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Newsarchiv – Universität Innsbruck


Werde Aurora Stu­dent Ambas­sa­dor im Stu­dien­jahr 2024/25 – jetzt anmel­den!

Zum Start des neuen Semesters öffnet Aurora wieder die Türen für das Aurora Student Ambassador Programm und sucht motivierte Studierende, die sich für das Studienjahr 2024/25 engagieren möchten.

BIP: Lin­gui­stic Diver­si­ty, Inter­cul­tu­ral Com­pe­tences & Euro­pean Iden­tity

Attention Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students in Education, Humanities, or Social Sciences! Join us as four Aurora Universities, located in diverse regions across Europe, come together with a shared mission: to explore and learn about linguistic diversity and innovative pedagogical approaches inspired by plurilingualism. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of an exciting initiative!

Umfrage für Mas­ter- und PhD-Stu­die­ren­de: Open Science and Citi­zen Science in Aurora Uni­ver­si­ties

Bist du MA- oder PhD-Studierende:r und möchtest die Zukunft der Forschung mitgestalten? Wir laden dich ein, an einer kurzen Umfrage teilzunehmen, die speziell entwickelt wurde, um die Rolle von Open Science und Citizen Science in der Aurora-Allianz zu eruieren.

Aurora Short-Term Mobi­lity für Nach­wuchs­wis­sen­schaft­le­r:in­nen

AURORA und der Förderkreis 1669 ermöglichen Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen (Master, Doktorand:innen, Postdocs) einen Aufenthalt in einem Forschungslabor oder Forschungseinheit einer Aurora Partneruniversität. Diese Forschungsaufenthalte können bis zu 3 Monate dauern und mit max. EUR 7.000,- gefördert werden.

Open Aurora Cour­ses at the Uni­ver­sity of Ice­land WiSe 24/25

Register today for the Winter Semester 2024/25 Aurora Courses at the University of Iceland and discover boundless opportunities for learning.

Aurora Cour­ses Offer at Palacký Uni­ver­sity Olo­mouc WiSe 24/25

Register now for the Fall Semester 2024/25 Aurora Courses at Palacky University, Olomouc, and unlock limitless learning opportunities.

Open Call: Aurora Inter­na­ti­o­nal Con­fe­rence on "The Role of Hig­her Edu­ca­tion in Pea­ce­buil­ding"

From the 17th to 21st of February 2025, the Aurora Karazin University Peace Education Hub invites you to a 5-day International Conference on "The Role of Higher Education in Peacebuilding", hosted by the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies at Universität Innsbruck.

Job Ope­nings for the seiz­mic MSCA Doc­to­ral Net­work

Apply now for one of the 15 PhD positions within the SEIZMIC Doctoral Network! Join leading academic institutions and partners from diverse sectors to collaboratively research the scaling of social enterprises and reshape social entrepreneurship education. 

4th SEIZ­MIC Hacka­thon "Re-thin­king Food Sys­tems in the Anthro­po­ce­ne" | Octo­ber 2024

Under the erasmus+ BIP program, the 4th Seizmic Hackathon has been organized by the University of Naples Federico II, in partnership with the Copenhagen Business School, the University of Iceland, the University Rovira i Virgili and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 

SUSEET 2.0 in Nap­les 09-14 Sep­tem­ber 2024

SUSEET 2.0 is a Summer School in European Environmental Taxation and policies that will take place from 9th to 14th September 2024 with the support of the European Union.

CALL: Edu­ca­ti­o­nal Hub Events 2024 (BIPs) for Stu­dents and Staff

Join us for a transformative one-week retreat designed exclusively for emerging scholars, including late Master's and PhD students, and established scholars in October 2024 in Matrei/Innsbruck. 

Gemein­sam für eine nach­hal­tige Zukunft: Leh­rende der Uni­ver­si­tät Inns­bruck ent­wi­ckeln inter­dis­zi­pli­näre Lehr- und Lern­kon­zepte für das WS24

Vom 3. bis zum 5. April 2024 fand eine vom Rektorat, dem Aurora European University Office Innsbruck und UniNEtZ entwickelte Peer Learning Activity (PLA) zum Thema "Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE)" statt. 

Sum­mer Law School: Human Rights Policy Legal Cli­nic


Embark on a journey into the realm of human rights law! From July 1st to July 12th, 2024, Palacký University's Faculty of Law invites you to join the Second Human Rights Policy Legal Clinic Summer School. Delve into the intricacies of international, European, and comparative human rights law, and expand your knowledge in this crucial field.

Euro­pean Stu­dent Assem­bly 2024: High­lights and Out­co­mes

From April 10th to 12th, 2024, the European Student Assembly (ESA) convened its third session at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Members of the Aurora Student Council (ASC) and students from Aurora universities represented Aurora universities’ student voice and were actively involed in shaping the ESA24 Policy Recommendations paper.

BIP: How to incre­ase social impact of your tea­ching using LOUIS Com­pe­tence Fra­me­work to improve your course

Join a Blended Intensive Program organized by Palacký University in Olomouc in November 2024, showcasing the transformative power of the LOUIS tool within the Aurora Competences Framework. Discover how the LOUIS tool, can amplify the impact of your courses on students academic and personal growth.

Euro­pean Com­mis­sion Awards Grant for seiz­mic Doc­to­ral Net­work

Führende akademische Einrichtungen der Aurora-Universitäten und assoziierte Partner aus verschiedenen Sektoren waren kürzlich mit ihrer Bewerbung für die Ausschreibung der Europäischen Kommission für MSCA-Doktoranden-Netzwerke 2023 erfolgreich.

2024 Online Spring School on Trans­fe­ra­ble Skills

Are you considering the next step in your career?  This 2-day online Spring School will focus on enhancing your abilities in paper, grant, and CV writing, as well as navigating the process of securing a faculty position. 

Science and Soci­e­ty: Trans­for­ma­tive Dia­logue Trai­ning

Vom 16. bis 19. April 2024 fand an der Universität Innsbruck im Rahmen des Aurora RI Projekts das „Science and Society: Transformative Dialogue Training“ statt. Dieses Training umfasste eine Serie von Workshops, die sich der Förderung der Third Mission sowie der Wissenschaftskommunikation widmeten.

COIL: Pro­fes­si­o­nal Deve­lop­ment online Work­shop

Between 7 and 21 May the URV in collaboration with the University of Minnesota will organize the first online training for lecturers on COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning).

Aurora Digi­tal Cam­pus: Grund­stein für den gemein­sa­men digi­ta­len Cam­pus gelegt

Vom 05. bis zum 08.03.2024 fand in Innsbruck ein Workshop zur Weiterentwicklung des Aurora Digital Campus statt. In vier intensiven Tagen wurden unter Beteiligung von IT-Expert:innen und weiterem relevanten Verwaltungspersonal wichtige Weichenstellungen für den gemeinsamen digitalen Campus vorgenommen.

Wei­chen gestellt: Auf dem Weg zum ers­ten Aurora Joint Mas­ter Pro­gramm

Das EU Projekt EURIDICE (ein Akronym für European Inclusive Education for Digital Society, Social Innovation and global Citizenship) mit 4-jähriger Laufzeit ist mit 1. Jänner 2024 im Rahmen eines Kick-Off Meetings des Konsortiums an der VU Amsterdam gestartet. 

Aurora Emp­feh­lun­gen über attrak­tive und nach­hal­tige Lauf­bah­nen in der Hoch­schul­bil­dung

Im Rahmen des öffentlichen Konsultationsverfahrens der Europäischen Kommission zu ihrer Initiative über attraktive und nachhaltige Laufbahnen in der Hochschulbildung gab das Aurora Netzwerk Stellungnahme ab.

VU Ams­ter­dam Sum­mer School 2024

Embark on a transformative academic journey with the 11th edition of VU Amsterdam Summer School. Tailored for students from Aurora member universities, a carefully curated selection of 10 courses aligns seamlessly with the cutting-edge domains of the Aurora pilot program. Immerse yourself in one- and two-week summer courses designed with precision—small-scale, dynamic, and covering a spectrum of themes. 

BIP - Mobi­lity Reco­gni­tion & Digi­ta­li­za­tion of Eras­mus Pro­ces­ses in May 2024

The Faculty of Arts of Palacký University Olomouc invites you to a Blended Intensive Program erasmus+ (BIP) on the Digitalization of erasmus Processes. The main focus of it shall be the digitalization of various processes in particular, processes related to mobilities and study agenda including but not limited to EWP (erasmus Without Papers). We aim to share examples of good practices in terms of administrative and IT solutions.

Call for Nomi­na­ti­ons – AURORA Fel­low @ UDE im Som­mer­sems­ter 2024

Das AURORA-Fellowship ist ein zweiwöchiges Programm, das mit Unterstützung des Fördervereins der Universität Duisburg-Essen eingerichtet werden konnte. Ziel ist es, international renommierte, im europäischen Universitätsnetzwerk AURORA Alliance tätige Wissenschaftler:innen an die Universität einzuladen, um mit Forscher:innen, Promovierenden, Postdocs und Studierenden unserer Universität in einen intensiven Austausch zu treten.

Call for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on: Aurora Glo­bal COIL Fair on Sustaina­bi­li­ty: 23 April 2024

The Fair is a “speed dating” opportunity for academics and coordinators to meet other instructors interested in finding work partners from Aurora member and associate partner institutions. 

Aurora Laun­ches Call for Incen­tive Rese­arch Col­la­bo­ra­tion

In the wake of the Aurora 2030 Kick-off in November 2023, the Aurora Europea University Alliance futher consolidates its scientific and academic collaboration among member institutions by building an Aurora Research and Innovation community.

Wei­te­rer Aurora Bau­stein: Das EURI­DICE Pro­jekt ist offi­zi­ell gestar­tet

Vom 10. bis zum 13.01.2024 fand das EURIDICE (EURopean Inclusive education for Digital society, social Innovation, and global CitizEnship) Kick-off Meeting an der VU Amsterdam statt, welches im Rahmen von Aurora maßgeblich vorbereitet und entwickelt wurde.

Become a part of the Aurora Stu­dent Sche­mes 2023-2024

Join a diverse, international community of students and participate in the Aurora programme by becoming an Aurora Student Ambassador or Student Champion!

Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary ICSL course 2: addres­sing chal­len­ges through trans­dis­ci­pli­nary research

The interdisciplinary CSL 2 course welcomes from February to June 2024 all Master's students from any disciplinary background to engage in inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation, and experience real-life research.

Emer­ging Futu­res: Soci­e­tal Inno­va­tion meets future stu­dies

Embark on an exploratory journey with the University Paris-Est Créteil groundbreaking summer course in June 17-28, 2024!

Eras­mus+ BIP Cour­se: Spark Social at the Uni­ver­sity of Ice­land in Spring 2024

Do you want to discover your own potential, strengthen your network and become more competent in utilising your knowledge and ideas to benefit society? Apply for the erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP) course offered by the University of Iceland in Spring 2024 and join a diverse group of students seeking creative solutions to the challenges we face today, such as climate change and increased well-being for all. 

CALL - URV Eras­mus+BIP for staff in Tar­ra­gona

The International Center of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the URV Aurora Office invite you to the 3 Blended Intensive Programmes for staff hosted in March 2024.

Call for Nomi­na­ti­ons – AURORA Fel­low at UDE in the win­ter semes­ter 2023/24

The Aurora Fellowship is a two-week programme that was established with the support of the University of Duisburg-Essen’s sponsorship association. In the winter semester 2023/2024, the focus will be on digital society and global citizenship.

Neues Aurora Fort­bil­dungs­an­ge­bot: Inter­na­ti­o­na­li­za­tion of Tea­ching - At Home

Gesellschaftlich relevante, kooperative und international orientierte Lehre zählt zu den Hauptzielen der Aurora European University Alliance. Um Wissenschaftler:innen in ihrer Lehreentwicklung zu unterstützen, hat die Universität Innsbruck im Herbst 2022 eine entsprechende Fortbildungsserie gestartet. 

BEVI Trai­ning Work­shops: Basic, Inter­me­di­ate and Advan­ced

The Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI) is an accessible, adaptable, and powerful analytic tool that can be used to measure the impact of teaching, learning and training activities on the mindsets of students and staff.

OPEN CALL: Aurora Excel­lence Fel­low­ship Pro­gram

The Aurora Excellence Fellowship Program for Visiting Bachelor, Master and PhD Students is now accepting applications. This internship program aims to enhance scientific collaboration and exchange in the field of quantum science and technology between the University of Naples Federico II and Universität Innsbruck, both members of the Aurora European Universities Alliance.

2023 Spring School on Trans­fe­ra­ble Skills

Are you thinking about the next step in your career? You want to learn more about the team management, public engagement and communication in academia and research? Take part in a 2-day online Spring School between the 24th - 25th of May 2023, develop your skills in grant and CV writing and find out how to get a faculty position. 

Aurora Spring vir­tual Bian­nual Uni­ver­sity of East Ang­lia 2023

The upcoming Aurora Spring Biannual 2023 is organised by the University of East Anglia and will be held virtually on the 10th and 11th of May. Join the virtual Biannual and explore topics surrounding the theme of “The Possibilities of International Education”.

Inter­na­ti­o­nal Sum­mer School in Refu­gee Law and Rights, Faculty of Law, Olo­mouc, 14-24th of August 2023

Join the 10th International Summer School in Refugee Law and Rights founded in 2012 by Dr Selma Porobić with late OBE Prof. Emerita Barbara Harrell-Bond from the University of Oxford. The school is modelled according to international summer schools initiated by late professor Harrell-Bond in the 1980s as pioneering refugee law training for humanitarians.

OPEN CALL - Eras­mus+ Blen­ded Inten­sive Pro­gram: Lin­gui­stic diver­si­ty, inter­cul­tu­ral com­pe­tences & Euro­pean iden­tity

Are you a Bachelor, Master or PhD student in the fields of Education, Humanities or Social Sciences and you are interested in Linguistic Diversity and Plurality? Then take this opportunity and learn more about plurilingualism - pedagogical approaches and find out how to work effectively in an intercultural environment.

Join the PhD Impact – Mas­ter class on Pub­lic Outre­ach in Rey­kja­vík!

Are you a doctoral student enrolled at Universität Innsbruck? Do you want your doctoral research to reach a wider audience and make an impact on society? Then join the PhD Impact – Master class on Public Outreach from June 5 to 8, 2023 in Iceland. Mobility funding is available.

Call for Regis­tra­ti­on: Aurora course "Chal­len­ges in Euro­pe"

Are you ready to meet the sustainability challenges that Europe will face in the 21st century?
In the Aurora course "Challenges in Europe", students develop their own research projects on religious heritage, mobility or sustainable tourism under the online supervision of an instructor. 

Aurora gets you moving: New entre­pre­neur­ship and inno­va­tion cour­ses in Ice­land and Den­mark

Take advantage of two new Aurora mobility opportunities in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation studies - offered by the University of Iceland and Copenhagen Business School!


Aurora Sum­mer School Oppor­tu­ni­ties – Palacký Uni­ver­sity Olo­mouc

From 19 May 2023 onwards, Palacký University in Olomouc offers a wide variety of courses, opportunities and summer schools for students and academics. Don't miss the chance to take part in the event you are truly interessted in & to gain new expierence throughout the summer months.





Aurora stellt Fol­gean­trag für die Euro­pean Uni­ver­si­ties Ini­ti­a­tive

Aurora hat seinen neuen erasmus+ Förderantrag im Rahmen der European Universities Initiative für die Jahre 2023-2027 eingereicht. Als Leadpartner wird nach der Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam künftig die University of Iceland diese Rolle übernehmen.

Aurora Sum­mer School at the Uni­ver­sity of Duis­burg-Essen

The Summer School on the "Enkelfähig Economy: Sustainable Transformation of Business Models" takes place between 19.06.2023 and 07.07.2023, and is open to all master’s students.

OPEN CALL - Eras­mus+ Blen­ded Inten­sive Pro­gram: Rocks from Field to Lab: a prac­ti­cal course

This is a unique opportunity for a 2nd or 3rd year Bachelor’s Degree Geology students who are interested in participating in a field experience combining the Southern Alps and the Naples Volcanic district.

Aurora Semi­nar with Prof. Alpas­lan Tas­do­gan, Uni­ver­si­tät Duis­burg-Essen

On February 23rd, 2023 at 14.00 – 15.00 pm, Prof. Alpaslan Tasdogan from the University Clinic Duisburg-Essen will hold a seminar entitled "Targeting Metabolic Liabilities in Cancer Metastasis". The event will be live-streamed.

CALL - The Sum­mer School AGUN­TUM – Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Field School

The Aguntum Summer School - Archaeological Field School offers students of classical and ancient study programmes to participate in the excavation of the Roman town of Aguntum, in courses on the history of the Eastern Alps as well as to join excursions to the most exciting find spots in the region.

Call für die Aurora Semes­termo­bi­li­tät

Du suchst nach einem spannenden Auslandsaufenthalt? Dir sind ausgewählte Partneruniversitäten im Programm wichtig? Dann gibt es für das Wintersemester 2023/24 genau die Möglichkeit für dich. Am 30.02.2023 öffnet sich der Call für die Aurora Semestermobilität. Bewerbungen sind bis zum 12.03.2023 möglich. 

Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Com­mu­nity Ser­vice Lear­ning (ICSL)

The AURORIZED course -  Interdisciplinary Community Service Learning (ICSL): addressing challenges through transdisciplinary research will take place from February to June 2023. We are inviting interested Master students in your programme/department to join this course.

Vir­tual Lec­ture Series and Early Career Net­wor­king Hour

The Societal Challenges Lecture Series is aimed at early career researchers with a two-fold objective: delivering cutting-edge academic analysis on the diverse problems of our times, and providing international networking opportunities for doctoral researchers and postdocs.

CALL - Aurora Cour­ses at Uni­ver­si­tat Rovira i Vir­gili

Universitat Rovira i Virgili kindly invites the Aurora PhD researchers for an upcoming 3rd Edition "How to innovate in your research" online course and welcomes Aurora members to participate in the Call for Abstracts at the III Tarragona International Environmental Law Colloquium (TIEC) event in person.


Vir­tual Citi­zen Dia­logue „The Making of Europe“

Universität Innsbruck, in cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions, is pleased to host a Virtual Citizen Dialogue on the topic of “The Making of Europe”. With contributions from different European regions, the Citizen Dialogue will offer a unique opportunity to better understand how Europe functions and engage with European stakeholders from various backgrounds.

Autumn Vir­tual Aurora Bian­nual | Sustaina­ble Resources and Mobi­lity in Europe

The upcoming Aurora Fall Biannual 2022 is organised by Universität Duisburg-Essen and will be held virtually on the 9th and 10th of November.

Aurora in the Euro­pean Rese­arch Area

On Tuesday 8th November, 2022 we are pleased to invite you to the Aurora Research & Innovation Workshop on Aurora in the European Research Area.

Aurora strengt­hens bonds with the Uni­ver­sity of Min­ne­sota

New opportunities will emerge at the Aurora universities with increased participation of the University of Minnesota (UMN) in the network. Jón Atli Benediktsson, rector of the University of Iceland and President of Aurora Network, and Joan T.A. Gabel signed an agreement pertaining to increased collaboration with the Aurora Network to explore new ways for UMN to participate in the network. 

Workshop: Assessing European Universities between Social Impact and Quality Assurance at UNINA

This workshop at University of Naples Federico II (September 29-30, 2022) will further expand our understanding of how to assess the social impact of universities with a focus on how European Universities innovate teaching, research, and knowledge diffusion across multiple contexts.

Workshop: Digital religion – online spirituality hosted by Palacky University

The workshop aims to discuss and conceptualize the influence of new communication technologies on forming contemporary church communities and authorities. It concerns an interdisciplinary area that examines to what extent traditional religious practice adapts to the digital environment and how aspects of digital culture form life patterns of offline religious groups.

Aurora Student Schemes 2022-2023: Become an Aurora Student Ambassador or Champion!

We are pleased to announce that you can now apply for the Aurora Student Schemes for the upcoming Academic year 2022/2023.

Aurora Doctoral Pool online at the Aurora Virtual Campus

Bringing together international academics and PhD. Candidates, Aurora is pleased to present the opportunities of the Aurora Doctoral Pool.

URV Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity

URV welcomes talented researchers to apply to this fellowship programme.

Aurora Virtual Lecture: Democracy and Platform Economics @UNINA - June 15th

Towards a Public Service Internet in Europe. An Aurora Virtual Lecture by Natascha Zeitel-Bank, Department of Media, Communication and Society, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Member of the Innsbruck Center of European Research (ICER), Universität Innsbruck

International Summer School on Refugee Law and Rights

Are you interested in Humanitarian Law, Refugee Law and Protection, and Human Rights Law? Join this hybrid 10-day summer school course in Olomouc from August 15th – August 25th to learn more about these topics.

Aurora Spring Biannual Innsbruck 2022

Das Aurora Spring Biannual in Innsbruck war ein voller Erfolg. Auf der neuen Webseite der Aurora Universitäten findet sich eine Nachlese zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen und Entwicklungen.

June 9, 2022: Small European States and the New Security Environment: The Weakest Link?

Guest talk by Baldur Thorhallsson from our Aurora partner University of Iceland; 5:00 pm, only via livestream.

How To Innovate In Your Research

The Universitat Rovira i Virgili from Tarragona presents this FREE online course imparted in English and designed by doctoral students, as a first approach to co creation methodologies that PhD students can apply to their research, professional and personal life.

SUSEET summer school in Naples

SUSEET summer school on European Environmental Taxation organized by the Department of Law of the University of Naples Federico II held from June 20 to 25 in Naples (and virtually).

War in Ukraine: In­for­ma­tional website for students and employees

Universität Innsbruck has launched a special webpage with important information and contacts to support the cooperation partners, academics and students from and in Ukraine.

2022 Spring School in Transferable Skills

Are you thinking about the next step in your career? This 2-day online Spring School in Transferable Skills will focus on developing skills in grant and CV writing, and how to get a faculty position.

Intensive Field Course in Iceland

Are you a social entrepreneur in the making? Want to learn how to support sustainability of communities exposed to natural hazards? Want to explore Iceland in the process? Aurora has the perfect course for you!

Online International Self-Management Training - May 2022

The Self-Management Training Workshop, offered by the SInAPSi Centre of the Federico II University of Naples, will be starting soon.

CALL - Aurora Societal Challenges Virtual Lecture Series and Early Career Networking Hour

Take the opportunity to meet your peers as well as renowned researchers from the Aurora partner universities. Expand your network and maybe even start new collaborations in your research area!

Join us at the International Co-creation Learning Lab in Amsterdam!

The International Co-creation Learning Lab (April 28th to 30th , 2022) will be held at VU Amsterdam and will provide a platform for Co-creation experts, practitioners, interested researchers and educators, students and community partners to discuss and share knowledge and experiences on co-creation practices aimed towards connecting science and society.

VU Amsterdam visit to Innsbruck: Talks about an Aurora Joint Master Program

A delegation of VU Amsterdam recently visited Universität Innsbruck as part of the ongoing activities within the Aurora European University Alliance. Jaap Gordijn, Anna Bon and Hans Akkermans are leading the Pilot Domain „Digital Society and Global Society“, one of the Aurora platforms for educational cooperation, to discuss a potentially new joint master program in this field.

Aurora Lunch Talk Series: Let's talk about internationalisation

Join us for our monthly lunch talk! This is a series where members of Aurora universities working or interested in the field of internationalisation are invited to share experiences, debate and ask questions.The aim is to create an interactive get together where we can learn from each other, share ideas and good practices.

Aurora Summer School 2022: Borders and Places. The Spatial Dimension of Culture

The Aurora Summer School will take place from 19-23 July 2022 at the University Conference Center in Obergurgl, Oetztal, Austria, and is open for all early career researchers from the Aurora European Universities Alliance.

Join in! Soft skills development through video gaming in Reykjavík, Iceland

Attend a five-day session in Reykjavík, Iceland August 8-12, 2022 and learn about and enhance three types of your own soft skills.

CALL - Aurora Social Entrepreneurship Summer University at CBS

Any plans for the summer? Join the Aurora Social Entrepreneurship Summer University at Copenhagen Business School (27th June – 15th July).

Take part in the Interdisciplinary Community Service Learning (iCSL) Course

Maximize your Master’s learning experience: an inspiring module for talented students' In iCSL, you team up with other students and partner organizations to enrich your master with societally relevant research.

Webinar series: Open Educational Resources Nuggets to Go

Aurora partners are invited to the webinar series on Open Educational Resources starting December 14th. The series are meant to illustrate a strategic part of universities' improvement in the sector of Open Education.

Produktiver Kick-Off des Horizon 2020 Projektes „Aurora Research and Innovation for Societal Impact“

Im Rahmen des Aurora Biannuals an der Universität Rovira i Virgili fand am 18.11. der große Kick-Off zum neuen Horizon 2020 Projekt „Aurora Research and Innovation for Societal Impact“ statt. Während des ganztätigen Workshops wurde produktiv an allen Arbeitspaketen und deren ambitionierten Inhalten gearbeitet sowie der inter-universitäre Austausch vorangetrieben.

Erfolgreiches Treffen der Aurora Universitäten in Tarragona

Von 16.-17.11. war die Universität Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona Schauplatz zahlreicher Treffen des Aurora Verbunds: Zum ersten Mal seit Start der Aurora European Universities Alliance fand das traditionelle Biannual Meeting wieder in Präsenzform statt.

Participate in the #impaktWISE Awards and get the chance to take your idea to the next level

The #impaktWISE Awards is a competition aiming to shed light on creative and innovative social business model ideas and is aimed at students and early-stage social entrepreneurs.

Aurora Student Champion und Ambassador Programm geht in die nächste Runde

Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Aurora Champions und Ambassadors Programms 2020-2021 hat die Anmeldung für den nächsten Durchlauf 2021-2022 begonnen. Studierende können sich ab jetzt bis 30.November bewerben und Teil einer europaweiten Vernetzungsinitiative werden.

Aurora Student Champion und Ambassador Programm geht in die nächste Runde

Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Aurora Champions und Ambassadors Programms 2020-2021 hat die Anmeldung für den nächsten Durchlauf 2021-2022 begonnen. Studierende können sich ab jetzt bis 30.November bewerben und Teil einer europaweiten Vernetzungsinitiative werden.

Universität Innsbruck startet Aurora Mini Grant Programm

Eine Zielsetzung des Aurora Verbunds liegt darin, die wissenschaftliche Vernetzung zwischen den Partner:innen zu vertiefen. Das neue Aurora Mini Grant Programm bietet eine niederschwellige Fördermöglichkeit, um gemeinsame wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten mit bis zu EUR 4.000,- finanziell zu unterstützen.

Co-Creation Training Workshop - Vrije University Amsterdam

The Co-creation Training Workshop (Feb 3rd to 5th, 2022) will provide a platform for Co-creation experts, practitioners, interested researchers and educators, students and community partners to discuss and share knowledge and experiences on co-creation practices aimed towards connecting science and society.

Webinar-Reihe: Lerne die Aurora Universitäten kennen

Wir hatten vielleicht noch nicht die Gelegenheit, alle zehn anderen Universitäten oder deren Länder zu besuchen, aber wie gut haben wir unsere Aurora-Partner in den letzten fünf Jahren wirklich kennengelernt?

Aurora Talks: Perspektiven für Europa! Im Gespräch mit dem luxemburgischen Außenminister Jean Asselborn

Die Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck freut sich, in Kooperation mit dem luxemburgischen Honorarkonsul für Tirol und Vorarlberg den Außenminister des Großherzogtums Luxemburg, Jean Asselborn, zu einer Podiumsdiskussion unter dem Titel „Perspektiven für Europa!“ zu begrüßen.

Green Office PopUp – AusTAUSCH

3, 2, 1, Los! – Das Green Office beginnt mit den ersten Veranstaltungen des Semesters unter dem Motto TAUSCHEN.

Take part in the Online "Self-Management Training Event" organized by University of Naples Federico II

The self-management course aims to encourage students to develop a healthier self-concept, expand creative problem-solving skills, manage issues, events and time more effectively and efficiently, and foster motivation toward the fulfilment of their fullest potentials.

Maximize your Masters Learning Experience: ICSL1 Course Open for AURORA Master Students

Do you want to work on relevant societal topics, together with a wide range of societal actors? Do you want to collaborate in a team with students from other master programs across the VU Amsterdam, AURORA Universities, and from abroad? Then we welcome you to join the Interdisciplinary Community Service Learning module.

Aurora Doctoral Committee Pool: Aufruf zur Mitwirkung!

Unter dem Lead der Universität Duisburg-Essen wurde ein Aurora Doctoral Committee Pool eingerichtet, zu dem interessierte Wissenschaftler*innen der Universität Innsbruck aufgerufen sind sich einzutragen. Die Initiative ermöglicht die Mitwirkung an der Betreuung von studentischen Arbeiten und als Committee Member innerhalb von Aurora.

Lise Meitner Lecture - „Quantum-based Materials Modeling and Artificial Intelligence for Tackling Societal Challenges“

Einladung zum öffentlichen Abendvortrag, die als hybride Präsenz- und Online-Veranstaltung an der Universität Innsbruck am Donnerstag 23. September 2021 stattfinden wird.

Aurora Lehreentwicklung: Förderung von Pilotprojekten

Für Lehre, die in Zusammenhang mit der Aurora European Universities Alliance steht oder als solche weiterentwickelt werden soll, besteht ab sofort die Möglichkeit der Förderung über Aurora Mittel.

New Training Offer for Aurora Teaching Staff

Improve your teaching using Design Thinking! This (Service) Design Thinking for educators course provides a way for educators to gain new perspectives on teaching, research, and problem solving.

Aurora celebrates languages

The European Day of Languages is a means of promoting awareness among the general public of the importance of language learning and protecting the linguistic heritage. On this occasion, the Aurora Alliance will hold a round table on the concept of plurilingualism and its role within the Alliance.

Niederländischer Botschafter besucht Aurora

Die Niederlande und Tirol sind nicht zuletzt durch Kooperationen im Wissenschaftsbereich vielfältig verbunden. Insbesondere im Kontext von Aurora besteht ein enger Austausch der Universität Innsbruck mit der VU Amsterdam, von dem sich der Niederländische Botschafter in Österreich, Aldrik Gierveld, anlässlich eines Besuches an der Universität Innsbruck beeindruckt zeigte.


Ein einwöchiges Intensivtraining an der Aurora Partneruniversität Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spanien) bietet für Mitarbeiter*innen des allgemeinen Personals die Chance, umfangreiche Kompetenzen im Bereich Internationalisierung zu erwerben und anschließend gezielt an der Universität Innsbruck als Trainer/in einzusetzen. [ARCHIV]

Aurora Champions and Ambassadors

Our warmest congratulations go to our Aurora Students in Innsbruck, who have successfully completed the Aurora Champions Scheme! Aurora Champions have represented Universität Innsbruck and served as multipliers for Aurora Student work and for the Aurora Alliance projects.

Aurora sucht Dich: ProjektmanagerIn für Research und Innovation ab 1.9.2021

Im Rahmen der Aurora European Universities Alliance, an welcher die Universität Innsbruck seit November 2019 beteiligt ist, wird in Kürze das Projekt „Research and Innovation for Societal Impact“ (Aurora RI) gestartet, welches die Kooperationen im Forschungs- und Innovationsmanagement zwischen den beteiligten Allianzuniversitäten ausbauen soll. Das Projekt wird für drei Jahre aus Horizon 2020 Mitteln der Europäischen Kommission finanziert.

Summer School “Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions: Best Practices”

In cooperation with the Columbia University in New York, the University of Duisburg-Essen organizes the virtual transnational Summer School from August 23rd to August 28th, 2021.

Rückblick: Aurora Virtual Spring Biannual 2021

Von 20.-21.5. trafen sich virtuell über 200 Kolleg/innen der Aurora Community, um bisher Erreichtes und künftige Herausforderungen zu diskutieren.

Summer Meeting Health and Wellbeing Domain (28.06.2021)

The Meeting is organised by Naples with an aim to facilitate the creation of a community, inviting interested universities to present on the one hand the fields of interest in teaching and research, and on the other hand propose ideas for new courses and / or initiatives in a broad sense of the themes of the domain.

Training Session: Virtual exchange or Collaborative Online International Learning (7.7.2021)

Für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Aurora Universitäten bietet Daniel Nolan von der University of Minnesota Anfang Juli eine einstündige Trainingseinheit an, die sich mit Chancen und Herausforderungen von Internationalisierung im virtuellen Kontext auseinandersetzt.

Gastvortrag: Meeting of Knowledges und ethnomusikologische Minderheitenforschung

In einem virtuellen Gastvortrag stellt Wittgensteinpreisträgerin Ursula Hemetek vor, wie das innovatives Bildungskonzept Meeting of Knowledges die ethnomusikologische Minderheitenforschung beeinflusst – und vice versa.

Gastvortrag: Meeting of Knowledges und ethnomusikologische Minderheitenforschung

In einem virtuellen Gastvortrag stellt Wittgensteinpreisträgerin Ursula Hemetek vor, wie das innovatives Bildungskonzept Meeting of Knowledges die ethnomusikologische Minderheitenforschung beeinflusst – und vice versa.

A Broader Mind: International Learning Lab - 17th June 2021

Join in an international gathering to discuss Service Learning and Co-creation in International contexts and celebrate the launch of the Aurora Service Learning Toolbox

Infoveranstaltung: Aurora Student Champions Scheme - Was ist das?

Dich beschäftigen die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) und ein europäischer Austausch auf diesem Gebiet interessiert Dich? Du bist Student*in und findest, dass Nachhaltigkeit und nachhaltige Bildung an der Universität mehr gefördert werden sollen? Dann bist Du beim Aurora Student Champions Scheme sicher gut aufgehoben!

Join in! #covidWISE Social Business Model Ideation Awards

What can you do with 3000 dollars to address the economic and social after-effects of the Covid crisis? All students enrolled at a university in the Aurora network are welcome to apply.

Aurora COVID Student Conference – 14:00-17:00 BST, 7th May 2021

The University of East Anglia (UEA) are delighted to be hosting the second Aurora COVID Student Conference on 7th May from 14:00-17:00 (BST).

Nicht verpassen: Aktuelle Aurora Spring und Summer Kursangebote

Profitiere von der Vielfalt der Aurora Universitäten – Mit einem passenden Kursangebot unserer Partneruniversitäten.

Naples Spring School on Transferable Skills

Are you thinking about the next step in your career? This 2-day online Spring School will focus on developing skills in grant and CV writing, and how to get a faculty position.

Amsterdam ICT4D course

Join for the international Master Course ICT for Development in the Field: Artificial Intelligence in and for the Global South.

Aurora-Sommerprogramme in Europa

Möchten Sie Ihren Sommer perfekt nutzen? In einem anderen europäischen Land studieren? Sich neue Fähigkeiten und Wissen für Ihr Studium aneignen und Ihre Karrierechancen verbessern?

Nachbericht Aurora Talks: Lehreentwicklung in und mit Aurora

Am Mittwoch, den 24.03.2021 fanden wieder die (virtuellen) Aurora Talks statt - ein regelmäßiges Informations- und Diskussionsformat im Rahmen der Aurora Alliance Aktivitäten. Das Thema „Lehreentwicklung in und mit Aurora – was bedeutet das?“ konnte dabei hohes Interesse unter den eingeladenen internen Lehrenden der Universität Innsbruck generieren.


Das VERSA (Video gamEs foR Skills trAining) Projekt entwickelt eine innovative Methode um für Wirtschaft und Forschung relevante Softskills durch kommerzielle Videospiele an DoktorandInnen zu vermitteln.

p2i online course - Empowering researchers to innovate

Aurora is about to develop your entrepreneurial mindset and enterprise skills: seizing opportunities and seeing them through.

Aurora Talks: Lehreentwicklung in und mit Aurora – was bedeutet das?

Aurora Talks ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes Informations- und Diskussionsformat, um aktuelle Themen aus der Aurora Alliance vor den Vorhang zu holen. Im Rahmen der nächsten Aurora Talks Veranstaltung werden die allgemeinen Zielsetzungen der Aurora Lehreentwicklung, ausgewählte Formate und Beispiele sowie interne Möglichkeiten der Mitwirkung aufgezeigt und diskutiert.

Aurora Alliance successful in H2020 bid

The Aurora European Universities Alliance SwafS proposal grant worth 2 million euro has been approved by the European Commission on February 3rd, 2021.

Meet our Community

We have a large community spanning from Iceland to the Czech Republic, directly influencing the life and work of a community of a few hundred thousand students and some 50.000 members of staff. Here are three colleagues that we would like to introduce to you – more to follow!

What is happening in Aurora

The Aurora program has had a healthy start ever since its launch in November 2020. The new relationships built with scholars, staff and students across the various institutions are strong and inspiring. We continue to build on our strong relationships; from leaders' first circle to the different teams, good cooperation and faith are expanding.

Web Conference “Sustainable Development Goals as Part of the Narrative and Culture of Universities”

Am Freitag, den 18.12.2020 fand im Rahmen der Aurora Alliance Aktivitäten unter starker internationaler aber auch nationaler Beteiligung an der Universität Innsbruck eine virtuelle Konferenz zur Bedeutung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG) für Universitäten statt.

Web Conference: Sustainable Development Goals as Part of the Narrative and Culture of Universities

After a short welcome and inputs by the panelists on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in general, the institutional implementation and the role of (Aurora) universities in achieving and contributing to these Goals will take center stage in this web conference.

Interdisciplinary Community Service Learning. An opportunity for master students to broaden their minds

Do you want to be better prepared for your career after graduation? Do you want to start building a professional network and do you want to stand out from your peers? But do you also want to start contributing to societal impact before you even graduate?

Aurora Universitäten öffnen Fortbildungsangebot

Als Teil der Aktivität „4.1 Co-Creation“ haben sich die Mitglieder der Aurora European Universities Alliance zum Ziel gesetzt, ihr Weiterbildungsangebot in diesem Bereich sukzessive zu öffnen und mittelfristig gemeinsame Aktivitäten zu entwickeln.

Uni Innsbruck ist Teil einer European-Universities-Allianz

Am Donnerstag gab die Europäische Kommission die Ergebnisse der zweiten Ausschreibungsrunde zu den European-Universities-Allianzen bekannt. Die seit 2019 im Universitätsnetzwerk Aurora aktive Universität Innsbruck konnte sich dabei trotz hartem Wettbewerb mit dem gemeinsamen Antrag einer „Aurora European University“ durchsetzen.

Uni Innsbruck ist Teil einer European-Universities-Allianz

Am Donnerstag gab die Europäische Kommission die Ergebnisse der zweiten Ausschreibungsrunde zu den European-Universities-Allianzen bekannt. Die seit 2019 im Universitätsnetzwerk Aurora aktive Universität Innsbruck konnte sich dabei trotz hartem Wettbewerb mit dem gemeinsamen Antrag einer „Aurora European University“ durchsetzen.

Virtual Community Event statt Reykjavik

Das für Mitte Mai geplante Aurora Treffen der neun Netzwerkuniversitäten in Reykjavik musste wie so viele andere Veranstaltungen im Zuge der Coronakrise in den virtuellen Raum verlagert werden.

SDGs in der Lehre

In Vorbereitung auf die stärkere Verankerung des Themas Nachhaltigkeit an der Universität Innsbruck wurden Lehrveranstaltungen und Informationsseiten bzw. Fortbildungen zu den Nachhaltigkeitszielen implementiert.

Neue Aurora Arbeitsgruppe: Profiling Societal Impact

Das Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking ist der bisher einzige globale akademische Leistungsvergleich im Hinblick auf die Ziele der Vereinten Nationen für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs). Insgesamt haben im Jahr 2020 über 750 Universitäten aus 85 Ländern an dem zum zweiten Mal durchgeführten Ranking teilgenommen.

Innsbruck tritt Aurora bei: Großes Interesse im Netz

Menschen aus der ganzen Welt – bis hin nach Fiji – besuchen die offizielle Aurora-Website.

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