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News – University of Innsbruck
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Treffen Schallschutz Innsbruck

Meeting of the sound insulation working group at the University of Innsbruck, Timber Construction Department

As part of the project initiative Timber Construction Platform - Roadmap "Austrian Timber Construction Technology 2035", the sound insulation working group met on 9 June 2024 at the University of Innsbruck’s Timber Construction Department of the University of Innsbruck.

Picture from left: Herbert Müllner (TGM Research Institute Vienna), Bernd Nusser (Wood Research Austria), Heinz Ferk (Graz University of Technology), Maximilian Neusser (Vienna University of Technology), Anton Kraler (University of Innsbruck)

Trainers from Bhutan

Ten trainers from Bhutan ((JNEC-RUB) visit the TiroLignum in Absam as part of the: Training for trainers, accompanied by Prof. Anton Kraler & Stephan Kaiser (AB Holzbau, UIBK) and school director Christian Margreiter (TFBS Absam)

Strengthening Capacity of Higher Engineering Education for Sustainable Buildings (HEESeB)

As part of the international research project ( between the Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC-RUB) of the Royal University of Bhutan and the Institutes of Education, Energy Efficient Building and Timber Construction at the University of Innsbruck (UIBK), a delegation from Bhutan visited Innsbruck in early 2024. The reason for the visit of the delegation from Bhutan was a project part: the training of trainers in Bhutan. The starting point is the APPEAR programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) with the aim of implementing the strategy to promote higher education and research for development at the academic-institutional level in the ADC priority countries.

Foto Treffen Rektorin, Prof. Remeshylo-Rybchynska und Prof. Anton Kraler

Foto: Universität Innsbruck

v.l.: Anton Kraler, Veronika Sexl, Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska und Barbara Tasser

Zeitschrift materialstoday


Experimental modal analysis of a cross-laminated timber slab

This paper presents the results of an investigation of the dynamic response of a point-supported cross-laminated timber (CLT) slab without joists with a column grid of 5.0 × 5.0 m and overall dimensions of 16.0 × 11.0 × 0.2 m. The results are based on a detailed experimental modal analysis, identifying seven modes from the dynamic response of 651 measurement points, including natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios. These modal parameters exhibit a time variance that is due to environmental influences during the measurement period of two days. As a result of this disturbance effect, the determined mode shapes have a non-negligible imaginary part, which is eliminated by correcting each of the 73 measurements individually. The findings presented provide in-depth insight into the dynamic behavior of the large-scale CLT structure with point supports realized with a novel steel connector.

INTER 2021 all unedited

INTER 2021 map

INTER 2021 - Online meeting

International Network on Timber Engineering Research 2021 with nearly 100 participating experts from 4 continents. Under the Chairmanship of Prof. Dietsch, 21 selected papers were discussed in-depth in order to support the transfer of R&D results into timber design standards.


CLT under concentrated compression loads - Methods of reinforcement

Point-supported flat slabs made of cross-laminated timber for multi-storey buildings pose various challenges to structural timber design. One aspect are concentrated compressive loads, which cause stress concentrations in the form of rolling shear and compression perpendicular to the grain at the point supports. The present work deals with this problem and shows a method, how the support area can be reinforced with a system connector.

(Free download for 50 days using above given link).


Jury Lift up

Jury for the interdisciplinary design project in cooperation between the Timber Engineering Unit and the Institute for Structure and Design. Initiators: Julia Seidl, politician and Heinz Eppacher, master carpenter; sponsors: pro Holz Tirol, neue Heimat Tirol, Eternit; jury members: Christoph Pichler, pxt, Konrad Merz, mkp, Wolfgang Andexlinger, city planning Innsbruck. 

German innovation award21

German Innovation Award

Congratulation! Our license partner Rothoblaas received the German Innovation Award in the category “Winner Excellence in Business to Business, Building & Elements” for the SPIDER CONNECTOR system, developed on the timber engineering unit by Roland Maderebner and Bernhard Maurer.

Holzbewehrtes Holz

Veneer reinforced timber

“Proof of concept” passed for a new, inherently reinforced timber product from glulam and hardwood veneers. The tension perpendicular to the grain and shear strength could be multiplied while the bending strength and stiffness remained almost unchanged. (Free download for 50 days using above given link).

RILEM book

Reinforcement of Timber Elements in Existing Structures

This new book, edited and co-authored by Prof. Dietsch, describes the current state of science and technology for the reinforcement of timber elements in existing structures.

Zuschnitt 80 Schallschutz

Test and research centers in the D - A - CH area

Component development from planning to dimensioning and implementation

Unit of Timber Engineering, Institute for Construction and Materials Science, University of Innsbruck - is in possession of a standardized sound wall test stand.

Int. MassTimberConference

European Manufacturing: What’s Next?

Roland Maderebner · talks about new assembling methods for CLT and connection methods with the SHARP-METAL


Zeitschrift mikado

Innovative Timber connection systems

NTU Singapur - Fire protection in another dimension

The Unit of Timber Engineering contributed to the projec with extensive fastener tests.

Bauen mit Holz Fachzeitschrift Spezial Band 4

Connectors for CLT elements

In a nutshell

Journal article bmH (bauen mit Holz)

Weihnachtswünsche 2020

The Unit of Timber Engineering wishes a Happy Holiday Season and a successful, healthy New Year 2021!

VDI Preis Maurer

VDI award for his doctoral thesis „Solution approaches for point-supported flat slabs made of cross-laminated timber"

The Unit of Timber Engineering congratulates Bernhard Maurer on winning the VDI award!


Zukunft Forschung


Issue 2/2020, 12. Jg.

HolzrahmenwandRigorosum Le Levé

The Unit of Timber Engineering congratulates Clemens Le Levé on the "successfully completed dissertation"!

Rigorosum Maurer

The Unit of Timber Engineering congratulatesBernhard Maurer on the "successfully completed dissertation"!


The Unit of Timber Engineering warmly welcomes our new staff members and scientific guests:

  • Maximilian Bestler (Project assistant) - since October 1st  2019
  • Thomas Stieb (student assistant) - since March 1st 2020
  • Linda Rathiens (student assistant) - since May 4th 2020
  • Silke Habel (secretary) - since May 2020
  • Valérie Burckhardt (scientific guest EPFL Lausanne) -  Sept. 2020 - March 2021
  • Klara Winter (scientific guest TU München) - November 2020 - April 2021
  • Florian Spannagel (project assistant) - since November 2nd 2020
  • Thomas Hillberger (University assistant) - since October 2020

1. Holzbau Digital Symposium


Invited presentation by Univ. Prof. Dr.Ing. Philipp Dietsch on November 5th 2020 logo

Conviction happens on the object

An article by Raphael Zeman | 13.07.2020

Philip Dietsch

Wood, where it makes sense

Philipp Dietsch has been Professor of Timber Construction and head of the related Unit at the Institute for Construction and Materials Science since March 1st. Wood is his passion. Not only his research projects benefit from this, but also his students ...  [more]

bau logo

Point-supported flat slabs made of timber

Point-supported flat slabs made of cross-laminated timber, new possibilities for timber construction.

Modern timber construction is booming due to its high potential for climate protection and it is characterized by innovative developments.

First and foremost, this includes the "cross laminated timber panel", which was mainly developed in Austria and has since been successfully produced and used worldwide ...


Philip Dietsch

Research for timber construction practice
(An interview with Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Dietsch)

A quote from the French writer Francis Picabia, namely "Our head is is round, so that our thinking can change direction", is a guiding principle of Prof. Philipp Dietsch. Since March 1st, he’s been head of the Unit of Timber Engineering at the Institute for Construction and Materials Science at the Technical University of Innsbruck. It will be interesting to see what spin he can give the future elite in timber construction and, above all, what input he can give the Tyrolean economy. Answers in the following interview ... Article in Holz-Zentralblatt, April 24, 2020.

Philip Dietsch

Philipp Dietsch is the new professor for timber construction

Philipp Dietsch is the new professor for timber construction at the University of Innsbruck. Born in Munich, he studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Munich as well as the McGill University and was team leader "Timber Construction" at the Chair of Timber Construction and Building Construction at the Technical University of Munich. (TT, March 7th, 2020)

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