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Research – University of Innsbruck


The spectrum of the contents of the research ranges from historical anthropological foundations and questions of aesthetic experience and education to legitimation figures of pedagogy and education, subjectivisation, professionalisation, transformation and modernisation processes (digitalisation, globalisation, economisation), ethics, sustainability and vulnerability, and to education and social history of the institutions of extra-family pedagogical forms and history of science research. The repertoire of methods is accordingly large, ranging from hermeneutics, phenomenology and ethnography to re- and deconstructions based on source critique, discourse analysis and biographical research. Overall, the focus is placed on anthropological, pedagogy and education theory and on social, socio-political, sociology of knowledge and epistemological themes and questions. Methodically and methodologically, this is expressed and reflected in the research-led teaching, the advising of theses, the organising of conferences, the publication activity, the qualification works of the upcoming researchers or in the research projects with large third-party funding on assistive pedagogy.

Research focuses

The teaching and research area members are well-connected within the Faculty, the University and national and international academic associations. The theme complexes of body, space, border/s thus emerge from a critical-historical perspective (see the homepage of the individual team members) and are closely connected to the content focal points of the Faculty. Some current examples:

Pedagogical and Educational Spaces:

  • Leitner, Ulrich: Der Raum des Internats. Eine bildungshistorische Studie zur katholischen Anstaltserziehung am Beispiel der bischöflichen Knabenseminare in Tirol (The boarding school space. An educational history study of education at Catholic institutions based on the example of the minor seminaries in Tyrol);
  • Lohwasser, Diana: Das Dazwischen der Transformation. Zur Reformulierung des Bildungsbegriffs (The in-between of transformation. Towards a reformulation of the concept of education). (habilitation project);
  • Jäger, Stefanie: Die Pädagogik von Lew N. Tolstoi und der besondere Einfluss Berthold Auerbachs (The pedagogy of Lew N. Tolstoi and the special influence of Berthold Auerbach) (dissertation).
  • Krause, Sabine/Breinbauer, Ines Maria/Proyer, Michelle (editors): Corona bewegt – auch die Bildungswissenschaft. Bildungswissenschaftliche Reflexionen aus Anlass einer Pandemie (Corona moves – also educational science. Reflections on educational science triggered by a pandemic). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. 978-3-7815-2453-8; digital: 978-3-7815-5889-2, Download: .
  • Peskoller, Helga (2018): Natur, Raum, Körper. Zur Transformation von Wissen (Nature, space, body. Towards the transformation of knowledge). In: Engel, Birgit/Peskoller, Helga/Westphal, Kristin/Böhme, Katja/Kosica, Simone (Eds.): räumen – Raumwissen in Natur, Kunst, architektur und Bildung. Beltz Juventa: Weinheim/Basel, pp. 18-37.

Pedagogical and education effects of social transformation

D-A-CH Lead Agency Project (FWF): Negotiating Educational Spaces in Residential Care 1970 - 1990. An Interdisciplinary Comparison of Transformation Processes in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. (Applicant: Ralser with Bereswill, Hauss; Co-authors: Leitner/Gurerrini; total funding for the overall project: 926,822, 336,621 of which go to the Innsbruck location, runtime: 2021-2024); Child. Law. Medicine. An interdisciplinary network conference of the research centres Medical Humanities, Medical and health law and the Austrian Society for Pediatric Health (ÖGKJ), 24-26/09/2020; 2020/ kind. recht.medizin.html.

  • Lohwasser, Diana (2020): Die quantifizierte Sorge um das Selbst oder die Sorge um das quantifizierte Selbst? (Quantified worry about self or worry about the quantified self?) In: Dietrich, Cornelie/Uhlendorf, Niels/Beiler, Frank/Sanders, Olaf eds.): Anthropologien der Sorge im Pädagogischen. Beltz Juventa: Weinheim/Basel, pp. 290-296.
  • Peskoller, Helga (2019): Mammut, Solo Kommerz. Zur Technikgeschichte des Expeditionsbergsteigens am Beispiel Everest (Mammut, solo commerce. On the technological history of expedition mountaineering - a case study of Everest). In: Bilstein, Johannes/Winzen, Matthias (eds.): Pädagogische Anthropologie der Technik. Praktiken, Gegenstände, Lebensformen (Pedagogical anthropology of technology. Practices, objects, life forms). Springer VS: 2020, pp. 139-159.

Sociality, biography, biography

  • Lederer, Bernd (2020): Bildung statt Fanatismus: Über Ursachen und Umstände der Entwicklung fanatisch-autoritärer Persönlichkeitsstrukturen. Wie sich selbstbewusste und selbstbestimmte, soziale und tolerante Persönlichkeitsbildung befördern lässt (Education instead of fanaticism. About the causes and circumstances of the development of fanatic-authoritarian personality structures. How to promote self-confident and autonomous, sociable and tolerant personality education). Buch I: Bildung und Persönlichkeitsbildung: Begriffe und Theorien. Hamburg: tredition;
  • Lohwasser, Diana (2019) with Dederich, Markus/Burghardt, Daniel/Dziabel, Nadine/Noack Napoles, Juliane/Stöhr, Robert/Zirfas, Jörg: Schlüsselwerke der Vulnerabilitätsforschung (Key works in vulnerability research). Springer VS: Wiesbaden.
  • Peskoller, Helga (2019): Der Sturz. Horizontumkehr, Grenzziehung, ästhetische Bildung (The fall. Horizon reversal, drawing of borders, aesthetic education). In: Frischmann, Bärbel/Holtorf, Christian (eds.): Über den Horizont. Standorte, Grenzen und Perspektiven (Over the horizon. Locations, borders and perspectives). De Gruyter: Oldenburg, pp. 129-147.
  • Leitner, Ulrich (2016): Ego-Dokumente als Quellen Historischer Bildungsforschung. Zur Rekonstruktion von Bildungsbiographien ehemaliger weiblicher Heimkinder (Ego documents from sources of historical education research. Towards the reconstruction of education biographies of female orphanage children). In: BIOS. Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 2, pp. 253 – 265.
  • Ralser, Michaela with Guerrini, Flavia/Leitner, Ulrich: Unterstützte Erinnerung als Form der Wissensorganisation. Zur Rolle der Fürsorgeakte in der biografischen Erinnerungsarbeit ehemaliger Heimkinder. „Supported Memory” as a Form of Knowledge Organization. On the Role of Child Welfare Case Files in the Biographical Memory Work of Care Leavers. In: Soziale Probleme. Zeitschrift für Soziale Probleme und soziale Kontrolle Nr. 30, Kassel 2020, pp.187-203.
  • Krause, Sabine: Detoxing Narratives: Das Gemeinsame in, an und durch Geschichten (Common ground in, about and through histories). Gemeinsam Leben 1/2021, pp. 25-32.
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