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Peter Ladurner – Universität Innsbruck

Peter Ladurner


Photo of Peter Ladurner

Institut für Zoologie
Universität Innsbruck
Technikerstr. 25
6020 Innsbruck

Raum: 7/16

  +43 512 507-51841


Sept 2019 Philip Bertemes: Best Poster Award at the Meeting "International Conference on Adhesion in Aqueous Media:From Biology to Synthetic Materials" AAM2019, September 9 – 12, 2019, Dresden, Germany.
Feb 2019 PNAS paper on "A Mechanism for Temporary Bioadhesion"
May 2017 FWF project "Bioadhesion of Flatworms" to P.L. funded for 4 years (Project Start: September 2017)
May 2017 FWF Schrödinger Postdoc fellowship awarded to Birgit Lengerer "Adhesive and De-Adhesive Proteins in Sea Stars", 2 years Univ. Mons, Belgium, Flammang lab plus 1 year return to Innsbruck
29.04.2017 Report on Austrian Television (ORF) on our adhesion research (link only active until May, 6th 2017):  See summary also on the ORF Homepage:
19.04.2017 Julia Wunderer: 1st Place: "Best Poster Award" (out of 115 Posters) Birgit Lengerer: 3rd Place: "Best Poster Award" (out of 115 Posters) Life Science PhD Meeting, CCB Innsbruck 2017 
2016 November: Robert Pjeta and Julia Wunderer received a TWF grant:
2016 Julia Wunderer: Best Short Talk Award at the "6th Annual CMBI Meeting Innsbruck 2016"
2015We are organizing the "9th International Macrostomum Meeting", November 27th-30th, 2015.Peter Ladurner, Birgit Lengerer, Julia Wunderer, Robert Pjeta, Marcelo Rodrigues

Current Research:



anitbody staining of macrostomum lignano


Macrostomum lignano (A) in situ hybridization of an adhesion related gene (macif1), (B) Phalloidin staining of whole mount and (B`) adhesive papilla, (C-C`) Transmission electron microscopy of adhesive organs. (Lengerer et. al 2014)


My working group is focused on developmental research in flatworms. Currently we try to identify the molecules responsible for the rapid adhesion and releasing process of Macrostomum lignano. We use molecular, immunocytochemical, histological and ultrastructure tools to investigate the morphology and function of the adhesive organs. Findings may lead to development of a new bio-inspired adhesion/release system for biomedical or industrial use.

Another focus of my group is directed towards the characterization of the stem cell system of flatworms. These stem cells - called neoblasts - are supposed to be totipotent and are responsible for the extreme regenerative capacity and the developmental plasticity of flatworms.

For more details see:




February 2019: Multiple Articles on the PNAS paper on Macrostomum bioadhesion:

University Innsbruck Homepage

ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation

Kronen Zeitung (Austrian daily newspaper)

Der Standard (Austrian daily newspaper)

Newspaper "Schweizer Bauer"

Die Presse (Austrian daily newspaper)

Laborjournal Article

Life Radio Interview

CSHL Press release on the Macrostomum genome

Italian article in "Il Piccolo" newspaper on Macrostomum lignano

Article on Macrostomum lignano genome and adhesion in austrian newspaper "Der Standard"



Curriculum vitae

DateCurriculum vitae
1995MSc, Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck
1999PhD, Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck
2002 - 2005APART fellowship (UCLA, Univ. of Maine, RIKEN, Kobe Japan)
since 1999Assistant Professor, Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck



(Co-)Edited Books

Proceedings (Editorship)

Bertemes, P.; Pjeta, R.; Mertens, B.; Lengerer, B.; Grosbusch, A.L.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P. (2020): 13th International Macrostomum Meeting, Innsbruck (IMM13). Abstract Band. 27th November 2020 (online). Innsbruck: Eigenverlag - Universität Innsbruck. (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)


  • Cazet, J.F.; Siebert, S.; Morris Little, H.; Bertemes, P.; Primack, A.S.; Ladurner, P.; Achrainer, M.; Fredriksen, M.T.; Moreland, R.T.; Singh, S.; Zhang, S.; Wolfsberg, T.G.; Schnitzler, C.E.; Baxevanis, A.D.; Simakov, O.; Hobmayer, B.; Juliano, C.E. (2023): A chromosome-scale epigenetic map of the Hydra genome reveals conserved regulators of cell state. In: GENOME RESEARCH. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Bertemes, P.; Grosbusch, A.L.; Geschwindt, A.; Kauffmann, B.; Salvenmoser, W.; Mertens, B.; Pjeta, R.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P. (2022): Sticking Together an Updated Model for Temporary Adhesion. In: Marine Drugs 20/6, No. 359. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Bertemes, P.; Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Grosbusch, A.L.; Lengerer, B.; Grüner, K.; Knapp, M.; Mertens, B.; Andresen, N.; Hess, M.W.; Tomaiuolo, S.; Zankel, A.; Holzer, P.; Salvenmoser, W.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P. (2021): (Un)expected Similarity of the Temporary Adhesive Systems of Marine, Brackish, and Freshwater Flatworms. In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22/22, Nr. 12228. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Davey, P.A.; Power, A.M.; Santos, R.; Bertemes, P.; Ladurner, P.; Palmowski, P.; Clarke, J.; Flammang, P.; Lengerer, B.; Hennebert, E.; Rothbächer, U.; Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Zurovec, M.; Aldred, N. (2021): Omics-based molecular analyses of adhesion by aquatic invertebrates. In: Biological Reviews 96/3, pp. 1051 - 1075. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Duruz, J.; Kaltenrieder, C.; Ladurner, P.; Bruggmann, R.; Martìnez, P.; Sprecher, S.G. (2021): Acoel Single-Cell Transcriptomics: Cell Type Analysis of a Deep Branching Bilaterian. In: Molecular Biology and Evolution 38/5, pp. 1888 - 1904. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Brand, J.N.; Wiberg, R.A.W.; Pjeta, R.; Bertemes, P.; Beisel, C.; Ladurner, P.; Schärer, L. (2020): RNA-Seq of three free-living flatworm species suggests rapid evolution of reproduction-related genes. In: BMC Genomics 21/1, No. 462. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Dallinger, R.; Zerbe, O.; Baumann, C.; Egger, B.; Capdevila, M.; Palacios, Ò.; Albalat, R.; Calatayud, S.; Ladurner, P.; Schlick-Steiner, B.C.; Steiner, F.M.; Pedrini-Martha, V.; Lackner, R.; Lindner, H.; Dvorak, M.; Niederwanger, M.; Schnegg, R.; Atrian, S. (2020): Metallomics reveals a persisting impact of cadmium on the evolution of metal-selective snail metallothioneins. In: Metallomics: integrated biometal science 12/5, pp. 702 - 720. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Dvorak, M.; Schnegg, R.; Niederwanger, M.; Pedrini-Martha, V.; Ladurner, P.; Lindner, H.; Kremser, L.; Lackner, R.; Dallinger, R. (2020): Cadmium Pathways in Snails Follow a Complementary Strategy between Metallothionein Detoxification and Auxiliary Inactivation by Phytochelatins.In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21/1, No. 7. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Pjeta, R.; Lindner, H.; Kremser, L.; Salvenmoser, W.; Sobral, D.; Ladurner, P.; Santos, R. (2020): Integrative Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis of the Tube Foot and Adhesive Secretions of the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus. In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21/3, No. 946. (DOI)


  • Wudarski, J.; Egger, B.; Ramm, S-A; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P.; Zadesenets, K-S; Rubtsov, N-B.; Mouton, S.; Berezikov, E. (2020): The free-living flatworm Macrostomum lignano. In: EvoDevo 11/5. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Bertemes, P.; Hofer, T.; Salvenmoser, W.; Lengerer, B.; Coassin, S.; Erhart, G.; Beisel, C.; Sobral, D.; Kremser, L.; Lindner, H.; Curini-Galletti, M.; Stelzer, C.P.; Hess, M.W.; Ladurner, P. (2019): Temporary adhesion of the proseriate flatworm Minona ileanae. In: Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 374/1784, No. 20190194. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Ramm, S. A.; Lengerer, B.; Arbore, R.; Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Giannakara, A.; Berezikov, E.; Ladurner, P.; Schärer, L. (2019): Sex allocation plasticity on a transcriptome scale: Socially sensitive gene expression in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. In: Molecular Ecology 28/9, pp. 2321 - 2341. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Schmielau, L.; Dvorak, M.; Niederwanger, M.; Dobieszewski, N.; Pedrini-Martha, V.; Ladurner, P.; Pedregal, J.R.G.; Marechal, J.D.; Dallinger, R. (2019): Differential response to Cadmium exposure by expression of a two and a three-domain metallothionein isoform in the land winkle Pomatias elegans: Valuating the marine heritage of a land snail. In: Science of the Total Environment 648, pp. 561 - 571. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Wunderer, J.; Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Bertemes, P.; Kremser, L.; Lindner, H.; Ederth, T.; Hess, M. W.; Stock, D.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P. (2019): A mechanism for temporary bioadhesion. In: PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116/10, pp. 4297 - 4306. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Zeng, F.; Wunderer, J.; Salvenmoser, W.; Hess, M.W.; Ladurner, P.; Rothbächer, U. (2019): Papillae revisited and the nature of the adhesive secreting collocytes. In: Developmental Biology 448/2, pp. 183 - 198. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Brauchle, M.; Bilican, A.; Eyer, C.; Bailly, X.; Martinez, P.; Ladurner, P.; Bruggmann, R.; Sprecher, S.G. (2018): Xenacoelomorpha Survey Reveals That All 11 Animal Homeobox Gene Classes Were Present in the First Bilaterians. In: Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) 10/9, pp. 2205 - 2217. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Dvorak, M.; Lackner, R.; Niederwanger, M.; Rotondo, C.; Schnegg, R.; Ladurner, P.; Pedrini-Martha, V.; Salvenmoser, W.; Kremser, L.; Lindner, H.; García-Risco, M.; Calatayud, S.; Albalat, R.; Palacios, Ò.; Capdevila, M.; Dallinger, R. (2018): Metal binding functions of metallothioneins in the slug Arion vulgaris differ from metal-specific isoforms of terrestrial snails. In: Metallomics: integrated biometal science 10/11, pp. 1638 - 1654. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Lengerer, B.; Bonneel, M.; Lefevre, M.; Hennebert, E.; Leclere, P.; Gosselin, E.; Ladurner, P.; Flammang, P. (2018): The structural and chemical basis of temporary adhesion in the sea star Asterina gibbosa. In: Beilstein Journal Of Nanotechnology 9, pp. 2071 - 2086. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Lengerer, B.; Ladurner, P. (2018): Properties of temporary adhesion systems of marine and freshwater organisms. In: Journal of Experimental Biology 221/16, p. jeb182717. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Lengerer, B.; Wunderer, J.; Pjeta, R.; Carta, G.; Kao, D.; Aboobaker, A.; Beisel, C.; Berezikov, E.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P. (2018): Organ specific gene expression in the regenerating tail of Macrostomum lignano. In: Developmental Biology 433/2, pp. 448 - 460. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Weber, M.; Wunderer, J.; Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Rodrigues, M.; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P.; Ramm, S.A. (2018): A targeted in situ hybridization screen identifies putative seminal fluid proteins in a simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm. In: BMC Evolutionary Biology 18, No. 81. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Demeuldre, M.; Hennebert, E.; Bonneel, M.; Lengerer, B.; Van Dyck, S.; Wattiez, R.; Ladurner, P.; Flammang, P. (2017): Mechanical adaptability of sea cucumber Cuvierian tubules involves a mutable collagenous tissue. In: Journal of Experimental Biology 220, pp. 2108 - 2119. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Wudarski, J.; Simanov, D.; Ustyantsev, K.; de Mulder, K.; Grelling, M.; Grudniewska, M.; Beltman, F.; Glazenburg, L.; Demircan, T.; Wunderer, J.; Qi, W.; Vizoso, D.B.; Weissert, P.M.; Olivieri, D.; Mouton, S.; Guryev, V.; Aboobaker, A.; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P.; Berezikov, E. (2017): Efficient transgenesis and annotated genome sequence of the regenerative flatworm model Macrostomum lignano. In: Nature Communications 8, Article 2120. (DOI)


  • Lengerer, B.; Hennebert, E.; Flammang, P.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P. (2016): Adhesive organ regeneration in Macrostomum lignano. In: BMC DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 16, No. 20. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Plusquin, M.; De Mulder, K.; Van Belleghem, F.; DeGheselle, O.; Pirotte, N.; Willems, M.; Cuypers, A.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.; Artois, T.; Smeets K. (2016): Toxic effects of cadmium on flatworm stem cell dynamics: A transcriptomic and ultrastructural elucidation of underlying mechanisms. In: Environmental Toxicology 31/10, pp. 1217 - 1228. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Rivera-Ingraham, G.A.; Nommick, A.; Blondeau-Bidet, E.; Ladurner, P.; Lignot, J.H. (2016): Salinity stress from the perspective of the energy-redox axis: Lessons from a marine intertidal flatworm. In: Redox Biology 10, pp. 53 - 64. (DOI)


  • Rodrigues, M.; Leclère, P.; Flammang, P.; Hess, M.W.; Salvenmoser, W.; Hobmayer, B.; Ladurner, P. (2016): The cellular basis of bioadhesion of the freshwater polyp Hydra. In: BMC Zoology 1, Article 3. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Rodrigues, M.; Ostermann, T.; Kremeser, L.; Lindner, H.; Beisel, C.; Berezikov, E.; Hobmayer, B.; Ladurner, P. (2016): Profiling of adhesive-related genes in the freshwater cnidarian Hydra magnipapillata by transcriptomics and proteomics. In: Biofouling 32/9, pp. 1115 - 1129. (DOI)


  • Arbore, R.; Sekii, K.; Beisel, C.; Ladurner, P.; Berezikov, E.; Scharer, L. (2015): Positional RNA-Seq identifies candidate genes for phenotypic engineering of sexual traits. In: Frontiers in Zoology 12, Nr. 14. (DOI)


  • Hennebert, E.; Leroy, B.; Wattiez, R.; Ladurner, P. (2015): An integrated transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of sea star epidermal secretions identifies proteins involved in defense and adhesion. In: Journal of Proteomics 128, pp. 83 - 91. (DOI)


  • Hennebert, E.; Maldonado, B.; Ladurner, P.; Flammang, P.; Santos, R. (2015): Experimental strategies for the identification and characterization of adhesive proteins in animals: a review. In: Interface Focus 5/1, No. 20140064. (DOI)


  • Wasik, K.; Gurtowski, J.; Zhou, X.; Mendivil Ramos, O.; Joaquina Delás, M.; Battistoni, G.; El Demerdash, O.; Falciatori, I.; Vizoso, D.B.; Smith, A.D.; Ladurner, P.; Schärer, L.; McCombie, W.R.; Hannon, G.J.; Schatz, M. (2015): Genome and transcriptome of the regeneration-competent flatworm, Macrostomum lignano. In: PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112/40, pp. 12462 - 12467. (DOI)


  • Zhou, X.; Battistoni, G.; El Demerdash, O.; Gurtowski, J.; Wunderer, J.; Falciatori, I.; Ladurner, P.; Schatz, M.C.; Hannon, G.J.; Wasik, K.A. (2015): Dual functions of Macpiwi1 in transposon silencing and stem cell maintenance in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. In: RNA. A Publication of the RNA Society 21/11, pp. 1885 - 1897. (DOI)


  • Hennebert, E.; Wattiez, R.; Demeuldre, M.; Ladurner, P.; Hwang, D.S.; Waite, J.H.; Flammang, P. (2014): Sea star tenacity mediated by a protein that fragments, then aggregates. In: PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111/17, pp. 6317 - 6322. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Arbore, R.; Schärer, L.; Berezikov, E.; Hess, M.W.; Pfaller, K.; Egger, B.; Obwegeser, S.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P. (2014): Biological adhesion of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano relies on a duo-gland system and is mediated by a cell type-specific intermediate filament protein. In: Frontiers in Zoology 11, p. 12. (DOI)


  • Rodrigues, M.; Lengerer, B.; Ostermann, T.; Ladurner, P. (2014): Molecular Biology Approaches in Bioadhesion Research. In: Beilstein Journal Of Nanotechnology 5, pp. 983 - 993. (DOI)


  • Chiodin, M.; Borve, A.; Berezikov, E.; Ladurner, P.; Martinez, P.; Hejnol, A. (2013): Mesodermal gene expression in the acoel Isodiametra pulchra indicates a low number of mesodermal cell types and the endomesodermal origin of the gonads. In: PLoS One 8/2, p. e55499. (DOI)


  • Janicke, T.; Marie-Orleach, L.; De Mulder, K.; Berezikov, E.; Ladurner, P.; Vizoso, D.B.; Schärer, L. (2013): Sex allocation adjustment to mating group size in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. In: EVOLUTION 67/11, pp. 3233 - 3242. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Sekii, K.; Vizoso, D.B.; Kuales, G.; De Mulder, K.; Ladurner, P.; Schärer, L. (2013): Phenotypic engineering of sperm-production rate confirms evolutionary predictions of sperm competition theory. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B. Biological Sciences 280/1757, No. 20122711. (DOI)


  • Dirks, U.; Gruber-Vodicka, H.R.; Leisch, N.; Bulgheresi, S.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P.; Ott, J.A. (2012): Bacterial symbiosis maintenance in the asexually reproducing and regenerating flatworm Paracatenula galateia. In: PLoS One 7/4, p. e34709. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Verdoodt, F.; Willems, M.; Mouton, S.; De Mulder, K.; Bert, W.; Houthoofd, W.; Smith III, J.; Ladurner, P. (2012): Stem cells propagate their DNA by random segregation in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. In: PLoS One 7/1, p. e30227. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Huang, H.Y.; Houwing, S.; Kaaij, L.J.; Meppelink, A.; Redl, S.; Gauci, S.; Vos, H.; Draper, B.W.; Moens, C.B.; Burgering, B.M.; Ladurner, P.; Krijgsveld, J.; Berezikov, E.; Ketting, R.F. (2011): Tdrd1 acts as a molecular scaffold for Piwi proteins and piRNA targets in zebrafish. In: EMBO JOURNAL 30/16, pp. 3298 - 3308. (DOI) (Web link)


  • Kuales, G.; De Mulder, K.; Glashauser, J.; Salvenmoser, W.; Takashima, S.; Hartenstein, V.; Berezikov, E.; Salzburger, W.; Ladurner, P. (2011): Boule-like genes regulate male and female gametogenesis in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. In: Developmental Biology 357/1, pp. 117 - 132. (DOI) (Web link)


  • De Mulder, K.; Kuales, G.; Pfister, D.; Egger, B.; Seppi, T.; Eichberger, P.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P. (2010): Potential of Macrostomum lignano to recover from γ-ray irradiation. In: Cell And Tissue Research 339, pp. 527 - 542. (Web link)


  • Kamminga, L.M.; Luteijn, M.; den Broeder, M.J.; Redl, S.; Roovers, E.; Kaaij, L.; Ladurner, P.; Berezikov, E.; Ketting, R.F. (2010): Hen1 is required for oocyte development and increases piRNA stability in zebrafish. In: EMBO JOURNAL 29, pp. 3688 - 3700. (DOI)


  • Moreno, E.; De Mulder, K.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.; Martínez, P. (2010): Inferring the ancestral function of the posterior Hox gene within the Bilateria: controlling the development of reproductive structures, the musculature and the nervous system in the acoel flatworm Isodiametra pulchra In: EVOLUTION & DEVELOPMENT 12/3, pp. 258 - 266. (DOI)


  • De Mulder, K.; Kuales, G.; Pfister, D.; Willems, M.; Egger, B.; Salvenmoser, W.; Thaler, M.; Gorny, A.; Hrouda, M.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P. (2009): Characterization of the stem cell system of the acoel Isodiametra pulchra. In: BMC DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 9, p. 69.


  • De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Egger, B.; Salvenmoser, W.; Willems, M.; Steger, J.; Fauster, K.; Micura, R.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P. (2009): Stem cells are differentially regulated during development, regeneration and homeostasis in flatworms. In: Developmental Biology 334, pp. 198 - 212.


  • Egger, B.; Steinke, D.; Tarui, H.; De Mulder, K.; Arendt, D.; Borgonie, G.; Funayama, N.; Gschwentner, R.; Hartenstein, V.; Hobmayer, B.; Hooge, M.; Hrouda, M.; Ishida, S.; Kobayashi, C.; Kuales, G.; Nishimura, O; Pfister, D.; Rieger, R.; Salvenmoser, W.; Smith III, J.; Technau, U.; Tyler, S.; Agata, K.; Salzburger, W.; Ladurner, P. (2009): To be or not to be a flatworm: The acoel controversy. In: PLoS One 4/5, p. 5502. (DOI)


  • McVeigh, P.; Mair, G.R.; Zamanian, M.; Ladurner, P.; Novozhilova, E.; Atkinson, L.; Day, T.A.; Maule, A.G. (2009): Discovery of multiple neuropeptide families in phylum Platyhelminthes. In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY 39/11, pp. 1243 - 1252. (DOI)


  • Sekii, K.; Salvenmoser, W.; De Mulder, K.; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P. (2009): Melav2, an elav-like gene, is essential for spermatid differentiation in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. In: BMC DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 9, p. 62.


  • Pfister, D; De Mulder, K; Hartenstein, V; Kuales, G; Borgonie, G; Marx, F; Morris, J; Ladurner, P. (2008): Flatworm stem cells and the germ line: developmental and evolutionary implications of macvasa expression in Macrostomum lignano. In: Developmental Biology 319/1, pp. 146 - 159.


  • Pfister, D.; De Mulder, K.; Philipp, I.; Kuales, G.; Hrouda, M.; Eichberger, P.; Borgonie, G.; Hartenstein, V.; Ladurner, P. (2007): The exceptional stem cell system of Macrostomum lignano: Screening for gene expression and studying cell proliferation by hydroxyurea treatment and irradiation. In: Frontiers in Zoology 9, pp. 4 - 9.


  • Schärer, L.; Zaubzer, J.; Salvenmoser, W.; Seifarth, C.; Ladurner, P. (2007): Tracking sperm of a donor in a recipient: an immunocytochemical approach. In: ANIMAL BIOLOGY 57/2, pp. 121 - 136. (DOI)


  • Bode, A.; Salvenmoser, W.; Nimeth, K.; Mahlknecht, M.; Adamski, Z.; Rieger, R.; Peter, R.; Ladurner, P. (2006): Immunogold Labeled S-Phase neoblasts, total neoblast number, their distribution and evidence for arrested neoblasts in Macrostomum lignano (Platyhelminthes, Rhabditophora). In: Cell And Tissue Research 325/3, pp. 577 - 587. (Web link)


  • Egger, B.; Ladurner, P.; Nimeth, K.; Geschwentner, R.; Rieger, R. (2006): The regeneration capacity of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano - on repeated regeneration, rejuvenation, and the minimal size needed for regeneration. In: DEVELOPMENT GENES AND EVOLUTION 216/10, pp. 565 - 577.


  • Morris, J.; Ladurner, P.; Rieger, R.; Pfister, D.; Del Mar De Miguel-Bonet, M.; Jacobs, D.; Hartenstein, V. (2006): The Macrostomum lignano EST database as a molecular resource for studying platyhelminth development and phylogeny. Development, Genes & Evolution. In: DEVELOPMENT GENES AND EVOLUTION 216/11, pp. 695 - 707.


  • Ladurner, P.; Pfister, D.; Seifarth, C.; Schaerer, L.; Mahlknecht, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Gerth, R.; Marx, F.; Rieger, R. (2005): Production and characterisation of cell- and tissue-specific monoclonal antibodies for the flatworm Macrostomum sp. In: Histochemistry and Cell Biology 123/1, pp. 89 - 104.


  • Ladurner, P.; Schärer, L.; Salvenmoser, W.; Rieger, R. (2005): A new model organism among the lower Bilateria and the use of digital microscopy in taxonomy of meiobenthic Platyhelminthes: Macrostomum lignano, n. sp. (Rhabditophora, Macrostomorpha). In: Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 43/2, pp. 114 - 126.


  • RIEGER, RM.; LADURNER, P.; HOBMAYER, B. (2005): A Clue to the Origin of the Bilateria? In: Science 307/5708, pp. 353 - 355.


  • MORRIS, J.; NALLUR, R.; LADURNER, P.; EGGER, B.; RIEGER, R.; HARTENSTEIN, V. (2004): The embryonic development of the flatworm Macrostomum sp. In: DEVELOPMENT GENES AND EVOLUTION 214/5, pp. 220 - 239. (DOI)


  • NIMETH, KT.; MAHLKNECHT, M.; MEZZANATO, A.; PETER, R.; RIEGER, R.; LADURNER, P. (2004): Stem Cell Dynamics During Growth, Feeding And Starvation In The Basal Flatworm Macrostomum sp. (Platyhelminthes). In: DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS 230, pp. 91 - 99.


  • PETER, R.; GSCHWENTNER, R.; SCHÜRMANN, W.; RIEGER, RM.; LADURNER, P. (2004): The significance of stem cells in free-living flatworms: one common source for all cells in the adult. In: Journal of Applied Biomedicine 2, pp. 21 - 35.


  • SCHAERER, L.; LADURNER, P.; RIEGER, RM. (2004): Bigger testes are more active: experimental evidence that testis size reflects testicular cell proliferation activity in the marine invertebrate, the free-living flatworm Macrostomum sp. In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56, pp. 420 - 425.


  • GSCHWENTNER, R.; MUELLER, J.; LADURNER, P.; RIEGER, R.; TYLER, S. (2003): Unique Patterns Of Longitudinal Body-Wall Musculature In The Acoela (Plathelminthes): The Ventral Musculature Of Convolutriloba Longifissura. In: ZOOMORPHOLOGY 122, pp. 87 - 94.


  • OBERPARLEITER, C.; KAISERER, L.; HAAS, H.; LADURNER, P.; ANDRATSCH, M.; MARX, F. (2003): Active Internalization Of The Penicillium Chrysogenum Antifungal Protein Paf In Sensitive Aspergilli. In: Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy 47, pp. 3598 - 3601.


  • RIEGER, RM.; LADURNER, P. (2003): The Significance Of Muscle Cells For The Origin Of Mesoderm In Bilateria. In: INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 43, pp. 47 - 54.


  • SCHARER, L.; LADURNER, P. (2003): Phenotypically Plastic Adjustment Of Sex Allocation In A Simultaneous Hermaphrodite. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B. Biological Sciences 270, pp. 935 - 941.


  • RAMACHANDRA, NB.; GATES, RD.; LADURNER, P.; JACOBS, DK.; HARTENSTEIN, V. (2002): Embryonic-Development In The Primitive Bilaterian Neochildia-Fusca - Normal Morphogenesis And Isolation Of Pou Genes Brn-1 And Brn-3. In: DEVELOPMENT GENES AND EVOLUTION 212/2, pp. 55 - 69.


  • WOJNAR, P.; DIRNHOFER, S.; LADURNER, P.; BERGER, P.; REDL, B. (2002): Human Lipocalin-1, A Physiological Scavenger Of Lipophilic Compounds, Is Produced By Corticotrophs Of The Pituitary-Gland. In: JOURNAL OF HISTOCHEMISTRY & CYTOCHEMISTRY 50, p. 433.


  • AKESSON, B.; GSCHWENTNER, R.; HENDELBERG, J.; LADURNER, P.; MULLER, J.; RIEGER, R. (2001): Fission In Convolutriloba-Longifissura - Asexual Reproduction In Acoelous Turbellarians Revisited. In: ACTA ZOOLOGICA 82, pp. 231 - 239.


  • GSCHWENTNER, R.; LADURNER, P.; NIMETH, K.; RIEGER, R. (2001): Stem-Cells In A Basal Bilaterian - S-Phase And Mitotic Cells In Convolutriloba-Longifissura (Acoela, Platyhelminthes). In: Cell And Tissue Research 304/3, pp. 401 - 408.


  • PETER, R.; LADURNER, P.; RIEGER, RM. (2001): The Role Of Stem-Cell Strategies In Coping With Environmental-Stress And Choosing Between Alternative Reproductive Modes - Turbellaria Rely On A Single-Cell Type To Maintain Individual Life And Propagate Species. In: Marine Ecology - An Evolutionary Perspective 22/1-2, pp. 35 - 51. (DOI)


  • LADURNER, P.; RIEGER, R. (2000): Embryonic Muscle Development Of Convoluta Pulchra (Turbellaria-Acoelomorpha, Platyhelminthes). In: Developmental Biology 222/2, pp. 359 - 375.


  • LADURNER, P.; RIEGER, R.; BAGUNA, J. (2000): Spatial-Distribution And Differentiation Potential Of Stem-Cells In Hatchlings And Adults In The Marine Platyhelminth Macrostomum Sp - A Bromodeoxyuridine Analysis. In: Developmental Biology 226/2, pp. 231 - 241.


  • GSCHWENTNER, R.; LADURNER, P.; SALVENMOSER, W.; RIEGER, R.; TYLER, S. (1999): Fine-Structure And Evolutionary Significance Of Sagittocysts Of Convolutriloba-Longifissura (Acoela, Platyhelminthes). In: INVERTEBRATE BIOLOGY 118/4, pp. 332 - 345. (Web link)


  • LADURNER, P.; MAIR, GR.; REITER, D.; SALVENMOSER, W.; RIEGER, RM. (1997): Serotonergic Nervous-System Of 2 Macrostomid Species - Recent Or Ancient Divergence. In: INVERTEBRATE BIOLOGY 116/3, pp. 178 - 191.


Journal Article (Review)
  • Mouton, S.; Willems, M.; Braeckman, B. P.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P.; Schärer, L.; Borgonie, G. (2009): The free-living flatworm Macrostomum lignano: a new model for ageing research. In: Experimental Gerontology 44, pp. 243 - 249. (Web link)


Journal Article (Proceedings Paper)
  • SALVENMOSER, W.; RIEDL, D.; LADURNER, P.; RIEGER, R. (2001): Early Steps In The Regeneration Of The Musculature In Macrostomum Sp (Macrostomorpha). In: BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY 131, pp. 105 - 109.


Journal Article (Other)
  • Ladurner, P.; Meyer, E.; Hobmayer, B. (2007): Nachruf auf Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rieger. In: Mitteilungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 2007, pp. 59 - 63.


Journal Article (Meeting-Abstract)
  • Huang, H.Y.; Houwing, S.; Kaaij, L.; Meppelink, A.; Redl, S.; Vos, H.; Draper, B.W.; Moens, C.B.; Burgering, B.M.; Ladurner, P.; Krijgsveld, J.; Berezikov, E.; Ketting, R.F. (2011): Functional analysis of Tdrd1 and Tdrd6 in the zebrafish Piwi pathway. In: The FEBS Journal 278/Suppl. 1, pp. 9 - 10. (Web link)


  • Smith, J.; Egger, B.; Tyler, S.; Ladurner, P.; Achatz, J.; Merlie, S. (2009): Neoblasts in Nemertodermatida. In: INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 49/Supplement 1, p. E159.


  • Pfister, D.; De Mulder, K.; Kuales, G.; Sekii, K.; Ladurner, P. (2008): RNAi based analysis of flatworm stem cell and the germ line genes. In: Developmental Biology 319/2, p. 560.


  • Adamski, Z.; Salvenmoser, W.; Egger, B.; Ziemnicki, K.; Ladurner, P.; Rieger, R. (2005): Stem cells of Macrostomum lignano (Phylum Platyhelminthes): an immunofluorescent and transmission electron microscopy study. In: FOLIA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOBIOLOGICA 43/Suppl 1,37, p. 37.


  • Egger, B.; Salvenmoser, W.; Nimeth, K.; Adamski, Z.; Ladurner, P.; Rieger, R. (2005): Role and dynamics of stem cells during regeneration in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. In: FOLIA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOBIOLOGICA 43, p. 40.


  • Ladurner, P.; Pfister, D.; Gschwentner, R.; Nimeth, K.; Egger, B.; Rieger, R. (2005): The totipotent stem cell systems of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano and the acoel Convoluta pulchra. In: Developmental Biology 283, p. 643/332.


  • Pfister, D.; Ladurner, P. (2005): The totipotent stem cell system as a source for germ line cells during development and regeneration in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. In: Developmental Biology 283/2, p. 643/333.


  • Gschwentner, R.; Ladurner, P.; Nimeth, K.; Salvenmoser, W.; Pfister, D.; Egger, B.; Rieger, RM. (2003): Distribution Of S-Phase Neoblasts In Free-Living Plathelminthes. In: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 82, pp. 37 - 38.


  • Gschwentner, R.; Ladurner, P.; Nimeth, K.T.; Salvenmoser, W.; Pfister, D.; Egger, B.; Rieger, R.M. (2003): Patterns of stem cells in different taxa of free-living Platyhelminthes: A Comparative Approach. In: Journal of Applied Biomedicine Supplement 1, p. 9.


  • NIMETH, KT.; LADURNER, P.; GSCHWENTNER, R.; RIEGER, R. (2003): Apoptosis In Macrostomum (Platyhelminthes, Macrostomorpha).In: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 82, p. 59.


  • RIEGER, RM.; LADURNER, P. (2001): What Do We Know About The Origin And Evolution Of Mesoderm Among The Lower Metazoa. In: AMERICAN ZOOLOGIST 41, p. 1567.


  • LADURNER, P; REITER, D.; RIEDL, D.; RIEGER, R. (1998): Stem-Cells In Turbellarian Development, Growth, And Regeneration. In: Developmental Biology 198, p. 297.


Journal Article (Correction: Self-Correction)
  • Kamminga, L.M.; Luteijn, M.J.; den Broeder, M.J.; Redl, S.; Kaaij, L.J.; Roovers, E.F.; Ladurner, P.; Berezikov, E.; Ketting, R.F. (2012): Hen1 is required for oocyte development and piRNA stability in zebrafish. In: EMBO JOURNAL 31, p. 248. (DOI)


  • Egger, B.; Ladurner, P.; Nimeth, K.; Gschwentner, R.; Rieger, R. (2006): The regeneration capacity of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano - on repeated regeneration, rejuvenation, and the minimal size needed for regeneration. In: DEVELOPMENT GENES AND EVOLUTION 216/10, pp. 579 - 580. (DOI)


Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Bertemes, P.; Pjeta, R.; Mertens, B.; Lengerer, B.; Grosbusch, A.L.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P. (2020): Assembling draft genomes with Oxford Nanopore to solve “repetitive” problems. In: Bertemes, P.; Pjeta, R.; Mertens, B.; Lengerer, B.; Grosbusch, A.L.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P.: 13th International Macrostomum Meeting, Innsbruck (IMM13). Abstract Band. 27th November 2020 (online). Innsbruck: Eigenverlag - Universität Innsbruck., p. 8. (Web link)


  • De Mulder, K.; Moreno, E.; Egger, B.; Kuales, G.; Pfister, D.; Salvenmoser, W.; Martinez, P.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P. (2009): Acoels share a stem cell system with rhabditophoran flatworms. In: 11th International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, 26 - 30 July 2009, Diepenbeek, Belgium. Eigenverlag.


  • De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Egger, B.; Seppi, T.; Eichberger, P.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P. (2009): The potential of Macrostomum lignano to recover from gamma-ray irradiation. In: LIFE SCIENCE Meeting. Innsbruck Universities. Igls, Tyrol. September 18 - 19, 2009. Innsbruck: Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck., p. 32.


  • Salvenmoser, W.; Heiss, H.; Pfister, D.; De Mulder, K.; Kuales, G.; Ladurner, P. (2009): The gonads of Macrostomum lignano and their development. In: 11th International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, 26 - 30 July 2009, Diepenbeek, Belgium. Eigenverlag.


  • Egger, B.; Salzburger, W.; De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Ladurner, P. (2008): Acoels are flatworms after all - stem cells as an apomorphy. In: 2nd Meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Eigenverlag.


  • Pfister, D.; De Mulder, K.; Kuales, G.; Sekii, K.; Senn, C.; Ladurner, P. (2008): Functional study of flatworm stem cells by RNA interference. In: Joint meeting of the British (BSDB) and Spanish (SEBD) developmental biology societies, Seville, 24th-27th September 2008. Eigenverlag.


  • De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P. (2007): Functional approach of piwi-like genes in basal flatworms. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel. Eigenverlag.


  • De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Sekii, K.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P. (2007): Piwi regulates totipotent stem cells in flatworms. In: Book of Abstracts - 4th Annual CMBI Meeting, Igls/Tirol, September 28.09.2007 - 29.09.2007. Innsbruck: Eigenverlag - Universität Innsbruck.


  • Kuales, G.; De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Ladurner, P. (2007): Boule-like gene expression during development and regeneration in basal flatworms. In: 17. wissenschaftlichen Tagung der Gesellschaft für Entwicklungsbiologie (GfE). Book of Abstracts. Eigenverlag.


  • Kuales, G.; De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Sekii, K.; Ladurner, P. (2007): Evolutionary twist of meiotic mechanisms: The key meiotic regulator BOULE in flatworms. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel. Eigenverlag.


  • Salvenmoser, W.; Rieger, G.; Oehm, J.; Jenewein, M.; De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P. (2007): New insights into the gonads of Macrostomum lignano. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel. Eigenverlag.


  • Gschwentner, R.; Egger, B.; Nimeth, K.; Gärber, C.; Achatz, J.; Ladurner, P.; Philipp, I.; Aufschnaiter, R.; Salvenmoser, W.; Rieger, R. (2005): Regeneration and Blastema Formation in Flatworms. In: Pulfer, K. et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2005, Davos, Switzerland, 28. August - 2. September. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut (= PSI Proceedings, 05-01)., p. 191.


  • Ladurner, P.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Gschwentner, R.; Nimeth, K.; Egger, B.; Adamski, Z.; Salvenmoser, W.; Rieger, R. (2005): Characterization of the totipotent stem cell system of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. In: Pulfer, K. et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2005, Davos, Switzerland, 28. August - 2. September. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut (= PSI Proceedings, 05-01)., p. 194.


  • Nimeth, K.; Egger, B.; Gschwentner, R.; Salvenmoser, W.; Hrouda, M.; Rostek, U.; Gleirscher, M.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Ladurner, P.; Rieger, R. (2005): Regeneration and cellular dynamics in the basal bilaterian Macrostomum lignano. In: Pulfer, K. et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2005, Davos, Switzerland, 28. August - 2. September. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut (= PSI Proceedings, 05-01)., p. 196.


  • Salvenmoser, W.; Egger, B.; Nimeth, K.; Adamski, Z.; Bode, A.; Ladurner, P.; Rieger, R. (2005): Role of stem cells in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano as shown by immunogold labeling of S-phase neoblasts. In: Pulfer, K. et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2005, Davos, Switzerland, 28. August - 2. September. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut (= PSI Proceedings, 05-01)., p. 198.


Contribution to Textbook, Scientific
  • Salvenmoser, W.; Egger, B.; Achatz, J.G.; Ladurner, P.; Hess, M.W. (2010): Electron microscopy of flatworms: standard and cryo-preparation methods. In: Müller-Reichert, T.: Electron Microscopy of Model Systems. New York: Academic Press (= Methods in Cell Biology)., ISBN 978-0-12-381007-6, Vol. 96, pp. 307 - 330. (Web link)


  • Ladurner, P.; Egger, B.; De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Salvenmoser, W.; Schärer, L. (2008): The stem cell system of the basal flatworm Macrostomum lignano. In: Bosch, Thomas C. (Hrsg.): Stem cells: from Hydra to man. Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London - New York - Berlin: Springer., ISBN 978-1-402-08273-3, pp. 75 - 94.


Media Contributions

Article in Popular Magazine
  • Ladurner, P.: "Natürliches Vorbild" Bioklebstoff-Entwicklung. In: zukunft forschung - Magazin für Wissenschaft und Forschung der Universität Innsbruck of 2013-12-01.


Newspaper Article
  • Ladurner, P.: Klebriges Geheimnis mit Wert (Interview). In: Tiroler Tageszeitung of 2014-01-29. (Web link)


Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.
Conference Lecture (Invited Lecture)
  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P: Flatworm temporary adhesion in diverse aqueous environments. 4th International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives, Aveiro, 2021-02-19. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Biological Adhesion in Flatworms. International Symposium of Flatworm Biology, Oxford, 2015-08-04. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Macrostomum as parasitic forerunner: lessons from cell renewal and adhesion. 4th meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED), Lissabon, 2012-07-12. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Characterization of Stem Cells and Germ Cells in Platyhelminthes. Microscopy Conference, Dreiländertagung, Davos, 2005-08-28.


Conference Lecture (Upon Registration)
  • Lecturer(s): Bertemes, P. Co-author(s): Ladurner, P.: Long-read sequencing (Oxford Nanopore) for de novo genome assembly of non-model organisms. COST Action MARISTEM Training School 2021, Padova (online), 2021-09-06. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Bertemes, P. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Mertens, B.; Lengerer, B.; Grosbusch, A.L.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P.: Cost-effective draft genomes assembled from ultra-long genomic reads facilitate the identification of giant adhesive proteins. 4th International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives, Aveiro, 2021-02-19. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Bertemes, P. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Mertens, B.; Lengerer, B.; Grosbusch, A.L.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P.: Assembling draft genomes with Oxford Nanopore to solve “repetitive” problems. 13th International Macrostomum Meeting, Innsbruck, online, 2020-11-28. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Bertemes, P. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Brand, J.; Mertens, B.; Wunderer, J.; Egger, B.; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P.: Improve - Adapt - Overcome: Fine-tuning the in situ hybridisation protocol for different Macrostomum species. 12th International Macrostomum Meeting, Lund, 2019-11-16.


  • Lecturer(s): Pjeta, R. Co-author(s): Wunderer, J.; Bertemes, P.; Hofer, T.; Salvenmoser, W.; Lengerer, B.; Coassin, S.; Erhart, G.; Beisel, C.; Sobral, D.; Kremser, L.; Lindner, H.; Curini-Galletti, M.; Stelzer, C.P.; Hess, M.W.; Ladurner, P.: Temporary Adhesion of the Proseriate Flatworm Minona Ileanae. International Conference on Adhesion in Aqueous Media: From Biology to Synthetic Materials (AAM2019), Dresden, 2019-09-11. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Wunderer, J.; Pjeta, R.; Algrain, M.; Ladurner, P.; Flammang, P.: Identification of adhesive proteins in marine invertebrates. TERMIS European Chapter Meeting 2019, Rhodes, 2019-05-31. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Salvenmoser, W. Co-author(s): Zankel, A.; Zimmermann, H.; Hess, M.W.; Ladurner, P.: Serial Block Face Imaging: A new tool for large scale serial reconstruction. XIV International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, Alghero, 2018-08-30. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Holzer, P.; Salvenmoser, W.: Biological Adhesion of Flatworms.XIV International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, Alghero, 2018-08-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Pjeta, R. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Curini-Galletti, M.; Ladurner, P.: Screening for adhesive proteins in the proseriate Minona ileanae. XIV International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, Alghero, 2018-08-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Wunderer, J. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ederth, T.; Lindner, H.; Ladurner, P.: Temporary attachment in the Flatworm Macrostomum lignano: a new bioadhesion model. XIV International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, Alghero, 2018-08-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Wunderer, J. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: Detachment of Macrostomum lignano. 11th International Macrostomum Meeting (imm), Bielefeld, 2017-12-03.


  • Lecturer(s): Salvenmoser, W. Co-author(s): Seifarth, C.; Hess, M.W.; Lengerer, B.; Ladurner, P.: The ultrastructure of the male copulatory system of Macrostomum lignano. 11th International Macrostomum Meeting (imm), Bielefeld, 2017-12-02.


  • Lecturer(s): Pjeta, R. Co-author(s): Holzer, P.; Wunderer, J.; Lengerer, B.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ramm, S.A.; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P.: Ultrastructural analysis of adhesive organs of five Macrostomum species. 10th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2016-11-27.


  • Lecturer(s): Salvenmoser, W. Co-author(s): Wunderer, J.; Pjeta, R.; Oehm, J.; Dibiasi, W.; Jenewein, M.; Heiss, H.; Hess, M.; Ladurner, P.: Ultrastructure of the female gonad of Macrostomum lignano. 10th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2016-11-26.


  • Lecturer(s): Wunderer, J. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Salvenmoser, W.; Lindner, H.; Ladurner, P.: Advances and challenges for protein analysis. 10th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2016-11-26.


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Bioadhesion of Macrostomum lignano: an update. 8th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2014-11-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Salvenmoser, W. Co-author(s): Hess, M.; Neujahr, R.; Zimmermann, H.; Ladurner, P.: Block face imaging: a new scanning electron optical method for large distance serial reconstruction of TEM like images in Macrostomum research. 8th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2014-11-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Demeuldre, M. Co-author(s): Wattiez, R.; Ladurner, P.; Hennebert, E.; Flammang, P.: Investigations on the protein fraction of cuverian tubule adhesive material. 2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (COST Action TD0906, Final meeting), Istanbul, 2014-05-07. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Bioadhesion meets functional genomics in flatworms. 2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (COST Action TD0906, Final meeting), Istanbul, 2014-05-06. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Schärer, L.; Berezikov, E.; Hess, M.; Pfaller, K.; Egger, B.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: Fundamentals of biological adhesion in Macrostomum lignano. 7th International Macrostomum Meeting, Groningen, 2013-11-29.


  • Lecturer(s): Rodrigues, M. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Lengerer, B.; Carta, G.; Salvenmoser, W.; Arbore, R.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P.: Posterior end specific genes in Macrostomum lignano. 7th International Macrostomum Meeting, Groningen, 2013-11-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Salvenmoser, W. Co-author(s): Egger, B.; Hess, M. W.; Ladurner, P.: Microscopic anatomy of Macrostomum lignano. 7th International Macrostomum Meeting, Groningen, 2013-11-29.


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: The adhesive system of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano: a morphological and molecular biology analysis. 5th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting / 5th Life Science Meeting of the Innsbruck Universities & Biophysics Austria, Innsbruck, 2013-09-25. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Arbore, R.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Pjeta, R.; Ladurner, P.: Morphological and functional analysis of the adhesive system of Macrostomum lignano. 6th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2012-11-18.


  • Lecturer(s): Marie-Orleach, L. Co-author(s): Janicke, T.; De Mulder, K.; Berezikov, E.; Ladurner, P.; Vizoso, D. B.; Schärer, L.: Fluorescent sperm in a transparent worm - Validation of GFP techniques to study post-copulatory sexual selection.6th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2012-11-17.


  • Lecturer(s): Ramm, S.A. Co-author(s): Arbore, R.; Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Ladurner, P.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.: Sex allocation plasticity on a transcriptome scale. 6th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2012-11-17.


  • Lecturer(s): Salvenmoser, W. Co-author(s): Obwegeser, S.; Hess, M.; Ladurner, P.: Ultrastructure of spermatogenesis in the testis of Macrostomum lignano. 6th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2012-11-17.


  • Lecturer(s): Simanov, D. Co-author(s): Mouton, S.; Arindrarto, W.; De Mulder, K.; Van Nies, K.; Grudniewska, B.M.; Lengerer, B.; Ladurner, P.; Berezikov, E.: Transcriptome of Macrostomum lignano: screening for genes involved in stem cell functions. 6th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2012-11-17.


  • Lecturer(s): Chiodin, M. Co-author(s): Børve, A.; Ladurner, P.; Berezikov, E.; Martinez, P.; Hejnol, A.: Mesodermal gene expression in the acoel Isodiametra pulchra: implications for The evolution of the mesodermal germ layer. 4th meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED), Lissabon, 2012-07-12. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Arbore, R.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Kaschutnig, .P.; Pjeta, R.; Gabl, M.; Lengerer, B: The duo-gland adhesive system of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano.1st International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives, Lissabon, 2012-05-09. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Berezikov, E. Co-author(s): Simanov, D.; Arindrarto, W.; De Mulder, K.; Demircan, T.; Van Zon, P.; Canela, A.; Hannon, G.J.; Vizoso, D.B.; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P.: Macrostomum lignano genome, transcriptome and neoblast markers. 5th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2011-11-27.


  • Lecturer(s): Kaschutnig, P. Co-author(s): Gabl, M.; Lengerer, B.; Ladurner, P.: Expression and function of germ and stem cell genes in Macrostomum lignano. 5th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2011-11-27.


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Salvenmoser, W.; Arbore, R.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Kaschutnig, P.; Gabl, M.: Finding new biological adhesives: The duo gland system of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. 5th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2011-11-27.


  • Lecturer(s): Marie-Orleach, L. Co-author(s): Janicke, T.; De Mulder, K.; Berezikov, E.; Ladurner, P.; Vizoso, D.B.; Schärer, L.: Mating success and reproductive success of male and female reproductive functions in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. 33ème Réunion annuelle du Groupe d’Etude de Biologie et Génétique des Populations, Toulouse, 2011-08-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Janicke, T. Co-author(s): Marie-Orleach, L.; De Mulder, K.; Berezikov, E.; Ladurner, P.; Vizoso, D.B.; Schärer, L.: Quantitative test of sex allocation theory in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. 13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2011), Tübingen, 2011-08-21. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Schärer, L. Co-author(s): Sekii, K.; Vizoso, D.B.; Kuales, G.; Arbore, R.; Beisel, C.; Berezikov, E.; Ladurner, P.: Phenotypic engineering of sperm-production rate supports evolutionary predictions for fitness returns of male reproductive allocation. 13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2011), Tübingen, 2011-08-20. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Macrostomum lignano as a model system to study duo-gland adhesive organs of flatworms. 2nd Scientific Meeting "Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives", Mons, 2011-05-18. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ostermann, T.; Ladurner, P.: Macrostomum EST database. 2nd International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2008-10-31.


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Totipotent stem cells in flatworms. Joint Spring Meeting of the British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB), York, 2006-03-20.


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Characterization of the Totipotent Stem Cell System of the Flatworm Macrostomum lignano. Microscopy Conference, Dreiländertagung, Davos, 2005-08-30.


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Flatworm Stem Cells. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Gesellschaft für Entwicklungsbiologie GfE, Münster, 2005-04-06.


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Molecular Characterization of Stem Cells, Germ Cells and Regeneration in Basal Model Organisms. 1st Annual Meeting of the Center for Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Vill, 2004-10-01.


Session Chairperson / Discussant
  • Ladurner, P: Session Chair of Session 3 – Molecular Mechanisms of Adhesion. 4th International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives, Aveiro, 2021-02-19. (Web link)


Poster Presentation
  • Lecturer(s): Bertemes, P. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Salvenmoser, W.; Egger, B.; Ladurner, P.: Bioadhesion in the interstitial flatworm Theama mediterranea. International Conference on Adhesion in Aqueous Media: From Biology to Synthetic Materials (AAM2019), Dresden, 2019-09-09. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Zeng, F. Co-author(s): Wunderer, J.; Salvenmoser, W.; Hess, M.W.; Ladurner, P.; Rothbächer, U.: Bioadhesion in the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis specially the adhesive secreting collocytes. 3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA 2018), Haifa, 2018-11-20. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Hennebert, E.; Wunderer, J.; Pjeta, R.; Ladurner, P.; Flammang, P.: Glycoproteins and carbohydrate-binding proteins in temporary adhering marine invertebrates. 29th Joint Glycobiology meeting 2018, Ghent, 2018-10-22. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Zeng, F. Co-author(s): Wunderer, J.; Salvenmoser, W.; Hess, M.W.; Ladurner, P.; Rothbächer, U.: Bioadhesion in the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis and the adhesive secreting collocytes. 7th Annual CMBI Meeting Innsbruck, Vill, 2018-09-19. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Biological adhesion of marine and freshwater invertebrates. 7th meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED), Galway, 2018-06-26. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Wunderer, J.; Pjeta, R.; Kao, D.; Aboobaker, A.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: Organ specific expression during tail plate regeneration of Macrostomum lignano. 10th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2016-11-26.


  • Lecturer(s): Rothbächer, U. Co-author(s): Zeng, F.; Wunderer, J.; Ladurner, P.: Bioadhesion in ascidians. Symposium: Biological and Bioinspired Adhesion: From Macro- to Nanoscale, Potsdam, 2016-09-27. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Zeng, F. Co-author(s): Wunderer, J.; Ladurner, P.; Rothbächer, U.: Bioadhesion in ascidians. 6th Annual CMBI Meeting Innsbruck, Gnadenwald, 2016-03-03. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Rodrigues, M. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Berezikov, E.; Lindner, H.; Hobmayer, B.; Ladurner, P.: Towards an identification of the basal disc glue of Hydra by integrating transcriptomic and proteomic tools. International Workshop Animal evolution: New perspectives from early emerging metazoans, Tutzing, 2015-09-16. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Rodrigues, M. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Leclere, P.; Flammang, P.; Hobmayer, B.; Ladurner, P.: Unravelling the components of bioadhesive precursors in Hydra. International Workshop Animal evolution: New perspectives from early emerging metazoans, Tutzing, 2015-09-16. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Wunderer, J. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Lengerer, B.; Rodrigues, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Rothbächer, U.; Ladurner, P.: Learning from nature: biological adhesives and their technical and medical applications. 7th Life Science Meeting Innsbruck 2015 and MCBO Science Day, Innsbruck, 2015-02-27. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Carta, G. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: Identification of releasing related genes in M. lignano adhesive system. 8th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2014-11-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: Adhesive Organ Regeneration in Macrostomum lignano. 8th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2014-11-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Pjeta, R. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Wunderer, J.; Carta, G.; Arbore, R.; Rodrigues, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P.: Fluorescence in situ hybridization of cement gland related genes in Macrostomum lignano and the morphology of the adhesive system of Proseriate Flatworms. 8th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2014-11-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Wunderer, J. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Rodrigues, M.; Carta, G.; Salvenmoser, W.; Arbore, R.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Rothbächer, U.; Ladurner, P.: Exploring the adhesive system of Macrostomum lignano. 8th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2014-11-28. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Wunderer, J. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Lengerer, B.; Rodrigues, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Rothbächer, U.; Ladurner, P.: Learning from nature: biological adhesives and their technical and medical applications. 6th Life Science Meeting Innsbruck 2014, Innsbruck, 2014-09-25.


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: Adhesive Organ Regeneration in Flatworms. 6th Life Science Meeting Innsbruck 2014, Innsbruck, 2014-09-24. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Rodrigues, M. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Berezikov, E.; Hobmayer, B.; Ladurner, P.: Functional genomic approach to unravel the adhesive mechanism of a freshwater polyp. 6th Life Science Meeting Innsbruck 2014, Innsbruck, 2014-09-24. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Hennebert, E. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Demeuldre, M.; Ladurner, P.; Flammang, P.: Localization of the cellular origin of sea star adhesive proteins using in situ hybridization. 2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (COST Action TD0906, Final meeting), Istanbul, 2014-05-06. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Rodrigues, M.; Hennebert, E.; Salvenmoser, W.; Flammang, P.; Ladurner, P.: Characterization of carbohydrates in flatworm adhesive organs. 2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (COST Action TD0906, Final meeting), Istanbul, 2014-05-06. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Pjeta, R. Co-author(s): Wunderer, J.; Lengerer, B.; Rodrigues, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: The elaborate adhesive system of proseriate flatworms. 2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (COST Action TD0906, Final meeting), Istanbul, 2014-05-06. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Rodrigues, M. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Hobmayer, B.; Ladurner, P.: Bioadhesion of a freshwater polyp. 2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (COST Action TD0906, Final meeting), Istanbul, 2014-05-06. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Wunderer, J. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Rodrigues, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: Identification of adhesion candidate genes in flatworms. 2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (COST Action TD0906, Final meeting), Istanbul, 2014-05-06. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Artes, B. Co-author(s): Pacho, F.; Folie, S.; Carta, G.; Ettl, C.; Ladurner, P.: M. lignano projects in brief: TALENS, stem cells, gene complexity, antibodies. 7th International Macrostomum Meeting, Groningen, 2013-11-29.


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Schärer, L.; Berezikov, E.; Hess, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: Fundamentals of Adhesive Organ Regeneration in Flatworms. 9th Meeting of Life Science PhD Students of Innsbruck Universities, Innsbruck, 2013-11-22.


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: The adhesive system of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano: a morphological and molecular biology analysis. 5th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting / 5th Life Science Meeting of the Innsbruck Universities & Biophysics Austria, Innsbruck, 2013-09-25. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Salvenmoser, W. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Schärer, L.; Arbore, R.; Hess, M.; Pfaller, K.; Wunderer, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Ladurner, P.: The ultrastructure of the adhesive organs of Macrostomum lignano (Macrostomida, Platyhelminthes). Microscopy Conference 2013 (MC2013), Regensburg, 2013-08-29. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Arbore, R.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P.: The adhesive system of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano: a morphological and molecular biology analysis. COST Action TD0906 WG3 & WG4 Scientific Workshop, Cluj-Napoca / Klausenburg, 2013-04-09. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Rodrigues, M. Co-author(s): Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Lengerer, B.; Ladurner, P.: A molecular biology approach in bioadhesion research. COST Action TD0906 WG3 & WG4 Scientific Workshop, Cluj-Napoca / Klausenburg, 2013-04-09. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Pjeta, R. Co-author(s): Lengerer, B.; Salvenmoser, W.; Arbore, R.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Ladurner, P.: In situ hybridization screen for tail specific genes in Macrostomum lignano. 6th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2012-11-17.


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Arbore, R.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Kaschutnig, .P.; Pjeta, R.; Gabl, M.; Ladurner, P.: Finding adhesion genes in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. 4th Life Science Meeting of Innsbruck Universities, Igls, 2012-09-27. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Arbore, R.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Kaschutnig, P.; Gabl, M.; Ladurner, P.: Analysis of tail specific genes using a screening in situ protocol. 5th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2011-11-25.


  • Lecturer(s): Salvenmoser, W. Co-author(s): Obwegeser, S.; Ladurner, P.: Ultrastructure of the testis of Macrostomum lignano in high pressure frozen and freeze substituted samples. 5th International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2011-11-25.


  • Lecturer(s): Kaschutnig, P. Co-author(s): Gabl, M.; Lengerer, B.; Salvenmoser, W.; Smith, J.; Ladurner, P: Towards a transcriptomic approach to identify stem cell‐ and germ cell specific genes in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. 3rd Life Science Meeting of Innsbruck Universities, Igls, 2011-09-23. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Lengerer, B. Co-author(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Arbore, R.; Berezikov, E.; Schärer, L.; Kaschutnig, P.; Gabl, M.; Ladurner, P.: Finding new biological adhesives: The duo gland system of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. 3rd Life Science Meeting of Innsbruck Universities, Igls, 2011-09-23. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P. Co-author(s): Kuales, G.; De Mulder, K.; Glashauser, J.; Salvenmoser, W.: BOULE genes regulate male and female gametogenesis in basal organisms. Joint Meeting of the German and Japanese Societies of Developmental Biologists, Dresden, 2011-03-23.


  • Lecturer(s): De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Egger, B.; Seppi, T.; Eichberger, P.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P.: The potential of Macrostomum lignano to recover from gamma-ray irradiation. 1st Life Science Meeting, Igls, 2009-09-18.


  • Lecturer(s): De Mulder, K.; Moreno, E.; Egger, B.; Kuales, G.; Pfister, D.; Salvenmoser, W.; Martinez, P.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P.: Acoels share a stem cell system with rhabditophoran flatworms. 11th International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, Diepenbeek, 2009-07-26.


  • Lecturer(s): Pfister, D.; De Mulder, K.; Kuales, G.; Sekii, K.; Senn, C.; Ladurner, P.: Flatworm stem cell and germ line genes analyzed by RNA interference. 5th Annual Meeting of the Center of Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Igls, 2008-09-26.


  • Lecturer(s): Pfister, D.; De Mulder, K.; Kuales, G.; Sekii, K.; Ladurner, P.: RNAi-based analysis of flatworm stem cell and germ line genes. Society for Developmental Biology 67th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2008-07-25.


  • Lecturer(s): Adamski, Z.; Salvenmoser, W.; Ladurner, P.: Stem cell system of Macrostomum lignano: Are there different subtypes? Is there a niche? 1st International Macrostomum Meeting, Basel, 2007-10-26.


  • Lecturer(s): Salvenmoser, W.; Adamski, Z.; Egger, B.; Nimeth, K.; Bode, A.; Rieger, R.; Ladurner, P.: The role of stem cells in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. 4th Annual Meeting of the Center of Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Igls, 2007-09-28.


  • Lecturer(s): De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P.: Piwi like genes in the acoel Isodiametra pulchra and the basal flatworm Macrostomum lignano. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Center of Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Vill, 2006-09-30.


  • Lecturer(s): Pfister, D.; De Mulder, K.; Kuales, G.; Ladurner, P.: Expression and function of the germ line specific marker macvasa in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Center of Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Vill, 2006-09-30.


  • Lecturer(s): De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P.: Characterisation of Piwi like genes in the acoel Isodiametra pulchra and the basal rhabditophoran Macrostomum lignano. 3rd European Conference on Regeneration "Cellular and Molecular Basis of the Regeneration and Tissue repair" (EMBO 2006), Ascona, 2006-09-10.


  • Lecturer(s): Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Ladurner, P.: Macvasa expression and function: The stem cell system and germ line formation in the basal flatworm Macrostomum lignano. 3rd European Conference on Regeneration "Cellular and Molecular Basis of the Regeneration and Tissue repair" (EMBO 2006), Ascona, 2006-09-10.


  • Lecturer(s): De Mulder, K.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Borgonie, G.; Ladurner, P.: Two piwi like genes are expressed in the stem cell and germ line of the acoel flatworm Isodiametra pulchra. Joint Spring Meeting of the British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB), York, 2006-03-20.


  • Lecturer(s): Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Ladurner, P.: Vasa expression and RNAi in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano.Joint Spring Meeting of the British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB), York, 2006-03-20.


  • Lecturer(s): Gschwentner, R.; Egger, B.; Nimeth, K.; Gärber, C.; Achatz, J.; Ladurner, P.; Philipp, I.; Aufschnaiter, R.; Salvenmoser, W.; Rieger, R.: Regeneration pattern in flatworms. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Center for Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Vill, 2005-09-30.


  • Lecturer(s): Nimeth, K.; Egger, B.; Gschwentner, R.; Salvenmoser, W.; Hrouda, M.; Rostek, U.; Gleirscher, M.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Ladurner, P.; Rieger, R.: Regeneration and cellular dynamics in the basal bilaterian Macrostomum lignano. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Center for Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Vill, 2005-09-30.


  • Lecturer(s): Pfister, D.; Ladurner, P.: The stem cell system and germ line cells during development and regeneration in M. lignano. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Center for Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Vill, 2005-09-30.


  • Lecturer(s): Salvenmoser, W; Egger, B; Nimeth, K; Adamski, Z; Bode, A; Ladurner, P; Rieger, RM: Role of stem cells in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano as shown by immunogold labeling of S-phase neoblasts. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Center for Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Vill, 2005-09-30.


  • Lecturer(s): Gschwentner, R.; Egger, B.; Nimeth, K.; Gärber, C.; Achatz, J.; Ladurner, P.; Philipp, I.; Aufschnaiter, R.; Salvenmoser, W.; Rieger, R.: Regeneration and blastema formation in flatworms. Microscopy Conference, Dreiländertagung, Davos, 2005-08-28.


  • Lecturer(s): Nimeth, K.; Egger, B.; Gschwentner, R.; Salvenmoser, W.; Hrouda, M.; Rostek, U.; Gleirscher, M.; Pfister, D.; Kuales, G.; Ladurner, P.; Rieger, R.: Regeneration and Cellular Dynamics in the Basal Bilaterian Macrostomum lignano. Microscopy Conference, Dreiländertagung, Davos, 2005-08-28.


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.; Pfister, D.; Gschwentner, R.; Nimeth, K.; Egger, B.; Rieger, R.: The totipotent stem cell systems of the flatworm Macrostomum lignano and the acoel Convoluta pulchra. 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, San Francisco, 2005-07-27.


  • Lecturer(s): Pfister, D.; Ladurner, P.: The totipotent stem cell system as a source for germ line cells during development and regeneration in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, San Francisco, 2005-07-27.


  • Lecturer(s): Pfister, D.; Ladurner, P.: Molecular characterization of the totipotent stem cell and germ line system in flatworms. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Gesellschaft für Entwicklungsbiologie GfE, Münster, 2005-04-06.


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, Peter; Pfister, Daniela: Molecular characterization of the stem cell and germ line system in basal bilaterians. 1st Annual Meeting of the Center for Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Vill, 2004-10-01.


  • Lecturer(s): Nimeth, Katharina; Egger, Bernhard; Gschwentner, Robert; Ladurner, Peter; Rieger, Reinhard: Apoptosis and regeneration in Macrostomum lignano. 1st Annual Meeting of the Center for Molecular Biosciences (CMBI), Vill, 2004-10-01.


  • Lecturer(s): Gschwentner, Robert; Gaerber, Christian; Achatz, Johann; Egger, Bernhard; Ladurner, Peter; Nimeth, Katharina; Salvenmoser, Willi; Rieger, Reinhard: The stem cell system of the Convolutrilobinae (Sagittiferidae, Acoela). 12th International Meiofauna Congress, Ravenna, 2004-07-11.


  • Lecturer(s): Egger, Bernhard; Robatscher, Eva; Salvenmoser, Willi; Ladurner, Peter; Rieger, Reinhard: Histology and 3D reconstruction of early embryonic development of Macrostomum sp. (Macrostomida, Plathelminthes). 96. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, 2003-06-09.


  • Lecturer(s): Gschwentner, Robert; Ladurner, Peter; Nimeth, Katharina; Salvenmoser, Willi; Pfister, Daniela; Egger, Bernhard; Rieger, Reinhard: Extrusible organelles of the family Sagittiferidae (Acoela). 96. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, 2003-06-09.


  • Lecturer(s): Nimeth, Katharina; Mahlknecht, Monika; Mezzanato, Andrea; Rieger, Rreinhard; Ladurner, Peter: Proliferation and Differentiation of Stem Cells During Growth, Feeding and Starvation in Macrostomum sp. (Platyhelminthes). 96. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, 2003-06-09.


  • Lecturer(s): Pfister, Daniela; Seifarth, Christof; Ladurner, Peter; Mahlknecht, Monika; Salvenmoser, Willi; Gschwentner, Robert; Nimeth, Katharina; Egger, Bernhard; Rieger, Reinhard: Cell- and tissue-specific monoclonal antibodies against Macrostomum sp. (Macrostomida, Platyhelminthes). 96. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, 2003-06-09.


  • Lecturer(s): Gschwentner, Robert; Ladurner, Peter; Nimeth, Katharina; Salvenmoser, Willi; Pfister, Daniela; Egger, Bernhard; Rieger, Reinhard: Distribution of S-phase neoblasts in free-living Plathelminthes. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zellbiologie (Cell Biology and Development), Bonn, 2003-03-26.


  • Lecturer(s): Nimeth, Katharina; Ladurner, Peter; Gschwentner, Robert; Salvenmoser, Willi; Rieger, Reinhard: Apoptosis in Macrostomum sp. (Platyhelminthes, Macrostomorpha). Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zellbiologie (Cell Biology and Development), Bonn, 2003-03-26.


Guest Lectures

Guest Lecture
  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Attachment of Flatworms. Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC, 2018-06-04. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: Macrostomum lignano: an update. University of Oxford, Oxford, 2014-08-03 - 2014-08-06. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: The flatworm Macrostomum lignano as new model system. Observatoire Oceanologique UPMC - CNRS, Villefranche-sur-Mer, 2013-05-31. (Web link)


  • Lecturer(s): Ladurner, P.: The flatworm Macrostomum lignano as model system to study stem cells, reproduction, and bioadhesion. University of Oxford, Oxford, 2013-03-04.


Projects, scholarships and other third-party funds

Research Projects
  • Ladurner, Peter: Glue4you. Ein biomimetischer Kleber für Medizin und Industrie. Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck - Förderkreis 1669, 1669 Prototypenentwicklung, 2022-10-01 - 2023-09-30


  • Bertemes, Philip; Ladurner, Peter: Towards a reversible bio-inspired glue for medical application. Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg (FNR) - Luxembourg National Research Fund, 2019-12-01 - 2022-11-30


  • Ladurner, Peter: Klebstoffanalyse in Hundertfüssern. Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), Einzelprojekt, 2018-10-01 - 2022-09-30


  • Ladurner, Peter: Bioadhesion of flatworms. Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), Einzelprojekt, 2017-09-01 - 2023-02-28


  • Ladurner, Peter: Acoelomorpha. Zusatzfinanzierung Genom-Sequenzierung von Isodiametra pulchra. Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck - Vizerektorat für Forschung, Allgemeine Förderungen, 2017-05-11 - 2017-12-31


  • Gómez Rodrigues, Marcelo; Ladurner, Peter: HydraGlue: Bioadhesion of a freshwater Polyp.EU - FP7, IEF - Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development, 2014-04-01 - 2016-03-31


  • Ladurner, Peter: Bioadhesion meets Functional Genomics in Flatworms. Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), Einzelprojekt, 2013-02-01 - 2017-11-30


  • Ladurner, Peter: In Situ Screening. Universität Basel, 2012-10-01 - 2013-02-28


  • Ladurner, Peter: Genom-Sequezierung von Macrostomum lignano. Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung (TWF), 2009-12-01 - 2011-05-31


  • Ladurner, Peter: Totipotnte Stammzellen und Keimbahn in Platyhelminthen. Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung (TWF), 2005-12-01 - 2006-11-30


  • Ladurner, Peter: Totipotente Stammzellen und Keimbahn in Platyhelminthen. Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), Einzelprojekt, 2005-05-01 - 2008-12-31


  • Ladurner, Peter: Molecular Characterization of Totipotent Stem Cells and Germ Cells in Platyhelminthes.Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck - Vizerektorat für Forschung, Förderbeiträge - Aktion Hypo Tirol Bank, 2004-08-01 - 2005-02-28


  • Ladurner, Peter: Macrostomum sp. EST Sequenzier-Projekt. Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck - Vizerektorat für Evaluation und Forschung, Förderbeiträge, 2002-11-01 - 2003-10-30


  • Ladurner, Peter: Totipotent Stem Cells In Flatworms. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), APART (Austrian Programme for Advanced Research and Technology), 2002-08-01 - 2005-07-31


Organisation of Events

  • Ladurner, P.; Egger, B.; Pjeta, R.; Bertemes, P.; Mertens, B.; Knapp, M.: Organisation, 13th International Macrostomum Meeting, Innsbruck, online, Österreich, 2020-11-28. (Web link)


  • Ladurner, P.; Rothbächer, U.; Rodrigues, M.; Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.; Zeng, F.: Organizers, COST Action CA15216 ENBA (European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise) Training school “Molecular Biology meets Bioadhesion Research”, Innsbruck, Österreich, 2017-09-18 - 2017-09-22. (Web link)


  • Ladurner, P.; Lengerer, B.; Pjeta, R.; Rodrigues, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Wunderer, J.: Organizers, 9th International Macrostomum Meeting, Innsbruck, Österreich, 2015-11-27 - 2015-11-29. (Web link)


  • Ladurner, P.: Co-Organizer, 7th International Macrostomum Meeting, Groningen, Niederlande, 2013-11-29 - 2013-12-01. (Web link)


  • Ladurner, P.; Lengerer, B.; Rodrigues, M.; Pjeta, R.; Wunderer, J.: Organizers, Training School "Molecular Approaches in Bioadhesion Research, COST Action TD0906", Innsbruck, Österreich, 2013-07-01 - 2013-07-05. (Web link)


  • Rieger, R.; Ladurner, P.; Schärer, L.: Organisation, 10th International Symposium on Flatworm Biology (ISFB 2006), Innsbruck, Österreich, 2006-07-29 - 2006-08-03.


Professional Posts and Affiliations

  • Ladurner, P.: Review Editor for section Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2015-02-03 on-going.


Academic Activities and Achievements

Supervision of Student Theses
  • Hobmayer, B.; Jansen-Dürr, Pidder; Ladurner, Peter: Lengerer, Birgit: Temporary adhesion and Regeneration in the marine flatworm Macrostomum lignano (2013 - 2017).


Other academic activities
  • Ladurner, P.: External examiner, PhD thesis defense: Jérôme Delroisse :"Echinoderm Photobiology: Extraocular Photoreception and Bioluminescence in the Brittle star Amphiura filiformis" Universität Mons, Mons (2014).


  • Ladurner, P.: International committee member at the thesis defense "Viva" of Farah Jaber, University of Nottingham (2013).




Selected previous Publications

  • Nimeth,K., Ladurner,P., Gschwentner,R., Salvenmoser,W., and Rieger,R. (2002). Cell renewal and apoptosis in Macrostomum sp [Lignano].
    In: Cell Biol Int 26, 801-815.
  • Ramachandra,N.B., Gates,R.D., Ladurner,P., Jacobs,D.K., and Hartenstein,V. (2002). Embryonic development in the primitive bilaterian Neochildia fusca: normal morphogenesis and isolation of POU genes Brn-1 and Brn-3.
    In: Dev Genes Evol 212, 55-69.
  • Wojnar,P., Dirnhofer,S., Ladurner,P., Berger,P., and Redl,B. (2002). Human lipocalin-1, a physiological scavenger of lipophilic compounds, is produced by corticotrophs of the pituitary gland.
    In: J. Histochem. Cytochem. 50, 433-435.
  • Åkesson,B., Gschwentner,R., Hendelberg,J., Ladurner,P., Müller,J., and Rieger,R. (2001). Fission in Convolutriloba longifissura: Asexual reproduction in acoelous turbellarians revisited.
    In: Acta Zool. 82(3), 231-240.
  • Gschwentner,R., Ladurner,P., Nimeth,K., and Rieger,R. (2001). Stem cells in a basal bilaterian: S-phase and mitotic cells in Convolutriloba longifissura (Acoela, Platyhelminthes).
    In: Cell Tissue Res. 304(3), 401-408.
  • Peter,R., Ladurner,P., and Rieger,R.M. (2001). The role of stem cell strategies in coping with environmental stress and choosing between alternative reproductive modes: Turbellaria rely on a single cell type to maintain individual life and propagate species.
    In: Mar. Ecol. - P S Z N I 22, 35-51.
  • Rieger,R. and Ladurner,P. (2001). Searching for the stem species of the Bilateria.
    In: Belg J of Zool 131, 27-34.
  • Salvenmoser,W., Riedl,D., Ladurner,P., and Rieger,R. (2001). Early steps in the regeneration of the musculature in Macrostomum sp. (Macrostomorpha, Platyhelminthes).
    In: Belg. J. Zool. 131 (Suppl. 1), 105-110.
  • Ladurner,P. and Rieger,R. (2000). Embryonic muscle development of Convoluta pulchra (Turbellaria- Acoelomorpha, Platyhelminthes).
    In: Dev. Biol. 222, 359-375.
  • Ladurner,P., Rieger,R., and Baguñá,J. (2000). Spatial distribution and differentiation potential of stem cells in hatchlings and adults in the marine platyhelminth Macrostomum sp.: A Bromodeoxyuridine analysis.
    In: Dev. Biol. 226, 231-241.
  • Gschwentner,R., Ladurner,P., Salvenmoser,W., Rieger,R., and Tyler,S. (1999). Fine-structure and evolutionary significance of Sagittocysts of Convolutriloba longifissura (Acoela, Platyhelminthes).
    In: Invertebr. Biol. 118, 332-345.
  • Rieger,R.M., Ladurner,P., Reiter,D., Asch,E., Salvenmoser,W., Schürmann,W., and Peter,R. (1999). Ultrastructure of neoblasts in microturbellaria: significance for understanding stem cells in free-living Platyhelminthes.
    In: Invertebr. Reprod. Dev. 35, 127-140.
  • Ladurner,P., Mair,G.R., Reiter,D., and Rieger,R.M. (1997). The serotonergic nervous system of two macrostomid species: recent or ancient divergence?
    In: Invertebr. Biol. 3, 178-191.
  • Reiter,D., Boyer,B., Ladurner,P., Mair,G., Salvenmoser,W., and Rieger,R. (1996). Differentiation of the body-wall musculature in Macrostomum hystricinum marinum and Hoploplana inquilina (Plathelminthes), as models for muscle development in lower spiralia.
    In: Roux's Arch. Dev. Biol. 205, 410-423.
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