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Mentoring/Meet the Prof – Universität Innsbruck


What does our faculty offer for meet-the-prof/mentoring programmes

With the start of the 2022/23 winter semester, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences is structuring its support activities for students in a buddy and mentoring system. The goal is optimal support and guidance for students, both from fellow students and teachers. The faculty integrates existing student initiatives, such as

  • the student buddy system (organized via email and Whatsapp),
  • invitations from teachers to student get-togethers.
    for both initatives please visit the websites of the Political Science student council and the Sociology student council:

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences also offers introductory and exchange opportunities:
Meet-the-Prof initiative: The lecturers of the faculty offer appointments under the motto "Get to know each other, exchange ideas and overcome contact barriers" as part of a mentoring programme.

upcoming Meet-the-Prof dates

15.01.2024: Monday Lecture at the Treibhaus: The "Lecture Examination".
7pm, Treibhaus Turm, Angerzellgasse 8, 6020 Innsbruck

No registration required. Questions welcome at

Exam mode: Pub Quiz
with Quizmaster Stefan Pletzer, Quizkultur GmbH


our Meet the Prof for review - unfortunately these offers are already over

 23.11.2023: Meet the BritInn Guest Prof John O´Neill
3-4.30pm, SoWi, SR 19

24.11.2023: open EX excursion to the Dachau concentration camp memorial with Thomas Walli, BA BA MA, Department of Political Science (LV 402142 - 0 ECTS)
Tour of the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial on Friday, 24.11.2023.

  •     07:00 am departure from Innsbruck (meeting point Landestheater Vorplatz/Rennweg)
  •     10:00 a.m. Arrival at the Dachau concentration camp memorial site
  •     2.5-hour program (tour partly outdoors, workshops, discussions)
  •     approx. 13:00 drive to the SS shooting range Heberthausen (3km from Dachau), free tour of the site
  •     approx. 14:00 hrs return journey (arrival in Innsbruck Landestheater Vorplatz/Rennweg approx. 17:00 hrs)
  • Debriefing on Tue 28.11.2023, 18.15 - 19.45 SR 8 (Sowi)


27.11.2023: Monday Lecture at the Treibhaus: Tourism and Agriculture - Forced Marriage or Love Marriage?
7pm, Treibhaus Turm, Angerzellgasse 8, 6020 Innsbruck

From gourmet cuisine with local products to killer cows on alpine pastures and dog excrement in the field. Successes and problems in the relationship between farmers and tourists and recreationists. Why is there still so much room for improvement after decades of effort? After an introduction by the lecturers Dr. Lore Hayek (Department of Political Science) and Prof. Markus Schermer (Department of Sociology) in the various connections between the two areas, they discuss with

  • Nikola Kirchler, Tyrolean Chamber of Agriculture
  • Peter Fuchs ("Almfuchs") from Agrarmarketing Tirol
  • Gabriel Eder from the Wilder Kaiser Tourism Association


04.12.2023: Monday Lecture at the Treibhaus: Quo vadis Tirol?
7pm, Treibhaus Turm, Angerzellgasse 8, 6020 Innsbruck


Where is the journey with Tyrol going? Let the young tell us. Lecturers Dr. Lore Hayek (Department of Political Science) and Prof. Markus Schermer (Department of Sociology) discuss Tyrolean future perspectives with five guests under the age of 40.

  • Leopold Baumberger, Abbot of Wilten Abbey
  • David Prieth, Managing Director of the Platform of Mobile Cultural Initiatives
  • Melanie Steinbacher, managing director of KUUSK (regional management Kufstein and surroundings)
  • Pia Tomedi, spokeswoman of the KPÖ Tyrol
  • Dominik Traxl, member of the provincial parliament and chairman of the Tyrolean young farmers / rural youth


06.12.2023: 2nd SoWi-Slam: "Alle 10min verliebt sich ein*e Student*in in Nudeln!"
7:30 pm, Aula SoWi, Universitätsstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck


Moderator: assoz. Prof. Dr. Frank Welz, Department of Sociology
Slammer: Lisa Oswald, Sebastian Jäger, Eva Prunner and others


06.11.2023: Monday Lecture at the Treibhaus: Tyrol in the Heart of Europe?
7pm, Treibhaus Turm, Angerzellgasse 8, 6020 Innsbruck

The lecturers Dr. Lore Hayek (Department of Political Science) and Prof. Markus Schermer (Department of Sociology) in conversation with

  • Theresa Bielowski, Member of the European Parliament (SPÖ),
  • National Councilor Barbara Neßler (Greens) and
  • Vice president of the provincial parliament Sophia Kircher (ÖVP)

about politics across the political levels. Where does which law actually originate? Which parliament is responsible for what? And how does that affect day-to-day political events?


16.10.2023: Monday Lecture at the Treibhaus: How do you rate Tyrol?
7pm, Treibhaus-Turm, Angerzellgasse 8, 6020 Innsbruck

The lecturers Dr. Lore Hayek (Department of Political Science) and Prof. Markus Schermer (Department of Sociology) present facts & features about Tyrol in several chapters:

  • Land
  • Population
  • Politics
  • Work and Economy
  • Culture

The participants interactively work out what they know or think they know about Tyrol.


21.06.2023: Meet the Prof Hemma Mayrhofer, Department of Applied Sociology of Law and Crime.
Research Talks: What is the Sociology of Law and Crime for?
Starting in the winter semester of 2023, the main content areas of the Institute for Applied Sociology of Law and Crime will be available for study as a Master's elective package. On the one hand, the "research talk" is intended to give interested students the opportunity to find out more about this. On the other hand, the open discussion also offers a general opportunity to engage in an exchange about the Institute's research: What does it mean, for example, to conduct research on topics that are often socially and politically controversial or polarized? What does applied research mean and what opportunities, but also challenges, are associated with it? To what extent is research allowed to be "political" or to what extent does it run the risk of being politically instrumentalized?


26.05.2023: Meet the Prof Petra Missomelius, Department of Media, Society and Communication.
Open offer for students of the faculty. If needed, information on access and content of the MA Media, Society and Communication starting in fall.
(On the sidelines of the Heart of Noise festival "War is Stupid" 2023 near Karin Ferrari pres. Freaky Fairy Flux Foundation 2pm-2pm at the Cube).



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