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Faculty of Economics and Statistics – Universität Innsbruck

Faculty of Economics and Statistics

Welcome to the homepage of the Faculty of Economics and Statistics. As one of the top 20 strongest research faculties in German-speaking countries we offer students, researchers and scholars an excellent place to develop their skills.

Events & More

Lunch-time Meetings in Applied Econometrics
Tue TBA 2024 @ 12:00 - 13:00, UR 1

SFB Research Seminar
Wed TBA 2024 @ 12:00 - 13:00, SR 9

Faculty Research Seminar
Thu October 17, 2024 @ 11:30-12:45, SR 1
with Jörg Ankel-Peters from RWI and the University of Passau

Webinar Series on Credence Goods and Expert Markets
Thu TBA 2024 @ 15:00 - 16:00, online


master Defence Day for Experimental and Empirical Economic Students
Fri October11, 2024
Fri March 11, 2025

Prizes, Grants and Internships

Here you find information on respective calls.


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6020 Innsbruck / Austria

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