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Marke Thomas – Universität Innsbruck

assoz. Prof. Dr. Thomas Marke

Leader of the research group "Alpine Climate and Water Research" (ACWR)



Innrain 52f, 6th floor, room 60632


assoz. Prof. Dr. Thomas Marke
University of Innsbruck
Innrain 52f, 6020 Innsbruck

Consultation hour:

Wednesday, 10:00 -11:00 a.m.

(online, please write an email prior to consultation)

Link to online room (BigBlueButton)

Academic functions:

  • Leader of the research group "Alpine Climate and Water Research" (ACWR)
  • Vice chair of the faculty board at the Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Chair of the department board at the Department of Geography
  • Substitute member of the senate at the University of Innsbruck
  • Substitute member of the works council at the University of Innsbruck
  • Member of the faculty board at the Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Session convener at international level, e.g., convener of the sessions "Status and Future of Mountain Waters" and "Mountain (socio-)hydrology in a changing climate" at the International Mountain Conference in Innsbruck (Austria) in 2022 and 2019
  • Contributor (author) to the "Austrian Assessment Report 2014 (AAR14)"
  • Contributor (lead author) to the "APCC Special Report - Tourism and Climate Change in Austria"
  • Contributor to the Joint Body on the status of the mountain snow cover (SMSC)
  • Contributor to the Earth-System-Model - Snow Model Intercomparison Project (ESM-SNOWMIP)
  • ULV - Independent Organization for the scientific, teaching and artistic staff

Areas of expertise:

  • Distributed, physically-based modelling of climatological and hydrological processes
  • Monitoring of climatological and hydrological processes
  • Water-related natural hazards
  • Land-atmosphere interaction
  • Scaling issues and regionalization
  • Mass- and energy balance of snow and ice covered surfaces
  • Climate change impacts on the hydrosphere
  • Human-environment interaction
  • Inter- and transdisciplinary scenario generation


  • European Geosciences Union
  • American Geophysical Union
  • Canadian Water Resources Association
  • International Association of Hydrological Sciences
  • Austrian Panel on Climate Change
  • Austrian Society for Polar Research

Reviewer for:

  • International Journal of Climatology
  • Journal of Hydrology
  • The Cryosphere
  • Water Resources Research
  • Journal of the American Water Resources Association
  • Geoscientific Model Development
  • Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
  • Environmental Earth Sciences
  • Science of the Total Environment
  • Hydrological Sciences Journal
  • Water
  • Global and Planetary Change
  • Geosciences
  • Global Change Biology
  • Mountain Research and Development
  • Sustainability
  • Hydrology
  • Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
  • MDPI Atmosphere
  • Theoretical and Applied Climatology
  • Journal of Glaciology


  • Climatology
  • Hydrology
  • Environmental modelling
  • Programming techniques (FORTRAN, IDL, Python, R)
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Physical Geography
  • Mountain Research
  • Excursions (thematic focus on climatology, hydrology and physical geography)


  • KIDZ PAZ-NOWn. Increasing Resilience Among Your People and Communities in Paznaun Valley via an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research-Education-Collaboration Linking Hydroclimatology, Behavioral Medicine, and Education for Sustainable Development
  • SNOWLEDGE (Qualifizierungsnetzwerk Schnee), Funding Organization: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
  • Extension of the Hydroclimatological Monitoring Network in the "Research Basin Rofental", Funding Organization: University of Innsbruck
  • FuSE-AT (Future Snow Cover Evolution in Austria), Funding Organization: Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP)
  • PROSNOW (Provision of a Prediction System allowing for Management and Optimization of Snow in Alpine Ski Resorts), Funding Organization: European Union, Innovation Action (IA), call SC5-01-2016- 2017, H2020
  • CRYOMON-SciPro (Improve the Science of Processes within the Cryosphere by Integrating Hydrological Modelling with Remote Sensing in a Multi-level Data Fusion Approach), Funding Organization: EUREGIO Research Fund
  • Bias II (IPCC-AR5 Klimaszenarien (RCPs) zur hydrologischen Klimaimpaktanalyse in Bayern: Synthese hochaufgelöster Regionalisierung, multivariater stochastischer Biaskorrektur und optimierter hydrologischer Modell- und Prozessanalyse am Beispiel Nationalpark Berchtesgaden), Funding Organization: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
  • HydroGeM3 (Hydrological Scenarios in the Austrian Alps for the Next Century using a Statistical Weather Generator and enhanced Process Understanding for Modelling of Seasonal Snow and Glacier Melt for Improved Water Resources Management), Funding Organization: Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
  • STELLA (Storylines of Coupled Socio-economic and Climatic Drivers for Land Use and their Hydrological Impacts in Alpine Catchments), Funding Organization: Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP)
  • hiSNOW (High-resolution Monitoring and Modelling under Climate Change Condition - Combining ALS and TLS Data Acquisition with Energy and Mass Balance Modelling at Hochjochferner/Val Senales, Italy), Funding Organization: Autonomous Province of Bolzano
  • SNOWPAT (Spatiotemporal Patterns of Snow in Austria back to 1895), Funding Organization: Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP)
  • FreyEx (Freya Experiment in Greenland), Funding Organization: Austrian Society for Polar Research
  • GlacierMEMO (Glacier mass and energy balance modelling in Greenland), Funding Organization: Austrian Society for Polar Research
  • KarstNPB (Karsthydrological Modelling in the Berchtesgaden National Park), Funding Organization: Berchtesgaden National Park
  • Kooperationsplattform Johnsbachtal (Eine Plattform zur integrativen Langzeitforschung in den Ennstaler Alpen/Steiermark, Österreich), Funding Organization: Faculty of Environmental and Regional Sciences and Education at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Province of Styria
  • MUSICALS (Multiscale Snow/Icemelt Discharge Simulation into Alpine Reservoirs), Funding Organization: Comet-Programm/Tiroler Wasserkraft AG
  • CC-Snow II (Effects of Future Snow Conditions on Tourism and Economy in Tyrol and Styria), Funding Organization: Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP)
  • CC-Snow (Effects of Climate Change on Future Snow Conditions in Tyrol and Styria), Funding Organization: Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP)

Peer-reviewed publications:

  • Frimannslund, I., Thiis, T., Skjøndal, L.V., and Marke, T. (2023): Energy demand and yield enhancement for roof mounted photovoltaic snow mitigation systems. Energy and Buildings, 278,
  • Price, M. F.; Gurgiser, W., Juen, I., Adler, C., Wymann von Dach, S., Kaser, G., Mayr, S., Bahn, M., Björnsen Gurung, A., Dax, T., Duglio, S., Fischer, J.-T., Füreder, L., Kurmayer, R., Machold, I., Mailer, M., Marke, T., Marzeion, B., McDowell, G. M., Meyer, M., Neuburger, M., Nicholson, L., Nicolussi, K., Oedl-Wieser, T., Peters, M., Richter, K., Rotach, M., Rüdisser, J., Ruiz Peyré, F., Rutzinger, M., Schermer, M., Schirpke, U., Schneiderbauer, S., Steiger, R., Stotten, R., Szarzynski, J., Tappeiner, U., Ueno, K., and Wohlfahrt, G. (2022): The International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, September 2019 (IMC2019): A Synthesis with Recommendations for Research. Mountain Research And Development 42/1,
  • Menard, C.B., Essery, R., Krinner, G., Arduini, G., Bartlett, P., Boone, A., BrutelVuilmet, C., Burke, E., Cuntz, M., Dai, Y., Decharme, B., Dutra, E., Fang, X., Fierz, Ch., Gusev, Y., Hagemann, S., Haverd, V., Kim, H., Lafaysse, M., Marke, T., Nasonova, O., Nitta, T., Niwano, M., Pomeroy, J., Schädler, G., Semenov, V., Smirnova, T., Strasser, U., Swenson, S., Turkov, D., Wever and N., Yuan, H. (2021): Scientific and human errors in a snow model intercomparison. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 102/1, S. E61 - E79.
  • Olefs, M., Formayer, H., Gobiet, A., Marke, T., Schöner, W., and Revesz, M. (2021): Past and future changes of the Austrian climate – Importance for tourism. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 34, No. 100395.
  • Essery, R., Kim, H., Wang, L., Bartlett, P., Boone, A., Brutel-Vuilmet, C., Burke, E., Cuntz, M., Decharme, B., Dutra, E., Fang, X., Gusev, Y., Hagemann, S., Haverd, V., Kontu, A., Krinner, G., Lafaysse, M., Lejeune, Y., Marke, T., Marks, D., Marty, C., Menard, C. B., Nasonova, O., Nitta, T., Pomeroy, J., Schaedler, G., Semenov, V., Smirnova, T., Swenson, S., Turkov, D., Wever, N., and Yuan, H. (2020): Snow cover duration trends observed at sites and predicted by multiple models. The Cryosphere 14/12, S. 4687 - 4698.
  • Olefs, M., Koch, R., Schöner, W., and Marke, T. (2020): Changes in Snow Depth, Snow Cover Duration, and Potential Snowmaking Conditions in Austria, 1961-2020 – A Model Based Approach. Atmosphere 11/12, No. 1330.
  • De Gregorio, L., Callegari, M., Marin, C., Zebisch, M., Bruzzone, L., Demir, B., Strasser, U., Marke, T., Günther, D., Nadalet, R., and Notarnicola, C. (2019): A Novel Data Fusion Technique for Snow Cover Retrieval. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 12/8, 2862 - 2877.
  • Warscher, M., Wagner, S., Marke, T., Laux, P., Strasser, U., and Kunstmann, H. (2019). A Very High-Resolution Regional Climate Simulation for Central Europe: Performance in High Mountain Areas and Projected Near Future Climate. In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, in review, submitted January 8, 2019.
  • Strasser, U., Förster, K., Formayer, H., Hofmeister, F., Marke, T., Meißl, G., Nadeem, I., Stotten, R., and Schermer, M. (2019). Storylines of combined future land use and climate scenarios and their hydrological impacts in an Alpine catchment (Brixental/Austria). In: Science of the Total Environment 657, pp. 746–763.
  • Günther, D., Marke, T., Essery, R., Strasser, U. (2019): Uncertainties in Snowpack Simulations - Assessing the Impact of Model Structure, Parameter Choice, and Forcing Data Error on Point‐Scale Energy Balance Snow Model Performance. Water Resources Research 55/4, 2779 - 2800.
  • Krinner, G., Derksen, C., Essery, R., Flanner, M., Hagemann, S., Clark, M., Hall, A., Rott, H., Brutel-Vuilmet, C., Kim, H., Menard, C., Mudryk, L., Thackeray, C., Wang, L., Arduini, G., Balsamo, G., Bartlett, P., Boike, J., Boone, A., Cheruy, F., Colin, J.,
  • Cuntz, M., Dai, Y., Decharme, B., Derry, J., Ducharne, A., Dutra, E., Fang, X., Fierz, C., Ghattas, J., Gusev, Y., Haverd, V., Kontu, A., Lafaysse, M., Law, R., Lawrence, D., Li, W., Marke, T., Marks, D., Nasonova, O., Nitta, T., Niwano, M., Pomeroy, J., Raleigh, M., Schaedler, G., Semenov, V., Smirnova, T., Stacke, T., Strasser, U., Svenson, S., Turkov, D., Wang, T., Wever, N., and Yuan H.and Zhou, W. (2018). ESM-SnowMIP: Assessing models and quantifying snow-related climate feedbacks. In: Geoscientific Model Development 11, pp. 5027–5049.
  • Schermer, M., Stotten, R., Strasser, U., Meißl, G., Marke, T., Förster, K., and Formayer, H. (2018). The role of transdisciplinary research for agricultural climate change adaptation strategies. In: Agronomy 8.237, pp. 1–18.
  • Marke, T., Hanzer, F., Olefs, M., and Strasser, U. (2018). Simulation of Past Changes in the Austrian Snow Cover 1948-2009. In: Journal of Hydrometeorology 9, pp. 1529–1545.
  • Schmieder, J., Marke, T., and Strasser, U. (2018b). Wo kommt das Wasser her? Tracerbasierte Analysen im Rofental (Ötztaler Alpen, Österreich). In: Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft 70, pp. 507–514.
  • Schmieder, J., Garvelmann, J., Marke, T., and Strasser, U. (2018a). Spatio-temporal tracer variability in the glacier melt end-member - How does it affect hydrograph separation results? In: Hydrological Processes 32, pp. 1828–1843.
  • Strasser, U., Marke, T., Braun, L., Escher-Vetter, H., Juen, I., Kuhn, M., Maussion, F., Mayer, C., Nicholson, L., Niedertscheider, K., Sailer, R., Stötter, J., Weber, M., and Kaser, G. (2018). Rofental: a high Alpine research basin (1890 m - 3770 m a.s.l.) in the Ötztal Alps (Austria) with over 150 years of glaciological and hydrometeorological observations. In: Earth System Science Data 10, pp. 151–171.
  • Hanzer, F., Helfricht, K., Marke, T., and Strasser, U. (2016). Multilevel spatiotemporal validation of snow/ice mass balance and runoff modeling in glacierized catchments. In: The Cryosphere 10.4, pp. 1859–1881.
  • Marke, T., Mair, E., Förster, K., Hanzer, F., Garvelmann, J., Pohl, S., Warscher, M., and Strasser, U. (2016). ESCIMO.spread (v2): Parameterization of a spreadsheetbased energy balance snow model for inside-canopy conditions. In: Geoscientific Model Development 9, pp. 633–646.
  • Förster, K., Hanzer, F., Winter, B., Marke, T., and Strasser, U. (2016). An opensource MEteoroLOgical observation time series DISaggregation Tool (MELODIST v0.1.1). In: Geoscientific Model Development 9, pp. 2315–2333.
  • Schmieder, J., Hanzer, F., Marke, T., Garvelmann, J., Warscher, M., Kunstmann, H., and Strasser, U. (2016). The importance of snowmelt spatiotemporal variability for isotope-based hydrograph separation in a high-elevation catchment. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20, pp. 5015–5033.
  • Marke, T., Strasser, U., Hanzer, F., Stötter, J., Wilcke, R. A. I., and Gobiet, A. (2015). Scenarios of Future Snow Conditions in Styria (Austrian Alps). In: Journal of Hydrometeorology 16.1, pp. 261–277.
  • Hanzer, F., Marke, T., and Strasser, U. (2014). Distributed, explicit modelling of technical snow production for a ski area in the Schladming Region (Austrian Alps). In: Cold Regions Science and Technology 108, pp. 113–124.
  • Förster, K., Meon, G., Marke, T., and Strasser, U. (2014). Effect of meteorological forcing and snowmelt model complexity on hydrological simulations in the Sieber catchment (Harz Mountains, Germany). In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18, pp. 4703–4720.
  • Strasser, U., Vilsmaier, U., Prettenthaler, F., Marke, T., Steiger, R., Damm, A., Hanzer, F., Wilcke, R. A. I., and Stötter, J. (2014). Coupled component modelling for interand transdisciplinary climate change impact research: Dimensions of integration and examples of interface design. In: Environmental Modelling and Software 60, pp. 180–187.
  • Strasser, U., Marke, T., Sass, O., Birk, S., and Winkler, G. (2013). John’s creek valley: a mountainous catchment for long-term interdisciplinary human-environment system research in Upper Styria (Austria). In: Environmental Earth Sciences 69.2, pp. 973–983.
  • Marke, T., Mauser, W., Pfeiffer, A., Zängl, G., Jacob, D., and Strasser, U. (2013). Application of a hydrometeorological model chain to investigate the effect of global boundaries and downscaling on simulated river discharge. In: Environmental Earth Sciences 71.11, pp. 4849–4868.
  • Marke, T., Strasser, U., Kraller, G., Warscher, M., Kunstmann, H., Franz, H., and Vogel, M. (2013a). The Berchtesgaden National Park (Bavaria, Germany): a platform for interdisciplinary catchment research. In: Environmental Earth Sciences 69.2, pp. 679–694.
  • Warscher, M., Strasser, U., Kraller, G., Marke, T., Franz, H., and Kunstmann, H. (2013). Performance of Complex Snow Cover Descriptions in a Distributed Hydrological Model System - A Case Study for the High Alpine Terrain of the Berchtesgaden Alps. In: Water Resources Research 49.119, pp. 1–19.
  • Zabel, F., Mauser, W., Marke, T., Pfeiffer, A., Zängl, G., and Wastl, C. (2012). Inter-comparison of two land-surface schemes applied on different scales and their feedbacks while coupled with a regional climate model. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16, pp. 1017–1031.
  • Kraller, G., Warscher, M., Vogl, S., Marke, T., Strasser, U., and Kunstmann, H. (2012). Water balance estimation in high Alpine terrain by combining distributed modeling and a neural network approach. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16, pp. 1969–1990.
  • Marke, T., Mauser, W., Pfeiffer, A., and Zängl, G. (2011). A pragmatic approach for the downscaling and bias correction of regional climate simulations: evaluation in hydrological modeling. In: Geoscientific Model Development 4, pp. 759–770.
  • Prasch, M., Marke, T., Strasser, U., and Mauser, W. (2011). Large scale integrated hydrological modelling of the impact of climate change on the water balance with DANUBIA. in: Advances in Science and Research 7, pp. 61–70.
  • Strasser, U. and Marke, T. (2010). ESCIMO.spread - a spreadsheet-based point snow surface energy balance model to calculate hourly snow water equivalent and melt rates for historical and changing climate conditions. In: Geoscientific Model Development 3, pp. 643–652.
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