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Publications Wolfgang Mette – Universität Innsbruck

Pub­li­ca­ti­ons Wolf­gang Mette

Monographie, wissenschaftliche

Mette, W. (1993): Stratigraphie und Fazies des Jura von Nordsomalia. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin. (= Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie, 149). ISBN 3927541664.

Proceedings (Herausgeberschaft)

Mette, W.; Roozbahani, P. (2013): Healdiid ostracod assemblages from organic-rich basinal deposists in the Upper Triassic (Rhaetian) of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria). - 17th International Symposium on Ostracoda, 23.-26.7.2013, Rome. Abstract Book, Il Naturalista Siciliano, 37 (1), p. 237 - 241.

Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften
Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)

Mette, W.; Korte, C.; Quante, E.; Zierl, T. (2023): Carbon isotope stratigraphy, carbonate sedimentology, and microfossil record across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in the Northern Calcareous Alps - Fonsjoch and Schloßgraben sections, Austria. - Newsletters on Stratigraphy 56/2, p. 225 - 251.

Poschmann, M. J.; Mette, W.; Rollinger, C.; Thuy, B. (2022): New records of Lower Devonian terrestrial arachnids (Arachnida: Phalangiotarbida, Trigonotarbida) from the Ardenno-Rhenisch Mountains (WestEifel/Germany and Luxembourg). - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 306/1, p. 1-11.

Rizzi, M.; Thibault, N.; Ullmann, C.V.; Ruhl, M.; Olsen, T.K.; Moreau, J.; Clémence, M.-E.; Mette, W.; Korte, C. (2020): Sedimentology and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Rhaetian Hochalm section (Late Triassic, Austria). - Global and Planetary Change 191, No. 103210.

Mette, W.; Clemence, M.-E.; Thibault, N.; Korte, C.; Konrad, B.; Ullmann, C. V. (2019): Sedimentology, carbon isotope stratigraphy and micropalaeontology of the Rhaetian Zlambach Formation-Implications for the Dachstein carbonate platform development (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria). - Sedimentary Geology 382, p. 47 - 60.

Nowak, H.; Mette, W.; Petti, Fabio M.; Roghi, G.; Kustatscher, E. (2019): Palynology, microfacies and ostracods of the Permian-Triassic boundary interval in the Rosengarten/Catinaccio Massif (Southern Alps, Italy). - Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences (Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft) 112/2, p. 103 - 124.

Korte, C.; Thibault, N.; Ullmann, C. V.; Clemence, M.-E.; Mette, W.; Olsen, T. K.; Rizzi, M.; Ruhl, M. (2017): Brachiopod biogeochemistry and isotope stratigraphy from the Rhaetian age Eiberg section in Austria: potentials and limitations. - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 284/2, p. 117 - 138.

Mette, W.; Thibault, N.; Krystyn, L.; Korte, C.; Clemence, M.-E.; Ruhl, M.; Rizzi, M.; Ullmann, C. V. (2016): Field trip 11 - Rhaetian (Late Triassic) biotic and carbon isotope events and intraplatform basin development in the Northern Calcareous Alps, Tyrol, Austria. - Geo.Alp., Veröffentlichung des Instituts für Geologie und Paläontologie der Universität Innsbruck und des Naturmuseums Südtirol/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige, Bozen/Bolzano 13, p. 233 - 256.

Mette, W.; Honigstein, A.; Crasquin, S. (2015): Deep-water ostracods from the Middle Anisian (Reifling Formation) of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria). - Journal of Micropalaeontology 34, p. 71 - 91.

Mette, W.; Elsler, A.; Korte, C. (2012): Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Late Triassic (Rhaetian) of the Northern Calcareous Alps: Clues from stable isotopes and microfossils. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 350-352, p. 67 - 72.

Mette, W.; Roozbahani, P. (2012): Late Permian (Changsingian) ostracods of the Bellerophon Formation at Seis (Siusi) (Dolomites, Italy). - Journal of Micropalaeontology 31, p. 73 - 87.

Siegbert, S.; Kraus, S. H.; Mette, W.; Struck, U.; Korte, C. (2011): Organic carbon isotope values from the Late Permian Seis/Siusi succession (Dolomites, Italy): Implications for palaeoenvironmental changes. - Fossil Record 14/2, p. 207 - 217.  

Mette, W. (2010): Ostracods from the Upper Permian and Permian/Triassic boundary interval of Northwest Iran. - Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia 42/1, p. 11 - 35.

Kraus, S.; Siegbert, S.; Mette, W.; Struck, U.; Korte, C. (2009): Stratigraphic significance of carbon isotope variations in the shallow marine Seis/Siusi Permian-Triassic boundary section (Southern Alps, Italy). - Fossil Record 12/2, p. 197 - 205.

Mette, W. (2008): Upper Permian and lowermost Triassic stratigraphy, facies and ostracods from NW Iran - implications for the P/T extinction event. - Stratigraphy 5/2, p. 205 - 219.

Kozur, H.; Mette, W. (2006): Iranokirkbya brandneri n.gen. n.sp., a new kirkbyid ostracod from the Late Permian (Dorashamian) of Zal, NW Iran. - Geo.Alp. Veröffentlichung des Instituts für Geologie und Paläontologie der Universität Innsbruck und des Naturmuseums Südtirol/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige, Bozen/Bolzano 3, p. 85 - 91.

Geiger, M.; Clark, D.N.; Mette, W. (2004): Review of the Mid-Jurassic strata in the Madagascan Gondwana Rift and new depositional concepts for the Morondava Basin (SW-Madagascar). - Journal of African Earth Sciences 38, p. 363 - 381.

Mette, W. (2004): Deciphering and interpreting Jurassic biodiversity and distribution trends for marine ostracods in Gondwana – the role of biologic, endogenous and exogenous processes. - Beringeria 34, p. 3 - 35.

Mette, W. (2004): Middle to Upper Jurassic sedimentary sequences and marine biota of the early Indian Ocean (Southwest Madagascar): Some biostratigraphic, palaeoecologic and palaeobiogeographic conclusions. - Journal of African Earth Sciences 38/4, p. 331 - 342.

Mette, W.; Geiger, M. (2004): Bajocian and Bathonian ostracods and depositional environments in Madagascar (Morondava Basin and southern Majunga Basin). - Beringeria 34, p. 37 - 56.

Mette, W.; Geiger, M. (2004): Ostracod assemblages and depositional environments in the Middle Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian of south-west Madagascar. - Beringeria 34, p. 89 - 115.

Mette, W.; Geiger, M. (2004): Taxonomy, stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of Callovian ostracods from the Morondava Basin (south-west Madagascar). -  Beringeria 34, p. 57 - 87.

Keim, L.; Brandner, R.; Krystyn, L.; Mette, W. (2001): Termination of carbonate slope progradation - an example from the Carnian of the Dolomites, Northern Italy. - Sedimentary Geology 143, p. 303-323.

Colin, J.P.; Cabral, M.C.; Depeche, F.; Mette, W. (2000): Sinuocythere n. gen. (Ostracoda, Limnocytheridae, Timiriaseviinae), a new genus of limnic ostracode from southern Tethyan Middle and Upper Jurassic. - Micropaleontology 46/2, p. 123 - 134.

Servais, T.; Mette, W. (2000): The messaoudensis-trifidum acritarch assemblage (Ordovician, Late Tremadoc-Early Arenig) of the Barriga Shale Formation, Sierra Morena (SW-Spain). - Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 113, p. 145 - 163.

Servais, T.; Mette, W. (1999): The messaoudensis-trifidum acritarch assemblage (late Tremadoc-early Arenig) from the Barriga Shales (Sierra Morena, SW-Spain). - Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geologica 43/1/2, p. 253 - 254.

Mette, W. (1997): Palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography of the Middle Jurassic ostracods of southern Tunisia. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 131/1-2, p. 65 - 113.  

Freitag, S.; Mette, W.; Fürsich, F. (1996): Steuernde Faktoren des Benthos im Jura Südtunesiens. - Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie. Teil I: Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale und Historische Geologie 3/4, p. 471 - 486.

Mette, W. (1995): Ostracods from the Middle Jurassic of southern Tunisia. - Beringeria 16, p. 259 - 348.

Luger, P.; Gröschke, M.; Bußmann, M.; Dina, A.; Mette, W.; Uhmann, A. (1994): A comparison of the Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentary cycles of Somalia and Madagascar and some implications for the breakup of northeastern Gondwana. - Geologische Rundschau 83/4, p. 711 - 727.

Hendricks, F.; Luger, P.; Arush, M.; Bußmann, M.; Kallenbach, H.; Mette, W.; Strouhal, A. (1990): Die jurassische und kretazische Schichtenfolge des Ahl Medo (N-Somalia). - Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie. Teil I: Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale und Historische Geologie 8, p. 957 - 965.

Mette, W. (1989): Acritarchs from Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the western Sierra Morena, SW-Spain, and biostratigraphic results. - Geologica et Palaeontologica 23, p. 1 - 19.

Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Meeting-Abstract):

Konrad, B.; Thibault, N.; Mette, W.; Clémence, M.-E.; Ullmann, C. V.; Korte, C. (2018): Changes in calcareous nannofossil assemblages across the Late Rhaetian of the northern Tethys: relation to paleoenvironmental changes. - Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 20, EGU2018-10695-2.

Mette, W. (2018): Changes of stable C-isotopes and diversity of benthic microfossils in Rhaetian neritic and pelagic environments of the Northern Alps. -  Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 20, EGU2018-8860.

Mette, W.; Thibault, N.; Korte, C. (2015): Benthic microfossils, geochemistry and cyclicity of Rhaetian deep neritic to basinal sediments of the Northern Calcareous Alps. - Berichte des Instituts für Erdwissenschaften der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz 21, p. 248.

Clemence, M.-E.; Mette, W.; Thibault, N.; Korte, C. (2014): Long-term oceanic changes prior to the end-Triassic mass extinction. - Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 16, p. 14588.

Mette, W.; Korte, C.; Elsler, A. (2012): Carbon isotope fluctuations and benthic environments in the north-alpine Rhaetian. - Terra Nostra 2012/3, p. 123.

Mette, W.; Elsler, A.; Korte, C. (2011): Ostracods and δ18O analysis in the Late Triassic of the Northern Calcareous Alps – implications for palaeotemperature and sea level fluctuations. - Joannea - Geologie und Paläontologie 11, p. 137 - 139.

Boschetti, F.; Mette, W. (2010): Sedimentological and geochemical examination of the Bellerophon and Werfen Formation at Laurinwand section (western Dolomites, Italy). - Journal of Alpine Geology - Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten in Oesterreich 52, p. 180.

Mette, W. (2010): Upper Triassic oxygen isotope trends and marine microfossils in the Northern Calcareous Alps. - Journal of Alpine Geology - Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten in Oesterreich 52, p. 180.

Mette, W. (2008): Mikrofaunen und ihre Steuerungsfaktoren im Oberperm der Dolomiten. - Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 75, p. 30 - 31.

Mette, W. (2007): Micropaleontological evidence of salinity variations in the Lower Triassic (Griesbachian) of the Dolomites. - Geo.Alp. Veröffentlichung des Instituts für Geologie und Paläontologie der Universität Innsbruck und des Naturmuseums Südtirol/Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige, Bozen/Bolzano 4, p. 65.

Mette, W; Mohtat-Aghai, P. (2004): Late Permian and Early Triassic microfossil assemblages of Iran. - Berichte des Instituts für Erdwissenschaften der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz 9, p. 263 - 265.

Sammelbandaufsatz (Originalarbeit)

Mette, W. (1993): The Jurassic of Northern Somalia: stratigraphy and facies. In: Thorweihe, U.; Schandelmeier, H. (eds.): Geoscientific research in Northeast Africa. Rotterdam, Leiden u.a.: Balkema (CRC Press), p. 363 - 367.

Luger, P.; Hendriks, F.; Arush, M.; Bußmann, M.; Kallenbach, H.; Mette, W.; Strouhal, A. (1990): The Jurassic and the Cretaceous of northern Somalia: Preliminary results of the sedimentologic and stratigraphic investígations.  In: Klitzsch, Eberhard: Research in Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Kenya. Results of the special research project "Geoscientific problems in arid and semiarid areas" (Sonderforschungsbereich 69), period 1987 - 1990. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin (= Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie, 120), ISBN 3-927541-15-X, p. 571 - 594.

Beitrag in Proceedingsband (Abstract)

Mette, W.; Thibault, N.; Korte, C.; Konrad, B. (2019): Microfossils, chemostratigraphy and environmental changes in the Late Triassic (Rhaetian) of the Northern Alps (Austria). In: Namiotko, T.; Kaczmaerczyk-Ziemba, A.; Szwarc, A.: 9th European Ostracodologists’ Meeting (EOM 2019). Crossing boundaries in ostracod research. Programme and Abstract Volume. 19-22 July 2019, Gdansk, Poland. Gdansk: University of Gdansk / Uniwersytet Gdański, p. 87.

Mette, W.; Clemence, M.-E.; Thibault, N.; Korte, C.; Boussaha, M. (2016): Late Triassic (Rhaetian) carbon isotope stratigraphy and depositional environments of deep neritic to basinal deposits in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria). In: American Geosciences Institute: 35th International Geological Congress Symposia. Abstracts. 08/27 - 09/04, Capetown, 2016. Alexandria: American Geoscience Institut (AGI), No. 3131.

Mette, W.; Thibault, N.; Korte, C. (2015): Ecology of benthic microfossils and depositional environments of Late Triassic (Rhaetian) deep neritic deposits in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria). In: Perrier, Vincent; Meidla, Tonu: Abstracts, 8th European Ostracodologists´ Meeting - Tartu, Estonia, 22-30 July 2015. Tartu: University of Tartu, ISBN 978-9985-4-0927-5, p. 51.

Mette, W. (2007): Early Triassic environmental changes and ostracode survival at a regional and global scale. In: Lord, A.; Franz, C.: European Ostracodologists’ Meeting VI (EOM VI), Abstract volume. Eigenverlag / Frankfurt: Senckenberg-Forschungsinstitut, p. 64.

Mette, W. (2005): Microfossil range and extinction in the Upper Permian of Iran. In: Kohring, Rolf; Sames, Benjamin: 15th International Symposium on Ostracoda. Freie Universität Berlin, September 12-15, 2005. Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen 6, p. 76.

Mette, W. (2003): Mikropaläontologische Forschungen in Madagaskar – Hinweise zu Biodiversität und Faunenprovinzialismus im Jura. In: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Abstractband. Wien: Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft.

Mette, W. (2003): Jurassic trends in marine ostracod distributions in Gondwana and the role of biologic, endogenous and exogenous processes. In: Rodrigues-Lazaro, J.; Baltanas, A. (Eds.): 5th European Ostracodologists Meeting, Cuenca (Spain). Abstracts & Guidebook of Excursions. Vitoria-Gasteiz / Bilbao / San Sebastián / Eibar: Universität Baskenland / Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, p. 35.

Mette, W. (2002): Die Entwicklung der „äthiopischen“ Ostrakodenfaunen im Jura Madagaskars. In: GEO 2002 - Planet Erde. Vergangenheit, Entwicklung, Zukunft; Programm und Kurzfassungen der Tagung vom 1. bis 5. Oktober 2002 in Würzburg. Eigenverlag (= Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21), ISBN 3-932537-22-X, p. 239.

Mette, W. (2002): Evolution of the „Ethiopian“ ostracod fauna in the Middle-Upper Jurassic. In: Martire, L. (Ed.): VI. International Symposium on the Jurassic System. September 12-22 2002, Palermo. Abstracts and Program. Eigenverlag, p. 125.

Mette, W. (1999): Stratigraphische und ökologische Bedeutung von Ostrakoden der Kössener Formation. In: 6. Jahrestagung der ÖPG - Tagungsprogramm und Abstracts. Hallein. Eigenverlag.

Mette, W. (1998): Ostrakodenfaunen und Sedimentationszyklen in der Kössener Formation am "Steinplatte-Riff". In: NAGEL, D. (Hrsg.): Abstractband zur 5. Jahrestagung der ÖPG in Lunz am See. Wien: Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft.

Mette, W.; Erdtmann, B. (1992): The Jurassic of the eastern Ahl Mado, northern Somalia: Stratigraphy, carbonate microfacies and depositional environments. In: Falk, Fritz: 13th IAS Regional Meeting of Sedimentology. Jena 15. - 17. 9. 1992. Abstracts. Jena: FriedrichSchiller-Universität Jena, p. 101 - 102.

Sonstige Publikationen
elektronische Publikation, wissenschaftliche

Mette, W. (2019): Environmental changes in the Late Triassic – A critical time in Earth’s history. Science Trends. 2 July, 2019.

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