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Plankensteiner, David – Universität Innsbruck

David Plankensteiner, PhD


Room: 4S23
Phone: +43 512 507  
Email: David.Plankensteiner[at]

Research group: Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

More Information

  • FLD Research Documentation

    Publications 2024

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Fasser, M.; Hotter, C.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H. (2024): Threshold studies for a hot beam superradiant laser including an atomic guiding potential.
      In: Open Research Europe 4, Nr. 8. (DOI) (Web link)

    Lectures 2023

    Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

    Poster Presentation
    • Lecturer(s): Fasser, M. Co-author(s): Hotter, Ch.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Simulating a superradiant laser based on a thermal atomic beam.
      DK ALM Science Day 2023, Venet Gipfelhütte, Zams, 2023-01-16. (Web link)

    Publications 2022

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Hotter, C.; Plankensteiner, D.; Kazakov, G.; Ritsch, H. (2022): Continuous multi-step pumping of the optical clock transition in alkaline-earth atoms with minimal perturbation.
      In: Optics Express 30/4, pp. 5553 - 5568. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Plankensteiner, D.; Hotter, Ch.; Ritsch, H. (2022): QuantumCumulants.jl: A Julia framework for generalized mean-field equations in open quantum systems.
      In: Quantum. The Open Journal for Quantum Science 6, pp. 617 - 632. (DOI) (Web link)

    Lectures 2022

    Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

    Poster Presentation
    • Lecturer(s): Fasser, M. Co-author(s): Hotter, Ch.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Simulating a superradiant laser based on a thermal atomic beam 2022.
      71st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society ÖPG, Leoben, 2022-09-27. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Fasser, M. Co-author(s): Hotter, Ch.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Simulating a superradiant laser based on a thermal atomic beam.
      DK-ALM Summer School 2022, Lech, 2022-09-14. (Web link)

    Publications 2021

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Bychek, A.; Hotter, C.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H. (2021): Superradiant lasing in inhomogeneously broadened ensembles with spatially varying coupling. [version 2; peer review: 2 approved].
      In: Open Research Europe 1, Nr. 73. (DOI) (Web link)

    Lectures 2021

    Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

    Lecture at Project Meeting / Research Cooperation Meeting
    • Lecturer(s): Plankensteiner, D.: Numerical Methods for Superradiant Lasers, online.
      MosaiQC Spring School 2021, Innsbruck, 2021-05-06. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Plankensteiner, D.: iqClock Research Update University of Innsbruck.
      6th iqClock consortium meeting online, Innsbruck, 2021-04-28.

    Publications 2020

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Cremer, J.; Plankensteiner, D.; Moreno-Cardoner, M.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2020): Polarization Control of Radiation and Energy Flow in Dipole-Coupled Nanorings.
      In: New Journal of Physics 22, No. 083052. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Holzinger, R.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2020): Nanoscale Coherent Light Source.
      In: Physical Review Letters 124/25, p. 253603. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Hotter, Ch.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H. (2020): Continuous narrowband lasing with coherently driven V-level atoms.
      In: New Journal of Physics 22, No. 113021. (DOI) (Web link)

    Lectures 2020

    Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

    Poster Presentation
    • Lecturer(s): Plankensteiner, D.: Tackling numerical problems in quantum optics with Julia.
      International Conference on Quantum Optics 2020, Obergurgl, 2020-02-27. (Web link)

    Publications 2019

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Hotter, Ch.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2019): Superradiant Cooling, Trapping, and Lasing of Dipole-Interacting Clock Atoms.
      In: Optics Express 27/22, pp. 31193 - 31206. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Lee, Moonjoo; Friebe, Konstantin; Fioretto, Dario A; Schüppert, Klemens; Ong, Florian R.; Plankensteiner, David; Torggler, Valentin; Ritsch, Helmut; Blatt, Rainer; Northup, Tracy E. (2019): Ion-Based Quantum Sensor for Optical Cavity Photon Numbers.
      In: Physical Review Letters 122/15, No. 153603. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

    • Moreno-Cardoner, M.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Chang, D. E.; Ritsch, H. (2019): Subradiance-enhanced excitation transfer between dipole-coupled nanorings of quantum emitters.
      In: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 100/2, No. 023806. (DOI) (Web link)

    • Plankensteiner, D.; Sommer, C.; Reitz, M.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C. (2019): Enhanced collective Purcell effect of coupled quantum emitter systems.
      In: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 99/4, No. 043843. (DOI) (Web link)

    Lectures 2019

    Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

    Lecture at Summer-/Winterschool
    • Lecturer(s): Plankensteiner, D.: Cavity Antiresonance Spectroscopy of Subradiant Quantum Emitters.
      DK-ALM Summerworkshop 2019, Kitzbühel, 2019-07-18. (Web link)

    Poster Presentation
    • Lecturer(s): Hotter, Ch. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Superradiant cooling, trapping, and lasing of dipole-interacting clock atoms.
      Les Houches predoc school on Interaction of light and cold atoms, Les Houche, 2019-10-01. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Hotter, Ch. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: Superradiant cooling, trapping, and lasing of dipole-interacting clock atoms.
      Autumn School on Clocks, Cavities, and Fundamental Physics, Torun, 2019-09-16. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Plankensteiner, D.: Collective Dynamics and Spectroscopy of Coupled Quantum Emitters.
      Atoms and photons Nice 2019, Nizza, 2019-11-05. (Web link)

    Publications 2018

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Krämer, S.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H. (2018): QuantumOptics.jl: A Julia framework for simulating open quantum systems.
      In: Computer Physics Communications 227, pp. 109 - 116. (DOI) (Web link)

    Lectures 2018

    Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

    Conference Lecture (Upon Registration)
    • Lecturer(s): Holzinger, R. Co-author(s): Ostermann, L.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.: Subradiance in V-type Multi Level Systems.
      68th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz, 2018-09-13. (Web link)

    Poster Presentation
    • Lecturer(s): Friebe, Konstantin Co-author(s): Lee, Moonjoo; Fioretto, Dario A.; Schüppert, Klemens; Ong, Florian R.; Plankensteiner, David; Torggler, Valentin; Ritsch, Helmut; Blatt, Rainer; Northup, Tracy E.: Dispersive interaction between a single trapped ion and cavity photons.
      3rd Physics Poster Day, Innsbruck, 2018-10-08. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Holzinger, R. Co-author(s): Ostermann, L.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.: Subradiance in multilevel V-type systems.
      43. SFB FoQuS Meeting, Innsbruck, 2018-10-18. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Holzinger, R. Co-author(s): Ostermann, L.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.: Subradiance in V-type Multi Level Systems.
      68th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz, 2018-09-11. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Hotter, Ch. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: A superradiant clock laser on an optical lattice with moving atoms.
      68th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz, 2018-09-11. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Hotter, Ch. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.: A Superradiant Laser with Self Trapping Atoms.
      676. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Novel optical clocks in atoms and nuclei, Bad Honnef, 2018-07-09. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Krämer, S.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.: Super- and subradiance of a 1D chain of clock atoms trapped inside an optical fiber.
      International Conference on Quantum Optics 2018, Obergurgl, 2018-03-01. (Web link)

    Publications 2017

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Plankensteiner, D.; Sommer, C.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C. (2017): Cavity Antiresonance Spectroscopy of Dipole Coupled Subradiant Arrays.
      In: Physical Review Letters 119/9, No. 093601. (DOI) (Web link)

    Lectures 2017

    Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

    Poster Presentation
    • Lecturer(s): Plankensteiner, D.: Cavity Antiresonance Spectroscopy of Dipole Coupled Subradiant Arrays.
      Conference on Quantum Nanophotonics, Ascona, 2017-08-21. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Plankensteiner, D. Co-author(s): Sommer, C.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C.: Cavity antiresonance spectroscopy of dipole coupled subradiant arrays.
      DK-ALM Summer School, Pertisau, 2017-07-05. (Web link)

    Guest Lectures

    Guest Lecture
    • Lecturer(s): Plankensteiner, D.: An Introduction to Collective Decay and QuantumOptics.jl.
      Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts (MPL) / Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, 2017-11-28.

    Publications 2016

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Plankensteiner, D.; Schachenmayer, J.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C. (2016): Laser noise imposed limitations of ensemble quantum metrology.
      In: Journal of Physics B: Atomic Molecular And Optical Physics 49/24, Nr. 245501. (DOI) (Web link)

    Publications 2015

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Plankensteiner, D.; Ostermann, L.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C. (2015): Selective protected state preparation of coupled dissipative quantum emitters.
      In: Scientific Reports 5, No. 16231. (DOI) (Web link)

    Lectures 2015

    Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

    Lecture at Summer-/Winterschool
    • Lecturer(s): Plankensteiner, D.: Selective protected state preparation of coupled dissipative quantum emitters.
      Summer School on Quantum and Non-Linear Optics 2015 (QNLO), Sorup Herregaard, 2015-06-07. (Web link)

    Poster Presentation
    • Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C.: Protected state Ramsey spectroscopy.
      Joint 2015 Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, ÖPG) and the Swiss Physical Society, Wien, 2015-09-01. (Web link)

    • Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C.: Protected Subspace Ramsey Spectroscopy.
      29. SFB Foqus Meeting, Innsbruck, 2015-03-12. (Web link)

    Publications 2014

    Contributions to Books / Journals

    Journal Article (Original Paper)
    • Ostermann, L.; Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C. (2014): Protected subspace Ramsey spectroscopy.
      In: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 90, No. 053823. (DOI)

    Lectures 2014

    Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

    Poster Presentation
    • Lecturer(s): Ostermann, L. Co-author(s): Plankensteiner, D.; Ritsch, H.; Genes, C.: Protected Subspace Ramsey Spectroscopy.
      27th SFB Foqus Meeting, Innsbruck, 2014-10-09. (Web link)

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