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Kooperationen – Universität Innsbruck


quadrat Forschungsbereich Ökosystemforschung und Landschaftsökologie
  Consortium CARBO-Extreme
  Consortium GHG Europe
  REGARDS - Partners
  CAMELEON (ERA-net Circle Mountain-Group):
  Nicolas Viovy, LSCE Gif-sur-Yvette (F) 
  Philippe Choler, LECA Grenoble (F)
  Cédric Bacour, NOVELTIS Ramonville-Saint-Agne (F)
  Maria-Teresa Sebastià, CTFC Solsona (ES)
quadrat Forschungsbereich Gewässerökologie
  Natalie A. Cabrol, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA (USA)
  Strüder-Kypke Michaela, University of Guelph (CAN)
  Chris Evans, CEH - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford (UK)
  Kim Holmén, Norsk Polarinstitutt - Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø (N)
  Andy Hodson, University of Sheffield (UK)
  Veijo Pohjola, Uppsala Universitet - Uppsala University (S)
  Michael C. Storrie-Lombardi, Kinohi Institute (USA)
  Alexandre Anesio, University of Bristol, School of Geographical Sciences (UK)
  University of Aberystwyth, Wales (UK)
  Limnologie Mondsee / FWF-Projekt 'Mobilomics of toxin production in cyanobacteria':
     Judith Blom, University of Zürich, Institute of Plant Biology, Limnological Station, Kilchberg (CH) 
     Karl Gademann, University of Basel, Department of Chemistry, Basel (CH) 
     Alexander Goesmann, University of Bielefeld, Centrum für Biotechnologie – CeBiTec, Bielefeld (D) 
     Dan Kramer, CyanoBiotech GmbH, Berlin (D) 
  Partner im Projekt CYANOCOST
quadrat Forschungsbereich Molekulare Ökologie
  Gerhard Bächli, Zoological Museum Zurich
  Reinhard Böhm, Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics Vienna 
  Floyd Dowell, United States Department of Agriculture
  Elisabeth Haring, Natural History Museum Vienna  
  Ary A. Hoffmann, University of Melbourne
  L. Lacey Knowles, University of Michigan
  Christian Komposch, Institute of Animal Ecology and Landscape Planning Graz
  Alexandra Lusser, Innsbruck Medical University 
  Christoph Matulla, Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics Vienna
  Luis F.M. Mendes, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical
  Karl Moder, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna
  Christoph Muster, University of Leipzig
  Günther Raspotnig, University of Graz
  F. James Rohlf, State University of New York 
  Núria Roura-Pascual, Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya 
  Christian Schlötterer, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
  Bernhard Seifert, Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz 
  H. David Sheets, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY 
  Vito Zingerle, Museum of Nature South Tyrol
quadrat    Forschungsbereich Funktionelle Pflanzenbiologie
  Angela Sierra Almeida, Grupo de Investigación ECOBIOSIS, Depto. de Botánica, Universidad de 
   Concepción (Chile)  
  Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad  
  Biva Aryal, University of Kathmandu, Nepal - dzt. Kyoto University, Japan
  León A. Bravo,  Depto. Ciencias Agronómicas y Recursos Naturales,  Universidad de La Frontera (Chile) 
  Louise A Lewis, Univeristy of Connecticut, Storrs (USA)  
  Ulf Karsten, University of Rostock (D)
  Burkhard Becker, University of Cologne (D)
  Ameglio Thierry & Cochard Hervé, INRA, Clermont-Ferrand (F)
  Choat Brendan, University of Western Sydney (AUS)
  Gil-Pelegrin Eustaquio, Unidad de Recursos Forestales (ES)
  Hacke Uwe,University of Alberta (CA)
  Jansen Steven, Universität Ulm (D)
  Nardini Andrea, University di Trieste (I)
  Sperry John,University of Utah (USA)   
  Sylvain Delzon, Universität Bordeaux (F)   
  José Manuel Torres Ruiz, IRNASE, Sevilla (ES)
quadrat Forschungsbereich Evolution und Diversität der Pflanzen
  Ronikier Michał, Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow  (PL)
  Suda Jan, Charles University Prague & Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pruhonice (CZ) 
  Holderegger Rolf, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf (CH)
  Georg GrabherrGLORIA co-ordination group Vienna, Universität Wien 
  Christoph Leuschner, Universität Göttingen (D) 
  Gerhard Wieser, BFW Innsbruck
  Hubert Steiner,  Amt für Bodendenkmäler der Autonomen Provinz Bozen (I)
  Walter Leitner, Institut für Archäologien, Universität  Innsbruck 
  Johannes Pöll, Landesdenkmalamt Innsbruck
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