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Projects – Universität Innsbruck


Current Projects

Constraining the global permafrost nitrous oxide budget
Funded by  FWF Lise Meitner programme | 2022-2024 | PI: Christina Biasi

eLTER22_14 LTER-CWN data paper: Part Stubai Valley
Funded by ÖAW research programme "Earth System Sciences" (ESS) | 2023 | principle investigator

Future Arctic: A glimpse into the Arctic future: equipping a unique natural experiment  for next-generation ecosystem research
Funded by EU-Horizon 2020, Marie Curie Actions – Innovative Training Networks ITN | 2019-2023 |

Consequences of seasonal snow cover for carbon cycling of world forests: direct and legacy effects
Funded by NSF | 2020-2021 | co-investigator (PI: Dave Bowling, University of Utah) |

Cross-season legacy effects of climate extremes on alpine soil microbial communities: resilience, regimes shifts and biogeochemical cycles
Funded by University of Manchester  | 2020 - 2023 | co-investigator (PI: Richard Bardgett, Univ. of Manchester)

Remembering the drought: how soil memories affect grassland resilience
Funded by a Research Leaders 2025 Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant | 2020-2021 | PI: Natalie Oram 

ClimGrassHydro: Ecohydrology of mountain grassland under multiple global change: mechanisms and consequences Funded by ÖAW research programme "Earth System Sciences" (ESS) | 2019-2022 | principle investigator

LTER-CWN Long-Term Ecosystem Research Infrastructure for Carbon, Water and Nitrogen
Funded by FFG-Austrian Research Promotion Agency | 2017-2022 | project partner

NitroTrace: Using isotopes to trace the effects of climate extremes on N2O emissions and the nitrogen cycle in managed grasslands 
funded by FWF | 2018-2023 | PI: Eliza Harris

Timberline - Legacy effects after summer and winter drought
Funded by FWF | 2019-2023 | co-investigator (PI: Stefan Mayr, Department of Botany)

Interactive effects of drought intensity and resilience on the response of grassland C dynamics to drought
Funded by TWF | 2020-2022 | PI: Johannes Ingrisch

Completed Projects (selected)
ClimGrass: Grassland carbon dynamics in a changing climate Funded by FWF; 2016-2020 PI: M. Bahn (University of Innsbruck), Co-PIs: A. Richter and W. Wanek (University of Vienna)
ExtremeGrass - Interactive effects of warming, elevated CO2 and weather extremes on nitrogen gas fluxes in a managed grassland Funded by Austrian Climate Research Program (ACRP) | 2016-2019 | project partner
ForHot: Plant-soil carbon responses to warming and nitrogenFunded by FWF | 2017-2020 | principle investigator (international partner PI: Ivan Janssens, Antwerp)
Soil microbial community dynamics and biogeochemical cycles under global change: effects of climate and vegetation change in alpine ecosystems Funded by NERC |2017-2020|  project partner (PI: Richard Bardgett, Manchester)
ClimMani - Climate Change Manipulation Experiments in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Networking and Outreach In the frame of COST Action ES1308 | 2014-2018
ClimLUC: Climate extremes and land-use change: effects on ecosystem processes and services Funded by ÖAW research programme "Earth System Sciences" (ESS) | 2015-2018 | principle investigator
The role of respired CO2 recycling in tree carbon allocation (FWF Lise Meitner Programme) | 2014 – 2016
CARBO-Extreme The terrestrial Carbon cycle under Climate Variability and Extremes – a pan European synthesis(EU FP7, 2009 - 2013)
GHG Europe-Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems (EU FP7, 2010-2013)
REGARDS - REsilience of marginal GrAsslands and biodiveRsity management Decision Support Funded by FWF (ERA-net BiodivERsA) | 2013-2016 | project partner
SIGNAL - research project Funded by the BiodivERsA call of the ERA-Net | 2013-2016
Climate extremes and grassland carbon dynamics (FWF P22214, 2010-2013)
VITAL (Ecosystem service proVIsion from coupled planT and microbial functionAL diversity in managed grasslands (Project BiodivERsA) (FWF I242, 2009-2013) 
CAMELEON - CArbon dynamics in Mountain Ecosystems : analyzing Landscape-scale Effects Of aNthropogenic changes (climate and land-use) (BMWF, "Circle Mountain" ERA-net, 2011-2013)
COST Action ES0806 SIBAE - Stable Isotopes in Biospheric-Atmospheric-Earth System Research SIBAE (2009-2013)
Plant and microbial controls on ecosystem respiration (FWF P18756, co-funded by TWF, 2006-2010)
Plant resource use in mountain grasslands differing in land use  (FWF P13003-B06, 1999-2002)
CarboMont (EU FP 5, EVK2-CT2001-00125, 2001-2004)
EcoMont (EU FP4, ENV4-CT95-0179, 1996-1999)
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