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Research Focus System – Universität Innsbruck

Research focus system

For more than ten years now, the extremely successful profile development at the University of Innsbruck has been based on scientific cooperation in Research Areas, Research Platforms and Research Centres.

Research Areas and Research Platforms are interdisciplinary units with up to 60 post-doctoral researchers working together on a cross-cutting topic that is characteristic of the University of Innsbruck. In the smaller Research Centres, several highly qualified scientists work on a joint research topic.

At a glance

The research system currently consists of 8 research areas, 1 platform, 39 centres and 20 doctoral colleges. You can find an overview here.

Esta­blis­h­ment and eva­lu­a­tion

The formal criteria for establishing and regularly evaluating the research areas, platforms and centres are included in the guidelines.

Doc­toral Col­leges

The central element of the doctoral colleges is the structured training of doctoral candidates at the highest academic level.

Research Areas

Cen­tre for Molec­u­lar Bio­sciences (CM­BI)

The CMBI brings together researchers from several scientific disciplines, including structural and molecular biology, chemistry, biophysics, genetics, molecular modelling and pharmaceutical sciences at an internationally competitive level.

Kreuzung mit Autos und Personen auf Zebrastreifen

Cul­tu­ral Encoun­ters - Cul­tu­ral Con­flicts

The research area "Cultural Encounters - Cultural Conflicts" is a network of humanities and social science disciplines that deals with different forms of cultural contact.

Hand die ein Hologramm bedient.

Dig­i­tal Science Cen­tre (DiSC)

The aim of the Digital Science Center (DiSC) at the University of Innsbruck is to bundle and promote the digitalisation of research, in order to pursue new research directions and strengthen the quality of science.

Blick von unten auf ein Mobile aus bunten Glaselementen

Econ­o­my, Pol­i­tics and Soci­ety (EPoS)

EPoS "Economy, Politics & Society" sees itself as an interdisciplinary focus in which economic, organisational, political and social structures, interrelationships and developments are researched.

Ausgebrannte Birne

Func­ti­o­nal Mate­ri­als Science (FunMat)

Research groups from four faculties work together in this research area to utilise the synergies between physics, chemistry, earth sciences, pharmaceutical technology and civil engineering.

Bergpanorama mit 10 Personen die von hinten zu sehen auf einem Holzzaun sitzen.

Moun­tain Regi­ons

With the Mountain Regions, the University of Innsbruck has spatially defined one of its central focus areas. This specialisation continues the University of Innsbruck's long-standing tradition and globally significant role in mountain research.



In a very international environment, the physics research area combines cutting-edge research in a wide range of areas of modern physics with outstanding training opportunities and brings together key research areas.

Hochleistungsrechner LEO5

Scien­ti­fic Com­pu­ting

The research area Scientific Computing integrates all research activities in the fields of IT and computer-aided research. The aim is to utilise existing synergies within the university as well as with other universities and institutions in Austria and worldwide.

Research platform

Leinwand in bunten Regenbogenfarben

Cen­tre for Inter­dis­ci­plinary Gen­der Stud­ies Inns­bruck (CGI)

The research platform of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck is an inter- and transdisciplinary network of researchers and teachers in the field of women's, gender, feminist and queer research.

Research centres and doctoral colleges

Centre for Molecular Biosciences Innsbruck (CMBI)

The doctoral programme Ageing and Regeneration (AGE_REG) was founded in 2016 as part of the research focus Center for Molecular Biosciences Innsbruck (CMBI) at the University of Innsbruck. The most important goal is to offer excellent young scientists from Austria and abroad a platform for postgraduate training at the highest level in conjunction with cutting-edge research on current topics in the life sciences. By bringing together highly qualified scientists from different disciplines, an excellent environment is created in which the DK young scientists are integrated into research at an international level and into the scientific community. The doctoral students will have the opportunity to collaborate across disciplines in the development of new experimental approaches to questions of ageing and regeneration, as well as in applied research in the fields of molecular and cell biology, ageing research, regeneration research and regenerative medicine. The young scientists can publish their research results internationally and present them to the international scientific community at conferences. Website IDC Ageing and Regeneration

DP ARDRE is an interdisciplinary EC H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND doctoral training programme for international high-potential early-stage researchers (ESRs) with a focus on ageing research, research in stem cells and regeneration, as well as drug research at the University of Innsbruck (UIBK) in Austria.

DP ARDRE provides training for 12 highly qualified ESR fellows, who wish to obtain a doctoral degree in one of the programme's research areas in biology, chemistry and pharmacy. All ARDRE PhD students are provided with the possibilities and encouragement to assume secondments (between a few weeks and several months) to international academic and intersectoral industrial partner organisations. Website IDC Ageing, Regeneration, and Drug Research (DP ARDRE)

Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts

The research centre Ancient Worlds Studies and Archaeologies (AWOSA) aims to intensify and internationalise interdisciplinary cooperation and exchange between the fields of history, philology and archaeology, not only among themselves, but also with other disciplines such as the natural sciences (chemistry, biology, geology, etc.) and socio- and cultural studies such as contemporary history, oriental studies, ethnology, etc., with the aim of addressing current issues and problems and developing and implementing appropriate methods and proposed solutions (as well as specific research projects). Website RC Ancient Worlds Studies and Archaeologies (AWOSA)

The research centre "Concepts of Europe" aims to contribute to a scientific elucidation of ideas and perceptions of Europe that have developed over the long term and are still effective today. Both within and outside Europe, images of the continent and social practices of its living environments emerged that were and are part of the reality of politics, economics, everyday life and mentalities of European societies. Perceptions of European and non-European observers, practices of the social order of the European space, transnational networks and forms of communication as well as designs of different actors on what Europe is or should be characterised the views and perspectives on the continent. Website RC European Concepts

The fields, theories, methods and concepts in which and with which phenomena of contact, exchange and conflict between people and social groups are described and constructed are diverse. The perspectives and subject areas of our interdisciplinary group of researchers are correspondingly diverse, and they consider, analyse and exchange this diversity from different perspectives. Website RC Kulturen in Kontakt (KiK)

The humanities are not unaffected by the paradigm shift triggered by the digital revolution. Digital Humanities (DH) aims to research and promote the use of information technologies in the cultural sciences and humanities. In doing so, they not only adapt existing methods to the new working environment, but also develop new research strategies and approaches. At the same time, while focussing on digital methods, DH does not lose sight of the consequences of the "digital turn" for society as well as for cultural studies and the humanities. Website RC Digital Humanities

Innsbruck Media Studies (IMS) is an interdisciplinary working group that aims to understand, explain and design media structures and their transformation, to analyse communication and mediation processes in the media and to develop innovative models and frameworks in various technology sectors.

Migration on a global scale is a key topic for understanding the present, the plural migration society is a reality - also in Austria. Societies as a whole are undergoing profound changes as a result of migration in its various forms and its consequences, and no area remains unaffected. Website RC Migration and Globalisation

The establishment of the MA Programme for Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation at the LFU in 2001 was based on the idea of integrating the Innsbruck location into the global scene of the subject on the one hand, and developing a profile that differs from the existing one on the other. In particular, the aim was not to compete with the approaches and centres in the German-speaking world, but to create an alternative and complement.

To this end, the then new peace philosophy approach of "many peace" was taken up, elevated to a curricular and didactic principle and further researched with vigour. Over the years, this gave rise to the key concept of transrational peace research, which has since gained international recognition as the Innsbruck School or Innsbruck approach to the subject. In 2008, this endeavour was rewarded with the establishment of a UNESCO Chair for Peace Research at the University of Innsbruck. Website RC Peace and Conflict Studies

Tyrolean regional history - understood as a regional history that pursues research questions in the region, but places them in continuous comparison with the larger areas and discourses - is to be the central content of the interdisciplinary research centre "Regional History of the European Region of Tyrol". The aim is to establish an understanding of regional history, specifically of the federal state of Tyrol, South Tyrol and Trentino (Autonomous Region Trentino-Alto Adige/South Tyrol) as well as the areas of Cortina d'Ampezzo and Buchenstein, which today lie outside the region, in their entire breadth and temporal scope as part of a modern regional history. Website RC Regional History European Region Tyrol

The research centre examines the significance of biblical revelation and church practice in relation to the problems of religion, communication and violence in the present day. Our work aims to promote cultural change towards more peaceful relationships. The church in its congregational and world church constitution, especially in its dialogue with other religions and world views in a pluralistic society, is regarded as the primary place of practice. Because our Church committed itself in the Second Vatican Council to renewing itself in such a way that it can be seen ever more clearly as a sign of possible salvation in a global world characterised by deep conflicts, important questions are also on the agenda with regard to its internal and external forms of communication. Website RC Religion - Violence - Communication - World Order

The "Synagogue and Churches" research centre sees itself as an interface between basic research and practical application with regard to the relationship between Christianity and Judaism as well as the relationship between Christian churches and theologies. As these relationships in the past and present represent profound cultural encounters and demarcations, we have also been part of the research area "Cultural Encounters - Cultural Conflicts" since summer 2014. In our regular research meetings since 2017, we have been dealing with aspects of religious authority (sacred scriptures, personal offices, collectively acting institutions, authority beyond institutionalised structures) in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The research will be summarised annually in a book publication. Since autumn 2021, we have been working on the topic of "Power Structures". Website RC Synagogue and Churches

A doctoral college for Austrian Studies (with the medium-term perspective of a centre of the same name) initially aims to provide an internal interdisciplinary platform for cooperation within the university as a basis for joint teaching and research. The central criteria for co-operation will initially be the area concerned, its history and cultural phenomena. In this respect, the 'Austrian' mentioned in the title is understood as a 'cultural space' produced by different societies along the time axis from the Holy Roman Empire, through the Habsburg Monarchy to the immediate present of the Second Republic. Website IDC Austrian Studies

Concepts of defining, shifting and transgressing boundaries (liminality, variability and transgressivity) constitute and structure the subject area of linguistics, literature and cultural studies. In the planned doctoral programme, they will be examined both in their categorical use and in their different linguistic, cultural and media practices. To this end, various fields of work that are already established at the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies at the University of Innsbruck will be brought together under systematic aspects. Website IDC Borders, border shifts and border crossings in language, literature and media

The Doctoral College Catholic Theology in a Globalised World (DKTh) focuses its attention on significant developments in the Church and world society in order to contribute to a theology that seeks to help a Church - which is facing many challenges and conflicts - to assume its global responsibility more appropriately both internally and externally. As the oldest and largest global player, probably not only in European history, the Catholic Church can make a helpful and lasting contribution to a world society that is undergoing both radical change and a deep crisis. Website IDC Catholic Theology in a Globalised World

Inequality and difference are social facts in all societies, but they characterise coexistence to varying degrees. Inequality and difference are the result of social negotiation processes in which access to and rights of disposal over material and immaterial resources are distributed. Vertical and horizontal disparities are intertwined: vertical inequality includes economic differences in income and wealth and varying access to means of production, the labour market, capital, credit and welfare state services (e.g. education and health). Difference as a horizontal disparity includes the different opportunities for social affiliation and social participation resulting from nationality, gender, skin colour, religion, age or language. However, both forms overlap, reinforce (and weaken) each other intersectionally in the axes of global exclusion and inclusion mechanisms such as racism, linguism, gender and class relations, which are reflected in corresponding regional processes. Website IDC Dynamics of Inequality and Difference in the Age of Globalisation

The doctoral programme "Entangled Antiquities" deals with the interweaving of ancient living spaces (1500 BC to 1500 AD) in the Afro-Eurasian world, sometimes from Spain to China. The object of investigation is the mega-spatial connectivity of protoglobal empires with local political entities. A particular focus is on the interactions they exert on each other and on local agendas, i.e. the appropriation, transformation and resilience of the local in relation to cosmopolitan goods and achievements in the context of transregional globalisation processes. Transdisciplinary approaches and methods are used in an attempt to bring together the traditionally isolated subjects of philology, archaeology and history in order to scrutinise the Eurocentric world view of separate cultural areas and examine them anew within a global-historical framework. Website IDC Entangled Antiquities

Digital Science Centre (DiSC)

The humanities are not unaffected by the paradigm shift triggered by the digital revolution. Digital Humanities (DH) aims to research and promote the use of information technologies in the cultural sciences and humanities. In doing so, they not only adapt existing methods to the new working environment, but also develop new research strategies and approaches. At the same time, while focussing on digital methods, DH does not lose sight of the consequences of the "digital turn" for society as well as for cultural studies and the humanities. Website RC Digital Humanities

Economy, Politics & Society (EPoS)

The Accounting Theory & Research Centre investigates the role and significance of accounting in companies, organisations and society. From an interdisciplinary social science perspective, we understand accounting as forms of quantifying and calculative practices. While accounting practices such as external and internal accounting, risk management, tax management or integrated reporting were originally developed in the context of and for companies, they have now spread into the field of non-profit organisations and other areas of society. Website RC Accounting Theory & Research

The Research Centre Education - Generation - Lifecourse has a multidimensional approach: In the field of tension between social change in contemporary societies and educational policy and in alignment with the entire spectrum between social inclusion and interculturality as a principle, the overall interest is directed towards the context of lifelong and life-wide learning, taking into account the entire spectrum between formal, non-formal and informal learning. Website RC Education - Generation - Lifecourse

The Innsbruck Decision Sciences (IDS) research centre focuses on researching human behaviour in economically relevant decision-making situations, particularly in the context of digitalisation. The spectrum ranges from everyday consumer decisions, fundamental questions about preferences and individual characteristics that guide decisions, to decisions with long-term consequences such as the choice of retirement provision, financial investment decisions or the decision to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. A particular focus is placed on the use of digital technologies and their role in supporting and improving decision-making. Website RC Innsbruck Decision Sciences (IDS)

Innsbruck Media Studies (IMS) is an interdisciplinary working group that aims to understand, explain and design media structures and their transformation, to analyse communication and mediation processes in the media and to develop innovative models and frameworks in various technology sectors.

The aim of the RC Social Theory is to place theory work itself at the centre of collaboration and to promote metatheoretical, epistemological reflection and discussion among its members.

Traditions of epistemic reflection and basic theoretical research are cultivated in every discipline, but it is a particular concern of the social sciences and humanities that they constantly teach, question, apply and further develop their theoretical foundations and work multi-paradigmatically. The FZ Social Theory looks at the entirety of social science theories and deals with them from a historical-sociological, epistemological and socio-philosophical perspective. It promotes an open exchange between theoretical schools and approaches. Website RC Social Theory

Innovative strength and differentiation from the competition through attractive brands are crucial for the sustainable success of organisations of all kinds and therefore also a prerequisite for maintaining social prosperity. Technological developments, digital transformation and social media have given rise to new business models and are changing entrepreneurship and consumer behaviour in equal measure. Agile companies, sustainable innovations and the development and management of strong brands are equally important in order to meet the new challenges and developments in the long term. Appropriate management systems, resource development and market information form an important basis for successful entrepreneurship. Knowledge about consumers and stakeholders is another key pillar for sustainable corporate success and resilient organisations. Both pillars thus become the driving and simultaneously coordinating force for innovation and brand. The research centre therefore deals with fundamental questions of consumer and stakeholder behaviour as well as sustainable business and the management of organisations on the basis of innovation and the management of companies and brands. Website RC Strategic Leadership, Innovation and Brand

The doctoral college #OrganizingtheDigital: Relations, Publics, Societies promotes transdisciplinary research that links and transcends the analysis of digital phenomena at the micro, meso and macro levels. With the help of a multi-methodological and interdisciplinary approach, the programme aims to contribute to the expansion of experimental, qualitative and interpretative conceptual research, its quantification and network analyses.
The doctoral college and its members are committed to international standards of excellence in science. Students participating in the doctoral programme acquire the necessary intellectual and practical skills to meet these standards and to publish in leading scientific journals. Website IDC Organizing the Digital

Politics, power and language are three concepts that are highly controversial today, as is their relationship to each other. Politics, power and language and their interdependencies are the core of the doctoral college Politics, Power and Language (IDC Politics, Power and Language), which addresses these three concepts through an exchange between various disciplines within and outside the social sciences and humanities (e.g. computer science, digital humanities, economics, gender studies, history, linguistics, media and communication, philosophy, political science, sociology). Website IDC Politics, Power and Language

Companies across sectors are discovering the net-zero transition as a governing theme for value generation, competitiveness, and innovation. Business strategies must be consistent with the UN SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement and Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. And they must manage climate and nature-related risks. However, greening energy, closing the loop on material flows, rebuilding carbon sinks are transformative moves: They require net-zero roadmaps, shifts in business model, new partnerships and adjusted performance metrics. Much of this is uncharted territory and needs scientific investigation and support. Website IDC System Innovation for a Net-Zero Transition

Functional Materials Science (FunMat)

The aim of the doctoral programme is the postgraduate education of qualified students from Germany and abroad at an excellent level on current and relevant issues of reactivity and catalysis in the field of materials and nanosciences. The combination of three faculties (Chemistry and Pharmacy, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, as well as Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics) and five institutes allows students within the framework of the doctoral programme different perspectives on various aspects of reactivity: homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, reactivity at/of surfaces and interfaces, activation mechanisms of molecules and biomolecules, reactivity of metals, intermetallic phases, oxides, metal-oxide systems and gas-phase molecules. Website IDC Reactivity and Catalysis

Mountain Regions

The research centre "Alpine Infrastructure Engineering" is part of the research focus "Mountain Regions" and focuses on the two subject areas "Infrastructure and Environment" and "Risk and Protection". The thematic area "Infrastructure and Environment" aims to develop technical and traffic planning solutions for transport in the Alpine region as well as innovative processes for extreme boundary conditions, solutions for the supply and disposal of water to settlements and buildings, for Alpine drinking water management and Alpine hydraulic engineering and hydropower utilisation.

The subject area "Risk and Protection" examines mass movements (debris flows, avalanches and mudflows) and structural protection measures, the development and effects of floods, landslides and rockfalls as well as the underlying methods of probability and safety. Website RC Alpine Infrastructure Engineering

The "Alpine Sports" Research Centre (RC) is part of the "Mountain Regions" research area. The researchers at the Research Centre "Alpine Sports" deal with the diverse aspects of alpine sports. In addition to the effects of alpine sports activities on the healthy and sick human organism, scientific research also focuses on the development and optimisation of training methods and equipment.

The particular importance of alpine sports for Tyrol and Austria is evident from the fact that more than 10 million mountain and ski tourists visit the local mountain regions every year; this figure is estimated at over 40 million for the entire Alpine region. There is no doubt that mountain sports can contribute significantly to the favourable health effects of physical activity, but they are also associated with a certain risk of accidents and emergencies. For this reason, research efforts in the RC "Alpine Sports" research centre are primarily aimed at reducing this risk as far as possible and specifically identifying the positive effects of alpine sports. This applies to popular sports as well as to elite and rehabilitation sports.

The Eastern Alps have historically been a treasure trove of climate information - and the University of Innsbruck is home to a wide range of expertise in atmospheric, cryosphere-biosphere-hydrosphere sciences as well as atmospheric chemistry, geomorphodynamics and palaeoclimatology. The Climate - Cryosphere and Atmosphere Research Centre brings this expertise together through interdisciplinary research at the interface between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere. One focus is on the exchange between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere, as well as the dynamics of the climate system in the mountains over the entire range of spatial and temporal scales. From the point of view of climate research, mountains pose a particular challenge due to the complexity of the topography and the resulting (thermo)dynamic forcing of the atmosphere. Website RC Climate - Cryosphere and Atmosphere

The objective of the RC "Ecology of the Alpine Space" is to provide high-quality scientific findings on the ecology of mountain habitats, but also to analyse the diverse interactions between humans and habitats as well as the combined effects of land use and climate change. The range of ecosystems studied and the organisms and populations they contain extends from summit regions, mountain lakes and streams, glacier forefields and forest boundary ecotones to anthropogenically utilised areas. Most of our research areas are integrated into the LTSER (long-term socio-ecological research) platform Tyrolean Alps. Comparative research is also carried out in Arctic systems, the Andes and the Himalayas. Methodologically, we combine experimental approaches in the field and laboratory with spatial and temporal modelling. Close networking between the researchers involved in the FC should also make it easier to build bridges between the disciplines involved, promote genuine interdisciplinary research and thus lead to significant added value. Website RC Ecology of the Alpine Space

Our research centre investigates the interactions between geogenic substances and geodynamic and environmental processes on a variety of spatial and temporal scales as well as on different pressure and temperature scales. We investigate the chemical and physical properties of rocks, minerals and artificial rock-like materials and reconstruct processes both in the Earth's interior and on the Earth's surface that can extend many millions of years into the past. Geomaterials directly control geological and geodynamic processes and can also record climate and environmental changes as well as time. Research into these geogenic materials and processes therefore provides unique insights into the history of the earth and the mineral resources of our planet, and is of social relevance.

Global change (climate change, globalisation, socio-cultural change, scarcity of resources, etc.) is becoming increasingly important in society and politics as well as in scientific discourse. The interplay between driving forces, actions and effects at all scales (global to local) has become the central characteristic of the Anthropocene. The aim of the research centre "Global Change - Regional Sustainability" is, on the one hand, to
understanding these dynamics and their consequences for human-environment systems. On the other hand, the centre is investigating how society can meet the challenges of the 21st century under the guiding principle of sustainable development.

The research centre creates space for interdisciplinary dialogue in global change and sustainability research at the interface between the natural and social sciences. Theoretical-conceptual work, empirical and application-orientated research and implementation are equally important here. In the spirit of contemporary science that is aware of its social responsibility, the members of the research centre are actively involved in the transdisciplinary dialogue with society in order to contribute to sustainable development. Website RC Global Change - Regional Sustainability

The Research Centre for Mountain Agriculture brings together agricultural research at the University of Innsbruck. It offers an interdisciplinary forum for scientists from a wide range of disciplines, stimulates research on agricultural topics and promotes co-operation. Together with the Province of Tyrol, the Research Centre for Mountain Agriculture operates the Imst Research Farm, which is used for research and teaching in conjunction with the Tyrolean Agricultural Experimental Station. The Research Centre for Mountain Agriculture also acts as an interface between the University of Innsbruck and non-university institutions. With financial support from the province of Tyrol, the Mountain Agriculture Research Centre supports research projects on agricultural topics in an annual "Call for Projects" in a competitive process. Website RC Mountain Agriculture Research Unit

The Research Center Tourism and Recreation is a network and platform for all researchers at the University of Innsbruck. The RC develops joint projects and brings together researchers from various faculties at the University of Innsbruck to advance tourism and leisure research. Since 2015, seven third-party funded projects have already been completed and more are currently being worked on by researchers from six faculties at the University of Innsbruck. Numerous interdisciplinary publications are also being written. Research topics include, for example, crowdfunding in tourism, the influence of global change (especially climate change) on the needs of tourists and the resources available to destinations, sporting events and innovations in the mountains or family business development and succession in tourism. The FZ Tourism & Leisure recently founded the new doctoral programme "Tourism and Leisure in Mountain Regions". Website RC Tourism and Recreation

The "Doctoral Programme Alpine Biology and Global Change" offers a training programme for various disciplines in the fields of alpine biology and global change, which is based on international quality standards. The DP serves as a unique platform for exchange between PhD students and PostDocs from different disciplines to support and inspire their respective research work. Website IDC Alpine Biology and Global Change

Mountains influence atmospheric currents and generate strong environmental gradients in space and time. By bringing together experts from various disciplines (atmospheric dynamics and chemistry, cryosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, geomorphology and paleoclimatology), climatic processes as well as climate variability and change in the past and future are to be (better) identified, understood and quantified. These data in turn form an essential basis for estimating the influence of climatic changes on mountain regions. Website IDC Mountain Climate and Environment

The investigation of natural hazards in mountain regions involves and requires various disciplines. The doctoral programme Natural Hazards in Mountain Regions deals with interdisciplinary issues that, in addition to their purely scientific significance, are often highly relevant to the population in mountain regions. PhD students are particularly supported within the framework of this programme, who are not only networked with related fields of research, but can also take advantage of various synergies and training programmes. Overall, the intensive exchange between different disciplines and scientists in different positions on the academic career path serves to strengthen joint research activities and increase international visibility for all those involved. Website IDC Natural Hazards in Mountain Regions

The Doctoral Programme for Tourism and Leisure in Mountain Regions aims to provide all participating PhD students with an excellent education in a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment. By creating a suitable framework and the opportunity to immerse themselves in other disciplines, students can broaden their knowledge and deepen their expertise. In addition, the doctoral programme facilitates the initiation, development and publication of high-quality and innovative research work. Based on their respective disciplinary backgrounds, researchers - PhD students, postdocs and professors - have the opportunity to promote and establish interdisciplinary approaches in their research. Communication platforms such as workshops, social media channels and informal meetings as well as co-working spaces are being developed to promote an active exchange of knowledge and mutual inspiration. Website IDC Tourism and Leisure in Mountain Regions


The highly topical research fields of astrophysics and particle physics are undergoing rapid development worldwide and are the subject of numerous major international projects. At the same time, these fields of work are moving ever closer together worldwide in terms of content and methodology, with the new research branch of astroparticle physics being established. This international development was followed with the formation of the centre in order to be able to work with as many synergy effects as possible in these research areas.

The Research Centre for Ion and Plasma Physics / Applied Physics investigates fundamental phenomena in the fields of atomic, molecular and plasma physics as well as researching and developing applications of these results in areas ranging from materials, fusion, energy, environmental and biophysics to medical technology.

The application-oriented perspectives of the above-mentioned sub-areas have led to the foundation of over 10 mostly very successful high-tech companies in Tyrol by employees and former students of this centre. Over 1000 jobs have been created by these companies, which make it possible for trained physicists to pursue their careers in Tyrol. In the years 2015 to 2017, 243 articles were published in peer-reviewed journals, 12 dissertations and 14 master's/diploma theses were completed and nine international conferences were organised, some with over 100 participants. Website RC Ion and Plasma Physics/Applied Physics

The Research Centre for Quantum Physics encompasses various research activities in the field of modern quantum physics, ranging from the fundamentals to applications. One of the central goals of the work is the realisation of quantum computers and quantum simulators. Supported by numerous theoretical activities, many-body quantum systems consisting of laser-cooled ions, neutral atoms and molecules or superconducting circuits are being investigated experimentally as possible platforms for quantum computers and quantum simulators. This is linked to the development of quantum interfaces in order to be able to exchange quantum information between different platforms.

The Doctoral Programme (Doktoratskolleg) Atoms, Light, and Molecules, DK-ALM, is a collaborative programme that provides a research and training environment for excellent national and international students.

It is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and started in January 2016. The programme combines fore-front research in several scientific fields within the framework of atomic, molecular and optical physics with high-level education.

The doctoral programme is linked to the four Physics Institutes at the University of Innsbruck and to the Physics Research Center, one of the five Research Focal Points of the University. DP Atoms, Light and Molecules (DK-ALM) website

Scientific Computing

The Computational Engineering research centre brings together research activities that contribute to solving challenging engineering tasks through the scientifically sound further development of computer-aided planning and analysis methods. Website RC Computational Engineering

Computer science now permeates almost all scientific disciplines, branches of industry and areas of life. In this context, the Centre for Computer Science plays an important role, both for the further development of computer science-specific research topics in an international context and for cooperation within and outside the university. Our objectives can be characterised as follows:

  • Work on scientific topics in an application-orientated context
  • Development of well-founded concepts, methods and tools for sustainable results
  • Transfer and further development of our ideas in practical applications and co-operations

Website RC Computer Science

High Performance Computing (HPC) has undoubtedly developed into a key technology for science, industry and business over the last 10 years. New applications are constantly emerging that benefit from effective parallelisation. High-performance computing is a driving force in the development of new forms of medicine, in the search for renewable and clean energy sources, in the implementation of efficient and intelligent transport systems, in climate modelling and the prediction and management of natural disasters, in the optimisation of food production as part of a more sustainable agriculture, in the development of effective security concepts in dealing with IT infrastructures, and much more.Further growth in the breadth and depth of HPC is to be expected and is essential for competitive research and development in the sense of "to out-compute will be to out-compete". Website RC High Performance Computing

The Doctoral Programme Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling (DP CIM) was founded in 2010 as part of the research area on Scientific Computing at the University of Innsbruck. The most important goal is to offer excellent young scientists from Austria and abroad a platform for postgraduate training at the highest level in conjunction with cutting-edge research on current topics in the natural and technical sciences. By bringing together highly qualified scientists from different disciplines, an excellent environment is created in which the DP young scientists are integrated into the research process at an international level and the scientific community. The doctoral students have the opportunity to work closely together across disciplines in the development of new methods of computer-aided modelling, as well as in application-related research in the fields of atmospheric sciences, chemistry, (biomedical) computer science, mathematics, physics and technical sciences. The young scientists can publish their research results internationally and present them to the international scientific community at conferences. Website DP Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling

The DOCC doctoral programme is an interdisciplinary EC H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND training programme for promising young researchers with a focus on modelling and simulation in basic research in the natural sciences and engineering at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. Website DP DOCC: Dynamics of Complex Continua

Center for Gender Studies Innsbruck (CGI)

The Medical Humanities Research Centre is an inter- and transdisciplinary association of scientists from the University of Innsbruck who deal with topics and concepts in the medical sciences from the perspectives of the humanities, social sciences, linguistics, education and cultural studies with a gender-critical approach. Among other things, the participating researchers focus on the connections between health and society, questions of health and the environment and the topic of health as a resource. In this context, they deal with biopolitics, bioethics and reproductive technologies as well as health and social policy. Other focal points include research into the philosophy of medicine, questions of health communication, corporeality and body images, gender concepts, ability and dis-ability as well as care orders and care constellations in the past and present. Website RC Medical Humanities

The doctoral centre is dedicated to investigating the transformation of gender and gender relations in their historical, spatial and reciprocal relationships, conditions and effects. It focuses on the analysis of processes of change, of regimes of change and persistence, including the social struggles and civil society protest constellations that initiate, hinder, mobilise and moderate them. An interdisciplinary, intersectional and transnational/transregional perspective of analysis is necessary for this research endeavour. Website IDC Gender and Gender Relations in Transformation: Spaces - Relations - Representations

Research centres and doctoral colleges without affiliation

Our motive for action is to contribute to solving the 'three superchallenges of the 21st century', (1) the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases, (2) the energy crisis, (3) the sustainable use of resources (water, soil, plant nutrients, biomass).

Atmospheric greenhouse gases and their interactions with biological producers and decomposers are one of CERB's fields of activity, especially with the PTR-MS technology and airborne measurements of the Department of Ion Physics and Applied Physics. A link between biology and physics/chemistry is provided by the real-time analysis of organic aerosols and the catalytic degradation of persistent environmental pollutants. At the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry, analytical methods based on highly selective separation and enrichment processes and IR spectroscopy in the near (NIR) and medium (MIR) range, as well as ATR (Attenuated Total Reflection) are being advanced, with the main advantages lying in non-destructive analysis.

The doctoral programme Biointeractions - from basics to application (BioApp) aims to contribute to the elucidation of interactions of various prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms with each other, with plants and animals, as well as with their abiotic environment (from the species to the domain level). These interactions are still largely unexplored, although they are extremely relevant for natural ecosystems and also significantly influence biotechnological processes, from wastewater treatment, biogas production and biological remediation of contaminated sites to agrobiotechnology. Website IDC Biointeractions from Basics to application

In its capacity as a research centre of the Faculty of Law at the University of Innsbruck, the Center for European Integration Innsbruck (CEI) attempts to capture and scientifically analyse the phenomenon of regional integration, initially from the perspective of the entire field of law, but also in cooperation with neighbouring disciplines such as political science, economics and social sciences. European integration is a dynamic field of research that requires a high level of human resources on the one hand and a broad-based, interdisciplinary approach on the other. The CEI aims to make a contribution to European research at an excellent level by scientifically analysing the normative structures that shape European integration. Website RC European Integration

Within the framework of the research centre, the research activities of the University of Innsbruck in the field of federalism research are to be bundled, intensified and further expanded. In cooperation with the Institute for Federalism in Innsbruck and the Institute for Federalism and Regionalism Research at EURAC Bolzano, the research centre is to become a leading location for interdisciplinary and cross-border federalism research. Website RC Federalism (Politics and Law)

The Research Centre (RC) Health and Prevention across the Lifespan combines departments at the Department of Psychology and the Department of Sports Science as well as affiliated cooperation partners at the Medical University of Innsbruck, which focus on prevention and health-related research.

A biopsychosocial model characterised by an interdisciplinary research approach is postulated as the overarching model of the FC Health and Prevention across the Lifespan. The coherent theoretical background is characterised by health and prevention-relevant foci for the identification of resilience and potential risk factors for mental and physical health in all age groups. Website RC Health and prevention across the lifespan

The research centre HiMAT (History of Mining Activities in Tyrol and adjacent areas - impact on environment and human societies) was established at the University of Innsbruck in 2007 and emerged from a special research area (SFB) funded by the FWF. The research programme deals with the effects of mining on cultures and the environment in the Alpine region from the Neolithic to modern times. The programme involves internationally renowned experts from various historical disciplines as well as from numerous scientific and engineering disciplines, with a particular focus on involving young scientists. As part of an interdisciplinary network with international participation, the development phases of the mining industry in the central Alpine region are systematically analysed. Website RC HiMAT

The "Innovative Building Materials, Building Methods and Constructions" research centre pools the expertise in the field of engineering that is required to develop new types of building, building methods and constructions. The formation of the research centre is based on the realisation that significant further developments can only be achieved by bundling the advantages of different building materials in joint constructions and in cooperation between materials technology, the constructive disciplines of concrete construction, timber construction and metal construction, as well as taking into account the requirements of construction operations. Another important aspect, namely the sustainability of our constructions, is taken into account by considering the requirements of building physics and the efficient use of energy. This area also includes an increased focus on so-called life cycle analyses (LCC), which consider the entire life cycle of structures and generally only lead to reliable results when applied across disciplines.

The Faculty of Law is keen to sharpen its profile with regard to the legal system of the neighbouring state of Liechtenstein. This should not only emphasise the self-image of our university as a "national university" for the Principality of Liechtenstein, among others, which is also laid down in the current development plan, and fill it with further life. In addition, specific interests in research and teaching are to be pursued in the best possible way. The starting point is formed by the long-standing activities of academics from various departments of our faculty in research, teaching and practice, which are to be made more visible in future and made even more attractive and developed further by bundling them. Website RC Liechtensteinisches Recht

The University of Innsbruck sees itself as a national university for the Principality of Liechtenstein, among others. The Faculty of Law has taken this self-image into account by founding the research centre "Liechtenstein Law". The IDC fits consistently into this framework: it is integrated into the aforementioned research centre and thus sees itself as a link between teaching and research in Liechtenstein law at the University of Innsbruck. In addition to its lively research activities, the IDC can build on the Faculty of Law's long-standing expertise in teaching and supervising theses in the field of Liechtenstein law. In addition, the Faculty of Law at the University of Innsbruck has a unique location at the centre of the connecting lines between the legal systems that characterise Liechtenstein law (namely Austrian, German, Italian and Swiss law). Website IDC Liechtensteinisches Recht

Research in the field of medical law has been conducted at the Faculty of Law for decades and has also been taught regularly since 2002. This research centre was established in order to bundle and strengthen the ongoing work in the field of "medical and health law" in various specialist areas at the faculty. This not only enables the activities at the faculty to be intensified across institutes, the research centre is also intended to form a central platform for cooperation with other faculties and universities (in particular the MUI and UMIT), from which research projects, publications and conferences can be better coordinated. Website RC Medizin- und Gesundheitsrecht

As part of the Doctoral Centre, doctoral students receive a sound education in medical law. This is intended in particular to qualify them for further academic activities in this field of research as well as for legal practice in the area of medical law and healthcare. The dissertations resulting from the IDC are to be published as high-quality scientific papers and thus positively promote further development in this field.

The IDC represents a link between teaching and research in "medicine and healthcare". The integration into the research centre not only guarantees an excellent supervision situation, but the doctoral students will also benefit in many ways from the integration into the IDC and its integration into the research centre: they will gain access to an international scientific community, to relevant courses, to national and international specialist events (e.g. congresses, workshops) and to various research institutions (libraries, databases, etc.). They should have the opportunity to give lectures at scientific conferences and publish relevant papers at an early stage and will be financially supported by the funds of the IDC. Website IDC Medical Law and Healthcare

The aim of the Innsbruck Research Centre for Philosophy and Religion is to bundle and promote excellent research and the promotion of young researchers in all areas of academic philosophy of religion as well as in basic philosophical research relevant to religion-related research. It sees its general task in philosophical research into the relationship between religion and rationality as well as faith and reason, in relation to all relevant questions of theoretical and practical social relevance in this context. A particular concern of the Center is the promotion of interreligious discourse and interreligious dialogue in Austria and in other European and non-European countries. In addition to academic research, the Centre promotes outreaching activities, e.g. through lectures, conferences in academies (which the Institute already regularly organises), appearances in the electronic and non-electronic media, etc. The scientific activities pursued in the environment of the centre. Website RC Philosophy of Religion

Religion and religious faith are among the most powerful forces behind human culture and collective or individual striving for moral and spiritual transformation. Yet, as critics emphasise, at the same time religions have been and continue to be misused for reprehensible aims, such as to cement illegitimate political power or foment violence and discrimination. It is thus an urgent philosophical task to understand the nature of and rationality conditions for faith and religion in their multifaceted cognitive and cultural dimensions, as well as in their various spiritual, practical, and affective aspects.

The Doktoratskolleg/Doctoral College Philosophy of Religion (hereinafter referred to as 'DCPR'), which is affiliated with the Innsbruck Centre for Philosophy of Religion (ICPR), promotes high-quality philosophical research, and across a wide range of philosophical approaches, on religion and religious belief. Members need not be religious or be committed to any particular religious tradition or denomination. The DCPR fosters research projects across different religions and is committed to advancing rational religious discourse and interreligious dialogue. Website IDC Philosophy of Religion

The interfaculty research centre "Sustainable Building" deals with the conception, design, planning and construction of urban and rural structures, buildings and open spaces for an energy-, environmentally- and resource-efficient future.

The built environment is a reflection of our society, characterises the majority of our lives and influences our quality of life. Buildings provide us with living and working spaces as well as protection from external influences. The open spaces and landscapes in between are used for leisure and mobility. Industrial, commercial and social infrastructures are embedded in urban and rural structures. The housing stock in Austria has doubled in the last 50 years.

Website Research Center Sustainable Building

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