as the potential (for teachers and learners).
The resulting projects show how diverse teaching is at the University of Innsbruck. Let us inspire you:
Archive of innovative teaching projects 2015 - 2017
- Bachelorpraktikum Illmer&Präg
- Smartdevice geführte Mixed Reality Medien zur Unterstützung physischer und nicht physischer Lerninhalte
- Bionics and Bioinspired Engineering
- Grenzgang und Grenzüberschreitungen: Performativ-inszinierte Annäherungen an Tabuisiertes in der Lehrer/innenbildung im Medium des Films - Klappe und Action
- Modulare E-Learning Materialien für die fachdidaktischen Seminare und Fachpraktika im Lehramtsstudium Mathematik
- Multimediale Lernumgebung im Fremdsprachenunterricht
- Interaktives Online-Skript zum begleiteten Aufbau des mathematikdidaktischen Wissens im Bereich der LehrerInnenbildung West
- Theorien der fachdidaktischen Forschung - eine Inverted Lecture
- Aufgabenorientierte Online-Lernmaterialien zur Entwicklung phraseologischer Kompetenz im Italienischen als Fremdsprache (L2)
- Ausbau des Selbststudienangebots, Entwicklung einer FAQ-Seite, sowie Erstellung einer unterstützenden Selbstevaluierung
- Web Apps
- Automatisierter LaTeX Prüfungs- und Lösungsgenerator
- Die Integration aktueller Forschungsergebnisse in die Lehre visualisiert bei modellierten Baugrundverformungen
- Formula Student Team in Innsbruck Innovativer Einsatz mobiler Experimente und Modelle in der Lehre zur einfachen Veranschaulichung komplexer bodenmechanischer Zusammenhänge
- Innovativer Einsatz mobiler Experimente und Modelle in der Lehre zur einfachen Veranschaulichung komplexer bodenmechanischer Zusammenhänge
- Hologramm-basierte Modell Visualisierung
- TranslationalHydraulics
- Demonstrator für die Umsetzung eines digitalen Schaltwerks für eine Eisenbahnkreuzung
- Adaption und Erweiterung von Lehrvideos von YouTube für die Migration auf das OER Repositorium der Universität Innsbruck
- Animating Soil Models
- Digitale Denkmaltechnologien
- Fundarchiv Aguntum
- Online-Plattform "Archäologisches Universitätsmuseum"
- The Archaeological Field School A Study of Practical Pedagogy
- Statistiklehrbuch mit begleitender Videounterstützung und Quizelement
- Politikwissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Präsentieren
Unfortunately, our resources do not allow us to make the PDFs linked above accessible. However, we invite you to contact us if you have any questions about the content.