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News and Events – Universität Innsbruck

News and Events

July 2024

Joint Summer School - DC AGE_REG & ARDRE

On July 3rd and 4th, 2024 another Joint Summer School for the doctoral programs AGE REG and ARDRE took place. As in previous years, there were again interesting lectures and discussions from the areas of aging research, regenerative medicine and drug development.

Best oral presentation award: Ines Martic, Dept. of Biomedical Aging Research (First picture)
Runner-up awards: Elisa Gabassi, Dept. of Molecular Biology (Second picture) and Nicki Marami-Zonouz, Dept. of Botany (Third picture)

June 2024

Early Stage Funding 2024

Congratulations to some of our PhD students who applied for funds from the Early Stage Funding 2024 of the University of Innsbruck with all of them being successful. These are the students and their funded projects:

Victoria Strobl: Matrix metalloproteinases in modulating adipose stem cell proliferation during weight loss

Sonja Großmann: Role of autocrine-motility factor receptor in regulating adipose stem/progenitor cell growth

Periklis Ziakis: Enhancing miR-142 expression to boost the production of B cells

Elia Cappuccio: Loss of FAHD1 mediates mitochondrial dysfunction: Implications for cellular senescence

Lena Schreiberhuber: Performance of the WID-qCIN assay estimating risk of disease progression in cases of untreated high-grade precancerous lesions

March 2024

Celebrating the new head of the institute

At March 1st, 2024 Univ.-Doz. Dr. Pidder Jansen-Dürr is giving the tasks as the head of the insitute to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Birgit Weinberger. This was celebrated at the institute.

February 2024

Joint Winter School - DC AGE_REG & ARDRE

On Febraury 7th and 8th, 2024 another Joint Winter School for the doctoral programs AGE REG and ARDRE took place. As in previous years, there were again interesting lectures and discussions from the areas of aging research, regenerative medicine and drug development.

September 2023

Early Stage Funding 2023

Congratulations to Gabriel Knoll, PhD student in the Weinberger group (immunosenescence and vaccination), whose project proposal “Phenotypic characterization of regulatory CD8+T cells in human blood” was approved with funds from the Early Stage Funding 2023 of the University of Innsbruck.

August 2023

Master Defence

We congratulate Andreas Meindl on passing the Master Defence with the title
"Unravelling the global architecture of RNA-binding proteins in the Drosophila germline and early embryonic development"
and wish him continued success!

Master Defence

We congratulate Ines Bergerweiß on passing the Master Defence with the title
"Unravelling the changes in Treg functionality in old age"
and wish her continued success!

Promotion award from the Tyrolean Science Fund to Assoz. Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Derudder

The project application entitled "Reduction of B cell aging through miR-142s?" was approved by the Department of Economic Location, Digitalization and Science of the Office of the Tyrolean State Government within the framework of Tyrolean Science Fund.

Details about this in the press release dated August 14, 2023.

We congratulate Assoz. Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Derudder and wish him much success in his research work!

July 2023

Promotion award from the Tyrolean Science Fund to Ass. Prof. Dr. Alexander Weiss

The project application entitled "FAHD1 as a possible therapeutic target for breast cancer" was approved by the Department of Economic Location, Digitalization and Science of the Office of the Tyrolean State Government within the framework of Tyrolean Science Fund.

Details about this in the press release dated July 29, 2023.

We congratulate Ass. Prof. Dr. Alexander Weiss and wish him much success in his research work!

June 2023

Master Defence

We congratulate Anne Heberle on passing the Master Defence with the title
"Overexpression of FAHD1 in Human Bone Osteosarcoma Epithelial Cells (U2OS)"
and wish her continued success!

Vorarlberg Science Prize 

We congratulate Magdalena Hagen on receiving a special prize as part of the Vorarlberg Science Prize.

ORF Article

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